| I Am a Miracle Creator – A baby’s heartbeat is the best rhythm|
I remember the day when the doctor told me that I was going to be a mom, the miracle feeling that came over me was beyond words.
The “thump, thump...” of Jacob’s little pounding heartbeat from his first ultrasound was so surreal. Of all the moments of my pregnancy, it was easily one of the most miraculous. It was beating so fast, yet at a light and steady rhythm... it’s probably my favourite sound I have ever heard! Whenever I think back to that little black flashing spot of the screen (which was Jacob’s heartbeat) my heart melts a little bit. Two hearts are now beating within the same body - and this is something truly incredible and amazing. Experiencing pregnancy and giving birth to a new life is such a miraculous chapter.
As he grows - makes his first sound, flashes his first smile, shows signs of his independence, and even calls me ma-ma for the first time - I reflect on all the joy and emotions that becoming a mom has brought to my life, all of which I will cherish forever.
To celebrate the life-giving miracle of a mother’s love, Apta ESSENSIS collaborates with Cynthia Lui, renowned Breastmilk Jewellery Designer, to create this very special milk drop-shaped golden jewel. Representing a mother’s precious love, the jewel commemorates the unique journey of the many miracles of motherhood.
With the brand new Apta ESSENSIS, you will experience the miracle of life! Follow their Instagram @apta.essensis and join me on this miraculous journey of motherhood.
【I Am A Miracle Creator:BB的心跳聲,就是最動聽的樂章】
而最讓我感到奇蹟的一刻,就是第一次照超聲波, 聽見了BB「噗噗…噗噗…」的心跳聲。原來他的心跳是那麼快,一下一下,很有力又實在…那是我人生中聽過最動聽的聲音。聽著他的心跳聲,我有一種以前從未感受過的快樂!現在只要一想起,我還是會打從心裡興奮起來。而螢光幕裡那個一閃一閃的小黑點,也就是BB的小心臟,從此一個身體內,有了兩個心跳,感覺真的很感動、很奇妙。
現在,他已經慢慢長大,懂得衝過來抱著我、對著我笑、大聲叫我媽媽,每一天,都讓我更加感覺到生命的偉大。這段孕育生命的經歷,是我人生中最奇蹟的一頁。 為了歌頌這份母愛的生命奇蹟,Apta ESSENSIS特意聯乘母乳珠寶設計師Cynthia Lui,以我的母乳打造出我手上戴著的奶滴形金色寶石。這顆寶石象徵了點滴母愛的珍貴,更紀念著我當上媽媽後,親身經歷的種種奇蹟。
全新Apta ESSENSIS亦即將帶你見證生命奇蹟!密切留意他們的Instagram帳號 @apta.essensis ,一起發現母愛的生命奇蹟。
#AptaESSENSIS #金色奶滴寶石 #MiracleCreator #母愛的生命奇蹟 #EmbraceTheMiracleOfLifeInEveryDrop #每一滴擁抱生命奇蹟
母愛的生命奇蹟 在 Eliza Sam 岑麗香 Facebook 八卦
很感謝 Apta HK 邀請我分享成為媽媽後經歷的奇蹟一刻!每一次想起BB充滿生命力的心跳聲,我心裡還是會充滿感動,這也給了我奇蹟一樣的力量,讓我繼續努力守護他。做媽媽不容易,但同時也覺得很幸福,我會和BB一起期待著更多奇蹟發生!
#AptaESSENSIS #MiracleCreator #母愛的生命奇蹟 #EmbraceTheMiracleOfLifeInEveryDrop #每一滴擁抱生命奇蹟
母愛的生命奇蹟 在 Vida De Phoenix Facebook 八卦
Do you know why Batwoman’s hair is Red? Because she has a red birthstone necklace which is given by her mom and match with her mom’s earrings. Red color represents the birthstone and also the love between Batwoman and her mom. How sweet !!
Batwoman用紅色假髮,象徵同媽媽、妹妹嘅聯繫。而我手上嘅寶石手鍊,一樣象徵媽媽同仔女最親密的聯繫。佢就係早前預購Aptamil ESSENSIS HMO產品,做Apta Club ESSENSIS VIP會員送嘅「母愛寶石工作坊」飾物,可以用媽媽自己的母乳或誕生石製作,留下刻骨銘心嘅紀念,即刻覺得自己同Batwoman一樣😂so happy💖💕
做Apta Club ESSENSIS VIP會員都幾好,除左係Apta e-Shop買Aptamil ESSENSIS HMO產品有送貨同「7天品質保證」服務之外,送啲禮物都好有心思。
而家買任何Aptamil ESSENSIS HMO產品嘅迎新奇蹟禮遇就係「寶寶專屬星宿」,用寶寶名字及生日日期為一顆閃亮繁星命名,一同體驗奇蹟。係咪好特別呢?
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母愛的生命奇蹟 在 Aptamil ESSENSIS | Aptamil, Bottle, Whiskey bottle - Pinterest 的八卦
Apr 19, 2020 - 媽媽為寶寶賦予生命,是一種奇蹟。 啟發自這份母愛的生命奇蹟,再結合40 年母乳科研,精雕細琢出Aptamil Essensis HMO。 當中的「Aptamil ESSENSIS HMO ... ... <看更多>