新北市在台灣防疫工作上持續追求 #超前部署,因為「#防疫只有過無不及」,這些作戰經驗能夠帶給全球實質性的效益,同時市府團隊也能跟其他國家互相學習、分享好的做法。今(8)日上午新北市受新加坡社會企業Ageing Asia邀請,參加亞太地區首次舉辦「Covid-19對亞太地區高齡長照部門之影響(Global implications of COVID-19 on the eldercare sector in Asia Pacific)」的線上論壇,與來自 #澳洲、#德國、#新加坡、#馬來西亞 等7個國家、超過50位的 #政府代表、#銀髮產業、#學者專家 進行線上國際交流。我很高興,也很榮幸 新北衛什麼 市府衛生局 #陳潤秋 局長能擔任首場論壇主講人並以「台灣社區照顧防疫策略(Taiwan's COVID-19 Health and Community Care Strategy)」進行專題報告,除了分享新北防疫6P新策略為主軸,從 #超前佈署(Proact)、#策略規劃(Plan)、#防疫整備(Prepare)、#保護市民(Protect)、#整合創新(Package)到 #防疫演練(Practice),有策略、有系統、有節奏的防疫新思維,也與HelloCare創辦人 Lauren Todorovic、Ageing Asia創辦人 Janice Jau及業界代表討論如何克服社區和養老院中老年人的社會隔離挑戰。
謝謝與會的專家學者們對新北防疫策略與創新表示肯定,認為新北經驗值得 #亞太地區 國家學習。尤其是新北市對高齡長輩在防疫上的核心價值「保護,而非隔離」,盡可能讓長者保持在社區自主生活,透過多元形式的社會參與:
💡 戶外動健康、透過 #有線電視 #第四台 提供教育方案等
💡 針對 #弱勢獨居 的長輩,更是主動出擊,從送餐、電話問安、代購物品等,讓長者也能保有生活品質、不被孤立
#新北市超前部署 #行動治理 #侯友宜
在社區照顧care in the community 在 Dr. Hsuan 若玄’s work-blog Facebook 八卦
Sharing a recent positive decision in life:
Starting to attend community free yoga classes twice a week, which included yoga by the pool, sunset with bird chirping, and the SoCal breeze. I’m definitely taking more care of both my physical and mental well-being! 🏝
除了台灣選手相關的新聞,這陣子奧運引起我注意的另一件事,是美國體操王牌Simone Biles 為了身心健康考量,選擇退出女子個人全能項目決賽。
Hsuan Wu
在社區照顧care in the community 在 國立清華大學National Tsing Hua University Facebook 八卦
在疫情中我們特別掛念一些生活發生困難的同學。這些同學因為家境的緣故,原本就需要在校內外打工維持生活,疫情使得打工的機會都沒有了,生活怎麼辦?學校在去年疫情開始的時候,曾經推動專案「COVID-19 中的愛」,募集一筆捐款,幫助受到疫情打擊的同學。如果你知道有這樣的同學,請轉告他把困難告訴我們,生輔組一定會幫助同學們度過難關。
校長 賀陳弘 2021.5.19
A letter from President Hocheng
Greetings to my dear colleagues and students,
The pandemic situation is gradually spreading, and the government has just announced that the entire country will be entering into Level 3 epidemic alert. I am sure you are all worried about this situation. Currently, in my office in the Macronix Building, I am facing perhaps the most difficult moment in my thirty years of service at National Tsinghua University. Although these circumstances are unprecedented, I have complete confidence that our Tsinghua community will be able to pull together and get through this difficult time.
Our university has implemented complete remote learning and temporarily suspended in-person examinations for two weeks beginning May 17th. In addition, oral defenses by graduate students will be conducted online. Effective yesterday (May 18th), all non-NTHU personnel are strictly prohibited from entering campus without an official reason. Starting today, all staff members will be divided into separate work-groups, and we will vigorously maintain a safe campus with enhanced disinfection measures.
If students have to conduct research for their theses, please strictly abide by the rule that indoor spaces cannot exceed 5 people. At the same time, please adhere to real-name registration, wear a facial mask at all times, and wash your hands frequently.
Regardless of whether you are on campus or at home, please pay attention to your health more than usual. Take care of your relatives and decrease the risk of community infection by reminding each other to refrain from going out unless absolutely necessary.
During this pandemic, we are particularly concerned about students experiencing financial difficulties. Due to their family circumstances, these students originally needed to work on or off campus to support themselves. Now that their work opportunities have been suspended, I dare not imagine how harshly the pandemic is affecting their livelihoods. When the epidemic began last year, our university initiated the project "Love in COVID-19" to raise funds to help these students in need. If you happen to know such classmates, please ask them to contact our Student Assistance Division, and we will do our best to support them and help them get through this difficult period.
Even though we have faced numerous inconveniences and experienced many worries during the pandemic, I strongly believe that we are always capable of helping out those around us who are in greater need.
Although the streets of Hsinchu City and the NTHU campus seem empty and barren this summer, I want to assure you that we will face this difficult time together. As long as you and I take good care of ourselves, are willing to extend a helping hand, remind each other about safety, adhere to the regulations, and, most importantly, have never-ending love in our hearts, we will prevail against the epidemic. I look forward to seeing you again soon, when the phoenix flowers bloom in our Tsinghua Garden.
Wishing you all health and safety,
Hong Hocheng, May 19th, 2021
National Tsing Hua University