If you thaw out, you gradually get warm again after being very cold. 變得暖和起來. I'm just starting to thaw out after taking the dogs out this morning. 我 ...
thaw out中文 :融化…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋thaw out的中文翻譯,thaw out的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
thaw out · vi. 解凍; 暖和過來;變得緩和 · vt. 使…化凍; 使…解凍; 使…變暖 ...
使用Reverso Context: And in the spring, on the contrary, first sgravi coarse mulch on the tracks: let the soil thaw out and warm up.,在英语-中文情境中 ...
#5. thaw out - 抓鸟英语
thaw out 的解释是:解冻… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:thaw out的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
thaw out中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:融化,解凍。英漢詞典提供【thaw out】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供thaw out的在線翻譯,thaw out是什麼意思,thaw out的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#8. thaw out - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"thaw out" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... upon the change of political power in Taiwan, cross-strait relations have thawed out.
#9. THAWED OUT 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
He says those alligators thawed out days later with no apparent injuries. 他说,这些短吻鳄几天后解冻,没有明显的伤害。 The frozen cells are delivered to the ...
#10. thaw out中文翻譯,thaw out是什麼意思 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
thaw out中文 ,大家都在找解答。3.(態度、感情等)緩和起來。 It thaws.=It is thawing. 解凍了。 The ground has thawed out. 雪已經融化了。
#11. thaw out是什么意思- 英汉词典 - 在线翻译
thaw out 在线读音. “thaw out”的中文翻译. 词典解释. 美音:[ ]. 英音:[ ]. 1. 融化;解冻. The ground was thawing out. 地面正在解冻。 相关词语. thaw out.
#12. thaw out 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#13. "thaw out"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題| HiNative
thaw out 的意思Thaw out means to be freed from the physical effect of frost or extreme cold. For Example: "We have to thaw out the chicken ...
#14. 'thaw' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典 - Collins ...
[frozen food] (也thaw out) 使... 解冻(凍) (shǐ ... jiědòng); (fig) [atmosphere, relations] 缓(緩)和 (huǎnhé). it's thawing (weather) 雪化了 (xuě huà le).
#15. thaw-out是什麼意思,thaw-out中文翻譯,thaw-out音標、讀音
thaw -out. Sorry, we didn't find any more information about thaw-out, Click on any word to go to its detail page. Or, word list.
#16. thaw 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
thaw \thaw\, v. t. To cause (frozen things, as earth, snow, ice) to melt, soften, or dissolve. [1913 Webster] 來源(4): The Collaborative International ...
#17. thaw out中文意思- thaw out中文翻译 - 英汉词典 - 百乐品查询网
thaw out 的中文意思,解释和翻译是:(使)解冻[融化]。
#18. Thaw out: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录 ...
Jupiter ignited to give them a sun, to thaw out their frozen world. 木星点燃给他们一个太阳,解冻他们冰冻的世界。 Don't forget to take it out and let it thaw ...
#19. thaw - 英汉词典
英语, 中文. thaw out, (defrost) (食品), 化冻 huà dòng. 解冻 huà dòng,jiě dòng. It will take two or three days for the turkey to thaw out in the ...
#20. thawing的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典 - 留声词典
VERB(冰雪等)融化,融解,解凍. When ice, snow, or something else that is frozen thaws, it melts. It's so cold the snow doesn't get a chance to thaw.
#21. thaw out英语怎么读,翻译成中文是什么意思-读/说/理解/用法
thaw out - WEB词典. thaw out. 融化; 使解冻; 解冻; 使变得较不拘束. thaw out the radiator. 使冷却器解冻. ice-out thaw.
#22. 你问我答/ Thaw and melt 表示“融化” 的一对近义词 - BBC
在接下来的节目里,我们就来辨析“thaw” 和“melt” 作动词时的区别。 首先,我们来看“thaw”。“Thaw” 最常用的意思“解冻”,指“由于升温,事物从冰冻的 ...
#23. thaw out是什么意思、发音和在线翻译- 英语单词大全- 查询
1. thaw out是什么意思. 1. 融化:That's your funeral. 此乃阁下之事. | thaw out 融化| the big time 了不起的事;梦想. 2. thaw out. 2. (使)解冻[融化]:freeze up: ...
#24. thaw 中文
thaw out中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:融化,解凍。英漢詞典提供【thaw out】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等英漢例句just give me a minute to thaw out in front of the ...
#25. Thaw and melt 表示「融化」 的一對近義詞 - 與BBC一起學英語
在這句話中,雖然「thaw」 的意思是「融化」,但它強調積雪「開始解凍」 的過程,並沒有全部化掉。 「Thaw」 還有一個相對不大常用的含義,用來指「食物 ...
#26. thaw的中文意思 - 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
vt. 及物動詞 使融化;使暖和。 thaw out the frozen assets 解除對資產的凍結。 thaw (out) the guests 使客人們不再拘束。 n. 名詞 1. 融雪,融霜;解凍。 2. 緩和。 3 ...
#27. Thaw Out:歌曲: Thaw Out -百科知識中文網
歌曲: Thaw Out. 相關詞條. Thaw Out. 歌曲: Thaw Out ... 熱門詞條. CARTON · Garbage · VBR · 《葉問2》 · 三國遊戲 · 傷口癒合 · 夜勤病棟 · 大寶 · 女巫 ...
#28. thaw GRE专八雅思托福 - 欧路词典
『欧路词典』为您提供thaw的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的thaw的中文意思,thaw的读音,thaw的同义词,thaw的 ... Riven began to feel his ears and toes thaw out .
#29. thaw的意思在线翻译,解释thaw中文英文含义,短语词组,音标读音 ...
用法与例句:. left the frozen turkey out until it thawed; thawed out by sitting next to the stove. 把冷冻火鸡放在外面,直到解冻;坐近火炉取暖.
#30. thaw - 从英语翻译成中文 - PONS 词典
Some centuries later, in the year 2139, technology and medicine have advanced; she and several other frozen bodies are thawed out and their diseases cured. en.
#31. thaw out - 中国的翻译
"thaw out"翻译中国语文: · 字典英语-中文 · 例子(外部来源,没有检讨) ...
#32. Thawing Frozen Cells | Thermo Fisher Scientific - TW
Guidelines for thawing cells · Thaw frozen cells rapidly (< 1 minute) in a 37°C water bath. · Dilute the thawed cells slowly before you incubate them, using pre- ...
#33. thaw是什么意思 - 英语词典
恒星英语词典栏目提供thaw是什么意思,thaw的中文解释,thaw的读音发音,thaw的含义和 ... 使融化;使暖和。 thaw out the frozen assets 解除对资产的冻结。 thaw (out) ...
#34. thaw out用法,例句- 英語字典 - 极简词典
thaw out 的中文意思,thaw out汉语解释| 返回thaw out ... You can thaw out the seafood before cooking it, but if you do this, make sure you cook it as quick as ...
#35. Thaw Me Out-Eight 5-KKBOX
Eight 5的歌曲「Thaw Me Out」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。 ... 繁體中文. 繁體中文. English. 台灣, 香港, 日本 · 新加坡 · 馬來西亞.
#36. thaw - 翻译为中文
thaw 从英文到中文的翻译. ... The florist had to thaw out our newly planted tulips with a hair dryer. 种花人得用吹风机把刚刚种植的郁金香解冻.
#37. thaw lake中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
thaw lake中文意思是1. 融陷湖2. 融洞湖3. 融水湖4. 融陷湖永冻土区5. 融水湖冰川.
#38. thaw - 柯林斯雅思备考词典_新东方在线
... thaw中文什么意思,thaw翻译,thaw读音,thaw发音,thaw单词用法,thaw双语例句,thaw近义词,thaw反义词等 ... Thaw it out completely before reheating in a saucepan.
#39. Imagined Leviathans - Steam
Explore the English tundra as you gather survivors frozen by fear, evade the mysterious leviathans stalking them, and thaw out the truth.
#40. 将thaw从英语翻译到西班牙语 - Tradukka
To lose stiffness, numbness, or impermeability by being warmed: left the frozen turkey out until it thawed; thawed out by sitting next to the stove.
#41. Instagram 上的'47:「 The offseason is no more. Training Camp is ...
If your team's out of the running, you're still in luck. · When it's 0 degrees, there's no need to freeze. Thaw out with '47 ... 中文(台灣).
#42. Thaw Out Kit |
Be ready for the spring thaw, with our discounted Thaw Out Kit. Includes: • Two (2) Flex Seal Clear, 14 oz. • One (1) Flex Seal Liquid Clear, Pint.
#43. Texas, Midwest refiners thaw out their plants after polar ... - S&P Global
Texas refiners thaw out frozen plants. Estimated. Company. Refinery. Capacity (b/d). Restart. Completion. Partial impact. Marathon. El Paso. 131,000.
#44. Analysts: Thaw in Sino-US Trade Dispute Would Lift World ...
Southeast Asian countries look to that investment to build economies and lift people out of poverty. In addition, Taiwan gained from the trade ...
#45. Mark Thaw - OWNER - THAW OUT HEATING | LinkedIn
THAW OUT HEATING & PLUMBING Is a gas safe registered company. Specialists in all aspects of plumbing, heating and gas installations and bathroom supply and ...
#46. How Do You Thaw A Frozen Fire Hydrant? - MWUA - Maine ...
Inoperable hydrants are a public safety issue. What is the safest and most efficient way to thaw a frozen hydrant? The answer is steam.
#47. China brings Britain out from the cold as relations thaw - FT中文網
China brings Britain out from the cold as relations thaw. 中文. 收藏. 更新於2013年6月27日15:38 By James Blitz, Katherine Hille London,Beijing.
#48. 冰凍放射| Noita中文Wiki
Also, more powerful enemies will thaw out faster and resume their attacks. A creature that has been frozen solid can be killed in a single hit, ...
#49. Thaw you out - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
thaw out · 1. To warm up enough to gradually become unfrozen. · 2. By extension, to become warm after feeling extremely cold. · 3. To unfreeze something by ...
#50. Breast milk storage: Do's and don'ts - Mayo Clinic
How do I thaw frozen breast milk? Thaw the oldest milk first. Place the frozen container in the refrigerator the night before you intend to use it. You can also ...
#51. Proper Storage and Preparation of Breast Milk - CDC
Thawed, Previously Frozen, 1–2 Hours, Up to 1 Day (24 hours), NEVER refreeze human milk after it has been thawed. Leftover from a Feeding
#52. freeze-thaw cycle - 凍融循環 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
以freeze-thaw cycle 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 地理學名詞-兩岸地理學名詞, freeze-thaw cycle, 凍融循環. 學術名詞
#53. Chocolat Double
We offer a frozen cake home delivery service using our original freezing method ... Shelf life:Keep until the date that printed on seal (before thaw out)
#54. Quebec Spring Thaw / Période de dégel 2021 - Hapag-Lloyd
Please note that Spring Thaw impacts all containers, both import and export, moving through the province of Quebec. Spring Thaw Dates are ...
#55. If you're not thinking about the climate impacts of thawing ...
Earth's permafrost is thawing, and indigenous communities in the Arctic and ... This frozen ground is present beneath large parts of Alaska, ...
#56. 康納到澳洲與職業足球員訓練,不忘惡搞死對頭喬登 - BC & Lowy
"thaw out"是英文常用語,指「解凍」。 註3: 以下是康納和喬登大鬧義大利酒莊的影片.
#57. thaw out - 共读书房
搜索. 基础; 记忆小窍门; 词根; 例句. 欢迎使用微信小程序. thaw out. 柯林斯词频(零星). na. 解冻. 记忆小窍门. 词根. 例句. 2018@ 记词吧| 约读书房 | 阅读培训加盟.
#58. 【歌詞翻譯】Marina Kaye - Freeze You Out 中英文歌詞
You want me to thaw out 你希望我能解開冰封的心. But you know I get ice cold, I get cold 但你知道我心灰意冷,冰封自己
#59. Frozen Meat: Tips for Food Safety
Thawing Frozen Meats. Freezing cannot kill bacteria. It is not advisable to thaw at room temperature or in hot water. As soon as frozen meat ...
#60. 翻译'a thaw' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ a thaw”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中a thaw的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 ... A 20,000-year-old frozen fish man who was thawed out by scientists.
#61. Thaw a Domain - Oracle I/O Domain Administration Guide
Use this procedure to thaw an I/O Domain that is frozen. This is performed when you want to take a domain from the Frozen state back to the Ready for Use ...
#62. Arctic Permafrost Thaw Would Amplify Climate Change -
Ever-increasing global temperatures, however, threaten to set off a costly chain reaction: As the Arctic permafrost, frozen solid for millennia, ...
#63. Primeswift DA61-06796A 冰箱排水管夾蒸發器,鋁,替換冰箱型號 ...
It is a real pain and usually takes 2 hours or so to thaw everything out. I really thought the refrigerator was done for when I did this at the start of ...
#64. mAbs | Freeze|Thaw - Sartorius
Celsius ® CFT – The Controlled-Rate Freeze & Thaw Platform Technology ... including frozen transport, to easily and safely manage larger frozen bulk volumes.
#65. How to Thaw Frozen Meat | Organic Prairie
Please follow the safe thawing instructions below. All frozen meat products (stored below 0 ° F) can be kept indefinitely. Our certified organic meats are ...
#66. As permafrost thaws, the ground beneath Alaska is collapsing
Nicholas Hasson, it turned out, was studying thawing permafrost — research that could shed light on the streams and sinkholes that recently ...
#67. 大连理工大学主页平台管理系统邱文亮--中文主页-- Three ...
... simulation of heterogeneous concrete under freeze-thaw邱文亮, ... Moreover, the material development of concrete was carried out by using the VUSDFLD ...
#68. Delta News Search | Delta News Hub
With spring break swinging into action and people looking to thaw out some place warm, Delta wants to remind customers to pack smart so that airport ...
#69. This Peach Blueberry Cobbler Has The Perfect Biscuit Topping
If you don't have fresh peaches or blueberries you can go frozen! Let the fruit thaw out first and then you'll be good to go.
#70. thaw out 中文意思是什麼
thaw : vi 1 (冰、雪等)解凍,融化。2 〈口語〉(冰冷的身體)漸漸溫暖起來。3 (態度、感情等)緩和起來。vt... out: adv 1 〈位置及運動的方向〉向外,向外部; ...
#71. 中國-挪威關係- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
中挪關係(挪威語:Forholdet mellom Kina og Norge),是指歷史上的中國和挪威(包括現在中华人民 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#72. Bill Maher (@billmaher) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Bill Maher (@billmaher). The Official Bill Maher Twitter. Los Angeles.
#73. Guidelines on Thawing of Food - The National Environment ...
INTRODUCTION. When food is frozen at 0oC and below, some of the bacteria found in the food may be inactive but are still alive. When frozen food is thawed, ...
#74. PM Kishida, Yoon's delegation agree to seek better Japan-S ...
4 天前 — Hopes for a thaw in relations have grown as Yoon, who is calling for a "future-oriented" approach, is set to be sworn in on May 10.
#75. Senior Scientist/Engineer, Process Engineer for Drug/Combo ...
... and fill-finish unit operations such as freeze-thaw, formulation, ... Check out our landing page for more information on our BPD group ...
#76. COMIRNATY Concentrate for Dispersion for Injection
Keep this medicine out of the sight ... After thawing, the vaccine should ... The multidose vial is stored frozen and must be thawed.
#77. Dmitri Medvedev - The New York Times
Forced out by term limits after 17 years, President Joseph Kabila says he would accept an opposition ... Thaw in China-Russia Relations Hasn't Trickled Down.
#78. Pakistan PM Sharif heads to Saudi for first foreign visit - Khmer ...
Pakistan's new Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif begins his maiden foreign trip Thursday to Saudi Arabia, seeking financial support from a ...
#79. Times Cryptic No 28266 - Saturday, 23 April 2022. Right as a ...
The parsing of 2D puzzled me but no doubt Ill sort it out here. ... THAW — Two definitions, the first referring to the late John Thaw.
#80. Biden closes half of NPR-A acreage in Arctic Alaska to oil drilling
Manage your navigation settings Find out more ... generating its own heat and accelerating thaw from base, says study, Eye on the Arctic.
#81. Why Are Photos Stored in a DCIM Folder?.
There's also a fee tacked on for taking out the advance. ... according to U Win Thaw, head of the bank's Foreign Exchange Management Department.based ...
#82. Qualicor is bugged or destroyed at my acc > Help - Game Issues
한국어. Polski. Português (Brasil). Русский. 简体中文. 繁體中文 ... Sign Out. Loading... Help. Help us help you. Forums ... 4/30/2022 1:13:03 AM. 0. 1. THAW ...
#83. Understanding Guitar Finishes.
K2nblog Jus2 In 2013, JYP Entertainment announced that they would debut a new girl group in the first half of 2014, the first female group to come out of ...
#84. High-Tech Board - Topic - Caixin Global
The cost of sea freight out of the nation continues to drop ... a chill over tech startup finance in China, despite recent signals of a government thaw.
#85. 海蒂(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
Next morning her grandfather was able to dig his way out, and shovelled the ... Heidi watched in astonishment as the heat of the stove began to thaw the ...
#86. How to "Thaw all the Shards Out" in Genshin Impact - YouTube
How to " Thaw all the Shards Out " in Genshin Impact - In The Mountains Quest Guide. 2,423,405 views Dec 22, 2020 Helping you beat any game, ...
thaw out中文 在 How to "Thaw all the Shards Out" in Genshin Impact - YouTube 的八卦
How to " Thaw all the Shards Out " in Genshin Impact - In The Mountains Quest Guide. 2,423,405 views Dec 22, 2020 Helping you beat any game, ... ... <看更多>