美國時間週五,參議院無異議通過孔子法案(Concerns Over Nations Funding University Campus Institutes in the United States Act, 簡稱CONFUCIUS Act)
上個月有一則新聞說拜登政府拿掉了對孔子學院的財務揭露限制,但其實這是由於政黨輪替後,按照慣例把還未通過審查的政策 給撤下來(川普政府在卸任前的一個月才提出該項規定,故仍有相當的審查程序要走,更多請見:https://reurl.cc/o9y38V)。
我們先前提到過,在眾多與中國相關的政策辯論中,針對孔子學院的討論應該是各界最有共識的,不管是國會議員還是候任官員們都表示,孔子學院很有問題。現在國會的動作比行政部門還要快,由參院通過這樣的法案,提交給眾院來審(註:拜登提名的教育部長Miguel Cardona剛於3月1日獲得參院通過任命案)。
這個法案會牽涉到大約500所高中以下學校及65所大專院校。另外,根據媒體Axios的報導(https://reurl.cc/nnZl82) ,一份國會調查報告指出,有超過七成以上的學校,每年收到來自中國政府出資單位的贊助款項超過25萬美元,但其中有很多沒有申報。
📌 一般來說
在川普時期就宣告很多家中國媒體是「外國代理人」,而不能再隨意利用所謂的言論自由來進行宣傳,且各項活動都必須要報備給國務院。對孔子學院的處置也是如此,去年8月將孔子學院歸類為「外國代表機構」(foreign mission)。
大概從2014年開始就已經有學者指出孔子學院對學術自由可能造成的影響,最早的報告之一,可以追溯到「全美教授協會」(American Association of University Professors, AAUP)所發表的報告(https://reurl.cc/e9yoMR) 。2019年初,參院兩黨議員組成的調查委員會發布報告指出(https://reurl.cc/MZjo3n) ,孔子學院在美國學校內的運作嚴重地缺乏透明度,而且也沒有「對等」(意思是說各大學給予他們太大的權限,而美國的學術機構從來不能在中國這樣子做),讓孔子學院在各學校內進行文化活動(甚至,有很多政治宣傳活動)。
在2019年十二月通過的國防授權法案(2020 National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA)當中,包裹通過了一項法案,是要限制孔子學院在各級學校內的部份權限。這應是國會首次對孔子學院的行為提出規範,而現在參院所提出的法案是要進一步規範孔子學院的透明度。在去年也曾經有類似提案,但因為選舉期間而沒有推進,國會換屆之後法案就要重新再來過。
📌 來複習一下什麼叫做「無異議通過」,這是參院的一個特殊規則
✨ 觀測站推特:https://twitter.com/ustaiwanwatch
✨ 贊助觀測站:https://ustaiwanwatch.soci.vip/
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過30萬的網紅吳鳳Rifat,也在其Youtube影片中提到,台灣優異的防疫表現被各國報導,包含我的家鄉土耳其。這星期土耳其知名主持人Cuneyt Ozdemir 在他的網路節目中訪問我。他很好奇台灣防疫為什麼可以做這麼好?我也用土耳其文跟他分享臺灣的真實狀況。 這個節目2天不到累積20幾萬人看。希望透過他的節目跟影響力把台灣介紹給更多土耳其人認識。也歡迎你...
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#Twitter戰線【天下制裁方向:科技產品、紅色資本、白手套 —— 請立即Retweet】
#眾志國際連結 #國際戰線
Reuters and Bloomberg just confimed that the US is likely to sanction China if it approves the hugely controversial bill that damages HK's autonomy. When Beijing insists on ignoring international responses and breaching international norms and rules, it is time for China to face the grave consequences and international backlashes for its irresponsible act of scraping an UN-filed Joint Declaration.
In fact, the world has already expressed concern over the evil and ill-defined national security law that will kill democratic movements in HK and harm global business interest in the city. But China keeps dismissing all doubts from world leaders, business sectors and even bar associations. This law is even eviler than the extradition bill last year. China’s poor human rights records have already proved that it will undeniably use the law to crush HK’s civil society and dissents.
For a long time, Hong Kong has been treated by Beijing as a white glove port for importing sensitive strategic commodities. Once the law is implemented, a secret police agency and a CCP-led China’s court will be imposed upon this global business centre. At that time, HK will fall into Beijing’s direct rule, and de facto becomes another city of China. Hence, all special treatments granted to HK need to be subject to reconsideration.
In fact, countries starts to realize the changing role of Hong Kong in a bigger picture of China’s global strategy. For example, Israel’s security officials just rejected a bid from CK Hutchison Holdings for the potential security risks of Chinese involvement in a plant construction in the disguise of "HK companies”.
To safeguard the city’s freedoms and urge China to stop further misconduct, world leaders, not only the US, should consider sanctions on China as the only effective strategic option to send a warning signal to Beijing. The sanctions should not only be restricted to personal sanctions like travel bans and asset freezes (since China won’t really realize the severity), but also partial sanctions on pro-CCP companies and dual-use technology.
Democratic values and the virtue to respect treaties are the foundation of democracies. If China’s flagrant breach of Joint Declaration, a legally binding international treaty at the United Nations, is tolerated, it will set a bad precedent to all other treaties and agreements alike.
united nations中文 在 歷史哥澄清唬 Facebook 八卦
在歷史上,從沒有美國總統親自投書到中華民國的報紙。但是在109年10月22日,美國總統參選人拜登以「More Prosperous Future For Our Families」(定稿中文標題:為我們家庭更繁榮的未來),以華人為主體,台灣人為核心訴求,投書聯合報系的世界日報,強調他願意與中國合作而非對抗,鄙棄川普的仇中獵巫,願意與華人聯手,但更重視台灣人的健保經驗,不願台灣人為美國火中取栗而是共同繁榮。
但在一片大奇特的大內宣中,美國總統參選人的投書竟然在台灣地區被忽視。且不說拜登明明在聲譽卓著的 IBD/TIPP民調持續領先,比起川普根本鼓吹台灣人火中取栗(你對抗,我賺軍火,去跟大陸人死嗑來增加我談判勒索本錢)。
一、拜登堅持稱台灣是 leading democracy (領導性的民主政體),表示其無意支持台獨立場(不稱國家)
四、與其獵巫與仇中,他更重視與中國的合作,希望聯盟對世界更有幫助(雖然舉例醫療與氣候,但也只是舉例) 表示願意以兩大強權的合作,謀取更多世界利益。
其他我 不多說,請看原文與譯文。
今年 我們看到美國最好的一面
今年,我們看到美國最好的一面引領我們向前:英勇的醫師、護士、日常雜貨商、餐館業主、必要行業工作者 — 而其中,包括許許多多的亞裔美國人。
今年 我們也看到美國最糟情況
亞裔美國人 使我們國家變強大
近兩個世紀以來,亞裔美國人使我們的國家變得強大 — 從掘金礦工,到加速我們崛起的鐵路和工廠工人,再到推動我們向前邁進的科學家、建築師、藝術家和企業家們。多年來,他們的勇氣、犧牲和成功,為美國夢注入動力,也讓美國穩為自由的燈塔與世界的希望。
川普卻不懂 傷了移民國價值觀
作為總統 我捍衛每人的美國夢
川普失敗 他讓我們的經濟崩盤
唐納德·川普早在今年1月就已知道新冠病毒的致命性,卻未採取任何行動。現在,超過22萬美國人因此失去生命,約3000萬人失去工作、工時和薪水,五分之一的小商家關門。川普失敗的領導力讓我們的經濟崩盤 — 他總統當得愈久,得以完全回歸正軌的時間也愈久。
我會控制疫情 讓我們重回生機
首先要擔起責任,努力控制疫情,讓我們重回生機。我將執行早在3月就擬定的計畫,擊敗新冠病毒。我將聽取科學家、專家的意見;保護我們的家庭;讓新冠檢測、治療, #以及最終的疫苗免費,並對所有人開放。
我會重建經濟 實質救助小商家
我將馬上開始重建更好的經濟,為數百萬遭受重創的小商家提供實質救助。他們是我們社區的生命線 — 但川普腐敗的復甦作法棄他們於不顧,只把紓困資金匯集到大公司手中。75%的亞裔小企業主,未能獲得任何首輪紓困金。這是錯誤的,我已要求確保員工在50人以下的小企業獲得紓困金,我也將增加他們獲得優惠和資金的長遠渠道,減輕阻礙移民業主的語言障礙。
質言之,我的經濟復甦計畫將回報以工作,而不只是財富,將創造未來數百萬優薪工作。(信評機構)穆迪的獨立經濟學者發現,比起川普總統的作法,我的計畫會創造多出700萬的工作,以及超過1兆元的經濟增長。我也不會對任何年收入40萬元以下者加稅 —別懷疑。相反地,我還將確保超級富豪和大公司最終支付本應承擔的份額。
讓父母能付學費 讓醫保更平價
與盟友並肩 深化與台灣的關係
更新領導力 符合美利益與中合作
讓家庭團聚 修復破碎的移民系統
我將會傾聽 重塑我們熱愛的國魂
More Prosperous Future For Our Families
by Former Vice President Joseph Biden for World Journal
These are tough times. Our country is at a crossroads, facing a pandemic, a recession, and an election that will decide our futures for a very long time.
This year, we've seen the best of America carry us forward: heroic doctors, nurses, grocers, restaurant owners, essential workers–including so many Asian Americans.
But we've also seen the worst: acts of hate against Asian Americans wrongly blamed for COVID-19, spurred on, in part, by hateful rhetoric from President Trump. They've been screamed at, spit on, and assaulted. Homes, businesses, and cars vandalized with slurs. Small children stabbed. An 89-year-old grandmother set on fire amid this rising culture of hate.
This is not who we are.
For nearly two centuries, Asian Americans have made our country strong–from the gold miners and railroad and factory workers who helped to power our rise; to the scientists, architects, artists, and entrepreneurs who are helping to drive us forward now. For years, their courage, sacrifices, and success have powered the American Dream and helped America stand as a beacon of freedom and hope to the world.
President Trump doesn't get that. He has led an assault on our values as a nation of immigrants, even tearing thousands of children from their parents' arms at our border. Hate crimes against people are at a 16-year-high, even before this pandemic. And now, to deflect blame for his failure to protect our nation from this crisis, he insists on calling COVID-19 the "China virus," no matter how many thousands of reported racist incidents against Asian Americans it encourages.
Words matter – and a president's words matter even more. As President, I'll defend the American Dream for everyone, so every hardworking family has the same fair shot at prosperity and a better future. I'll stand against racism in every form, directing the Justice Department to prioritize hate crimes, and working to heal the wounds of hatred and division, not fan the flames.
Donald Trump knew how deadly COVID-19 was back in January and did nothing to stop it. Now, more than 220,000 Americans are dead. Some 30 million have lost jobs, hours, wages. One in five small businesses have shut down. Trump's failed leadership has tanked our economy – and the longer he's president, the longer it'll take to get it fully up and running again.
We're eight months in, but Trump still has no plan. I do.
It starts with taking responsibility and doing the hard work to control this pandemic and get our lives back. I'll implement the plan I've laid out since March to beat COVID-19. I'll listen to scientists and experts; protect our families; and make testing, treatment, and any eventual vaccine free and available to everyone.
I'll get right to work building our economy back better – getting real relief out to millions of hard-hit small businesses. They're the lifeblood of our communities – but Trump's corrupt recovery passed them by, funneling funds to big corporations instead. Some 75% of Asian-owned small businesses weren't expected to get any first-round stimulus funds at all. It's wrong. I've called for ensuring small businesses with less than 50 employees get new relief funds. And I'll boost their long-term access to credit and capital, and work to ease the language barriers that can hold back immigrant entrepreneurs.
Through it all, my economic recovery plan will reward work, not just wealth, creating millions of good paying jobs of the future. Independent economists at Moody's found that my plan creates 7 million more jobs – and $1 trillion more in economic growth – than President Trump's would. And I won't raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 a year – period. Instead, I'll make sure the super wealthy and big corporations finally pay their fair share.
I've fought my whole career for working and middle class families – so many of them hard-working immigrants who came to America in search of a better life. I'll help parents afford a quality education for their kids, boosting teacher pay and making public college free for most families. I'll make it easier to care for aging parents, and make health care more affordable. Trump is in court right now trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, stripping tens of millions of people of health coverage in the middle of a deadly pandemic. It makes no sense.
Meanwhile, COVID-19 is proof that the United States can't isolate itself from the world. We have to work with other nations to meet global challenges that impact us all, starting by rebuilding our relationships with our closest partners. We're a Pacific power, and we'll stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security, and values in the Asia-Pacific region. That includes deepening our ties with Taiwan, a leading democracy, major economy, technology powerhouse – and a shining example of how an open society can effectively contain COVID-19. And our approach to China will focus on boosting American competitiveness, revitalizing our strengths at home, and renewing our alliances and leadership abroad. We'll work to collaborate with China when it's in our interest, including on public health and climate change.
America has always led the world not only with the example of our power, but the power of our example. To truly do that again, we also have to fix our broken immigration system, keeping families together and ensuring the United States continues to draw the world's best and brightest.
I'm running to build America back better, as a country of opportunity, unity, and new beginnings. A place made strong by generations of immigrants. A place where everyone has a voice and every vote counts. I'll lead on these issues, and more importantly, I'll listen. So please make sure you get your vote in today. Together we'll restore the soul of this nation we love.
#福編編譯? (編譯個鬼,是世界日報了不起! 大內宣與遍地綠媒鬼遮眼)
united nations中文 在 吳鳳Rifat Youtube 的評價
台灣優異的防疫表現被各國報導,包含我的家鄉土耳其。這星期土耳其知名主持人Cuneyt Ozdemir 在他的網路節目中訪問我。他很好奇台灣防疫為什麼可以做這麼好?我也用土耳其文跟他分享臺灣的真實狀況。
這個節目2天不到累積20幾萬人看。希望透過他的節目跟影響力把台灣介紹給更多土耳其人認識。也歡迎你們把這隻影片分享出去,讓世界知道TAIWAN CAN HELP💪
#Taiwan #專訪 #土耳其
Cüneyt Özdemir的完整報導連結 👉 https://reurl.cc/X6m84e
我的專訪在38 分鐘開始✌️
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united nations中文 在 吳鳳Rifat Youtube 的評價
WHO 秘書長譚德塞的錯誤判斷、隱瞞、偏頗讓整個世界付出了慘痛的代價!但最可怕的是,他不知悔改,還進一步污衊台灣!世界需要更公正的WHO!這個影片我想讓全世界知道他的黑暗歷史,也請幫忙分享,讓更多人到Chage網站連署(https://reurl.cc/MvNnm4)一起下架他!🇹🇼 【以下我已翻成9種語言,歡迎你們繼續接力】
#WHO #TedrosAdhanom #Coronavirus
Director General of WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus under estimated the coronavirus (COVID-19) and deceived world。World needs fair and equal WHO。Besides,Taiwan should not be excluded from WHO for any political reasons. I invite you all send your petitions and call him resign from his post.🇬🇧
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) lideri Tedros Adhanom kendisine verilen görevi kötüye kullanarak Corona virüsünün Çin‘den tüm dünyaya yayılması sırasında hayati önem taşıyan kararları kasıtlı olarak geç almış ve virüsün zararlarının katlanarak artmasına neden olmuştur. Tedros aynı zamanda dünyanın en gelişmiş sağlık sistemlerinden birine sahip olan Tayvan’ın siyasi nedenlerle dışlanmasında da baş rol oynamaktadır. Lütfen bu duruma sessiz kalmayın ve change org sayfası aracılığı ile imza kampanyasına katılarak Tedros‘un istifasını destekleyen dilekçenizi gönderin🇹🇷
El Director General de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, calculó el coronavirus (COVID-19) y el mundo engañado. El mundo necesita una OMS justa e igual. Además, Taiwán no debe ser excluido de la OMS por ningún motivo político. Los invito a todos a enviar sus peticiones y llamarlo a renunciar a su cargo 🇪🇸
Der Generaldirektor der WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, unterschätzte das Coronavirus (COVID-19) und führte damit die Welt in die Irre. Die Welt braucht eine faire und gleichberechtigte WHO. Außerdem sollte Taiwan aus politischen Gründen nicht von der WHO ausgeschlossen werden. Ich bitte Sie Ihre Petitionen zuzusenden, um ihn von seinem Posten zurückzutreten zu lassen.🇩🇪
Generaldirektör för WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, underskattade coronavirus (COVID-19) och förvillade världen. Världen behöver rättvis och jämlik WHO. Dessutom bör Taiwan inte uteslutas från WHO på grund av politiska skäl. Jag bjuder in er alla att skicka era petitioner och uppmana honom att lämna sin tjänst.🇸🇪
Генеральный директор ВОЗ Тедрос Адханом Гебрейесус недооценил коронавирус (COVID-19) и обманул этим мир - миру нужна справедливая и равная ВОЗ. Кроме того несмотря на политическую обстановку Тайвань не следует исключать из ВОЗ. Я приглашаю всех Вас прислать свои петиции и предложить ему подать в отставку🇷🇺
WHOのテドロス・アダノム・ゲブレイェスス事務局長の誤った判断、隠蔽、えこひいきは世界に大きな反響をもたらしました。 最も残念なのは、その後本人は誤りを認めるどころか、更に台湾を批判しました。 世界はより公平なWHOが必要だと思います! この動画は全世界のみなさんに彼の隠された経歴を知ってもらいたくて投稿しました。 ぜひこの動画を拡散して、Chageのホームページにて署名をしませんか?🇯🇵
Le directeur général de l'OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a sous-estimé l’impact très déstabilisant du corona virus (COVID-19) sur le monde entier... pire encore, il nous a tous trompé ! Le monde a aujourd’hui besoin d’une OMS juste et équitable.En plus, Taïwan ne devrait en aucun cas faire l’objet d’une exclusion de cette organisation qui se dit être mondiale, surtout quand on constate l’excellent travail fait par ce petit pays pour endiguer, voire même éradiquer presque, les effets néfastes de cette pandémie sur son territoire. Taiwan va plus loin en proposant son know how et sa disponibilité à tout le reste du monde et offre son aide matériel aux pays touchés par cette maladie. Fort de ce constat,Je vous invite tous à envoyer vos pétitions et appeler le sieur Tedros à démissionner de son poste 🇫🇷
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united nations中文 在 白龍 Bailong Youtube 的評價
COWSPIRACY 陰眸(完整版 中文字幕):https://goo.gl/Khy1tX
►白龍粉絲團 : https://www.facebook.com/bailongstudio
International Egg Commission
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
united nations中文 在 小岛屿发展中国家国际年(中文) - YouTube 的八卦
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