還記得我們一起出海拍攝の艱辛過程,還記得我們一起潛水溺斃の狀態,還記得我常常把妳扛上扛下,還記得...... 圓滿了,感謝這一路的陪伴,一起完成了「獨家保鑣」の姜至衡和丁若芹。 謝謝有妳, 黃薇渟。
I can still remember vividly the tough time we had gone through during the outdoor scenes in sea, and I also remember I always carried you up and down, I remember... I'm thankful for accompanying me and together we completed all the tasks assigned for Jiang ZhiHeng and Ding RuoQin. Thanks WeiTing.