🎄Christmas handmade card/postcard exchange🎄
I'd like to send my cards and know more about you, please join if you like!😇 Please leave a comment here before Taiwan Time (GMT+8) Dec 15, 23:59, and I will draw 5 to exchange cards with me.
💖 please notice 💖
⒈ please comment you want to exchange handmade card or postcard, and you can wish for the colors or styles you like. Not neccesary what I posted before.
⒉please do not include any gifts other than your handmade card/postcard.
⒊please write directly on the card/postcard to share with me who you are, what important events happened to you this year, or your significant realization. I'd like to know the real person behind the internet.😍
⒋please send registered mail and take a photo of the tracking number.(including postcard, because it's so easily missing...)
⒌after we both receive our cards, I will post photos of everyone's cards here(not including your stories inside).
⒍this activity will also be on my instagram, you can comment there, too, but I don't draw the same person twice.
⒎welcome international exchange, but please note it probably will arrive Next Year, and the register fee is expensive. Welcome to join if you don't mind!😂
⒐please write in English or Chinese, thank you.
🎄Thank you for doing this with me! I really appreaciate it.😍🎄
#posrcardexchange #postcrossing #cardexchange #finetec #coliro #pearlcolors #finetecincagold #finetecgoldpearl #christmasornament #ornament #mtchristmas2017 #山茶雀卡片 #camelliafinchcard #card #Christmascard #Christmas #Decemberdaily #紙膠帶 #maskingtape #washitape #マスキングテープ #マステ
山茶雀卡片 在 山茶雀 Facebook 八卦
💖 貼了一張森林少女望月圖,鏤空的蕾絲卡好夢幻~🌛 很喜歡拼貼卡片的自由度,比手帳還要好玩~ 加上泡棉雙面膠墊底讓圖案一層層浮著,感覺畫面就活起來了~😊
💖 自從幾年前愛上電影《賽德克.巴萊》,就好喜歡原住民的文化。近年看到政府有用心在幫助原住民保留住寶貴的文化,就很開心!小英政府完成了原住民語言發展法,將原住民族語定為國家語言之一而不再獨尊華語。並推廣原住民族語教育、編輯國小原民本位教科書、鼓勵高等教育開設各種領域的原住民族專班。當原住民對自己的文化讀得越多、認識自己越深,也更能融入世界。在台灣的多元族群每個都寶貴,都可以成長為自己獨特的樣子!🤗
🌈 #2020台灣要贏 1月11號回家投票
🌈 #3點14圓滿台灣 讓台灣越來越美好
#papercraft #card #cardmaking #vintagelace #stationerylove #山茶雀卡片 #camelliafinchcard #stationery #washitape #紙膠帶 #maskingtape #マスキングテープ #マステ #貼紙 #sticker #シール #collage #拼貼 #コラージュ
山茶雀卡片 在 山茶雀 Facebook 八卦
《小貓週報 26. 綠色》
手拉手繞著聖誕樹,唱著歌,有妳們作伴真好 ~~
一直很期待綠色主題時來畫棵聖誕樹,但我對自己的畫力沒信心,就派出少用的 Kodomo no Kao 杉樹印章!忘記看過哪位高手好聰明的用法,用同一棵小樹上下左右重複蓋,就可以長成一棵大樹啦~~ ^_^ 小貓是用 100 Proof Press Rubber Stamps 印章蓋的,圖案是三隻小貓手拉手,我給人家拆成左右兩邊~ :p 想像一下聖誕樹後面還有三隻小貓好了~ <3 深綠色加上一點點金色點綴,就是個低調的聖誕氣氛(對紅配綠的聖誕膩了可以換換口味)! 金色愛心吊飾也是 100 Proof Press 的印章,線條好細膩!(試試看用銀色蓋應該也有銀飾的感覺吧~) 蓋完問老公兩邊空空可以加什麼,他說加兩隻小鳥飛來飛去!嘿我還真的有小鳥飛的印章... Kodomo no Kao的可愛小知更鳥~ <3 再加個邊框就完成了,可以直接當聖誕卡寄給好友囉~ ^_^
《Kitten Weekly 26. Green》
Let's sing and hold hands together under the Christmas tree! We are enjoying each other's company in this warm season.
Today's Kitten Weekly is all about rubber stamps! They are from 100 Proof Press and Kodomo no Kao. Add a little touch with ZIG Clean Color Real Brush pen and gold pens... Voila! Here is a merry and bright Christmas scene! <3 I'm having fun making this Christmas card for a good friend! <3
請一起閱讀 紙筆散步/color&craft 這期的小貓週報喔!
Please also check out 紙筆散步's Kitten Weekly on her facebook page today!
#kittenweekly #小貓週報 #illustration #catillustration #camelliafinch #山茶雀 #綠色 #green #greenandgold #山茶雀卡片 #camelliafinchcard #card #Christmascard #Christmas #Christmastree #stamp #rubberstamp #kodomonokao #100proofpress #papemelroti #botanical #印章 #スタンプ #cleancolorrealbrush #versamagic #dewdropBrilliance #inkpad #stampingcard #unisignobroad #金の穂
山茶雀卡片 在 山茶雀: 給小王子迷的手繪卡片 - Pinterest 的八卦
Dec 11, 2014 - 雖然小王子不是單純的童書,但我覺得只要是喜歡小王子的,大概都還保有內心的童真吧!相信世界上真正重要的,是眼睛看不到的東西。 ... <看更多>