關於founding father的評價, Joseph Prince
Wishing Singapore's Founding Father, Minister Mentor, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, a blessed 90th birthday! Wit...
Wishing Singapore's Founding Father, Minister Mentor, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, a blessed 90th birthday! Wit...
Rest in Peace, Our beloved founding father of Sing...
🦃美國感恩節餐盤系列之【火雞】知多少 每年11月的第四個星期四是美國的感恩節,感恩節這天是親朋好友相...
台灣將持續以民主良善力量,在後疫情時代扮演印太區域積極可靠的角色 「凱達格蘭論壇-2021亞太安全...
Our Founding Father (1923 - 2015) For every pea...
《梅克爾下台倒數14天》BBC * 歐洲女王曾經是梅克爾的眾多稱號之一。但現在,這位強大的德國總理...
【對華政策的範式轉移】絕對是歷史性講話. #成萬字 #萬言書 #頹譯都譯死人 ----小弟頹譯--...
Our founding father of Singapore. 23rd March ,such...
I was glad to chat with RSAF pioneers like COL (R...
Delighted to host a dinner to celebrate Mr Ong Pa...