今年9月18至26日是聯合國永續發展目標周 (UN Global Sustainable Development Goals Week),明天開始也是唐獎周(Tang Prize Week) 。永續發展是唐獎的重要精神之一,今年的台灣唐獎永續發展獎恭喜由珍古德博士獲得!珍古德博士一生致力推行環境與野生動物的永續與對話。讓我們一同來聽聽珍古德博士在唐獎大師論壇,分享關於自然生態保育與人類社會永續發展的議題。這場唐獎大師論壇將在明天(9/21)下午四點舉行,邀請歷屆得主來與談,包括世界衛生組織前秘書長格羅·哈萊姆·布倫特蘭,哥倫比亞大學地球學院氣候科學、覺知與解決方案主任詹姆士·漢森,以及加州大學聖地牙哥分校應用海洋科學講座教授維拉布哈德蘭·拉馬納森等。別忘了準時收看喔:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSH1A7hYM2A&feature=youtu.be
UN Global Sustainable Development Goals Week is taking place from Sep 18-26 and Tang Prize Week starts tomorrow. Sustainable Development is one of the core values of Tang Prize, and congratulations to Dr. Jane Goodall on being awarded 2020 Tang Prize in Sustainable Development! Dr. Goodall has dedicated her life to education about the environment and biodiversity conservation, both as paths to a sustainable future. Come join Tang Prize Master’s Forum tomorrow 4 p.m. to learn from Dr. Jane Goodall, and former Tang Prize laureates Dr. James Hansen, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prof. Veerabhadran Ramanathan and Victor C. Alderson about their discussions on nature and wildlife conservation. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3KV7S0fRjs&feature=youtu.be
唐獎大師論壇 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
恭喜美籍查爾斯·迪納雷羅(Charles Dinarello)博士獲得今年唐獎生技醫藥獎!查爾斯·迪納雷羅博士是醫藥與免疫學領域專家,也是細胞因子研究的創始人之一,目前在美國科羅拉多大學丹佛分校任教。2020年唐獎生技醫藥獎由美國的查爾斯·迪納雷羅教授、英國與澳洲籍的馬克·費爾德曼教授及日本的岸本忠三教授共同獲得這項殊榮,以表彰其在治療發炎性疾病上的貢獻。如果你對發炎性疾病治療方法有興趣,歡迎大家報名參加9月22日的唐獎大師論壇,聽聽本屆得主如何為疫情衝擊下的生技醫藥發展趨勢把脈。屆時論壇直播請點選以下連結,歡迎準時收看:https://bit.ly/3kD59eW
Join AIT in congratulating the American laureate, Dr. Charles Dinarello, as one of the Tang Prize winners in Biopharmaceutical Science this year. As one of the founding fathers of cytokine studies, Dr. Dinarello teaches at the University of Colorado at Denver and specializes in medicine and immunology. This great honor is shared with two other immunologists, Dr. Marc Feldmann from Australia, and Dr. Tadamitsu Kishimoto from Japan. Sign up for the Master’s Forum on 9/22 to gain insight of the treatment of inflammatory diseases and learn how advanced medical development can help to combat the pandemic. Watch here: https://bit.ly/3kD59eW #TangPrize #UNSDG #GlobalGoals #Cytokinestorm
唐獎大師論壇 在 國立清華大學National Tsing Hua University Facebook 八卦
快報名下周一(9/21)【Tang Prize 唐獎 大師論壇:永續發展場】😍
有「東方諾貝爾獎」之稱的 #唐獎 將今年的「永續發展獎」頒給當今最重要的靈長類動物學家:珍古德(Jane Goodall)女士,珍古德女士也是清華的名譽博士唷🥰
這次的 #唐獎永續發展大師論壇 將遠端連線珍古德博士,從COVID-19疫情的角度出發談自然生態保育,以及人類社會的永續發展。
博士曾說「人類影響全球生態,大自然便反撲。」COVID-19全球大流行是否就是 #人類自食惡果 的例子呢?快來聽大師怎麼說🧐
#報名請點這裡:https://bit.ly/2ZCp4Tn ⭐⭐⭐
[中文頻道] https://youtu.be/zSH1A7hYM2A
[英文頻道] https://youtu.be/j3KV7S0fRjs