【#譴責挑釁 正視威脅!】
中國人民解放軍 9/9、9/10 連續兩天
還出動多架次 #解放軍軍機
入侵我國的 #防空識別區 (ADIZ)!
已經 #威脅到區域和國際社會 的和平穩定!
解放軍今天可以選擇在 #台灣 周遭進行軍演
國際社會應該共同正視 #中國侵略性力量的成形
分別通報其他重要友我的 #理念相近國家
China's People’s Liberation Army (#PLA) held large-scale military exercises in airspace southwest of Taiwan on September 9 and 10. On these dates, multiple PLA Air Force aircraft penetrated Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (#ADIZ).
The government of China, disregarding regional security and stability, openly intruded into the ADIZ of another country in the region. Such a provocation constitutes a dangerous signal for the region and the international community. Today, the PLA has chosen to conduct exercises near Taiwan; tomorrow it may engage in similar threats near other countries.
The Chinese government is introducing a factor of extreme instability in the region. The international community should pay close heed to this growing aggressiveness. On September 10, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided respectively information related to China’s threat to key friendly nations. The #Taiwan government calls on nations that cherish peace and support regional stability to recognize the seriousness of the threat posed by China’s government to regional peace and stability, and jointly confront this situation.