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2008-12-08 16:27:04 有 71,179,683 人看過 有 185,567 人喜歡Cross-section - typical telephoto lens. L1 - Tele positive lens group. L2 - Tele negative lens group. D - Diaphragm. 拍照效果 ...
#2. telephoto lens中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
(telephoto lens在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯© Cambridge University Press). telephoto lens的翻譯. 中文(簡體). 摄远镜头… 查看更多內容.
望遠鏡頭Telephoto Lens ... 望遠鏡頭是長焦距鏡頭(Long-focal-length lens),大約是100毫米或更長,它以攝影機為軸心,將四周景物扁平化,景深與被攝物的體積減少, ...
#4. 攝影-鏡頭基礎
5. 遠攝鏡頭(Telephoto Lens) · 遠攝鏡頭(100mm ~ 800mm)可以拍出比人類視野窄的照片 · 這種長鏡頭可以壓縮距離(且壓縮深度),並拍攝遠端的特定物體 · 景深會較淺 · 有時可以 ...
telephoto lens中文 ::遠攝鏡頭;遠距攝影鏡頭…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋telephoto lens的中文翻譯,telephoto lens的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
使用Reverso Context: 6-18x Mobile zoom telephoto lens,在英语-中文情境中翻译"telephoto lens"
在中文里面,我们如何解释telephoto lens这个英文词呢? telephoto lens这个英文词,中文意思如下:长焦镜头遠攝鏡頭遠攝镜頭,或稱為長焦距鏡頭、望遠鏡頭, ...
#8. telephoto lens - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"telephoto lens" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#9. Telephoto lens的繁體中文翻譯 - 英文翻譯
Telephoto lens. Telephoto lens. 14/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文, 優魯巴文, 克林貢語 ...
#10. telephoto lens - 远摄镜头,长焦镜头…《抓鸟》英语词典
telephoto lens 的解释是:远摄镜头,长焦镜头… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:telephoto lens的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#11. inverted telephoto lens的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
inverted telephoto lens中文的意思、翻譯及用法:反遠攝鏡頭。英漢詞典提供【inverted telephoto lens】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#12. 【telephoto camera lens】的中文翻译和相关专业术语翻译
【telephoto camera lens】的中文译词:远摄照相机透镜; 【telephoto camera lens】的相关专业术语翻译:telephoto camera lens 远摄照相机透镜; telephoto camera ...
#13. telephoto lens是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋- 儀器儀表專業英漢 ...
telephoto lens 是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋分析:telephotolens詞語:telephotolens解釋:遠攝鏡頭[光學長度比較短的長焦鏡頭,它由以一定間隔分離的正、負透鏡組 ...
#14. telephoto conversion lens的中文意思- telephoto conversion lens中文 ...
telephoto conversion lens 中文意思是什麼 ... 攝遠鏡頭(=telephoto lens)。 conversion : n 1 變換,轉化,轉換;換算,換位。2 (意見、信仰等的)改變〈特指改 ...
#15. telephoto的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
You may use a zoom or telephoto lens on your camera. 你可以在照相機上安裝可變距鏡頭或攝遠鏡頭.
#16. TELEPHOTO 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
range of viewing angles with standard(3-9 mm) and telephoto(9-22 mm) lens options available. 此外,AXISQ3515-LVE使用提供的标准(3-9毫米)和远摄(9-22毫米) ...
#17. telephoto - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
telephoto lens. 美式. ph. (攝影機的)遠距 ...
#18. 翻译'telephoto lens' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ telephoto lens”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中telephoto lens的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#19. 超过100 张关于“Telephoto Lens”和“长焦镜头”的免费图片
查找关于“Telephoto Lens”的图片。✓ 免费用于商业用途✓ 无需注明归属✓ 无版权.
#20. 鏡頭基本知識#8:望遠鏡頭
1. 讓您將實際上很遠的拍攝主體「拉近」並填充畫框。 · 2. 淺景深;可以輕鬆創造背景模糊(背景「散景」)效果。 · 3. 窄視角;可以輕鬆地將不必要的背景 ...
#21. telephoto 的情境影片範例|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
You can see this with a telephoto camera lens where the camera aperture has been made very. 你可以看到這個相機鏡頭的光圈調節到很小. 6K 321. 中文 B1 中級.
#22. telephoto lens是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释 - 英语作文
telephoto lens 是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释介绍:telephotolens词语:telephotolens解释:远摄镜头[光学长度比较短的长焦镜头,它由以一定间隔 ...
#23. 廣角(wide angle)和長焦鏡頭(telephoto lens)的區別
但隨著單反相機的出現,鏡頭的選擇也變得撲朔迷離。大多數人遇到的兩種鏡頭是廣角鏡頭和長焦鏡頭。兩者的主要區別在於它們的焦距。廣角鏡頭的焦距較短(即18mm),而長焦 ...
#24. 在"英语"词典里telephoto lens}的意思
在英语词典里带使用范例的telephoto lens含义telephoto lens的近义词以及telephoto lens ... 点击查看«telephoto lens»在英语词典里的原始定义。 ... 翻译者英语- 中文.
#25. 长焦镜头_百度百科
以135照相机为例,其镜头焦距从85毫米-300毫米的摄影镜头为普通远摄镜头,300毫米以上的为超远摄镜头 。 中文名: 长焦镜头; 外文名: tele lens; 别 名: 远摄镜头、 ...
#26. 抓拍神器 Telephoto lens手機望遠鏡26倍/拍照/錄影/遠拍 ...
若拆封使用後造成商品折損買家應造價賠償賣家損失※依據蝦皮會員帳號訂單截圖為依據可與客服做售後服務※ 購買抓拍神器✨✨✨Telephoto lens手機望遠鏡26倍/拍照/錄影/遠 ...
#27. telephoto camera lens - 英語字典 - 极简词典
telephoto camera lens的中文意思,telephoto camera lens汉语解释| ... Then there is the camera, the telephoto lens, and the cellphone with a camera.
#28. telephoto - 中文百科知識
telephoto. telephoto n. 電傳照像, 遠距攝影照片adj. 用遠距鏡頭照相的例句:The telephoto lens system... to the traditional telephoto lens system.
#29. telephoto lens — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“telephoto lens” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#30. 遠攝鏡頭 - 中文维基百科
Cross-section - typical telephoto lens. L1 - Tele positive lens group. L2 - Tele negative lens group. D - Diaphragm ...
#31. 三倍望遠鏡頭3X Telephoto Lens - bitplay - FFLives
6 Plus手機殼皆可通用 - Magnification: 3X- Mount: 13mm threads- Minimum Focus Distance: 230mm- Lens Construction: 3 elements in 2 groups- Lens Housing: High ...
#32. telephoto 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
telephoto 傳真電報來源(3): The Collaborative International Dictionary of ... made with a telephoto lens [syn: {telephotograph}, {telephoto}] 來源(6): Moby ...
#33. PENTAX Q 05 TOY LENS TELEPHOTO 18mm F8 望遠鏡頭 ...
#34. 單字telephoto的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
可以,有些自動機具備廣角鏡及遠攝鏡功能的內置變焦鏡。 Yes some of them include a built-in zoom lens with wide-angle and telephoto settings. 你可以 ...
#35. Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens for ... Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras, 6473A003 (Renewed) 黑色: 電子.
#36. Photojojo 的Telephoto Lens 為你的iPad 帶來最高12 倍光學變焦
如果大家是用第三或第四代iPad 的話,那Telephoto Lens 就可以為它帶來10 倍的變焦,如果是iPad Mini 的話則是12 倍。 ... Engadget 中文版.
#37. Telephoto lens 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Telephoto lens 释义: A telephoto lens is a powerful camera lens which allows you to take close-up pictures of... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#38. wide lens中文相關資訊 - 哇哇3C日誌
7 天前— wide-angle lens 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯· 瀏覽· 用我們的趣味配圖小測驗考考你的詞彙量.
#39. telephoto翻译为:电传照相,远距摄影照
telephoto的中文意思:电传照相,远距摄影照,点击查看详细解释:telephoto的中文 ... that scientists had for curiosity was the addition of a telephoto lens .
購買RPI-16MM-LENS - Raspberry-pi - Telephoto Lens, PRI, 16mm, Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 10MP, C-Mount。e络盟提供優惠價格、當日出貨、快速運送、充分 ...
Product name|Premium HD Telephoto Lens; LENS Magnification|2X; Minimum focus distance|240mm; Angle of View – Horizontal|32.3° ...
#42. telephoto中文意思翻译 - 英语单词大全
Perhaps there'll be 16GB telephoto or 32GB zoom lenses available in the future..或许今后还会有16GB的“摄远镜头”或32GB的“全景镜头”可供选择。
#43. telephoto - 英汉词典
telephoto - 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. telephoto ... The photographer accidentally dropped his most expensive telephoto lens in the lake.
#44. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - LetPub
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 ... 中英对照. 摄远镜头. telephoto lens. 学科分类.
#45. iPhone 要有潛望式鏡頭了,但目前「長焦之戰」方向是否錯誤?
iPhone 12 系列發表前,人們的期待之一便是長焦拍攝有明顯進步。我們常看到類似下面的渲染圖,4 顆鏡頭有一顆應該就是超長焦鏡頭。
#46. 「反遠攝透鏡」英文翻譯及相關英語詞組- 澳典漢英詞典
1.reverse telephoto lens. 「無透鏡攝影」的英文. 1.lensless photography. 「微距攝影透鏡」的英文. 1.macroshot lens. 「遠視性透鏡」的英文.
#47. inverted telephoto lens中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
inverted telephoto lens中文意思是反远摄镜头.
#48. telephoto中文意思、翻译、音标、读音
常见例句 · A bank of telephoto lenses homed in on him. · His name for it was phono - telephoto. · I commonly use the Olympus 100 millimeter telephoto lens.
#49. Camera Lenses | Interchangeable A-Mount & E ... - Sony TW
E-mount Full Frame format; G Master Large-aperture super telephoto lens; Extraordinary speed, outstanding G Master resolution and bokeh.
#50. 鏡頭術語- Nikon Hong Kong Ltd.
To enhance the performance of its optical lens elements, Nikon employs an exclusive ... ED glass — an essential element of NIKKOR telephoto lenses.
#51. 遠攝鏡頭The
The telephoto zoom is the lens that is going to be pulled out for ... mirror telephoto lens中文翻譯,mirror telephoto lens是什麼意思:反射式遠攝鏡頭…
#52. 博碩士論文行動網
論文名稱(外文):, Design and Analysis of Ultra Wide Angle Lens System for Car Lens. ... 語文別: 中文 ... That is conform to reverse telephoto mode.
#53. is lens是哪種鏡頭
定焦鏡頭依功能不同,又可分為標準鏡頭(normal lens)、廣角鏡頭(wide-angle lens)及望遠鏡頭(telephoto lens)。. 標準鏡頭的焦距值為50mm,其呈像最近似於肉眼所見。
#54. Reno 2 的四顆攝像頭是由什麼鏡頭組成? | OPPO 香港
4800萬像素主鏡頭48MP Main Camera · 800萬像素超廣角鏡頭8MP Wide Angle Lens · 1300萬像素長焦距鏡頭13MP Telephoto Lens · 200萬像素黑白鏡頭2MP Mono Lens.
#55. 最好的超遠攝變焦鏡頭推薦 - 十佳評測
Phone Camera Lens Phone Lens 22X Telephoto Lens, ... Sony FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS Super Telephoto Zoom Lens (SEL200600G).
#56. 變焦鏡頭的進化論. 先有Zoom還是先有Vario focus? - Medium
這也是它有許多名字,像是:「Zoom lens」、「Varifocal ... 鏡組置於正鏡組之前,組成「逆望遠鏡式」(reversed telephoto)鏡頭,可以使視角擴大。
#57. 【中文】紧凑型长焦镜头【EN】Compact telephoto lens
【EN】The invention provides a compact telephoto lens, which sequentially comprises a diaphragm, a secondary mirror and a main mirror from an object side to ...
#58. Black Eye Pk001 Pro Kit Telephoto Lens Camera Lenses
Product color: BlackCharacteristics :- Type of objective : Fisheye, macro & wide- Product color : BlackProduct type: Mobile Phone Lenses.
#59. Telephoto Lens Edition - iPhone 12 - Sandmarc
Best Telephoto Zoom Lens for iPhone 12 camera. 2x optical magnification. Capture your moment with the only mobile photography lens kit with a case ...
#60. bitplay iPhone 專用外接鏡頭評鑑(二)HD 高階望遠鏡頭(HD ...
bitplay iPhone 專用外接鏡頭評鑑(二)HD 高階望遠鏡頭(HD Telephoto Lens) · 上一則 ...
#61. bitplay HD高階望遠鏡頭(HD Telephoto Lens) 手機鏡頭iPhone ...
bitplay HD高階望遠鏡頭(HD Telephoto Lens) 手機鏡頭iPhone android. $2,980 領取優惠券 ... 現貨Switch遊戲NS 曲途No Straight Roads 中文版【板橋魔力】.
#62. 辅助/转换长焦相机镜头,用于58 mm 过滤器 - eBay
全部过滤条件. MINT Raynox DCR-1850PRO Telephoto Conversion Lens 52/58mm Mount w/ Bag ... Focus 58mm 2.2X Telephoto & 0.43X Wide Angle with Macro Lens Kit ...
#63. 13 最新相機鏡頭的搜尋結果 - Mouser
DFRobot FIT0828 16mm 10MP Telephoto Lens. 10/20/2021. - Suitable to use with the Raspberry Pi High-Quality Camera and Jetson Nano 12.3MP camera.
#64. 长焦镜头(Telephoto lens)
所谓“折反射型”镜头的特点是:镜头中的一部分光学元件是利用光学折射原理参与成像,另外一部分是利用光学折射原理参与成像。 折反射型(Mirror、Reflex)镜头的焦距多 ...
#65. Hanimar 135 mm Telephoto lens 3.5 - Catawiki
Beautiful lens, very clear, no scratches and also on the outside good with very little to no signs of use. 3.5-135 mm with number H95457 Including box (with ...
#66. telephoto - 中国的翻译
Telephoto的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... I brought a telephoto lens and five years of photography experience.
#67. 远摄镜头 - 万维百科
Cross-section - typical telephoto lens. L1 - Tele positive lens group. L2 - Tele negative lens group. D - Diaphragm ...
#68. Landscape Photography: Telephoto Lenses Online Class
Explore the creative options that a telephoto lens provides in landscape photography. Tips for isolating subjects in nature and compressing distance.
#69. What is a telephoto lens? | Clipchamp Glossary
Read our ultimate guide to focal length. These lenses are particularly useful for photos of wildlife or sports. With a good telephoto lens, you can see things ...
#70. Lightdow A-KL00016 420-800mm f/8.3 Manual Zoom Super ...
... 比較Lightdow A-KL00016 420-800mm f/8.3 Manual Zoom Super Telephoto Lens + T Mount "AI" (4 Elementsin 2 groups lens ) 價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關 ...
#71. long distance telephoto lens 的中文意思、long distance ... - TerryL
long distance telephoto lens 中文意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. long distance telephoto lens 解釋. 長距離遠攝鏡頭. long: n 朗〈姓氏〉。vi 渴想,極想,渴望(for ...
#72. 长焦镜头(摄影镜头类型)_搜狗百科 - Sogou Baike
具有视角小、景深短、透视效果差等特点。 中文名长焦镜头. 外文名tele lens. 分类普通远摄镜头 ...
#73. RPI-16MM-LENS Raspberry-pi, Telephoto Lens, PRI, 16mm ...
Buy RPI-16MM-LENS - Raspberry-pi - Telephoto Lens, PRI, 16mm, Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 10MP, C-Mount. Farnell offers fast quotes, same day dispatch ...
#74. 什么是焦距(关于focal length 你必须知道的事情) - YouTube
... TTartisan 17mm f/1.4 for Fujifilm - Filling the wide angle gap ... The things more crucial than Cameras: Lens and Focal Length|Tutorial.
#75. FLK 2X LENS Fluke, Test Accessory, 2X Magnification, Infrared ...
FLK 2X LENS. Manufacturer: FLUKE. Newark Part No.: 60AC4407. Accessory Type: Infrared Telephoto Lens. For Use With: Fluke RSE300 & RSE600 Infrared Cameras.
#76. クリアランス大セール 52mm 2X Telephoto Lens for Canon Digital ...
#77. 遠攝鏡頭
Cross-section - typical telephoto lens. L1 - Tele positive lens group. L2 - Tele negative lens group. D - Diaphragm. 拍照效果. 从同一距离,使用 ...
#78. Telephoto Lens Hologram Loop - Stock Motion Graphics
A 3d hologram of a telephoto camera lens with glowing wireframes rotating on a black background in a seamless loop. H.264. 1920x1080 (HD). 13.28MB.
#79. 公式初売Sony HDR-CX360V High Definition 3.0X Telephoto Lens ...
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#80. 鏡頭minolta af 稀有24mm f2.8 for sony a 含配件蓋皮筒 - 旋轉拍賣
You can choose 2 kinds of lens cover one that will fit original stock x100 and the other ... Bomgogo Govisuon L3 0.5X super Wide Angle Lens.
#81. Digital Photography Review
Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums.
#82. Leonardo Elementary School / Homepage
A telephoto lens is a long distance focus lens. It basically has the same features as the top camera. This phone is pretty much a photographers' camera. Other ...
#83. Xiaomi 12 Ultra could be the first to feature new Sony IMX989 ...
... a 48MP ultrawide sensor with OIS support, and a 48MP telephoto lens with 120x zoom support. Under the hood, it should get powered by the ...
#84. 【電影小常識】一個「長鏡頭」,各自表述 - 關鍵評論網
因此,雖然英文當中long lens、long shot和long take是完全不同的意思,但是中文都可以被稱為「長鏡頭」。 Lens指的是「鏡頭」這個實體的光學儀器,所以 ...
#85. Downton Abbey village 'like living in a zoo' says resident fed ...
... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文) ... with a telephoto lens taking pictures over someone's garden wall.
#86. Canon EF 50mm f 1.4 USM Standard Medium Telephoto Lens for Can
EF Medium Telephoto Canon Can Lens 50mm for f Standard USM 1.4.
#87. HONOR Magic4 Ultimate - 8P Wide Camera | HONOR Global
All New Ultra Wide Angle Almighty anti-distortion ... The world's first dual free-form lens reduces photo edge distortion to 0.5% 6. The ultra wide camera is also ...
#88. 1.3.2 认识镜头:镜头技术术语与摄影黑话科普(一) - 知乎专栏
介于24-35mm 的镜头我们称之为广角(Wide Angle)镜头, ... 可以让镜头的实际长度短于其焦距,所以一般长焦镜头也叫望远镜头(Telephoto lens)。
#89. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 design and battery details leaked
... rear camera unit which comprises — a 12MP main camera, a 12MP ultra-wide sensor and another 12MP telephoto lens with 2x optical zoom.
#90. Unit 1 Vocabulary Flashcards | Quizlet
philologist. one who has a love for learning and literature. telephoto. a camera lens system designed to give a large image of a distant object. tropical.
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什么是长焦镜头(Telephoto Lens)? 长焦镜头是一种照相机镜头,设计用来使人们能够使用实际长度比焦距短的镜头拍摄长焦距照片。例如,与传统的400毫米 ...
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