To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the roll out of the #WorkingHoliday program between #Taiwan 🇹🇼 and #Japan 🇯🇵, the latter has increased their quota for Taiwanese applicants from 5,000 to 10,000 this year! The application window is April 15-26 and you can find more information at the link below!
2009 -> 2014 -> 2019
2000 -> 5000 -> 10000
小編秒解 -> 慶祝 #台日青年打工渡假計畫 實施屆滿10週年,台日雙方宣布擴增台灣青年赴日打工的申請名額,從原本每年5千人直接加倍跳1萬‼️
不要只是 #歐買尬~ 😱
記得把握時間申請起來 -> 2019.4.15~4.26
詳細資訊 👉 http://si.piee.pw/GSDS2
#台日友好 #數字會說話