關於athlete的評價, Lee Chong Wei 李宗伟
I’ve been dismayed by the numbers of online comments abusing our badminton players when they lost. A...
I’ve been dismayed by the numbers of online comments abusing our badminton players when they lost. A...
【楊俊瀚:把壓力化成動力】 By 梁瑜倩,台灣英文新聞-記者 2018/05/21 17:43 第一次聽到「楊俊瀚」這個名字是在2015新加坡田徑公開賽,那時他以20.96秒拿下男子2...
16/5/2021 米蘭馬拉松 Milan Marathon Result: 2:31’24 (updated) Position: 18/28 Start time: 6:30am 賽後檢討: 今...
Recently there are circulations around that I’ve started or recommending an investment opportunity w...
#MTGTaiwanOnlineShop #Style #StyleAthlete #軀幹定位 #調整椅 🤔你看過身旁的人坐著時彎腰駝背嗎?如果忽視長期駝背的嚴重性 ⚠️是會逐年慢慢身高變矮的...
【年終犒賞自己,最終優惠搶一波 #小藍寶筋膜按摩槍只要$3990】 渡過艱辛的2020,邁向煥新的2021 你有好好感謝不離不棄一起奮鬥的自(身)己(體)嗎? #你值得被細細呵護 #好好放鬆充電備迎...
Malaysiaku, keluargaku “Chong Wei! Pi depan naikk...
Congratulations to Nicol David for being voted the...
Halfway through my pregnancy and I can really feel...
Future athlete in progress ♥️⚽️🎾 ดีใจด้วยนะค้าาา...