聽說有人比較喜歡雙手齊話的亂七八糟招財貓,OK 你的願望我聽到了
現在你也可以下載亂七八糟的招財貓來當手機桌布哩,跟之前的正派招財貓手機桌布同一個頁面。請到 https://chocye.com/wallpaper/ 下載
收過的都說讚✌︎('ω'✌︎ )
A few people told me that they’d prefer the silly lucky cats as wallpaper. ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
I heard you people!! You can also download the silly lucky cat wallpaper on the same page with fabulous looking lucky cat wallpaper. Link :https://chocye.com/wallpaper/
Other than using the wallpaper, you can also support us (me and my cats) by grabbing some actual luck cat stickers from my shop! You’ll get a package with super adorable envelope. ٩( ᐛ )و
The left hand doodle challenge today is a doodle of Zipai, she worked out a lot during her stay in a cat hotel last year.
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招財貓手機桌布 在 手機壁紙用什麽最旺運! | PTT新聞 的八卦
在民間據說招財貓舉左手是招福,舉右手是招財,所以適宜用舉雙手的招財貓來當做手機壁紙,可以招財納福。 貔貅圖案. 貔貅是古代神獸,具有辟邪開運的作用 ... ... <看更多>
招財貓手機桌布 在 招财猫平铺简单软萌卡通可爱萌物清新壁纸 - Pinterest 的八卦
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