🎵勝過絕美的晨曦❣️ #dearjane #本地薑音樂節
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,920的網紅Cy Leo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A live recording on the tune Schindler's List by John William with the one of the most promising classical pianist in Hong Kong Kajeng Wong. Faceboo...
本地薑音樂節 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 八卦
[Simon's Glocal Chatroom] 神童變本地薑 鋼琴家黃家正
2008年,家正遠赴美國印第安納大學進修音樂,2013年完成深造課程,並取得表演證書。期間,他出席了各大音樂節,包括韋比爾音樂學院音樂節及得州鋼琴音樂節,接受不少大師的指導。隨後,他與幾位朋友創辦音樂教室,取名為Music Lab。另外,他於今年2至3月舉辦首屆Music Lab本地薑音樂節,希望能將更多資源和焦點投放在本地音樂家身上,同時,鼓勵本地樂迷認識本地音樂家,打破他們對本地音樂家的想像。因此,他對古典音樂在香港的發展,自然有一番見解。
S: 《音樂人生》早在2002年開始拍攝,當時什麼原因驅使你参與其中?
K: 我11歲時有機會到捷克表演,當時導演希望在過程中拍攝一些片段,之後數年沒有見面。我中六的時候,張(經緯)導演得到台灣方面的資助,並將此剪輯成一齣紀錄片,電影在百老匯戲院上映,並在台灣金馬獎奪得獎項。這是一個偶然機會,我沒預計到這結果。
S: 你曾到不同地方演出和交流,相比之下,香港的音樂氣氛如何?
K: 香港無論是音樂或是其他領域都渴求國際交流,其中一個原因就是香港的歷史沒有外國那麼悠久。古典音樂在香港的歷史少於100年,近幾十年才有學生開始學習。以我老師為例,他們很多都師承一些殖民地官員的太太,當學有所成時,大多會再到歐美國家觀摩。當地古典音樂的發展歷史悠久,對音樂的認識、文化、環境和氣氛都比香港豐富。他們在學成後又回到香港,並教授下一代的學生。這樣古典音樂就在香港一代代地培育起來。同時,隨着媒體的推介,香港人對古典音樂的接觸也有所增加。近年,香港多了很多業餘、職業,甚至學生組成的樂團。
S: 為何你會開設音樂教室,以及舉辦屬於本地的音樂節?
K: 不少香港學生在外國完成學業後都回港發展,但他們對前路感到迷惘,其中一個主要出路是教學。因此,我們需要更多平台讓本地音樂家演出和發揮才能。本地成熟的團體無論從組織或是營銷策略上,他們不傾向聘用本地樂手,因為本地樂手未必能吸引觀眾。我們應依靠自己的組織能力和強項,並透過機會和時間讓樂手去成長。在回港兩年半內,我不斷去表演和參與不同的項目,讓自己從中吸收經驗。在這個全球化的年代,我們有不同的渠道到外地交流,特別是歐美地區。平台最重要的作用是為本地樂手發聲,由此去感染新一代的觀眾,並作為一個學習音樂的切入點,讓他們向着自己的道路向前。
S: 有人認為香港的藝術文化教育落後,致港人對流行曲歌詞的認識多於樂曲,你同意嗎?
K: 我認同,因此希望未來有力量去為香港的藝術文化教育作出貢獻。廣東流行歌曲文字變化無限,但音樂方面卻演變不大,原因之一可能是作曲人因遷就市場需要而創作。我以古典樂手的角度去聽廣東流行曲,便會覺得歌詞是廣東歌的特色,但音樂的演變已漸漸落後外國10至20年。古典音樂源於歐美,但已成為世界性的音樂,難保一天香港的流行曲也可能成為國際性的音樂。當年的貝多芬,就如今天的陳奕迅,雖然貝多芬時期所彈奏的樂章與今天所彈奏的風格已不相同。可是,現時流行曲面對着語言性的問題,正如很多人會聽古典音樂,卻較少接觸以德文演唱的藝術歌曲,而鋼琴所彈奏的樂章沒有語言差別。
S: 你在香港推廣古典音樂遇到最大的困難是什麼?
K: 向不同人士推廣是最大的問題,正如運作一個Facebook專頁,起初能獲一些中堅分子支持,之後若願意花工夫,支持者人數仍會上升,但若想爭取圈子以外的支持者時,困難便會大大增加,這便需要有外展工作去吸引更多觀眾。在籌辦音樂節的過程中,有3個最基本的程序,除了場地和表演的樂手,最重要是吸引觀眾,雖然入座率不是一個音樂會成功與否的唯一指標,但我們也要在表演和入座率之間取得平衡。另外營銷方面,即使門票已售罄,我們也要告訴社會音樂會的舉行,以及帶出的訊息。
香港是福地 教琴能置業
S: 不少學生在歐美國家畢業後,都選擇留在當地發展。音樂界有類似的情況嗎?
K: 到外國留學選擇學習音樂時,大部分人都承受着一定的風險和感到迷惘,因為他們在畢業後難以找到工作,而成為樂團樂手的競爭很大,幾乎200人競爭一個職位。相反,對音樂人而言,香港是世界上最幸福的地方,我有不少朋友即使大學並非主修音樂,但憑着教授鋼琴也能在香港置業。由於升學原因,香港小朋友都要學習各式各樣的課外技能以增加競爭力,而運動和音樂更是主流,對音樂老師的需求便大大增加。
S: 鄰近地區,古典音樂的發展情況怎樣?
K: 日本、南韓和中國內地與香港學習古典音樂的風氣不同。南韓學習古典音樂的人數不多,但他們的民族性對表演的要求很高,擁有很好的師資,而且有制度去配合培訓人才,所有出色的學生都能進入韓國藝術綜合大學學習。日本的發展更早,他們早在上世紀五十年代就開始發展,他們也有很高的表演水平。而中國則是人海戰術,小朋友自5歲起便封閉式接受訓練,這自然令他們有所進步,但東南亞的國家發展則滯後。
S: 近年中國內地開始以不同形式推廣中樂,你認為這可行嗎?
K: 內地每個城市,如北京、廣州和上海等,都籌組自己的管弦樂團,因為古典音樂已由歐洲音樂演變成世界性的音樂。中樂是中國的古典音樂,有着幾千年的歷史,但如何能成為一個全世界都欣賞的音樂文化,這問題值得我們深思。在推廣的過程中,我們需要用其他方法將音樂介紹給觀眾。
S: 內地樂團數量增加,樂手北上發展是否已成為趨勢?
K: 在過去十年間內地成立了不少樂團,提供了不少空缺,很多學習音樂的朋友都到內地工作。深圳、廣州、上海和北京也興建了很好的音樂廳,最近香港管弦樂團也聘請了中國內地最出名的指揮擔任他們的客席指揮。這已變成互動的關係,而非香港單方面向內地輸出。但香港仍然有優勢,香港人接納國際化的能力比內地高,制度穩健,思想也較開放。
信報財經新聞 hkej.com 2016年2月20日 李志鵬整理
本地薑音樂節 在 Cy Leo 何卓彥 Facebook 八卦
構思了足足五年的計劃,感謝 Musiclab 的推波助瀾和支持下,終於成功啟動了!
本地薑音樂節 在 Cy Leo Youtube 的評價
A live recording on the tune Schindler's List by John William with the one of the most promising classical pianist in Hong Kong Kajeng Wong.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CyLeoHo
Ho Cheuk Yin Leo
卓彥為近年國際口琴界及唱作音樂界的新星。他自2006年起已累積了共十七項國際口琴賽事的冠軍寶座,包括 2013年在德國世界口琴節中奪得,半音階獨奏指定曲目組別的「世界冠軍」。何卓彥六歲起曾跟隨李尚澄先生、日本大師和谷泰扶先生、挪威大師Sigmund Groven、及意大利大師Willi Burger習琴,以古典音樂為基楚。
另外,他近年更有幸躋身於國際賽事的評審團,成為最年輕的國際評委。何卓彥演奏的靈活性極高,活躍於古典音樂、爵士音樂、流行音樂等界別,踏上香港最大型音樂節 — 香港藝術節2010及Clockenflap 2015的主舞台演出。早在十六歲,卓彥便經常遠赴亞洲、歐洲、北美洲的超過四十個城市演出,其精湛琴技均大受好評。他現亦為Honher Music 的國際代言人之一。
Leo is one of the most promising harmonica players and singer-song writers internationally. He has accumulated 17 international championships since 2006. In October 2013, Leo made his debut in the World Harmonica Festival, and excelled among all contestants by seizing the World Championship in the Test Piece Chromatic Harmonica Solo category, which is renowned as the highest honour of chromatic harmonica player.
Under the tuition of Mr. Lee Sheung-ching, Leo has gained exposure to classical harmonica training since 6. He then went on the study with Watani Yasuo from Japan, Sigmund Groven from Norway and Willi Burger from Italy respectively, during his exploration on classical music.
Since the age of nineteen, Leo has already been invited to be the adjudicator in various international harmonica festivals. His performance reveals extraordinary flexibility, ranging from classical, jazz, R&B, to rock music. The talent has sparkled off both local and international recognition. He was invited to perform in the two most renowned international festivals in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Art Festival 2010 & on the main stage of Clockenflap 2015. Meanwhile, he has performed in more than 40 cities within Asia, Europe and North America, receiving high acclaim on his virtuosic technique and unique musical interpretation. He is currently the international endorser at the Honher Music.
那些年的KJ曾在記錄片《KJ音樂人生》出現。 今天的KJ是一名小鋼琴家,小老師,小藝術總監,小藝評,小專攔作家和小人類。師從羅乃新,郭嘉特和埃米爾.拿奧莫夫老師。他亦曾跟隨楊寶智、馬忠為及何紅英學習小提琴。在印地安那大學雅各斯音學院畢業回港發展音樂事業,專注練習,教學,演出。試驗兩年後開始舉辦《本地薑音樂節》,展開新的一頁。
Once documented in the film “KJ Music and Life”, KJ is now a pianist, a music teacher, an artistic director, an art critic, a columnist and a person. Studied the piano with Nancy Loo, Gabriel Kwok and Emile Naoumoff, he also learned the violin with Yang BaoZhi, Michael Ma and Ho HungYing. Graduated from Indiana University, he primarily focuses on practicing, teaching and performing. After two years of various experiments, KJ now leads the Music Lab Festival, turning a new chapter for himself and local musicians.
Ho Cheuk Yin Leo
Leo is a twenty-two-year-old emerging chromatic harmonica virtuosic player and singer-song writer. He has accumulated 17 international championships since 2006. In October 2013, Leo made his debut in the World Harmonica Festival, and excelled among all contestants by seizing the championship in the Test Piece Chromatic Harmonica Solo category, which is renowned as the highest honour of chromatic harmonica player.
Under the tuition of Mr. Lee Sheung-ching, Leo has gained exposure to classical harmonica training since 6. He then went on the study with Watani Yasuo from Japan, Sigmund Groven from Norway and Willi Burger from Italy espectively, during his exploration on classical music. However, his performance reveals extraordinary flexibility, ranging from classical, folk, pop, and jazz to rock music.
In 2010, Leo was invited as a guest performer in the Hong Kong Art Festival with the King’s Harmonica Quintet. As the lead player in the Veloz Harmonica Quartet, he has also been invited to perform in Macau, Singapore, Prague, Munich, Ljubljana and Bratislava since 2011. In February 2014, they appeared in the TV programme “Amazing Chinese” broadcast on CCTV 1, which attracted up to 100 million audiences and received critical acclaim. As a soloist, Leo was often invited to perform and offer master classes at various international festivals and concert held in Norway, Germany, Bahamas and Korea.
Only at the age of nineteen, Leo has already been invited to be the adjudicator in various international harmonica festivals. He is also currently the international endorser at the Honher Music.
Recently in 2014, Leo has participated in a jazz tour in Poland collaborating with the prominent 3-0-3 Tango Fusion Band from Argentina. They were selected as one of the 12 finalists at the Cotai Blues & Jazz Festival in Macau. He was also invited to the main stage at the largest music festival, Clockenflap 2015 in Hong Kong as a guest musician with Yoyo Sham & Jing Wong. Meanwhile, he is actively collaborating with numerous local pop and jazz musician including Lowell Lo, Sandy Lam, Eugene Pao, Ted Lo and Yoyo Sham etc.

本地薑音樂節 在 Cy Leo Youtube 的評價
A live recording on the tune Intermezzo Giocoso by Rudolf Wuthner with the one of the most promising classical pianist in Hong Kong Kajeng Wong.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CyLeoHo
Ho Cheuk Yin Leo
卓彥為近年國際口琴界及唱作音樂界的新星。他自2006年起已累積了共十七項國際口琴賽事的冠軍寶座,包括 2013年在德國世界口琴節中奪得,半音階獨奏指定曲目組別的「世界冠軍」。何卓彥六歲起曾跟隨李尚澄先生、日本大師和谷泰扶先生、挪威大師Sigmund Groven、及意大利大師Willi Burger習琴,以古典音樂為基楚。
另外,他近年更有幸躋身於國際賽事的評審團,成為最年輕的國際評委。何卓彥演奏的靈活性極高,活躍於古典音樂、爵士音樂、流行音樂等界別,踏上香港最大型音樂節 — 香港藝術節2010及Clockenflap 2015的主舞台演出。早在十六歲,卓彥便經常遠赴亞洲、歐洲、北美洲的超過四十個城市演出,其精湛琴技均大受好評。他現亦為Honher Music 的國際代言人之一。
Leo is one of the most promising harmonica players and singer-song writers internationally. He has accumulated 17 international championships since 2006. In October 2013, Leo made his debut in the World Harmonica Festival, and excelled among all contestants by seizing the World Championship in the Test Piece Chromatic Harmonica Solo category, which is renowned as the highest honour of chromatic harmonica player.
Under the tuition of Mr. Lee Sheung-ching, Leo has gained exposure to classical harmonica training since 6. He then went on the study with Watani Yasuo from Japan, Sigmund Groven from Norway and Willi Burger from Italy respectively, during his exploration on classical music.
Since the age of nineteen, Leo has already been invited to be the adjudicator in various international harmonica festivals. His performance reveals extraordinary flexibility, ranging from classical, jazz, R&B, to rock music. The talent has sparkled off both local and international recognition. He was invited to perform in the two most renowned international festivals in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Art Festival 2010 & on the main stage of Clockenflap 2015. Meanwhile, he has performed in more than 40 cities within Asia, Europe and North America, receiving high acclaim on his virtuosic technique and unique musical interpretation. He is currently the international endorser at the Honher Music.
那些年的KJ曾在記錄片《KJ音樂人生》出現。 今天的KJ是一名小鋼琴家,小老師,小藝術總監,小藝評,小專攔作家和小人類。師從羅乃新,郭嘉特和埃米爾.拿奧莫夫老師。他亦曾跟隨楊寶智、馬忠為及何紅英學習小提琴。在印地安那大學雅各斯音學院畢業回港發展音樂事業,專注練習,教學,演出。試驗兩年後開始舉辦《本地薑音樂節》,展開新的一頁。
Once documented in the film “KJ Music and Life”, KJ is now a pianist, a music teacher, an artistic director, an art critic, a columnist and a person. Studied the piano with Nancy Loo, Gabriel Kwok and Emile Naoumoff, he also learned the violin with Yang BaoZhi, Michael Ma and Ho HungYing. Graduated from Indiana University, he primarily focuses on practicing, teaching and performing. After two years of various experiments, KJ now leads the Music Lab Festival, turning a new chapter for himself and local musicians.
Ho Cheuk Yin Leo
Leo is a twenty-two-year-old emerging chromatic harmonica virtuosic player and singer-song writer. He has accumulated 17 international championships since 2006. In October 2013, Leo made his debut in the World Harmonica Festival, and excelled among all contestants by seizing the championship in the Test Piece Chromatic Harmonica Solo category, which is renowned as the highest honour of chromatic harmonica player.
Under the tuition of Mr. Lee Sheung-ching, Leo has gained exposure to classical harmonica training since 6. He then went on the study with Watani Yasuo from Japan, Sigmund Groven from Norway and Willi Burger from Italy espectively, during his exploration on classical music. However, his performance reveals extraordinary flexibility, ranging from classical, folk, pop, and jazz to rock music.
In 2010, Leo was invited as a guest performer in the Hong Kong Art Festival with the King’s Harmonica Quintet. As the lead player in the Veloz Harmonica Quartet, he has also been invited to perform in Macau, Singapore, Prague, Munich, Ljubljana and Bratislava since 2011. In February 2014, they appeared in the TV programme “Amazing Chinese” broadcast on CCTV 1, which attracted up to 100 million audiences and received critical acclaim. As a soloist, Leo was often invited to perform and offer master classes at various international festivals and concert held in Norway, Germany, Bahamas and Korea.
Only at the age of nineteen, Leo has already been invited to be the adjudicator in various international harmonica festivals. He is also currently the international endorser at the Honher Music.
Recently in 2014, Leo has participated in a jazz tour in Poland collaborating with the prominent 3-0-3 Tango Fusion Band from Argentina. They were selected as one of the 12 finalists at the Cotai Blues & Jazz Festival in Macau. He was also invited to the main stage at the largest music festival, Clockenflap 2015 in Hong Kong as a guest musician with Yoyo Sham & Jing Wong. Meanwhile, he is actively collaborating with numerous local pop and jazz musician including Lowell Lo, Sandy Lam, Eugene Pao, Ted Lo and Yoyo Sham etc.

本地薑音樂節 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube 的評價
今日KJ請到三名特別嘉賓(黎寶鈴、許榮臻同劉卓昕),同大家分享4月19日由Music Lab演奏會嘅本地薑音樂節《琴戀克拉拉》演奏會!想了解更多背後概念同欣賞音樂嘅朋友,快快Click入嚟收看直播啦!
