uniform 翻譯:制服, (某一群體的人穿的)典型服裝,特有服裝, 相同的;一律的;整齊劃一的。了解更多。
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uniformly · 查看更多. KK[junəˋfɔrmlɪ]; DJ[ˋju:nifɔ:mli]. 美式. adv. 一致地;一律地;均勻地. Dr.eye 譯典通 · uniformly ... 牛津中文字典.
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uniformly (ad.)一致地. ... 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 · Chinese-English Dictionary / Calculator ... Uniformly \U"ni*form`ly\, adv. In a uniform manner; ...
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Detailed numerical results for a pgsm beam passing through a bifocal lens are presented. It implies that the degree of polarization is no longer uniformly ...
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名詞解釋: 等加速度即是加速度一定的意思。也就是速度的增加在時間上是一定的。從高處便鐵球向地表自然落下的「落體運動」,若是不考慮空氣阻抗因素時便是典型的等 ...
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均勻分佈(Uniform distribution)是一种简单的概率分布,其分为. 離散型均勻分佈 · 連續型均勻 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
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uniformly中文 意思是均匀地,一致的.
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這次要介紹的是數學分析中關於函數收斂性的兩個非常重要的觀念: Pointwise convergence (逐點收斂) 與Uniform convergence (均勻收斂) 。 不過在談函數的收斂之前, ...
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uniformly中文 意思: uniformly [ju:nifɔ:mli] adv.一律地,均一地..., 學習uniformly發音, uniformly例句盡在WebSaru字典。
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在中文里面,我们如何解释uniformly这个英文词呢? uniformly这个英文词,中文意思如下:均匀。 Meaning of uniformly for the defined word.
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iformly 一律地uniformly adv. 一律地, 均一地Google提供的廣告.
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uniformly integrable 中文意思是什麼. uniformly integrable 解釋. 一致可積的. uniformly : 同一地; integrable : adj. 1. 可匯總的,可併合的。2.
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... that B ( n ) = { g ∈ G | | g | S ∪ℋ ≤ n } admits a coarse embedding into a uniformly convex Banach space if H does. ... 中文翻译: ...
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单数形式指单件衣服,尤指长袍、外套等外面的衣服。 robe指长袍,也指浴衣、晨衣。 gown指女人穿的长服,尤指教士、法官、教授等的礼服或妇女的睡衣等,也指长袍。 uniform ...
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Examples Of Some Of The Training Same Uniform And Differentuniform Download Scientific Diagram. Cauchy Criteria For Uniform Convergence ...
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【distribute uniformly】的中文译词:【distribute uniformly】的相关专业术语翻译:distribute interactive simulation 分布交互仿真; optimal distribute 最优分配; ...
#32. NOT UNIFORMLY 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译
Vixrapedia is not uniformly peer reviewed;. 维基学院没有统一的同行评审;. The other half is using these technologies but not uniformly.
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(2)Thm:有界& uniformly continuous. L17_B 4.6 Uniform Continuity(cont.) (1) Definition of Lipschitz function. (2) Thm: The diatance function cl:MxM->.
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uniformly 的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇. ... It is uniformly applicable to both continuous and discrete time systems in both the time and the ...
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篇名, An efficient generator of uniformly distributed random variates between zero and one. 簡稱, S. 作者, Arne Thesen.
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#40. Python uniform() 函数 - 菜鸟教程
Python uniform() 函数Python 数字描述uniform() 方法将随机生成下一个实数,它在[x, y] 范围内。 语法以下是uniform() 方法的语法: import random random.uniform(x, ...
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Tighten srews uniformly. Tighten srews uniformly. 23/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文 ...
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Two people may look identical however to say they are uniform doesn't suggest they look ... 中文(簡體) ... Uniform - consistently the same
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Uniformly 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... International law should be applied uniformly. 56. 应当坚持国际法的统一适用.
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dc.title, Large-scale synthesis of reduced graphene oxides with uniformly coated polyaniline for supercapacitor applications, -.
#46. 「機率與統計」04-02「連續機率分佈:Uniform distribution」
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... Deutsch; Italiano; Português; 简体中文; 繁體中文; 日本語; 한국어; Türkçe ... Data-First SASE. Protect your data uniformly from endpoint to cloud ...
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How many are rich and how many are poor? · How Reliable is the World Population Forecast? · Will saving poor children lead to overpopulation? · How Does Income ...
#51. Looking to the Future in Sudan - Brookings Institution
A 2004 internally displaced persons policy of the United States aid agency is unknown to most of the government and is not uniformly applied ...
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... skill levels are uniformly excellent across the Ensure that team members follow ... 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)); 正體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)).
#53. uniformity 公式
中文 名. 照度均勻度. 外文名. Uniformity of illuminance. 解釋. ... Uniformity: feature vectors should be roughly uniformly distributed on the unit hypersphere ...
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If the metadata of multiple items needs to be queried uniformly 、 analysis , The metadata in each ... JDK1.8帮助文档(api)中文版下载。
#55. Data uri decoder. Just paste the text below and press the ...
So URL encoding/decoding makes the URIs encoded uniformly across the world. ... English Português Brasileiro Deutsch 中文 Українська کوردی Español Türkçe ...
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TW 正體中文 CN 简体中文 KR 한국어 US English JP Japanese RU Русский PO ... you raise the tier of all maps on your Atlas until they are uniformly tier 16.
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Consider a uniformly charged wire alongside a particle of charge q: i-acd6c10526dd4ebc4e6eec988602d8f1-figure.png.
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A good hash function should be efficient to compute and uniformly distribute keys ... Runtime built on Spark 3. com smtp_connect_timeout 30 JMETER中文手册1.
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... velocity or distance traveled increases with time, if the car accelerates uniformly from rest. ... Tiếng Việt, 한국어, 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁體), 日本語.
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英文中文 unicursal equation 單行方程 unicursal quartic 更理四次曲線; ... 因子論 uniform 均勻;一致 uniform absolute continuity 均勻絕對連續性 uniform algebra ...
#61. C4d uv polygon. Rendered in Zbrush. This is the - RRC
In Cinema 4D you can't resize objects uniformly to a precise number. ... C4D展UV中文教程 Unfold软件展开UV 学完你能掌握展开Unfold软件展开UV,配合贴图绘制 欢迎 ...
#62. Global Law Review(1-2022)
Home | 中文版 ... and the substantive rights in administrative law should be uniformly derived from this interest network.
#63. Malaysian Cave Monastery Faces Destruction as Quarry ...
“Plants, animals, and microorganisms are not uniformly distributed over the Karst Hills.” (Deutsche Welle).
#64. Meta Selloff, Amazon Reports, Jobless Claims, ECB & BOE
Late earnings on Wednesday weren't uniformly negative – T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS ) blew past expectations and is marked up 7.4% at a new high ...
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... types of metals must be uniformly identified with high precision. ... 代理商,数据表,规格书,设计实例,中文资料,巴鲁夫供应商,BES05WE价格,Inductive Sensors ...
#66. Antd input max length. lang. npm i antd@4. Open select (focus ...
如长度要求:中文输入5位,非中文10位 The maxlength attribute defines the maximum number of ... 2 do not distinguish input types and set the length uniformly.
#67. Did COVID Lockdowns Work? 'Marginal at Best' Conclude ...
One “solution” that governments uniformly imposed in countries around the world, which was encouraged by international health organizations, ...
#68. Vertex shader rotation. For this purpose, we must consider the ...
(where 'mask' is uniform sampler2D mask; passed into the shader) My difficulties ... Bahasa Indonesia - Tiếng Việt - 日本b語 - 中文版 - 한국어 - Español ...
#69. A map of human genome sequence variation containing 1.42 ...
Although many methods and contributors are represented on the map (see above), most SNPs (> 95%) were contributed by two large-scale efforts that uniformly ...
#70. Top 10 prominent events of Vietnam in 2021 selected by VNA
... great national solidarity, and comprehensively and uniformly stepped up the “Doi moi” (Renewal), industrialisation, and modernisation.
#71. 'The Woman in the House Across the Street From the Girl in ...
Brenda Koo and Kristen Bell. Photo: NETFLIX. The cast is uniformly good, and smart, Ms. Bell especially: She plays Anna dizzily ...
#72. A Primer on Bézier Curves - Pomax
中文 (22%); Русский (24%); Українська (2%); 한국어 (7%). (Don't see your ...
#73. Seoul to ban homework for lower grades at elementary schools
... allowed at individual teachers' discretion, the education office said uniformly handing out assignments to everybody will be prohibited.
#74. Python cantilever beam. This is the simplest of the Cantilever ...
Solved calculate the vertical reaction beam ysis with uniformly cantilever ... 中文. Gabion Walls 16. 5 (6) Cantilever with Distributed Mass It went up 0.
#75. Strategies - The New York Times
阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 ... But they haven't managed to do that uniformly since 2000, a sign of how difficult things have gotten for ordinary investors ...
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Embedded section planes would show distorted handles if the parent object was non-uniformly scaled. Fixed an issue where hidden section ...
#77. Matlab sscanf. Any whitespace in the format strin - Petto Patas
... MATLAB中文论坛MATLAB 基础讨论板块发表的帖子:matlab程序中vec是什么意思? ... In matlab, one can generate a random number chosen uniformly between 0 and ...
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If the value is "scale", overlaps are removed by uniformly scaling in x and y. ... 2:30 PM 全球领先的中文搜索引擎、致力于让网民更便捷地获取信息,找到所求。
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The different provinces of China do not uniformly speak the same language, with some (like Hong Kong and Macau) favoring Cantonese, ...
#81. Buoyancy lab report. There was an answer at anchor float ...
... bottle is squeezed the pressure increase uniformly which cause the diver ... Select - 简体中文 (Chinese - Simplified) 繁體中文 (Chinese - Traditional) ...
#82. On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, with ...
None, Raised, Depressed, Uniform, Dropshadow. Font Family. Proportional Sans-Serif, Monospace Sans-Serif, Proportional Serif ...
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Mrs. Palmer, on the contrary, who was strongly endowed by nature with a turn for being uniformly civil and happy, was hardly seated before her admiration of ...
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Edmund was uniformly kind himself; and she had nothing worse to endure on the part of Tom than that sort of merriment which a young man of seventeen will.
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英語编辑. 發音编辑. (通用美式) IPA:/ˈjunəfɔɹmli/; (正统英式(RP)) IPA:/ˈjuːnɪfɔːmli/; 斷字:u‧ni‧form‧ly. uniformly. 一律地 · 无变化地 · 一样地 · 相同地.
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3D object scanning: Distributes cover points more uniformly than ... UnrealCS UE4基础教程 UE4蓝图教程 UE4地图教程 UE4文档翻译 UE4安卓打包 UE4中文教程 ue4 3.
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... of which he uniformly declined to mention to any one); and that he had been for many years respectably established in London as a teacher of languages.
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... fact,for their beds have disappeared under the snowy sheet spread uniformly overthe steppe;butin summerthe difficulties of crossing are sometimes great.
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未选定对象在命令行输入::图 6-2 绘制要定义为块的图形 BLOCK 命令,按回车键, Scale uniformly Allox exploding 或使用【绘图】|【块】|【创建】命令,或单击【绘图】 ...
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... which has so uniformly called to her service the discerning, ... Türkçe 日本語 한국어 中文(简体) 中文(繁體)Check your knowledge with practice problems, ...
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... font rendering. text mesh pro中文,QuickStart to TextMesh Pro - Unity Learn, ... but it's good practice to scale it uniformly, particularly if you're ...
#92. Guix system configuration. scm /mnt This can take a very long ...
Its services and configuration are stored uniformly as object-oriented ... 如果SJTUG的镜像服务器 运营顺利,Guix中文社区的镜像将在2021年5月1日停止维护。
#93. Quantum espresso system requirements. Gaussian presents ...
... uniformly with system size), meaning we will need to do a uniform tiling, ... 中文版Exploring Chemistry(探索化学的奥秘:电子结构方法)已发布. sh under ...
#94. Buckling restrained braced frames. BRB sendiri memiliki ... - A1
... BRB yields uniformly in compression and tension with no buckling failure. ... Select - 简体中文 (Chinese - Simplified) 繁體中文 (Chinese - Traditional) ...
#95. Seasoned hardwood for sale. Some white oak and ot
Our hardwood Ash or Sycamore logs consists of uniformly sized (9-10 inches), split hardwood logs, exceptionally well seasoned and air dried. $190.
#96. Porth gitlab. Monday to Saturday 10:00 - WorldTech
If the value is "scale", overlaps are removed by uniformly scaling in x and y. ... 2:30 PM 全球领先的中文搜索引擎、致力于让网民更便捷地获取信息,找到所求。
#97. U0026 decode golang. 本文主要给大家总结介绍了关于golang
For worldwide interoperability, URIs have to be encoded uniformly. ... 用在网页上可以同一页面显示中文简体繁体及其它语言(如英文,日…
uniformly中文 在 「機率與統計」04-02「連續機率分佈:Uniform distribution」 的八卦
... <看更多>