#鄧卓殷#簡單食譜 #健康
#AmbeRecipe 同我分享你地嘅製成品呀!
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[免焗] 檸檬批 減脂健康芝士蛋糕
簡單易整無糖! 無牛油! 無麵粉! 無芝士!
Healthy Lemon Pie Dairy, Sugar, Gluten Free, Cheese Free
**Vegetarian friendly
**Vegan friendly by changing up *honey to maple syrup
燕麥 1/4 杯
椰子油 4 tsp
杞子 2 tbsp
亞麻籽 1 tbsp
腰果 1/2 杯
檸檬汁 1個檸檬
檸檬皮碎 1個檸檬
蜜糖 1 tsp **(全素可轉楓糖漿)
雲呢拿油 1/2 tsp
椰子油 1 tsp
無糖豆漿 3 tbsp
Oat 1/4 cup
coconut oil 4 tsp
goji berries 2 tbsp
flaxseed 1 tbsp
raw cashew 1/2 cup
lemon juice of 1 lemon
lemon zest of 1 lemon
honey/ maple syrup (vegan-friendly) 1 tsp
vanilla extract 1/2 tsp
coconut oil 1 tsp
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