Freedom Day is celebrated April 27 every year in South Africa. The national holiday commemorates the first open and free general election held on that day in 1994. This year, the Liaison Office of South Africa presented a Freedom Day celebration in full African Style. MOFA Vice Minister José María Liu attended the celebration and conveyed the best wishes of the government and people of Taiwan.
4月27日是南非自由日,也是南非的國慶日,今年南非聯絡辦事處 Liaison Office of South Africa在台北舉辦的國慶酒會,濃濃非洲風情讓出席的來賓一秒置身非洲🌍!
會場除了擺放「非洲Big5」大型冰雕🦁🐘🐃🐆🦏,更有廚師精心準備的當地美食,南非的活力與飲食文化一次到位~ 外交部劉德立次長也出席這場盛會,與南非駐臺代表麥哲培 (Robert Seraki Matsebe)共同慶祝!