外交部吳部長接受法國「解放報」視訊專訪,其中 #香港 議題是訪談的重點。
MOFA Minister Joseph Wu participated in an interview recently with Arnaud Vaulerin from #France’s Libération in which he expounded on advances in Taiwan-US relations, the threat China poses to the cross-Strait status quo and the situation in #HongKong.
Minister Wu mentioned the frequent incursions into #Taiwan's ADIZ by Chinese fighters over recent years, with 2,900 instances in 2020 alone. He also spoke to the threat of disinformation campaigns, facilitated through internet content farms, spreading false information online, as evidenced by studies like the University of Gothenburg’s V-Dem project, which pointed to Taiwan as a hotspot for disinformation attacks.
On the heels of recent trade and investment framework agreement (TIFA) talks with the US, he also touched on the recent wave of support for Taiwan from #LikeMinded countries and organizations, like the QUAD, the US, Japan, South Korea, the EU and the G7, underlining Taiwan’s commitment to maintaining the status quo in cross-Strait relations, to ensure the continued peace and prosperity of the #IndoPacific region.
Minister Wu also pointed to Hong Kong as a warning to other countries as to China’s inability to keep its promises and expressed his dismay at the suppression of the press there, which was made clear with the arrest of Apple Daily staff and executives and the financial pressure forcing the media outlet to close its doors.
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為紀念黨外政論雜誌《自由時代周刊》創辦人鄭南榕為追求言論自由而奉獻犧牲的精神,今日4月7日被訂為言論自由日。總統蔡英文於臉書發文表示, ... ... <看更多>
我們會為守護台灣的民主自由而奮戰到底 在 【外交部吳部長接受法國解放報... - 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... 的相關結果
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#我們會為守護台灣的民主自由而奮戰到底. #我們會為守護台灣的民主自由而奮戰到底. 台灣小英研究所. Leo Chang. · July 2, 2021 ·. 九二共識一國兩制莫再提. No photo ... ... <看更多>