As usual, 俐媽對得起英模班的孩子們!今年103英文指考所有題型、單字片語、文法句型、主題取材、翻譯、乃至於作文,全部命中!
最特別的是作文,不如以往多出說明文或議論文,今年出的是柱狀圖表。媒體解析這是新題材,但威俐英文的學生可一點也不陌生,因為英模班考題不管在閱測及作文(圖1, 2)都介紹過,俐媽也在課堂上講授過寫作技巧;另外「翻譯作文工具書」中也附上兩篇針對青少年休閒課外活動的範文(圖3, 4),有讀甚至有背範文的孩子直呼賺到了!
103指英的一二三四大題都四平八穩,單字均在7000單中,克漏字文法考出以往考古題較不常見的文法如recommend + Ving/ let it air dry/ 介系詞across generations/ aux. have Vpp表對過去的推測,但不致對威俐孩子造成威脅,課堂上均交待過。
至於第五大題閱測,對於苦惱於長篇閱測的孩子則是一大福音。首先每篇文章的平均篇幅比往年短(約少一段/20~30字左右);題幹敘述不比以往長;比起去年的生科風,今年題材涵蓋多元,如布魯克林大橋、心臟病研究、基因改造、比特幣,可見時事英文News English多重要!話說這麼多元的題材,英模班不但命中,連指衝班都命中^^
另外題型也有變化,第42題考clarifying the device的概念,第47題考文意理解搭配諺語:(A) Better late than never. (亡羊補牢猶未晚。);Look before you leap. (三思而後行。);Make hay while the sun shines. (把握良機。);No pain, no gain. (一分耕耘,一分收獲。),可見諺語要多充實,第49題考文章結構的判斷與排序,新創意!此外T/F以下何者為真為非的題型佔題比例變高,以後讀閱測可不能囫圇吞棗,要睜大眼睛讀仔細囉!
同時也有106部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅EXIT×Da-iCE「I got it get it feat.Da-iCE」&Da-iCE Album「FACE」ティザー映像,也在其Youtube影片中提到,3/25(水)発売 EXIT×Da-iCE「I got it get it feat.Da-iCE」 4/29(水)発売 5thAlbum「FACE」収録曲でOfficial髭男dism藤原聡(Vo/Pf)からの提供楽曲「FAKE ME FAKE ME OUT」とJALの協力のもと、オーストラリアの...
「少年 generations」的推薦目錄:
- 關於少年 generations 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook
- 關於少年 generations 在 龍應台 - Lung Yingtai Facebook
- 關於少年 generations 在 Facebook
- 關於少年 generations 在 EXIT×Da-iCE「I got it get it feat.Da-iCE」&Da-iCE Album「FACE」ティザー映像 Youtube
- 關於少年 generations 在 Da-iCE -【LIVE】「恋ごころ」【Full ver.】(From LIVE DVD & Blu-ray「Da-iCE HALL TOUR 2016 -PHASE 5-... Youtube
- 關於少年 generations 在 Da-iCE -【LIVE】「DATE」【Full ver.】(From LIVE DVD & Blu-ray「Da-iCE HALL TOUR 2016 -PHASE 5-... Youtube
- 關於少年 generations 在 GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE / 「少年」Music ... - YouTube 的評價
- 關於少年 generations 在 GENERATIONS新單曲「少年」 - 追星板 - Dcard 的評價
少年 generations 在 龍應台 - Lung Yingtai Facebook 八卦
《柏林脈動》(The Berlin Pulse) 今天出刊了。這是德國一年一度的外交及國際關係專刊。作者群包括學者、智庫專家、政府官員。
這一期談歐洲問題的作者有波蘭外長、Moldova 總理、德國國防部長等等等。
中國的全國人大外事委員會副主任委員傅瑩、日本眾議會議員Minora Kiuchi、巴黎的中國問題專家Francois Godement、曾任澳洲駐華大使,現任外交及貿易秘書長的Frances Adamson,以及台灣的龍應台。
答案:贊成 76%
反對 19%
跟德國一樣,台灣對中國大陸和香港的貿易順差,在2018年是831億美元。百分之四十一的對外貿易針對中國,中國大陸市場對台灣的重要不言而喻。然而,隨著近年來台灣海峽兩岸的關係緊張,反對黨(國民黨) 憂慮市場的優勢無法持續,而執政黨(民進黨) 則選擇強化選民對北京的不信任來抵制中國的影響力。執政黨最近提出的國安新法可能將任何被認定為為中國宣傳者入罪。
和歐洲一樣,台灣人對中國的感受也是複雜的。 當中國代表的是活躍的經濟機會時,很多台灣人就容易所謂「親中」,當中國代表的是壓迫和可能的入侵時,很多台灣人就是所謂的「反中」。問題是,中國兩者兼備。後果就是,台灣內部的分歧遠遠超過了僅只是政治和經濟的層面。
23 Million People on a Canoe
—Why Europe should care about Taiwan’s future
Lung Yingtai
On the day when the opposition party announced its presidential candidate for the 2020 election, I was sitting at a lunch table in Taipei listening to my intellectual friends uttering their concerns about the future of Taiwan. The pessimists phrased their pessimism in the form of questions such as “How many years do you think Taiwan has left?” The optimists expressed their optimism with dark humour, “Thank God they will be too busy with Hong Kong and the US for a while.”
Like Germany, Taiwan operates a trade surplus with mainland China and Hong Kong, amounting to $83.1 billion in 2018. With 41% of Taiwan’s exports going to China, Taipei’s economy depends on trade with the mainland. However, given the increasing tension across the Taiwan Strait, the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) in particular has been worrying whether Taiwan will be able to sustain these figures. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party, on the other hand, is capitalizing on voters’ intense distrust of Beijing, stepping up measures to “contain” China’s influence. Taipei recently drafted a national security law that would make it a punishable offense to spread “political propaganda” for China.
As in Europe, Taiwanese feel highly ambivalent about mainland China: When China signifies economic opportunities, most Taiwanese are 23 Million People on a Canoe Why Europe should care about Taiwan’s future “pro-China”; when China represents oppression and potential invasion, most Taiwanese are “anti-China”. The problem is that China resembles both. The result is a deep division among Taiwanese extending far beyond the political and economic spheres.
Given the circumstances under which Taiwan emerged and evolved, its evolution into an authentic democracy represents an extraordinary achievement. It was without a revolution that the KMT, which had ruled Taiwan for more than 40 years, put an end to martial law and, whether convinced or compelled to act, opened the country’s political system to sharing power. Without bloodshed, dissidents who had once sat in jails became legislators and political leaders. Since the lifting of martial law 1987, power has changed hands fairly and orderly, following the results of each election.
Taiwan has been a quiet democracy for more than thirty years, nearly as long as the four decades during which it has been isolated by the international community. The US does not formally recognize Taiwan but, as with Germany, acts as the country’s security guarantor. While Washington has indicated that arms sales to Taiwan will become more of a routine, China has devised a routine of its own by holding long-range combat drills and ordering its fighter jets to cross the maritime line.
However, the threat to Taiwanese democracy is twofold. The obvious one comes from China, and to a large extent lies beyond Taipei’s control. The less obvious threat is home-made, as the looming China threat tempts domestic politicians to mobilize the population’s collective fear to foment a tribal nationalism. Their success would pose a real danger to Taiwan’s democratic institutions.
Those who applaud Taiwanese democracy for the sole purpose of criticizing China make me nervous. Generations of Taiwanese fought and ultimately achieved a democracy – it is simply too precious for other people’s agendas, internal or external.
Germany has a unique history: its people have experienced first-hand how easily democratic institutions may fall apart when not meticulously guarded. Having received democracy as a gift following World War II and struggled to regain their freedom from Communist rule, Germans are in a unique position to understand both the predicament as well as the aspirations of the Taiwanese. Moral courage often comes from past sufferings. As a leading EU member state, Germany has a responsibility to maximize its own efforts as well as to influence others’ efforts for world peace.
But why should the world care about the future of Taiwan? First of all, save the Taiwan model, the world might have to accept the claim that democracy and Confucianism are incompatible, and that a communist China presents the only logical and inevitable path to modernity. Secondly, Taiwan deserves respect on its own merits. True, if China were an aircraft carrier, Taiwan would be a lone canoe. But standing on this canoe are 23 million people aspiring for a life with liberty and dignity. If it were an EU member, Taiwan would be the 7th largest of the Union’s 28 member-states (27 after Brexit), smaller than Poland but larger than the Netherlands or Belgium, with a developed economy ranking 22nd in the world by purchasing power parity. Do we really want to return to a world in which it is imaginable that countries such as Poland or the Netherlands should be deprived of their autonomy to determine their own way of life and political system?
The Berlin Pulse 2019
少年 generations 在 Facebook 八卦
特別感謝MV導演林龍吟與領銜演出的林慶台牧師,以及大島影像 TYDAL Productions 的團隊夥伴們,為我們帶來這座島嶼最迷人的山林地景,透過稜線、霧氣、獸跡...一同吟唱著生活在這塊土地的故事。
《 山盟 》
烏雲罩霧 惜別彼工
茫茫前程 陪咱驚惶
守護家園 決心顧佇遮啊
重新來過 更加認份過活
山盟海誓 約束傷重
牽手的伴 當時的夢
美麗島嶼 看咱代代變老
佇睏袂去的暗暝 飛去幽暗的山林
毋知終點佇佗位 揣無輕鬆的跤步
誰人咧喝阮的名 若有看著你形影
輕聲細說講袂煞 海是上深天上闊
條直的人行仝款的路 佇烏暗暝走揣啊
指路的星閃閃爍爍 行同齊來堅持啊
《 Vow of Mountain 》
Saw you off into the mountains deep
Through the misty drizzle, the Moon sneaks peeks.
The day we parted, heavy clouds rolled,
Our unsure faces right against the unknown road.
Guardians of Homeland, we now firmly stand.
Now that ordinary lives are no more,
Live this one to the fullest, for here’s a chance to restart
Vows, as heavy as mountains, too heavy to the tongues
Together and hands held, in dreams of days gone
Look over us, beautiful Island, as the generations age on.
Sleepless nights, into the dim woods we fly
Trying to find our pace, to push on with no end in sight.
Who cries out our names? o, how I long for your frame.
The soft touch of words shall never stop,
as the oceans deep and the heavens vast.
Honest folks all walk the same road,
in the darkness they search and they roam
Stars shimmering guide our way,
on the right course we firmly stay.
Those awake, lend me your voice, join my roar.
Come back, stay safe, someone’s here waiting for you
I am here, and so are you
《 揺るがぬ誓い 》
微かな風雨 お月様が時折のぞく
黒い雲、覆う霧 別れの日
先はおぼろげ うろたえる僕らと共に
故郷を守る ここで待つと決めたんだ
やり直し 運命受け入れ分をわきまえ
揺るがぬ誓い 約束は重すぎる
手をつないだ仲間 あの日の夢
麗しき島 世代ごとに老いる僕ら
眠れぬ夜 暗い山林へと駆ける
終点はどこだ 軽やかな歩調は見つからない
僕らを呼ぶのは誰 君の姿を見られるのなら
囁きは尽きず 海は最も深く空は最も広い
実直な人は同じ道を歩む 闇夜にあちこち探し回る
道を示す星が煌めく 共に諦めず進もう
目覚めている人 共に大声で叫んでくれ
少年 generations 在 EXIT×Da-iCE「I got it get it feat.Da-iCE」&Da-iCE Album「FACE」ティザー映像 Youtube 的評價
3/25(水)発売 EXIT×Da-iCE「I got it get it feat.Da-iCE」
4/29(水)発売 5thAlbum「FACE」収録曲でOfficial髭男dism藤原聡(Vo/Pf)からの提供楽曲「FAKE ME FAKE ME OUT」とJALの協力のもと、オーストラリアのメルボルンで撮影され、擬似旅行体験できると話題のMV「Flight away」の3作品が含まれるDa-iCEのティザー映像が配信された。
2011年に渋谷VUENOSからDa-iCEとして歩み始めた5人が、デビュー満6年にグループ誕生の地である渋谷で一番大きなライブ会場 “代々木国立競技場 第一体育館”での単独公演を実施。ダンス、ボーカル、そしてクリエイティブと歩みと進化を止めないDa-iCEのアルバム「FACE」への期待が高まる。
M2 「Phoenix」
M3 「Flight away」
M4 「Yawn」
M5 「雲を抜けた青空」
M6 「恋しくて、今も」
M8 「Damn it!」
M10 「さようならを君に」
M11 「you」
■Da-iCE 5th Album「FACE」特設サイトURL
■Da-iCE「Flight away」先行配信中
◆EXIT×Da-iCE「I got it get it feat.Da-iCE」MV short ver.
◆EXIT×Da-iCE「I got it get it feat.Da-iCE」配信
●Da-iCE Official HP http://da-ice.jp/
●Da-iCE OFFiCiaL FUN CLUB a-i https://ai.fc.avex.jp/
●Da-iCE UNIVERSAL MUSIC HP http://www.universal-music.co.jp/da-ice
●Da-iCE Ofiicial LINE @daice
●Da-iCE Ofiicial YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnUu_cR3-FfLEsLcAR1yhWw
●Da-iCE Twitter
∟STAFF https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_STAFF @da_ice_staff
∟工藤大輝 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_TAIKI @da_ice_taiki
∟岩岡徹 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_TORU @da_ice_toru
∟大野雄大 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_UDAI @da_ice_udai
∟花村想太 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_SOTA @da_ice_sota
∟和田颯 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_HAYATE da_ice_hayate
●Da-iCE Instagram
∟STAFF http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_Staff @da_ice_staff
∟工藤大輝 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_taiki @da_ice_taiki
∟岩岡徹 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_toru @da_ice_toru_iwaoka
∟大野雄大 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_udai @da_ice_udai
∟花村想太 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_sota @da_ice_sotahanamura
∟和田颯 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_hayate @da_ice_hayate_wada
少年 generations 在 Da-iCE -【LIVE】「恋ごころ」【Full ver.】(From LIVE DVD & Blu-ray「Da-iCE HALL TOUR 2016 -PHASE 5-... Youtube 的評價
★全国TOUR「Da-iCE LIVE TOUR 2017 –NEXT PHASE-」幕張メッセ2DAYS追加公演決定記念★
Da-iCE(ダイス) LIVE DVD & Blu-ray 「Da-iCE HALL TOUR 2016 -PHASE 5- FINAL in 日本武道館」 2017.6.14 Release!!
●ティザー映像 https://youtu.be/4_Vs1wgKZvo
●mu-mo https://goo.gl/fFqrkB
●Amazon https://goo.gl/2FSs4L
2017年1月17日、 Da-iCE 結成6年目の記念日に行った、
Da-iCE 悲願・初の日本武道館公演の模様を完全収録!!
そして、「Special Bonus Footage(特典映像)」として絶大な人気を誇るダンスチューン
「Chocolate Sympathy(※3rd album『NEXT PHASE』収録曲)」の
メンバー5人それぞれにフォーカスを当てた「Chocolate Sympathy cast ○○ ver.」を収録!
更に!【DISC 2】には、日本武道館公演のリハーサルや、当日の舞台の裏側、
●Da-iCE Official HP http://da-ice.jp/
●Da-iCE UNIVERSAL MUSIC Official HP http://www.universal-music.co.jp/da-ice/
●Da-iCE Official Blog http://ameblo.jp/da-ice/
●Da-iCE Official LINE ID:@daice
●Da-iCE Twitter
∟工藤大輝 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_TAIKI
∟岩岡徹 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_TORU
∟大野雄大 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_UDAI
∟花村想太 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_SOTA
∟和田颯 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_HAYATE
∟STAFF https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_STAFF
●Da-iCE Instagtram
∟工藤大輝 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_taiki
∟岩岡徹 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_toru
∟大野雄大 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_udai
∟花村想太 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_sota
∟和田颯 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_hayate
∟STAFF http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_Staff
少年 generations 在 Da-iCE -【LIVE】「DATE」【Full ver.】(From LIVE DVD & Blu-ray「Da-iCE HALL TOUR 2016 -PHASE 5-... Youtube 的評價
★全国TOUR「Da-iCE LIVE TOUR 2017 –NEXT PHASE-」幕張メッセ2DAYS追加公演決定記念★
*Da-iCE LIVE TOUR 2017 –NEXT PHASE- 幕張メッセ追加公演・発表記念!*
Da-iCE(ダイス) LIVE DVD & Blu-ray 「Da-iCE HALL TOUR 2016 -PHASE 5- FINAL in 日本武道館」 2017.6.14 Release!!
●ティザー映像 https://youtu.be/4_Vs1wgKZvo
●mu-mo https://goo.gl/fFqrkB
●Amazon https://goo.gl/2FSs4L
2017年1月17日、 Da-iCE 結成6年目の記念日に行った、
Da-iCE 悲願・初の日本武道館公演の模様を完全収録!!
そして、「Special Bonus Footage(特典映像)」として絶大な人気を誇るダンスチューン
「Chocolate Sympathy(※3rd album『NEXT PHASE』収録曲)」の
メンバー5人それぞれにフォーカスを当てた「Chocolate Sympathy cast ○○ ver.」を収録!
更に!【DISC 2】には、日本武道館公演のリハーサルや、当日の舞台の裏側、
●Da-iCE Official HP http://da-ice.jp/
●Da-iCE UNIVERSAL MUSIC Official HP http://www.universal-music.co.jp/da-ice/
●Da-iCE Official Blog http://ameblo.jp/da-ice/
●Da-iCE Official LINE ID:@daice
●Da-iCE Twitter
∟工藤大輝 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_TAIKI
∟岩岡徹 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_TORU
∟大野雄大 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_UDAI
∟花村想太 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_SOTA
∟和田颯 https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_HAYATE
∟STAFF https://twitter.com/Da_iCE_STAFF
●Da-iCE Instagtram
∟工藤大輝 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_taiki
∟岩岡徹 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_toru
∟大野雄大 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_udai
∟花村想太 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_sota
∟和田颯 http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_hayate
∟STAFF http://smarturl.it/Insta_Da-iCE_Staff
少年 generations 在 GENERATIONS新單曲「少年」 - 追星板 - Dcard 的八卦
GENERATIONS 新單曲「少年」. 追星. 2018年10月29日13:25. 期待已久的mv終於出來了 . 時は流れ僕は僕で時間流逝我依然是我回顧十年前的自己看到認真追逐夢想的自己如果 ... ... <看更多>
少年 generations 在 GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE / 「少年」Music ... - YouTube 的八卦
「 少年 (Music Video) 」https://avex.lnk.to/generationsGENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE2018.10.31 17th Single「 少年 」 Release! ... <看更多>