【#印度時報 刊文聲援 #臺灣 參與WHO📣】
豬年🐷真的不能有遺 #珠 之憾~
就在 #諸 多國家在WHO執委會上紛紛挺身 #為臺執言 的同時,小編赫然發現 #印度 🇮🇳媒體也在用力刊登 #挺臺專文 呢!💪
Just as several countries were speaking up for #Taiwan 🇹🇼 at the executive board session of the #WHO, we came across this editorial by Rudroneel Ghosh, a reporter with the The Times of India, in which he showed his support for Taiwan! 👉🏻https://reurl.cc/MX2N4
文長慎入嗎?😏 就讓小編直接為大家 #朗讀 這篇由印度記者Rudroneel Ghosh主動投書的文章精華吧~(小編讀到最後一段不禁想起可憐的 #瘟豬豬...😢)
💬 臺灣參與 #世界衛生大會 並非中國內政,而是國際性的議題... 拒絕臺灣的參與,無疑是在全球公衛防疫機制,留下一個巨大的缺口...
💬 臺灣一直是全球醫療健康的 #實質貢獻者,自1996年以來,已在80多個國家挹注高達60億美元,從事 #國際醫療 和 #人道救援 工作… 臺灣在醫療資訊系統方面之長才,可真正嘉惠開發中國家,國際社會需要臺灣成為正式全球衛生框架的一員...
💬 北京必須證明它在國際上是一個負責任、寬容及合理的強權,在政治的祭壇上 #犧牲全球健康 並不睿智‼️
100% agree! #TaiwanCanHelp 👍
#挑戰英文全文 👉🏻https://reurl.cc/MX2N4
We’ve got some key quotes from the article below if you want the #TLDR version 👇
“But stonewalling Taiwan’s participation in the #WHA is not a Chinese issue – it is an international issue [...] Leaving Taiwan out of the WHA leaves a gaping hole in the #global response health mechanism.”
“Besides, Taiwan has been a net #contributor to global health. Since 1996 it has invested about $6 billion in international medical and humanitarian aid efforts in more than 80 countries... And Taiwan’s expertise in things like #MedicalDataSystems can truly benefit developing nations. For all these reasons and more, Taiwan needs to be part of the formal global health architecture.”
“Beijing has to demonstrate that it can be a responsible, accommodative and reasonable power. Sacrificing global health at the #altar of politics is not the way to go.”