英語島English Island是一本【中文裡包含英文;英文裡包含中文】的雙語月刊; ... I was so sorry to hear about your loss/the sad news about your sister. ... <看更多>
「sorry to hear your loss中文」的推薦目錄:
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 當親友過世時,英文除了"RIP"...10種慰問的英文這樣說 的相關結果
2.Please accept our deepest sympathies.(請接受我們最深切的慰問。) 用Loss、sad news取代death、die. 3.I was so sorry to hear about your loss/the ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 親人離去,安慰表示遺憾英文如何述說 - 惡蛋與我 的相關結果
i m sorry for your loss. ... history and relation to 'sorrow': you are saying, “It causes me sorrow to have heard of/to know of your loss”. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 聽到別人過世的消息,除了RIP,多學這10句慰問的話會讓人更 ... 的相關結果
3. I was so sorry to hear about your loss/the sad news about your sister.(我很抱歉得知你的喪失/你姐姐的逝世。) 提及與對方的美好回憶:wonderful memories. 4. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 除了說I'm sorry還能這樣表達同情與安慰 的相關結果
請接受我們最深切的慰問。 用Loss、sad news取代death、die. I was so sorry to hear about your loss/the sad news about your ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 訃聞、遺囑、致哀、弔唁⋯⋯這些英文該怎麼說? - 關鍵評論網 的相關結果
另外,若是在喪禮等正式場合,除了可以說:I'm sorry to hear your loss.(我很遺憾你失去親友。)還可以說:accept my / our condolences,意思是請 ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 節哀順變遇到有人過世死亡時要如何表達同情安慰致意語言英文 的相關結果
funeral leave 喪假 節哀順便英文 遇到有人過逝的時候,英文的表達哀悼之意的說法大多有. I'm sorry to hear that.之外. I am so sorry for your lost ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 請節哀( I am sorry for your loss ) @ HJ英文敎室 - 痞客邦 的相關結果
英文每日一句: 請節哀文/ H.J.英文老師A: I am sorry for your loss.( 請節哀) B: Thank you.( 謝謝) 最近這一陣子,可能因為. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 sorry for your loss-翻译为中文-例句英语 的相關結果
使用Reverso Context: i'm sorry for your loss,在英语-中文情境中翻译"sorry for your loss" ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 【News 新聞】I am sorry for your loss - ebs 美樂顧問- 痞客邦 的相關結果
為何在西方的喪禮上會說“ I am sorry for your loss". 到底是為什麼”抱歉“ 呢? 為何台灣人常說的" 節哀順變" 在西方文化中是不適合的呢? ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 如何說死亡 的相關結果
I am sorry to hear that your father just passed away...或者I am sorry for your loss...即對於你失去親人,我覺得很難過。 ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 I'm sorry.... - 翻譯: 這個的中文怎麼說? - 英語討論區- 的相關結果
但完全不知道中文要如何說。應該不是「對不起」、「遺憾」、「抱歉」或「傷心」吧! 其他如同友人家屬過世:I'm sorry to hear about your loss ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 sorry to hear that 中文 - 查查在線詞典 的相關結果
sorry to hear that中文:聽到這樣消息我很難受…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋sorry to hear that的中文翻譯,sorry to hear that的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Eva Choi - 【每日一字】 05 - die 原諒我半點的私心 的相關結果
... 時候我們會說I'm sorry for your loss / I'm sorry to hear that 來表達惋惜。 ... 但請不要直譯中文的節哀順變做"restrain grief and accept the ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 40 Things You Can Say Instead of 'Sorry for Your Loss' 的相關結果
It's so hard to know what to say to people grieving at a funeral. How can mere words offer comfort to someone who just lost a spouse of 60 years ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 "I'm sorry for your lost. my deepest condolences. "用中文(簡體 ... 的相關結果
The direct translation of this sentence is:我为你的失去感到难过,并给你我最真诚的安慰,But we often say 节哀顺变in our lives,it sounds ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 How to Write a Condolence Message: The Best Examples 的相關結果
We can hardly describe how sorry we were to hear of your loss. Heartfelt condolences to the departed soul. My prayers and heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Meaning of sorry for your loss in English 的相關結果
sorry for your loss definition: 1. used when you are telling someone that you feel sympathy for them because someone close to them…. Learn more. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 翻譯 的相關結果
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。 ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Condolence Messages | Alamosa CO | Flower Shops 的相關結果
My deepest condolences for your loss. Your wife was a wonderful lady and we will all miss her very much. I was so very sorry to hear of your wife's passing. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Sorry For Your Loss | Drama | SBS On Demand 的相關結果
As the loss upends and transforms nearly every relationship in Leigh's life, it also forces her to realise there was a lot about her husband she didn't know. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Grief: Coping with reminders after a loss - Mayo Clinic 的相關結果
To continue on the path toward healing, know what to expect — and how to cope with reminders of your loss. Reminders can be anywhere. Certain reminders of your ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 sorry for your loss or sorry to hear your loss? - TextRanch 的相關結果
sorry to hear your loss ... Some examples from the web: ... Become a superhero of written English. YOUR NAME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS START NOW ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 sorry to hear that 用法– sorry about that - Mcwla 的相關結果
I was so sorry to hear about your loss/the sad news about your sister,(我很 ... am sorry to hear that的中文翻译i am sorry to hear that听到这个我很难过双语 ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 so sorry to hear of your loss - Spanisch-Deutsch Übersetzung 的相關結果
III . so [so] SUBST m ugs (para reforzar la significación de adjetivos despectivos). ¡so imbécil! du Idiot! SO [suðoˈeste]. SO Abkürzung von sudoeste. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 How to Say Sorry for Someone's Loss - The New York Times 的相關結果
' 'Sorry to hear of your loss.' ” April Masini, who writes about relationships and etiquette for her website Ask April, said in an email that ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 we are sorry to hear - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言) 的相關結果
大量翻译例句关于"we are sorry to hear" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... Fung-ying's speech ― sorry, I did not hear the first half of her speech ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Thank You for Condolences - Business Writing Blog 的相關結果
Dear Joanne, I am so sorry to hear about the sudden loss of your mother. I can only imagine how exhausted and sad you must be. I wish I could clone a mother and ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 第十七輯第二課I'm sorry to hear that. - 蘋果日報 的相關結果
通常聽到朋友談及一些不幸的事情,你可回應一句:I'm sorry to hear that. ... 我可以想像你一定感到難堪)或者你可用sympathy表示同情,例如:My ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Wells Fargo on Twitter: "Sorry to hear about your loss. I ... 的相關結果
Sorry to hear about your loss. I recommend calling 1-800-869-3557 to speak with a phone banker about this matter. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 We are extremely sad to hear about the passing of Hans ... 的相關結果
team_homan We are extremely sad to hear about the passing of Hans. ... lynne.dreilich Sorry for your loss enjoyed seeing him in the stands ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Apa Arti "SORRY TO HEAR OF YOUR LOSS" Dalam Bahasa ... 的相關結果
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your Father. · Saya sangat menyesal mendengar tentang kehilangan ayahmu. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 i am sorry to hear that用法 - Onnoro 的相關結果
I am sorry to hear that的中文翻譯I am sorry to hear that 聽到這個我很難過雙語例句1 I am sorry to hear that your teacher gave you a lesson yesterday. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 What to Say When Someone Dies - Medium 的相關結果
“I thought you might be in need of a hug, so I'm sending one your way with all my love.” “We Are so sorry to hear about your loss. Please know ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 5 Ways to Offer your Condolences in Spanish | Verbling 的相關結果
Lo siento mucho / muchísimo (I'm really sorry for your loss) ... Entiendo por lo que estás pasando (I know what you are going through). ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 How to Express Condolences | EnglishClub 的相關結果
When an English friend's loved one dies, take a moment to express your sympathy. ... I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I was heartbroken by this sad ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 節哀順變遇到有人過世死亡時要如何表達同情安慰致意語言英文 的相關結果
遇到有人過逝的時候,英文的表達哀悼之意的說法大多有. Im sorry to hear that.之外. I am so sorry for your lost, please send my best regards to your family ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 What to Say When Someone Dies of Cancer - The ... 的相關結果
We've compiled a list of sentiments to help you guide your loved ones through the grieving process. ... “I'm sorry to hear about your loss.”. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 my deepest condolences 中文 - Lekovi 的相關結果
I'm sorry to hear that.之外. I am so sorry for your lost, please send my best regards to your family. My condolcences My deepest condolences to you and your ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 What to say instead of sorry for your loss? Try these 35 ... 的相關結果
It can be hard to find the right words to express sympathy when someone you care about has lost a loved one. Let them know you acknowledge ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Sorry For Writing All The Songs About You 中文歌詞翻譯 的相關結果
Sorry for writing all the songs about you. 抱歉我寫了這些關於你的歌. I know that you hate that I got more to say. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Condolences: What to Say? 75 Sympathy Message Examples 的相關結果
Sharing your condolences lets them know you care and offers comfort in one of the hardest times ... I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Sorry for Your Loss - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
Shrugging his shoulder padding, Greg nonchalantly replied, ... “Well, I do hear Seymour constantly calling escort services on the phone during the midday ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 用英文表達遺憾哀悼+ 小白鼠繼續寫日記 - Jessie's 潔西家 的相關結果
I'm so sorry for your loss. ... (翻得不好,但是潔西覺得比較適當,CSI幾乎都用這一句,中文真的想不到怎麼翻才最好,怎麼 ... I know how you feel ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 THE BRIDAL PROMISE - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
He got back in his car and started for home. ... Sorry for your loss, Ransom. It had left him wild, mean with grief. ... He could just hear her now. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 i am sorry to hear of your loss - Türkçe İngilizce Sözlük - Tureng 的相關結果
İngilizce Türkçe online sözlük Tureng. Kelime ve terimleri çevir ve farklı aksanlarda sesli dinleme. I am sorry to hear of your loss başın sağ olsun I am ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 So Sorry to Hear of The Loss of Your Dear Dad - Amazon UK 的相關結果
So Sorry to Hear of The Loss of Your Dear Dad - Handfinished Sympathy Card : Amazon.co.uk: Stationery & Office Supplies. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 I Drink Rat's Milk: A Novel - 第 118 頁 - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
Her words were muffled through the door, but I could hear every word clear as a bell, “Your loss!” We needed to talk it over. ... “I'm sorry...I love you. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Her Reality His Loss - 第 106 頁 - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
“Um, time to get my sleeping beauty to bed. ... Will could hear her snore just ever so slightly, with a chuckle in his voice. ... “My love I'm sorry. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and ... 的相關結果
Since I've gotten back, just so you know, I've separated from my wife, ... “I simply can't imagine how that must have felt and I'm so sorry for your loss,” ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Pony Express Hero - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
“I'm sorry for your loss.” Kneading his nape ... She could practically hear his teeth grinding together. “Are you suggesting I don't know my own mind? ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Follow me! I Will Lead You!: Letters of a BEF Battalion ... 的相關結果
I was very sorry indeed about the death of my Commanding Officer. ... to say how deeply grieved I was to hear your husband had been killed at the front. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 Rachel of the Sword - 第 543 頁 - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
Rachel of the Sword “I am sorry to call you from the field, but something has happened that may put Avia ... What irked the rest was his loss of interest. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 50 Examples of a Condolence Message to a Colleague - Indeed 的相關結果
Condolence messages for the loss of a family member · I am deeply sorry to hear about the passing of your loved one. · My deepest sympathy goes ... ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 So sorry to hear of your loss - English-German Dictionary 的相關結果
dict.cc English-German Dictionary: Translation for So sorry to hear of your loss. ... <看更多>
sorry to hear your loss中文 在 除了說I'm sorry還能這樣表達同情與安慰 - Core-corner 的相關結果
I was so sorry to hear about your loss/the sad news about your sister. 我很抱歉得知你的喪失/你姐姐的逝世。 提及與對方的美好回憶:wonderful memories ... <看更多>