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2008-12-08 16:27:04 有 71,179,683 人看過 有 185,567 人喜歡5 天前 — a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they ...
vigilante中文 ::義警警員…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋vigilante的中文翻譯,vigilante的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
自衛隊隊員;義警隊隊員;自己任命的正義使者. Dr.eye 譯典通 · vigilante · 查看更多. IPA[ˌvɪdʒɪˈlænti]. 美式. 英式. n. 治安會會員. 牛津中文字典. vigilante.
对于vigilante这个词,中文的翻译常会出现一些看似微小,实则严重的偏差。常见的vigilante译法有:民间护法者、义务警察、义警警员、(自发组织维持 ...
#5. vigilante是什么意思? vigilante翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
vigilante 的解释是:义务警员… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:vigilante的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#6. vigilantes 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
31 Moby Thesaurus words for "vigilantes": Cheka, FBI, Gestapo, Interpol, MP, MVD, Mounties, NKVD, OGPU, RCMP, SP, Scotland Yard, constabulary, county police ...
vigilante中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. (Vigilante)人名;(意)維吉蘭特n. 義務警員;治安維持會成員。英漢詞典提供【vigilante】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#9. vigilantes - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"vigilantes" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#10. 义警警员-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
他们刚刚绑架义警警员海龟拿他们对麻布袋不动产。 They just kidnapped the vigilante turtles to take them to the Sacks estate. 义警警员谁是引起我们这么多困扰?
#11. Vigilantes and Lovers - 博客來
書名:Vigilantes and Lovers,語言:英文,ISBN:9781796587500,頁數:236,作者:Dougherty, Charles,出版日期:2019/02/15,類別:文學.
#12. 在Steam 購買Vigilantes 即可省下60%
Vigilantes is a combat focused, turn-based tactical RPG set in the crime riddled city of Reiker. The game offers hardcore squad-level ... 不支援繁體中文.
#13. Vigilante 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Vigilante 释义: Vigilantes are people who organize themselves into an ... de um grupo não oficial de vigilantes; 简体中文: 联防队员自发组织维持社区治安的 ...
#14. 市場先生髮話了
該報還警告“債市俠客”(bond vigilantes)很快就會把美國國債收益率推高到具有破壞性後果的水平。 果然,本周(本文最初發表於3月8日——編注)道瓊斯(Dow ...
#15. group of vigilantes 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
group of vigilantes 中文意思是什麼 · group: n 1 群;批,簇。2 集團,團體,小組。3 【化學】基,團,組;(周期表的)屬,族。4 (雕塑等的)群像... · of: OF =Old ...
#16. 網路自警行為- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
網絡自警行為(英語:Internet vigilantism、netilantism、digilantism)是一種藉由網路(通訊網路 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#17. grouof vigilantes 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
grouof vigilantes 中文意思是什麼. grouof vigilantes 解釋. 自警團. grouof : 十五國集團. 例句. 目前還沒有grouof vigilantes例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦.
#18. [歌詞翻譯] "Love Vigilantes"是New... - Galeer - 嘎荔兒的音樂 ...
[歌詞翻譯] "Love Vigilantes"是New Order在1985年專輯「Low-Life」的第一首歌,噹噹噹噹的吉他彈奏,鮮活跳動的節奏,歌聲、貝斯、鼓都足以喚起我們 ...
#19. 『實體遊戲』 PS Vigilante 8 V8 武裝戰鬥車V8 光碟盒書俱在純 ...
購買『實體遊戲』 PS Vigilante 8 V8 武裝戰鬥車V8 光碟盒書俱在純日版/初回版/二手品/現貨. ... {瓜瓜皮}全新PS4 遊戲中文版火線獵殺絕境黃金版終極版.
#20. vigilantes 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释vigilantes这个英文词呢? vigilantes这个英文词,中文意思如下:治安员。 Meaning of vigilantes for the defined word.
#21. Academia de SuperVigilantes - Google Play 應用程式
Aplicativo do Grupo GPS, a fim de aumentar o engajamento dos nossos vigilantes. Aplicativo interativo com várias fases, trilhas e Quiz de ...
#22. vigilante翻译为:(自发组织的)治安团
vigilante 的中文意思:(自发组织的)治安团,点击查看详细解释:vigilante的中文翻译、vigilante的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握vigilante这个单词。
#23. 中國真的會減持美國國債嗎? - 日經中文網
美國國債利率上升顯示出「債券義和團」(bond market vigilantes,指由於不滿政府貨幣或財政政策推升通膨壓力,於是罷買國債,迫使國債收益率大幅上升 ...
#24. 修正者(組織) | Fallout中文維基
Sonora Cruz The Regulators are a group of vigilantes who wear cowboy-style hats and Regulator dusters in the fashion of pre-War gunslingers and…
#25. vigilante - 从西班牙语翻译成中文 | PONS - 词典
在PONS在线词典中查找vigilante的西班牙语中文对照翻译。包括免费词汇训练器、动词表和 ... Internet autonomiza y empodera: los vigilantes también son vigilados.
#26. 英语-汉语vigilante翻译
Social media users who post racist or religiously derisive remarks on major networks are often apprehended by trusty neighbourhood online vigilantes.
#27. vigilante 专八 - 西语助手
#28. 矮人警衛Dwarven Vigilantes憧憬VIS魔法風雲會MTG中文繁中 ...
你在找的矮人警衛Dwarven Vigilantes憧憬VIS魔法風雲會MTG中文繁中NM近新就在露天拍賣,立即購買商品搶免運及優惠,還有許多相關商品提供瀏覽.
#29. Vigilantes中文版下载_汉化_攻略 - 游民星空
《Vigilantes》是一款由Timeslip Softworks制作并发行的角色扮演游戏。 详细信息最低配置推荐配置. 制作发行:Timeslip Softworks. 官方中文:不支持.
#30. 金融小知識:什麼是債券義和團(Bond Vigilante)?
A bond vigilante is a bond market investor who protests monetary or fiscal policies they consider inflationary or risky by selling bonds, ...
#31. Ruiner 2000 - Rockstar Games Customer Support
Like RipGut808 said the Vigilante, but also the Insurgent, Tampa and some more you can just use for your garage. ... 中文(繁體).
#32. Vigilante - 用法_同义词_例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选vigilante是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、英音发音音标、美音发音音标、vigilante的用法、vigilante的中文翻译及 ...
#33. Sister Samms and Sister Johnson - Vigilantes - Sister Samms and Sister Johnson - Vigilantes: 9781490550114: Mack, Claire Cullen: 圖書.
#34. vigilante(西班牙语→英语)
热门:西班牙语译英语、法语译英语、日语译英语。 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语、德语、希腊语、匈牙利语、意大利语、 ...
#35. Mexico vigilante legalisation raises paramilitary concerns
We don't currently have a translation for this page in 简体中文. Mexico vigilante legalisation raises paramilitary concerns. 29 一月2014. 分享此页面.
#36. 翻译'vigilante' – 字典中文-西班牙文 - Glosbe
检查“ vigilante”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中vigilante的翻译示例, ... Debemos seguir vigilantes para detectar programas clandestinos de armas nucleares.
#37. Vigilante Advertising | LinkedIn
Vigilante Advertising | 1419 followers on LinkedIn. Vigilante is an innovative, Manhattan based advertising agency that has been making waves as the next ...
#38. Gundam Narrative OST 『VigilaNTe』中英歌詞翻譯(機動 ...
Gundam Narrative OST 『VigilaNTe』中英歌詞翻譯(機動戰士鋼彈NT) 澤野弘之『VigilaNTe』(維護治.
#39. Vigilantes - 灰机wiki - 刺客信条中文维基
Vigilantes · 000104008 · 守望者艾利拉 · 盾磁拉拽 · 亚麻线轴 · 桑莱电金锭 · 蓝宝石宝珠 · 玛里克 · 契约团激进分子 ...
#40. SOLIDWORKS 官方社群 - MySolidWorks
MySolidWorks 登入 參加 繁體中文 ... However, for those die hard fans of vigilantes, super heroes, protectors of the innocent. SOLIDWORKS Blog.
#41. 義務警員 - 中文百科知識
義務警員(Vigilante)是美國DC漫畫旗下超級英雄,共有9代。基本信息姓名:義務警員外文名:Vigilante 別名(綽號):義勇俠、義警、社會治安維護者所屬作品:《常勝七 ...
#42. A double-edged sword – the role of vigilantes in Africa - World ...
Vigilante groups have had some success when hired by weak African states to tackle insurgencies; but this has also proved to be a dangerous ...
#43. Fed vs vigilantes: why bond markets are heating up - Insurance
Bond markets are in a process of transition, and a burgeoning tussle between the Federal Reserve and bond vigilantes could make life ...
#44. Love Vigilantes - 2015 Remaster-New Order (新秩序合唱團)
New Order (新秩序合唱團)的歌曲「Love Vigilantes - 2015 Remaster」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。 ... 繁體中文, English. 台灣. 台灣香港日本新加坡馬來西亞.
#45. What border vigilantes taught US right-wing armed groups
The story of the anti-immigration vigilante groups at the U.S.-Mexico border is yet another demonstration of how allowing citizens to take ...
#46. vigilante — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書 - 中文- 英语技术字典
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“vigilante” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。 ... Vigilante publics: orientalism, modernity and hindutva fascism in india.
#47. vigilante是什么意思 - 英语词典
#48. Vigilantes游戏汉化版下载地址_游戏堡
《Vigilantes》(义务警员)是一款由TimeslipSoftworks制作并发行的角色扮演类游戏。在Vigilantes游戏中,玩家需要和自己的团队与3个截然不同的犯罪团伙 ...
#49. Why the growing number of vigilantes in response to youth ...
Tensions remain high in Townsville following the death of a young woman in a traffic accident involving vigilantes — prompting the ...
#50. 华尔街日报评论:了解一下“债券义和团” - 财经
自二十世纪九十年代初期以来,美国政府就已经在心照不宣地大声讨论“债券义和团”(bond-market vigilantes,该术语是由经济学家埃德·亚德尼于20世纪80 ...
#51. 'Vigilantes' neutered as bond market ignores soaring US debt
The "bond vigilantes," capital markets' guardians of fiscal responsibility, have lost their power in the U.S. as the market takes its cues ...
#52. Roca del vigilante de marfil - PoEDB, Path of Exile Wiki
Solo puedes engarzar una Roca del vigilante carmesí, viridiana, de cobalto o dorada en cada Ciudadela. Ivory Watchstone ...
#53. Steam 社区- Vigilantes 综合讨论
此社区中发布的内容可能不适合所有年龄段, 或不宜在工作期间访问。 不要再对Vigilantes 发出警告. 查看页面. 取消. 您的偏好已设置为向您警告包含敏感成分的图片。
#54. German police stop far-right vigilantes patrolling Polish border
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police said on Sunday they had stopped more than 50 far-right vigilantes armed with pepper spray, a bayonet, ...
#55. Conceptualizing vigilantism - Document - Gale
In South Africa, for example, vigilante groups like the Young Lions--once key ... David Pratten succinctly describes how vigilantes in southern Nigeria seek ...
#56. 統一管理制度 專業或職務能力評估開考財政局公共財政管理 ...
中文. Chinês. 澳門理工學院明德樓. (星光書店-理工分店旁) ... vigilantes no quadro branco / preto ou em local visível da sala, e 15 minutos antes do.
#57. Know Thy Bond Vigilante - WSJ
A fiscal resolution that raises taxes and kills growth might satisfy the bond market and no one else.
#58. Opium Wars: Myanmar's Drug Vigilantes - TVF International
Opium Wars: Myanmar's Drug Vigilantes. 1 x 48 HD Broadcaster: Channel NewsAsia. In Myanmar's lawless and war-torn border areas a vast and illicit drug trade ...
#59. Philippines: Probe Mayor's Alleged 'Death Squad' Links
Available In. English · 简体中文. Philippines: Probe Mayor's Alleged 'Death Squad' Links. Davao Mayor Duterte Epitomizes Impunity for ...
#60. vigilante在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
#61. Hate Thy Neighbour: Season 2 Episode 1 Border Vigilantes
British comedian Jamali Maddix spends time with two vigilante groups intent on protecting the border between Mexico and the USA.
#62. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng VIGILANTES sa Tagalog - TR-Ex
Pagsasalin sa konteksto ng "VIGILANTES" sa ingles-tagalog. HERE maraming mga isinalin pangungusap halimbawa na naglalaman ng "VIGILANTES" - ingles-tagalog ...
#63. Colombia: La ONU pide la protección de los excombatientes ...
“Debemos permanecer vigilantes y centrados en las amenazas que siguen enfrentando los excombatientes. Aunque reconozco que se ha reducido el ...
#64. Homelander x Superman: Quem venceria a briga no universo ...
... o destaque para Homelander (Antony Starr), o perigoso lider dos Sete e principal inimigo do grupo de vigilantes que dão título ao show.
#65. vigilantes的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
vigilantes 的中文意思翻譯:n. (自發組織的)治安團體的成員( vigilante的名詞複數)。vigilantes的中文翻譯、vigilantes的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、vigilantes的 ...
#66. Vigilante by Reed Mascola, Paranoia Rising Games - Kickstarter
Vigilante is a 3-to-5 player board game where players recruit heroes and fight crime to complete secret objectives.
#67. (AMPLIACIÓN) Los casos diarios de coronavirus superan los ...
... por quinto día consecutivo, mientras las autoridades sanitarias se mantienen vigilantes sobre un posible repunte de infecciones y la ...
#68. Carreiras na Caterpillar | Construa o que Importa
English · Deutsch · Español · Français · Italiano · Magyar · Nederlands · Polski · Português · Русский · 中文 · 日本語. searchSearch. language Português.
#69. NextWave of Finance – Intégration des risques | EY - France
Nous aidons les conseils d'administration et les dirigeants d'entreprise à bâtir des organisations agiles et vigilantes aux risques et leur ...
#70. EUR/USD Fails to Recover Despite 10-Year German Bond ...
... in nearly three years as bond vigilantes continue to re-price government debt against a background of global monetary policy tightening.
#71. 怪俠一枝梅The Vigilantes In Masks 01 (霍建華、劉詩詩
#72. Love Vigilantes (Album) - Iron And Wine (鐵與酒) - MyMusic
Love Vigilantes (Album)-歌詞-Oh, I\'ve just come from the land of the sunFrom a war that must be won in the name of truthWith our soldiers so brave your ...
#73. rp0
... inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. ... 中文 , Français , Kreyól Ayisyen , हिन्दी , 日本語 , 한국어 ...
#74. Vigilantes: Work
Vigilantes is a brand and creative agency that helps purpose-driven organizations get the love they deserve.
#75. EudraVigilance | European Medicines Agency
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) operates the system on behalf of the European Union (EU) medicines regulatory network. EudraVigilance supports safe and ...
#76. 上訴與其撤回 - 第 64 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... subiectis conferente, quam forsitan ipsi vigilantes non inveniunt, ... Neudruck: Aalen1985,可直譯成中文如下:「為了給予我們的臣民比他自己能力更多的照顧, ...
#77. El sol de San Luis, 1952-2002: el periodismo, una ...
... Para Hacerlos Eliada Sobre las Nuevas Plantas de Vigilantes Astro 1 海情年 1 ... 中文运和人类的思為 NORTAISIS 然然, wo posity ,余 osts Mess Adam We any ...
#78. Sustainability-linked bonds: should you wish for the worst?
No other persons should rely on the information contained within this website. Bond Vigilantes logo. Language.
#79. Texas Bans Abortion at 6 Weeks, Sets 'Bounty' on Providers
So on top of being unconstitutional, S.B. 8 incentivizes vigilantes to sue strangers on suspicion of abetting abortion.
vigilantes中文 在 怪俠一枝梅The Vigilantes In Masks 01 (霍建華、劉詩詩 的八卦
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