【台北當代藝博會進入倒數,典藏ARTouch出品最完善掌握 #台灣藝文環境指南】(Please scroll down for English version)
🔸今年1月台灣即將迎來國際專業境外藝博團隊打造的台北當代藝博會Taipei Dangdai,同時間還有水墨現場台北展博會、ONE ART Taipei、 ART FUTURE 藝術未來等相關亮點展會同時發生,典藏ARTouch因應此次台灣藝術產業升級盛會,特別出版能協助國際藝文專業人士快速掌握台灣藝文環境的中/英文別冊,為台灣當代藝術圈與國際藝術社群提供相互理解的資訊平台, 讓你一次掌握藝博會看點、周邊食樂行推薦。
🔹台灣藝術指南TAIWAN ART TO GO精彩內容:
臺北市立美術館 Taipei Fine Arts Museum、 國立台灣美術館、高雄市立美術館、 台北當代藝術館 MOCA Taipei、MoNTUE北師美術館、台北國際藝術村 Taipei Artist Village、臺灣當代文化實驗場c-lab、KdMoFa 關渡美術館、寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village、國家兩廳院 NTCH, Taipei、臺中國家歌劇院(National Taichung Theater)、 衛武營國家藝術文化中心 National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts - Weiwuying、 台灣高鐵台北站 THSR Taipei Station、桃園機場捷運站、觀光局全球各駐外辦公室、 今藝術 ARTCO316期1月號等。
🔸相關別冊訊息內容請鎖定>>典藏 ARTouch.com
🔹【ARTouch.com Presents TAIWAN ART TO GO for the Upcoming Art World’s Grand Gathering】
🔸ARTouch.com is delighted to share TAIWAN ART TO GO with you all. In response to the grand gathering of art industry in January 2019, we have published this bilingual book that could assist foreign art & cultural professionals to quickly master the local art environment, highlights of several art fairs, leisure recommendations, and provide a platform for mutual valuable information between Taiwan and the international art community. In this month, TAIPEI DANGDAI Art & Ideas (Taipei Dangdai) is going to come to Taipei, curated by overseas professional art fair enterprise. In addition, the satellite fairs INK NOW, ONE ART Taipei, and ART FUTURE will be exhibited at the same time. Do not miss it and stay tuned for our Facebook fans page!
🔹Highlights of TAIWAN ART TO GO:
- Head of Ministry of Culture and Tourism Bureau’s expectation.
- The introduction of Taiwan’s economy, arts & cultural industry, policies and ecology by professionals.
- The secret of Taiwanese collectors: what groups, enterprises, and celebrities are there in art collections field?
- Arts and culture professionals’ view of Taipei Dangdai.
- Why does Magnus Renfrew choose Taiwan? What are the 20 selected international leading galleries coming to here?
- Cultural Scene.Art Map.Leisure Times
🔸For the Best Audience:
This guide is targeted for the arts & culture community, as well as the public who wants to know the industry.
🔹Distribution Locations:
Taipei Fine Arts Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Museum of National Taipei University of Education, Taipei Artist Village, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Laboratory (C-LAB), Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Treasure Hill Artist Village, National Theater & Concert Hall, National Taichung Theater, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts – Weiwuying, Taipei Main Station (HSR), Taoyuan High Speed Rail Station and Overseas Branch Offices of the Tourism Bureau, etc.
🔸For more details, visit: ARTouch.com
Advisor | Ministry of Culture and Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC)
Implementer | Art & Collection Group, Taiwan
國際一級畫廊 在 典藏 ARTouch.com Facebook 八卦
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國際一級畫廊 在 典藏 ARTouch.com Facebook 八卦
#台北當代必看亮點 #來瞧瞧有什麼精彩可看
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