外交部「邦交國嘉年華」活動攜手 外貿協會 TAITRA 家樂福Carrefour 推出 #友邦食材生鮮箱,讓你一次吃到尚青的友邦食材!
外交部邀請 #聖克里斯多福及尼維斯、#瓜地馬拉、#尼加拉瓜、#貝里斯、#巴拉圭、#史瓦帝尼 及 #宏都拉斯 等七國駐台大使及代表擔任一日店長,幫大家介紹這些友邦食材:
Barbecues have become somewhat of a #MidAutumnFestival tradition in #Taiwan, but as with all traditions on the island, there is always room for adaptation! This year, we’ve teamed up with TAITRA and Carrefour to add a little international flavor to local celebrations, with a little help from our allies!
Vice Minister Alexander Yui presided over a recent press conference in advance of the “Cultural Fair for Taiwan’s Diplomatic Allies” series of events, ranging from career match-making, to fresh produce markets and virtual travel and cultural experiences, which will kick off September 23. The press conference announced the sale of Fresh Ingredient Boxes for the #barbecue season, containing beef from #Paraguay, white shrimp from #Honduras, #Guatemala and #Nicaragua, lobster tails from Nicaragua and hot sauce from #Belize, St Kitts and Nevis and #Eswatini. Vice Minister Yui stated that free-trade agreements signed with our allies in Latin America have shown great results with imports of beef and seafood from the region growing despite the global downturn.
Seven ambassadors became store managers for the day and #StKittsAndNevis Ambassador Jasmine Huggins signed an MOU with Carrefour, signifying the start of closer cooperation between Taiwan and our allies.
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