週一就要搬家到離臉書近一點的地方了,今天才抱佛腳開始整理,收著收著,看到多年前芝加哥大學企管碩士畢業的照片網站(美國大學畢業的時候都會有公司來拍照,事後賣你貴森森的照片,學生大概買不起,但可能有像我這種畢業多年的校友決定買一下),決定上網買了照片,好懷念啊!(然後家裡都沒收,我死定了!啊啊啊~)Moving on Monday to be closer to work. Just started the packing last minute today. While packing, I found a photo website from my Chicago Booth MBA graduation. I decided to buy the photos. (Schools typically have professional photo companies to take photos for students. It's usually super expensive to buy the photo, but I guess alumni like me who want the memory would buy.) Wow, great memory! Oh no! I am not packing at all and the day is over....
#芝加哥大學 #ChicagoBooth