【#嚴厲譴責 中國人大表決通過港版國安法!】
MOFA strongly condemns the passing of the #HongKong national security law by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the PRC, contrary to the wishes of the majority of the people of Hong Kong and despite emphatic opposition from the international community. The law, which bypassed the legislature in Hong Kong, is in contravention of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, under which China promised that the territory would retain its autonomy and civil liberties for 50 years.
We urge the PRC government to respect the freedoms and human rights of the people of Hong Kong and facilitate its stable and prosperous development which we believe is in the common interests of Hong Kong, the region and the international community.
Taiwan has a responsibility to work in concerted effort with like-minded partners in the international community to safeguard the territory’s freedom.
#WeStandWithHongKong #FreedomIsNotFree #HumanRights
香港特別行政區維護國家安全法 aka #港版國安法
將從明天 (7/1) 起在香港正式生效和實施
違背中國共產黨曾保證的 #50年不變 承諾
危害香港 #自治 與 #法治
侵害香港 #自由 與 #人權
但 #自由的台灣撐香港的自由 不會改變
#香港人道援助關懷行動專案 已online
大陸委員會 的 #台港服務交流辦公室
必須 #正視港人對自由與人權的追求
台灣會與 #理念相近國家
正視港人對自由與人權的追求 在 Ing.TV(蔡英文) Facebook 八卦
【#嚴厲譴責 中國人大表決通過港版國安法!】
MOFA strongly condemns the passing of the #HongKong national security law by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the PRC, contrary to the wishes of the majority of the people of Hong Kong and despite emphatic opposition from the international community. The law, which bypassed the legislature in Hong Kong, is in contravention of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, under which China promised that the territory would retain its autonomy and civil liberties for 50 years.
We urge the PRC government to respect the freedoms and human rights of the people of Hong Kong and facilitate its stable and prosperous development which we believe is in the common interests of Hong Kong, the region and the international community.
Taiwan has a responsibility to work in concerted effort with like-minded partners in the international community to safeguard the territory’s freedom.
#WeStandWithHongKong #FreedomIsNotFree #HumanRights
香港特別行政區維護國家安全法 aka #港版國安法
將從明天 (7/1) 起在香港正式生效和實施
違背中國共產黨曾保證的 #50年不變 承諾
危害香港 #自治 與 #法治
侵害香港 #自由 與 #人權
但 #自由的台灣撐香港的自由 不會改變
#香港人道援助關懷行動專案 已online
大陸委員會 的 #台港服務交流辦公室
必須 #正視港人對自由與人權的追求
台灣會與 #理念相近國家
正視港人對自由與人權的追求 在 香港蘋果日報停刊時力籲朝野正視港人艱難處境| 政治| 中央社CNA 的相關結果
對此,時代力量今天發布新聞稿表示「深表遺憾」,也要向壹傳媒的新聞工作者們致上最高的敬意,在面對中共與港府的無情壓迫,承擔可能失去人身自由的風險, ... ... <看更多>
正視港人對自由與人權的追求 在 何韻詩遭港府逮補...杜汶澤聲援「我知你不會怕」!林昶佐籲港 ... 的相關結果
林昶佐籲港府正視「港人追求自由的聲音」. 2021.12.29 ... 林昶佐呼籲,港府應正視港人追求民主的聲音,而台灣人也一定會持續支持並關注香港人權。 ... <看更多>
正視港人對自由與人權的追求 在 民進黨籲中共正視港人追求民主法治- 政治- 中央社 - 中國時報 的相關結果
... 港人治港、高度自治」的承諾,正視港人對於自由、民主、法治等核心價值的追求, ... 民進黨對此表示,對於香港人民積極推動香港民主自由的理念,民進黨予以肯定和 ... ... <看更多>