「我在地球另一方等你」- Waiting for you on other side of Earth
久別重逢,再次暫別,這種感受也許經常酸多於甜,但等待過後也許都會變得一切更完滿,跟這刻身在異鄉~跟親人暫時別離的朋友們打氣 :) 加油~ *攝於德國 柏林的一對小情人, 感謝他們的信任 請我到他們相識的地方 紀錄寶貴的回憶
#德國的雪景處處都像電影場景 :)
Saying Goodbye to someone you love after just a short meet-up, this type of long distance relationship is always complex to deal with, filled by grief and sorrow. But as long as we get patience and overcome the long-wait, everything will wind up happily with sweetness. Wish anyone who has this similar status would find a good way out and let's cheer up ! :)))
*Picture shot in Berlin, Germany for this lovely couple who trusted and hired me to the place where they met and captured a sequence of their precious memories.