- 愛吃酸的生男,愛吃辣的生女
- - 肚尖生男,肚圓生女
- 鼻大生男
- - 容貌變醜生男,容貌不變/變靚生女
- 多吃肉生女,素食生仔
【Relax for a minute ⋯⋯ boy or girl?】
Legends have it that we can tell if a pregnant mom is carrying a boy or a girl from certain signs. Do you believe these signs?
- Those who crave for sour food will give birth to boys; those who crave for spicy food will give birth to girls
- - A pointed tummy means the baby is a boy; a rounded tummy means the baby is a girl
- Those with develop an enlarged nose would give birth to boys
- - Those who become less attractive would give birth to boys; those who remain attractive/become prettier would give birth to girls
- Those who eat a lot of meat would give birth to girls; those who opt for a vegan diet would give birth to boys
星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
1. 雙手向前伸直,雙腳張開與肩同寬,挺直背肌站立,眼望前方。
2. 呼氣,慢慢往下蹲3-4秒。(像坐無影櫈一樣)
3. 呼氣,慢慢回復到站立姿勢。重覆動作做5-10次。
【Relax for a minute ⋯⋯ Slow squats】
Are you seated or lying down? The Chinese Medicine theories believe that long hours of sitting can hurt the body. If you have not exercised for a long time, why not start with a one-minute slow squat?
It looks easy, but it is a wholesome routine for the body. Doing slow squats regularly can tighten the muscles around the arms, the abdomens, the back, and the thighs. Do give it a shot!
1. Stretch forth the hands and spread the feet as wide as the shoulders. Keep the body straight and look forward.
2. Squat for about 3-4 seconds while exhaling (as if you are sitting on an invisible chair)
3. Return to the original standing position while exhaling. Repeat the same action for 5-10 times.
星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
Relax for a minute- identify ingredients that can relieve constipation and diarrhea
What is more troubling? Constipation or diarrhea?
Is this question troubling you? Constipation and diarrhea are both very painful, but eating appropriate ingredients can help relieve symptoms. You can try ingredients that can loosen the bowels to relieve constipation when you have constipation, and try ingredients that can relieve diarrhea and conserve energy when you have diarrhea. Do not mix up both of them. Now take a minute to identify these ingredients.
Hint: one of these ingredients can both relieve constipation and diarrhea.
(Answer will be posted in the comment column.)
#男 #女 #便秘 #腹瀉
星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘 在 Zumba Burn It Up-在PTT/MOBILE01上電腦組裝相關知識 的八卦
【輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘⋯⋯寓減肥於娛樂】 ⭐打機兼減肥的遊戲一舉兩得⭐在家抗疫照樣減肥成功#星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘你... switch zumba減肥ptt-臉書推薦/討論/評價 ... ... <看更多>
星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘 在 Zumba Burn It Up-在PTT/MOBILE01上電腦組裝相關知識 的八卦
【輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘⋯⋯寓減肥於娛樂】 ⭐打機兼減肥的遊戲一舉兩得⭐在家抗疫照樣減肥成功#星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘你... switch zumba減肥ptt-臉書推薦/討論/評價 ... ... <看更多>
星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘 在 【輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘⋯⋯舌頭的秘密】 - CheckCheckCin in 2022 的八卦
Jun 30, 2022 - 【輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘⋯⋯舌頭的秘密】 ⭐看舌頭知健康⭐每朝刷牙前細心觀察一下#星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘 看中醫時,醫師會叫你把舌頭伸出來看看, ... ... <看更多>