Janice 衛蘭早前以三千幾票獲各位網友票選【最靚聲歌手】冠軍,佢好有心拍咗條片嚟呢度謝票呀!
#深愛 #穿花蝴蝶 #Reality #寒命 #陰天假期 #MyCookieCan #YouAreAlwaysEverythingToMe #啲歌可以數一日
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅JUDE曾若華,也在其Youtube影片中提到,JUDE最新英文歌曲《Sick Of You》 由JUDE親自作曲填詞 Janice 衛蘭《天敵》英文版 歌曲於各大音樂平台同步上架 立即聽: ? https://JUDE.lnk.to/SickOfYou 曲: JUDE 詞: JUDE 編: Goro Wong 監: Wilson Chow ...
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 King Jer 娛樂台 Facebook
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 Janice Vidal 衛蘭 Facebook
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 Janice Vidal 衛蘭 Facebook
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 JUDE曾若華 Youtube
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 Jonathan Wong 王梓軒 Youtube
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 衛蘭英文金曲串燒Janice Wei Medley - YouTube 的評價
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 Happy For You (feat. 衛蘭Janice Vidal) Performance Video 的評價
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 衛蘭Janice Vidal - 風靡In The Wind (Official Lyric Video) 的評價
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 衛蘭Janice Vidal X Kiri T - Dating Rules (Little Miss ... - YouTube 的評價
- 關於衛蘭英文歌 在 衛蘭Janice Vidal - Little Miss Janice (Official Music Video) 的評價
衛蘭英文歌 在 Janice Vidal 衛蘭 Facebook 八卦
Thank you King Jer! 好開心終於可以同大家宣布哩個好消息!約定你哋到時見 :)
Janice 衛蘭早前以三千幾票獲各位網友票選【最靚聲歌手】冠軍,佢好有心拍咗條片嚟呢度謝票呀!
#深愛 #穿花蝴蝶 #Reality #寒命 #陰天假期 #MyCookieCan #YouAreAlwaysEverythingToMe #啲歌可以數一日
衛蘭英文歌 在 Janice Vidal 衛蘭 Facebook 八卦
【JESSICA Hong Kong專訪】
// 「畫畫有時比歌曲更容易表達自己,我將音樂和繪畫這兩種藝術元素放在一起,希望可以為觀眾帶來新體驗,從我的畫看到我內心的世界。
「至於明年初的紅館演唱會,我希望可以唱比較少唱的歌,大家都很熟悉《心亂如麻》、《大哥》,我想唱一些不太流行但好聽的b track歌曲,亦會有幾首翻唱和英文歌。」//
Follow us on Instagram! http://instagram.com/jessicamagazinehk
#JessicaHK Janice Vidal 衛蘭 Warner Music Hong Kong
衛蘭英文歌 在 JUDE曾若華 Youtube 的評價
JUDE最新英文歌曲《Sick Of You》
由JUDE親自作曲填詞 Janice 衛蘭《天敵》英文版
歌曲於各大音樂平台同步上架 立即聽:
? https://JUDE.lnk.to/SickOfYou
編: Goro Wong
監: Wilson Chow
You know, what to say
Just one word then I'll turn off the way I feel
About you, what can I do?
You've got me like a loaded gun baby
Cuz' you're a mess and I gotta confess
It doesn't seem to make me like you less
Don't wanna lead you on
I'll only do you wrong
Why can't we just move along?
I'm sick of holding your hands when you're with her
Sick of you wanting me when you're with her
You can have my heart
But you're not gonna leave with it
Don't know if it's some kind of game to you or my feelings all a playground
Sick of wanting more
But what else could I ask for
You know that I push
You away hoping you will come back someday
For me, what can I do?
You've got me like a loaded gun baby
Cuz’ you're a mess and I gotta confess
It doesn't seem to make me like you less
I'll think of times to come
Rather than what you've done
Look what you made me become
I'm sick of holding your hands when you're with her
Sick of you wanting me when you're with her
You can have my heart
But you're not gonna leave with it
Don't know if it's some kind of game to you or my feelings all a playground
Sick of wanting more
But what else could I ask for
Every love, every kiss, every time when we touch lips
Your love was always hers
Is this all that I deserve
You turn the bluest sky to grey
Doesn't matter I will stay
Does it hurt if you could stay just one more day
I'm sick of holding your hands when you're with her
Sick of you wanting me when you're with her
You can have my heart
But you're not gonna leave with it
Don't know if it's some kind of game to you or my feelings all a playground
Sick of wanting more
But what else could I ask for
Sick of holding on when you're already gone
Connect with JUDE:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/JudeTsang
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/judetsang
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/judetsang
SNAPCHAT: @JudeTsang
WEIBO: http://weibo.com/tsangjude
WEBSITE: https://warnermusic.com.hk
© 2017 Warner Music Hong Kong Ltd.

衛蘭英文歌 在 Jonathan Wong 王梓軒 Youtube 的評價
王梓軒與側田翻唱經典英文歌”Grown Up Christmas List”,是一首以A Cappella曲風創作的聖誕歌。
促成這次合作是因為Jonathan與側田早前同台出席一個活動,由於近期世界發生很多不愉快的事情,如恐怖襲擊等,加上Jonathan要到歐洲荷蘭工作,走訪過當地,所以感受更深,於是二人忽發奇想,希望合唱一首歌去宣揚愛與和平,最終二人決定以A Cappella的模式去演繹這一首歌。
雖然側田未能參與MV的拍攝,Jonathan亦沒有掉以輕心,除親自參與錄製歌曲的A Cappella歌手外,Jonathan亦邀請了一班朋友參與MV的拍攝。當中的場景包括:聖誕派對及海旁和唱等!
“Grown Up Christmas List”
主唱:王梓軒 & 側田
作曲:David Foster
作詞:Linda Thompson-Jenner
Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well I'm all grown up now
And still need help somehow
I'm not a child
But my heart still can dream
So here's my lifelong wish
My grown up Christmas list
Not for myself
But for a world in need
So no more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Sing it now
Everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown up Christmas list
《多得你》 Official MV: https://youtu.be/FfxKHJGp9dA
《安全著陸 》Official MV (十週年版本): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXazAq7y4mg
《邊緣引力》Official MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbTwTOm2q5Y
《夜曲17章》Official MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSLKCqtwwbg
《心足》Official MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdgdihMhj6o
《碰不上會更美》Official MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA4PhfrNI1Y
《你最好》All Of You Official MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA4PhfrNI1Y
《玩具也流淚 Toy Story》音樂錄像 Official MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAtD07deOpA
《跳火坑》Double Down Official MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAtD07deOpA
《平常心》Official MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju7p029z24w
「千色」Fighting For 音樂電影主題曲 Music Movie Theme Song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABpG1gOMxfA
翻唱Firework 王梓軒夥荷李活作曲家好友為你打氣
Disney Mega Medley...with RAP?! 王梓軒 大玩迪士尼金曲串燒
白色情人節特約: 表弟Presents 軒動坤情 【王梓軒 X 吳業坤 X Cousin Fung】
王梓軒 x 衛詩《平常需要》Crazy Medley
"IF YOU" / "EYES, NOSE, LIPS" - BigBang / Taeyang | Jonathan Wong x Jill Vidal feat. T-Ma cover
王梓軒 X 衛蘭 feat. 何紫慧 Love Yourself X One Call Away
王梓軒 Acapella 演繹 捉妖記插曲《米古巴》
王梓軒8聲部 Acappella 演繹 愛/境外
Someday Night Live Ep.1 - 胡琳 x 王梓軒
Someday Night Live Ep.2 - 何雁詩 x 王嘉儀 x 何紫慧 x 糖兄 x Nic x 王梓軒
平安夜 Silent Night Featuring 何雁詩, 王嘉儀, Greg, Stephen, Simon
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►优酷 :https://list.youku.com/star/show/uid_UMTUxNTY4NA==.html

衛蘭英文歌 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube 的評價
盧宛茵平日在劇中打扮師奶,不過現實中的她愛以一頭自然白髮示人,不少人誤以為她是挑染的效果,非常有型格。日前,她在卡拉OK接受本刊訪問,即席獻唱了英文老歌《As Time Goes By》及梅艷芳的《抱緊眼前人》,聲線低沉而富磁性,帶着些許滄桑感,「我讀書時期流行歐西流行曲,那時聽Uncle Ray在電台主持節目,我比較多聽英文歌,同學之間又互相抄英文歌詞,Connie Francis及Patti Page也是我喜愛的歌手,以前沒有卡拉OK,我很喜歡跟一大班朋友去中環希爾頓酒店頂樓的Eagle’s Nest,每個星期都去一、兩次,食飯之餘,又有菲律賓籍Live Band及舞池,Michael Remedios是駐場歌手,每次見到我都會唱我很喜歡聽的歌曲《As Time Goes By》,當時是七十年代末,八十年代初,我很懷念那段日子,跟一大班朋友飯敘,朋友夫妻隨音樂在舞池起舞的畫面,仍然歷歷在目。」全文:http://bit.ly/2RsfwVH
明周娛樂: https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/
明周文化: https://www.mpweekly.com/culture/
Mings Fashion & Beauty: https://www.mings.hk/

衛蘭英文歌 在 Happy For You (feat. 衛蘭Janice Vidal) Performance Video 的八卦

Janice 衛蘭 與格林美獎提名音樂人#LukasGraham首次跨國合作隔空對唱深情主打歌#HappyForYou 曲/詞:Tom Barnes, Sam Wish, Sam DeRosa, Pete Kelleher, ... ... <看更多>
衛蘭英文歌 在 衛蘭Janice Vidal - 風靡In The Wind (Official Lyric Video) 的八卦

衛蘭 Janice Vidal - 風靡In The Wind (Official Lyric Video). ... <看更多>
衛蘭英文歌 在 衛蘭英文金曲串燒Janice Wei Medley - YouTube 的八卦
有人弄咗 衛蘭 金曲串燒Janice Medley,但當中就冇佢唱嗰d 英文歌,於是我弄咗呢個 衛蘭 英文金曲串燒Janice Medley,由於除咗pretty同please,佢其他 英文歌 都 ... ... <看更多>