#WheresBrent? Director Christensen took advantage of the Moon Festival holiday to enjoy another bicycling adventure in Taipei! If you think you recognize the location please put in the comments and we will reveal the answer soon. #BikingWithBrent
猜猜看處長在哪裡 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
💡 提示:長翅膀的魚
#BikewithBrent 🚲 #WheresBrent #跟著處長去逛逛
Where’s Brent? Good weather means Director Christensen is out riding a bike again, this time away from Taipei! Can you recognize where the Director is in this photo? Leave your answer in the comment and we will unveil the location soon!
💡Hint: (Fish growing wings?? Where could there be such a place??)
猜猜看處長在哪裡 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
拍照的地點就在忠泰美術館 Jut Art Museum前!你曾經去過嗎?成立於2016年,忠泰美術館是台北最具標誌性的現代美術館之一,主要聚焦於未來與城市議題。更多關於忠泰美術館的資訊請參考: http://jam.jutfoundation.org.tw/
而如果你是現代藝術的愛好者,何不考慮造訪紐約的惠特尼美國藝術博物館呢?當地人稱它為「惠特尼」,此博物館的特色在呈現20世紀和21世紀的美國藝術,最近在曼哈頓的新址重新開放。惠特尼特別強調展示當代藝術家的作品,保存上世紀上半葉的重要作品並廣泛且永久性的收藏。下次遊覽紐約市時千萬不要錯過這個博物館!關於惠特尼美國藝術博物館請見:https://whitney.org/ #WheresBrent #猜猜看處長在哪裡 #BikewithBrent
Did you get it right? DIR took this photo in front of Jut Art Museum - ever been there? Established 2016, Jut Art Museum, one of Taipei’s iconic modern art museums. You can learn more about the Jut Art Museum here: http://jam.jutfoundation.org.tw/
And for modern art lovers, why not consider a trip to New York’s Whitney Museum of American Art! The Whitney, as locals call it, focuses on 20th- and 21st-century American art and recently reopened in a new Manhattan location. It places a particular emphasis on exhibiting the work of living artists, as well as maintaining an extensive permanent collection of important pieces from the first half of the last century. Don’t miss this museum the next time you visit New York City! More about Whitney Museum of American Art: https://whitney.org/