#新文到 新加坡 #樟宜機場 真的好大好買又好逛,大方特別整理介紹了 #T3第三航廈攻略介紹,像是樟宜免稅退稅流程、熱門商店,還有必買伴手禮(斑蘭蛋糕、小CK、新加坡虎標、零食等等)跟美食街餐廳,最後再加上CI華航貴賓室 Dnata Lounge,記得早點到機場辦理出境跟 #退稅,還有好好逛免稅商店的時間唷。
樟宜機場第三航廈餐廳 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
《不過三年的預言》(English writing below)
「恩師您真厲害!Hello Kitty Cafe 在 Changi Airport 真的經營不下去了。」
"Respected Master, you are truly amazing! Hello Kitty Cafe at Changi Airport is really unable to continue its operations."
Yesterday afternoon, my client, Mdm Elena Tan, sent me this text message. I thank her for telling me this news.
I made a prediction in 2016, that the Hello Kitty Theme Restaurant at Changi International Airport Terminal 3 would not operate for long because of the messy internal Feng Shui, the poor service as well as the low quality of food being served.
The coffee house opened to much fanfare on 12 May 2016, with a long queue of Hello Kitty fans.
There were 2 main factors: Feng Shui and service personnel.
With a poor Feng Shui, the business might still have a fighting chance to postpone its inevitable demise, if the staff is dynamic and full of vigour.
When you wish to open a shop for business, who should you look for? You should look for me, Master Dai Hu.
If I say you can go ahead with your ventures, you will succeed.
If I say no, you will never be able to, and you absolutely should not. Don’t do foolish things. Keep your capital well for future opportunities. As the saying goes, you need not worry running out of firewood as long as you keep the green mountains.
Wishing all of you courage in fighting for your own benefits. Thank you everyone! Namo Amitabha!
樟宜機場第三航廈餐廳 在 大方瘋普雷~Crazy Play~ Facebook 八卦
新加坡 #樟宜機場 真的好大好買又好逛,大方特別整理介紹了 #T3第三航廈攻略介紹,像是樟宜免稅退稅流程、熱門商店,還有必買伴手禮(斑蘭蛋糕、小CK、新加坡虎標、零食等等)跟美食街餐廳,最後再加上CI華航貴賓室 Dnata Lounge,記得早點到機場辦理出境跟 #退稅,還有好好逛免稅商店的時間唷。
樟宜機場第三航廈餐廳 在 新加坡Vlog#4&5 | 開箱樟宜機場IHG洲際集團五星飯店10000 ... 的八卦
新加坡Vlog#4&5 | 開箱 樟宜機場 IHG洲際集團五星飯店10000/晚|Crowne Plaza Changi Airport|星耀樟宜瀑布|渡假風泳池|雨漩渦燈光秀| 樟宜機場第三航廈 ... ... <看更多>