#中國武漢肺炎 🦠 疫情全球蔓延
#台灣 雖然緊鄰病毒的發源地 #中國
因此防疫成果受到國際間的大大肯定 👍
不過說好的 #TaiwanCanHelp
我們有Know how絕不私藏
#中央疫情指揮中心 指揮官衛生福利部陳時中部長
就在昨天現身 #魔法部 😃
一起分享 #台灣經驗 !!
阿中部長向大家簡報我們 #超前部署 的歷程包括👇
1️⃣ 去年12/17武漢出現重症患者後,台灣很快在12/31就啟動 #人員登機檢疫措施
2️⃣ 今年1/2正式成立 #應變指揮小組、1/20成立三級指揮中心、1/23再升級為二級
3️⃣ 2/27指揮中心升級為 #一級開設 全面強化防疫、物資及宣導的指揮協調工作!
阿中部長也介紹我國醫療機構分流、限制探病訪客人數、強化醫院行政人員的防疫訓練、公眾集會指導原則,以及大家最~熟悉的口罩徵管政策😷 等等
與所有 #理念相近國家 共同合作 🤝
就~是~ (咳咳.. 別緊張小編清喉嚨
ㄟ兜... 大家趕快點開新聞稿就知道囉嘿嘿... 😅
但也做了 #最好的準備 💪
新聞稿看這 https://bit.ly/3aQ9W86
#表白轉不停的時中部長 🕒🕕🕘
At a time when #Taiwan's efforts in combating the #COVID19 are being reported by media outlets all over the world despite our geographical proximity to the origin of the virus, Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) chief commander, Taiwan's health minister, Chen Shih-chung, paid a visit to MOFA HQ to brief nearly 60 ambassadors, representatives and staff stationed in Taiwan from countries around the world on the measures we've adopted and best practices, including deploying arrival checks for flights from December 31, after the first reports of patients with symptoms of the virus on December 17 in Wuhan, China, the establishment of an Emergency Command Center on January 2, which was subsequently promoted to a level 1 center on February 27, giving it the power to deploy further epidemic control, logistic and public relations measures.
As well as these strategic moves, Minister Chen also described the precautions taken by medical organizations, including division of patient care between hospitals, limiting visitors, the strengthening of epidemic training for hospital administrative staff and public relations guidance, as well as the face mask rationing system. All measures we are keen to provide to our partners around the world as a model, so that we can work with like-minded countries on border control measures.
#SharingIsCaring #NooneLeftBehind #SDG3 #Health #Wellbeing