關於black sharks的評價, 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所
人類跟大自然共存之美 Don't be afraid, sharks are you friends 👼 Credit: Ocean ramsey, Juan Oliphant, & Go P...
人類跟大自然共存之美 Don't be afraid, sharks are you friends 👼 Credit: Ocean ramsey, Juan Oliphant, & Go P...
今天是 #國際鯨鯊日 ,這個醞釀了好久的日子,我們新的全球大使-周杰倫,發佈全新的國際英文版公益廣告及主視覺。 「沒有買賣,就沒有殺害」計畫20年了,一路上有太多好朋友的幫忙。WildAid之所...
Facebook網友久等喇。碗仔翅一碗 :) 如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 Poor Man's Shark Fins Soup, one of Hong Kon...
Sharks in the Venice (California) canals! My neig...
There’s a lot to celebrate as #CITES came to a cl...
Sharks are in real danger of becoming extinct. If ...
Big news for oceans! Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation...
Today, Tristan da Cunha, the most remote inhabited...
Silky shark, thresher sharks and mobula rays are ...
Ready to hang out with sharks, sea turtles and fi...