Getting your period every 10 days or so?
Recently, I've been getting my period about every 10 days. The volume is low but 10 days later I would get a regular period. Why does this happen and what can I do?
CheckCheckCin: Your situation is not getting your period frequently, but rather you are experiencing bleeding from the uterus in between cycles. The bleeding usually occurs near ovulation. It can be caused by lack of sufficient rest for long period leading to yin deficiency and overactive yang; asthenic qi and blood, and the body loses control over menstrual bleeding; physical heat from mood issues and liver stagnation; stagnated damp and heat in the body; qi stagnation or blood stasis body types. If this occurs every now and then, you don't have to worry too much. But if it happens every month, then you should seek professional advice.
If you have frequent late nights, causing between cycle bleeding due to yin deficiency and asthenic fire, the accompanying symptoms are bright red colored blood, menstruation is thick in texture, coupled with dry mouth and throat, poor sleep quality. This is the time to nourish yin and lower heat.
Healing tea to nourish yin and lower heat
Dendrobium water
Effects: nourish yin and lower heat, clear liver and improve vision
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon dendrobium powder
Preparation: combine powder with hot water in thermos and steep for 15 minutes.
#女 #經期 #陰虛 #我枯燥
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這種事好像沒什麼好講,不過實在很想吐一吐怨氣,當女生實在很麻煩,永遠不知道好朋友到底什麼時候會來,就算你真的都很準,每個月28天,也不能保證它 ... ... <看更多>
月經無預警報到好麻煩 在 Tag: 月經無預警報到好麻煩 的相關結果
CheckCheckCin:你的情況並非頻密來經,而是「經間期出血」,是指兩次月經之間出現周期性的少量子宮出血,出血時間一般會接近排卵期,成因可以是長期休息 ... ... <看更多>