我說,要social distancing 的是醫護,叫我們不可以密集的是醫護,考試不是密集集結是什麼?
那人對我窮追不捨,cap 完我圖回自己面書取暖,說我 19KOL 亂抽水什麼什麼的。
今天我想打《good job》。有沒有人跟機?再唔係下次直播打呢個。
The subsequent two tests were reported to be negative.
It has come to our attention that one of our Year 6 students arrived at the Final MB examination venue yesterday (21/4) and his body temperature was 37.6°C. He was then sent to Gleneagles Hospital to undergo the rapid test for COVID-19 and his 1st test result was positive. He was immediately transferred to Queen Mary Hospital for observation. His samples were subsequently sent to the Department of Health for further confirmation of COVID-19. We are now contacting the Faculty for further details.
The Medical Society, HKUSU hereby reminds all Members to follow infection control measures, pay attention to their own personal hygiene and always wear proper PPE(Personal Protective Equipment) in public areas.