在不同參照系中時間本身已不再是一個不變量,不變量是時間坐標乘以光速的平方減去三維空間坐標的平方和,叫時空區間(SPACE-TIME INTERVAL),其單位既 ...
#2. time space interval 中文 - 查查在線詞典
time space interval中文 ::時空間隔…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋time space interval的中文翻譯,time space interval的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
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沪江词库精选time space interval是什么意思、英语单词推荐、time space interval的用法、time space interval的中文意思、翻译time space interval是什么意思.
#4. space interval中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
片語. gray space interval solution灰區間解. Space-Interval System空間間隔系統. space-interval method[鐵路]. space time interval時空間隔.
time space interval 的解释是:时空间隔… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:time space interval的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#6. space time - 空間時間 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
名詞解釋: 在牛頓力學裡,測試系統與觀察者之間的相對狀態不影響測試結果,因而空間是三維的且空間與時間是互相獨立的。但在相對論力學,相對運動的速率v與光速c比較是 ...
We see each other at regular intervals - usually about once a month. 我們定期見面——通常大約是每月一次。 C2. the space ...
#8. 相對論- 臺大開放式課程(NTU OpenCourseWare)
Proper Time Interval、極端線、Minkowski 時空. 單元8.保度規變換、反變向量、正變向量、四向量. 單元9. ... Geodesics in Schwarzschild spacetime. 單元26.
#9. time invariance-翻译为中文-例句英语
The invariance of the interval further strengthens that view of a kind of interchangeability between space and time. 间隔的不变性进一步加强了空间和时间之间具有 ...
#10. specified time interval 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
For a prediction to be successful, the probability of occurrence in a time interval and a space domain must be specified in advance, as must the lower ...
#11. time interval中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
time interval中文 意思是时间间隔,时距.
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大量翻译例句关于"at every interval" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... Every message, comment time interval setting , you [...].
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可從時空區間(spacetime interval)中的世界線(world lines)計算。 (d) 故搭乘火箭回來的兄弟仍然會比較年輕。 相似的實驗c-1: The bug-Rivet ...
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中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 隔時制 time interval system 【電機工程】 隔時制 time interval system 【土木工程名詞】 等時隔控制 constant headway control 【土木工程名詞】
#15. Interval 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
Interval \In"ter*val\, n. [L. intervallum; inter between + vallum a wall: cf. F. intervalle. See {Wall}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A space between things; ...
#16. Mining Temporal Patterns in Time Interval-Based Data
Recently, applications using time interval-based event data have attracted ... to further reduce the search space of the mining process.
#17. 時空圖|狹義相對論第二章(Spacetime Diagrams
#18. time interval | 蘋果健康咬一口
點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋interval time的中文翻譯,interval time的發音, ... two events or times: 2. the space between two points: 3. a short period…
#19. 8.5. 日期時間型別
time 、 timestamp 和 interval 接受 p 作為非必須的精度參數,可指定秒的欄位保留的 ... PostgreSQLaccepts that format on input, but on output it uses a space ...
#20. 關於Interval的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
An equally spaced interval is an interval with the same space. ... (music) There was a large interval of time, in which no one spoke.
#21. ifs[幀間隔] - 中文百科知識
Inter-frame space幀間隔:1,time interval between frame transmissions幀傳輸之間的時間間隔2,used to establish priority in accessing the channel用來建立訪問 ...
#22. time interval transmission的中文是什麼意思 - 英漢科技詞典
time interval transmission的中文是什麼意思,time interval transmission的中文翻譯_例句 ... transmission time interval space allocation. 傳輸時間間隔空間分配 ...
#23. SQL: SELECT * FROM this || 國家教育研究院-天文學學術名詞
英文名稱, 中文名稱 ... time interval, 時間間隔;時段. time lag, 時滯. time marker, 時間記號. time measurement, 時間計量 ... translunar space, 月[軌道]外空間.
#24. Space-Time Interval - Encyclopedia
Space -Time Interval. in the theory of relativity, a quantity that characterizes the relation between the spatial distance and the time interval that separate ...
#25. Interval 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Interval 释义: An interval between two events or dates is the period of time ... C13: from Latin intervallum, literally: space between two palisades, ...
#26. Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points (Space Time ...
ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that aggregates points by space and time into a ... The Time Step Interval defines how you want to partition your aggregated ...
#27. Vacuum, Space-Time, Matter and the Models of Smarandache ...
all quantitative effects, and the space-times of relativity and quantum physics are ... proportional to the time interval that the light travels through an ...
#28. TimeSpan.Parse 方法(System) | Microsoft Docs
將時間間隔的字串表示,轉換成與其相等的TimeSpan。Converts the string representation of a time interval to its TimeSpan equivalent.
#29. 閔可夫斯基時空(Minkowski spacetime) | 論盡物理宇宙- 某80 ...
而且喺哩個3+1時空中,兩點/兩件事情嘅3+1維距離(spacetime interval)一樣係絕對,「可以用」畢氏定理(Pythagoras' theorem)計出嚟。
#30. In the interval ▷ 翻译中文, 发音, 同义词, 反义词, 图片, 例子
From the invariance of the spacetime interval it follows. 根据时空间隔的不变性,它遵循。 Spatial rotations alone are also Lorentz transformations they leave ...
#31. 英文Q & A:interval 與intermission 的差別- dawn guo的部落格
interval vs. intermission Definition 定義英式美式1. a period of time between events 兩件事之間的空檔interv. ... 7. with time/space between.
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#33. 空間時間- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
空間時間(英語:space time)是一个化学反应工程名词,其定义为:於給定的進料條件下,為處理一個 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#34. Position - 演算法筆記
build | build | search | orthogonal | time | space | (ins/del) | range search -----------+-------------+-------------+-----------+-------------- KD-Tree ...
#35. On Time Dilation, Space Contraction, and the Question ... - Gale
In a nutshell, time dilation and length contraction are apparent effects. ... 2, we see that space distance measurements, i.e. space intervals, ...
#36. interval"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
简明英语-中文词典. ˋIntZvL; ˊintәvl< in.ter.val > ... 4『数学』(也作closed interval) 闭区间 5『数学』(也作open interval) 开 ... systolic time interval (STI).
#37. Introduction to the Lorentz transformation (video) - Khan ...
#38. RANGE Keyword -- Time Interval - TechDocs
Specify one or more time range intervals within a calendar day associated with a TIMEREC label. Limit the scope of a search for auto-assignment ...
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自由空間(Free Space)中的傳播模型為最簡單、最理想化的. 傳播模型。 ... (Coherent Bandwidth)和同調時間(Coherent Time)這兩個參.
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From the countless background points, at a certain rhythm and interval, a circle is born that grows and spreads out radially. The circle born transforms ...
#41. 802.11AX - Aruba Networks
也補上了一項新機制:「目標等候時間」(target wait time, TWT)。 ... 保護間隔(Guard Interval) ... 空時區塊編碼(Space-Time Block Coding).
#42. intervals - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung | PONS
in·ter·val [ˈɪntəv ə l, Am -t̬ɚ-] SUBST. 1. interval (in space, time): interval · Abstand m. interval · Zwischenraum m. interval · Intervall nt geh.
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Is the interseismic deformation stationary or does it vary with time? ... Space - Time Equivalence ... If recurrence interval is about 1000 years, then.
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Cannot reconcile same speed of light for all and our traditional notions of time and space. Einstein's courageous idea. Start from constant speed of light ...
#45. Introduction to Space-Time Adaptive Processing - MathWorks
The plane is flying along the array axis of the ULA at a speed such that it travels a half element spacing of the array during one pulse interval. (An ...
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Definition: Estimated time of arrival (ETA) is the time interval at which a certain ... the Estimated Time of Arrival is based (in theory) on the space-time ...
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Let's suppress some dimensions to simplify: Δs2=−(cΔt)2+Δx2. This quantity Δs2. is preserved by changes of reference frame, just as in Galilean physics the ...
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The Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) is an internationally ... for frequency and time interval for the United States, provides official time to ...
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问一个关于spacetime interval 的问题在梁灿彬老师的《从零学相对论》中用lorentz transformation推导出ds^2=-dt^2+dx^2,也就是spaccetime in...
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兩個音之間的距離,我們叫它「音程」(Interval),當然,這是自音樂之父巴赫奠定十二平均律以降,西方音樂世界最重要的根基,因為有了音程,我們才會 ...
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這加快了全球化步伐,使不同地區的人在經濟、社會、文化及政治上,發展出不同程度的相互依存關係。 時空收斂(壓縮)(Time-space Convergence / ...
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论宇宙:时空与广延同一(简体中文版) 陈洁 ... To the discrete category belong beginning, interval, end, etc. By the continuity attribute, we cannot claim a ...
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It is important to remember, however, that a reflection within a nondestructive time interval can be extremely useful. Reflections that are at or near ...
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spacetime, and Leibnizian spacetime) there is a relation of absolute simultaneity ... The Interval on superspacetime corresponds to the spacetime interval.
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By its influence, time has no longer measure, space has no longer distance. We depart from one place, and arrive at another, that is all. Of the interval ...
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After an interval the Psychologist had an inspiration. 'It must have gone into the past if it has gone anywhere,' he said. 'Why?' said the Time Traveler.
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Do come to visit us when you have time. kòngbái 空白 blank space kòngxì 空隙[comp:空 vacant + 隙 crack] n narrow gap, brief interval ...
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Data associated with the playlist, such as Watch time, will still be part of broader reports, but won't be attributed to the deleted playlist. ... <看更多>