原影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mqr9V-4va78 I don't own this video, the video has translated to Traditional Chinese for education ... ... <看更多>
原影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mqr9V-4va78 I don't own this video, the video has translated to Traditional Chinese for education ... ... <看更多>
#1. The 1975. Somebody Else. 中文歌詞 - 繪緹的紙舟。 - 痞客邦
Somebody Else / 他. So I heard youfound somebody else. 所以 聽說妳找了別人交往. And at first, I thought it was a lie. 我原以為這只是個玩笑.
#2. 高爾宣OSN - Somebody Else - 魔鏡歌詞網
Somebody Else 作詞:高爾宣作曲:高爾宣我們在做什麼The problems we caused Had my back against the wall 愛在混亂後會變成什麼你離開my life's a misery 在適應新 ...
#3. The 1975 - Somebody Else 中英歌詞翻譯對照/MV分析/Cover ...
The 1975 - Somebody Else 中英歌詞翻譯對照/MV分析/Cover版本推薦「愛別人之前先好好愛自己˩ · So I heard you found somebody else · 所以,我聽聞妳有了 ...
#4. l中文字幕l The 1975 - Somebody Else - YouTube
原影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mqr9V-4va78 I don't own this video, the video has translated to Traditional Chinese for education ...
#5. 【MUSIC】Somebody Else - The 1975 中文歌詞
So I heard you found somebody else · 我聽說了,妳已找到另一個他 · And at first I thought it was a lie · 一開始我還以為妳在說謊 · I took all my ...
#6. 【Somebody Else】忠誠符合人性嗎?我不知道但傷了人就是渾蛋
So I heard you found somebody else. 我聽說你和別人在一起了. And at first I thought it was a lie. 一開始我以為這只是個幼稚的玩笑.
#7. The 1975 - Somebody Else - (中文歌詞) - 午夜過後
"Somebody Else". So I heard you found somebody else. 最近, 聽說你找到新愛. And at first I thought it was a lie. 我還以為你開玩笑.
#8. Loote - Somebody Else 歌詞翻譯 - Yuan's 漂流的小木屑- 痞客邦
直到我另結新歡你才舊情復燃. Didn't want me 'til I wanted somebody else. 在我愛上別人之前你如同冷血動物. 'Til I wanted somebody else.
#9. Flora Cash - You're Somebody Else 中文歌詞翻譯
But you're somebody else. Only it ain't on the surface. Well you talk like yourself. No, I hear someone else though
#10. Katelyn Tarver - Somebody Else 歌詞翻譯 - Sean's House
Katelyn Tarver - Somebody Else 歌詞翻譯. ... I wanna be somebody else 我想成為其他人. Somebody who's not scared as hell 那種不會怕得要死的人
#11. - [Somebody Else,高爾宣OSN] 你可能把我誤認為別人了 ...
... 2022: "- [Somebody Else,高爾宣OSN] 你可能把我誤認為別人了。 ... Lyrics: 來不及說對不起我沒那麼好會放下紀念就一天一點Too late for…
#12. Somebody Else-歌詞- 高爾宣OSN - KKBOX
Somebody Else -歌詞- 編曲:王ADEN / 張家誠我們在做什麼The problems we caused Had my back against the wall 愛在混亂後會變成什麼你離開my life'.
#13. Somebody Else的歌詞– 高爾宣OSN - MyMusic
找Somebody Else的歌詞– 高爾宣OSN – 我們在做什麼The problems we causedHad my back …… 開啟MyMusic APP立即聽歌.
#14. Somebody Else -The 1975 歌詞和MV解析 - 四月二十二- 痞客邦
Somebody Else -The 1975 歌詞和MV解析 · 這是首痛心的歌,不管從旋律、歌詞、MV來看,都使人感到濃濃的悲傷 · 我看完video後,除了被旋律深深吸引外,影片 ...
#15. SE7EN - Somebody Else(附中文空耳)
歌詞 :韓文/ 中譯 / ♪中文空耳 ♪文章編輯來自無名作者eros90316 내앞에있는널차마안을수없어不忍抱著站在我面前的妳
#16. 高爾宣OSN『Somebody Else』單曲介紹 - 銀河網路電台
高爾宣2022全新主打情歌創作單曲「Somebody Else」邀請新生代R&B創作才子王ADEN製作編曲,OSN突破以往饒舌演唱, ... 高爾宣OSN「Somebody Else」歌詞
#17. 超療癒的失戀歌曲!! A Great Big World_I Don't Wanna Love ...
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else其實是一首滿悲傷的歌,. Chad也說了這首歌是寫給他的初戀的歌曲,. 歌詞在描述失戀後的人想要挽回情人,並 ...
#18. You Belong To Somebody Else 歌詞翻譯 - 日常廢話
PJ Harding, Noah Cyrus - You Belong To Somebody Else 歌詞翻譯。我對這首歌的理解大概就是像歌名講的那樣,你已經是其他人的了,猜疑與忌妒破壞了 ...
#19. flora cash - They Own This Town 中文歌詞翻譯
[ 艾莉翻譯] 有一段時間(其實就是現在)深深著迷於flora cash的作品,來自瑞典與美國的夫妻檔獨立搖滾組合,一首You're Somebody Else廣為人知,然而 ...
#20. Somebody Else - 中文翻译- Calvin Harris 「歌词」
Somebody Else - 中文翻译- Calvin Harris 「歌词」 - Did you notice? / 你注意到了吗? // Did you find mistakes I made? / 你发现我犯了错误吗?
#21. somebody else的文章和評論 - 痞客邦
somebody else · Somebody Else · Sik-K(식케이) - 이해해줘(Somebody Else/請理解我) · The 1975 - Somebody Else 中英歌詞翻譯對照/MV分析 · 【MUSIC】Somebody Else - The ...
#22. Flora Cash - You're Somebody Else 中文歌詞翻譯 - 雪花台湾
But you're somebody else. Only it ain't on the surface. Well you talk like yourself. No, I hear someone else though
#23. Isac Elliot - Somebody Else - RapZH 中文说唱数据库
Somebody Else · Isac Elliot. 歌词. I lay awake until the morning. 我整夜没睡. Go through the scenes from back to back. 回忆过去的一幕幕.
#24. 音樂日記flora cash - You're Somebody Else @ Rosie sharing
「你知道你自己是誰嗎?」 「我是誰?」 Well you look like yourself But you're somebody else Only it ain't on the.
#25. se7en的somebody else中文歌词 - 百度知道
SOMEBODY ELSE 作词:TEDDY/TAEYANG/Kanata Nakamura 作曲:TEDDY/TAEYANG 谁のものに君はなったの? 【你已成了谁的恋人?】 相谈くらいしてくれても良かったのにさ ...
#26. 能勇於面對一切。 ∥ Somebody Else – Katelyn Tarver - 創作大廳
就來聽聽這首歌吧! 記住不是只有你一個人這樣想而已. 上一篇 · 下一篇 · ##歌詞翻譯##Katelyn ...
#27. 别人- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
〈别人〉(英語:"Somebody Else")是英國1975樂團第二張錄音室專輯《突襲美夢》中的歌曲,由喬治· ... 歌詞方面,〈别人〉探討人在一段感情結束後的掙扎與糾結,以及發現前任有了 ...
#28. 《Somebody Else》MV全程海底拍攝幕後祕辛:高爾宣憋氣 ...
今天跟大家分享的主角是藝人高爾宣OSN,全新首播的單曲《Somebody Else》,影片當中可以看到高爾宣本人就坐在海底等待親友的救援,最後終於上岸與父親 ...
SE7EN - SOMEBODY ELSE 歌詞:不忍心抱著站在我面前的你一句話也說不出口每天都是如此凝視著你如今你眼中早就已經不是我而是那個人他站在那裡微笑的看 ...
#30. 中文歌詞Sam Smith - I'm Not Here To Make Friends ft. Calvin ...
(If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?) 如果你都不愛自己, 你他媽要怎麼去愛別人.
#31. 歌詞翻譯| Sam Smith - Love Me More - Melice Her World
歌詞中文 翻譯. Have you ever felt like being somebody else? 你曾覺得像是其他人嗎? Feeling like the mirror isn't good for your health?
#32. How Do You Love Somebody 愛上他人【中文翻譯歌詞】
耶!我們男孩Why Don't We 釋出的新歌How Do You Love Somebody 實在太中我胃口了這次男孩終於不再走輕電音路線改走我最喜的搖滾男團路線了之前他們讓 ...
#33. Dua Lipa - We're Good 中文歌詞翻譯介紹 - Mr.生活扉頁
Dua Lipa – We're Good 中文歌詞翻譯介紹. Mr.生活扉頁 2021-02-12 1 Comment. Dua Lipa - We're Good 中文 ... Not gonna judge you when you're with somebody else
#34. Winona Oak / With Myself 中文歌詞翻譯 - Safe Space Music
Winona Oak / With Myself 中文歌詞翻譯 ... 歌詞講訴拋開以往糟糕的戀情,不再強求別人,自己一個人也能過得很好 ... But I found somebody else.
#35. Flora Cash – You're Somebody Else 英語歌詞中國人翻譯- lyrics
But you're somebody else – 但你是别人. Only it ain't on the surface – 只是表面上没有. Well you talk like yourself – 你说话像你自己
#36. 【歌詞翻譯】Sam Smith - Love Me More 中英文歌詞Lyrics
[Chorus] Have you ever felt like being somebody else? 你曾經想過成為別人嗎? Feeling like the mirror isn't good for your health?
#37. 高爾宣/現在的我和以前不一樣了,過去三年發生的事情
「Drowning in the tides of your life, loop in circles, true liberation never by somebody else but yourself.」——反覆讀著高爾宣為《Journey》寫 ...
#38. Somebody Else 歌詞mp3 線上收聽及免費下載 - JOOX
Somebody Else - Vancouver Sleep Clinic/Pop Goes Ambient/Amelia Magdalena. Lyrics by:Ross Macdonald/George Bedford/Matthew Healy/Adam Hann.
#39. Use Me《利用我》- Alec Benjamin 歌詞中譯 - 赤腳米高的文字浴
Use Me《利用我》- Alec Benjamin 歌詞中譯 ... Then you'll just use somebody else ... https://genius.com/Alec-benjamin-use-me-lyrics ...
#40. Somebody Else(THE 1975演唱的歌曲) - 中文百科全書
Somebody Else (THE 1975演唱的歌曲)歌曲介紹,歌詞, ... 英國另類搖滾樂隊The 1975 最新單曲《Somebody Else》MV!迷幻的味道充滿著整首歌的旋律,而唱出的則是對昔日 ...
#41. Overwhelmed (腦袋淪陷)// 英譯中歌詞分享// 中文翻譯
是什麼令我失常? Feels like I'm somebody else. 我感覺好像變成另一個人. I get overwhelmed so easily.
#42. Somebody Else 歌词Lyrics » 高爾宣OSN (Chinese & English)
Somebody Else 歌词Lyrics » 高爾宣OSN (Chinese & English) : The Somebody Else 歌词Lyrics / Somebody Else Song 歌词Lyrics by 高爾宣OSN is the ...
#43. Somebody Else - 歌曲翻譯| 在線收聽The 1975 - Flowlez.com
The 1975 - Somebody Else歌詞,將Somebody Else歌曲翻譯成中文。 免費在線收聽The 1975 - Somebody Else歌曲。
#44. Avril Lavigne - Complicated 複雜中文歌詞
Somebody else round everyone else 像另一個我不認識的陌生人. You're watching your back like you can't relax 緊張得要命,卻裝得沉著冷靜
#45. 幸好廣告bgm用了這首,不然我又少發現一首好歌!! - 古詩詞庫
歌曲:《You're Somebody Else》. 歌手:Flora Cash. 【 滑動查看歌詞】. I saw the part of you that only when you're older.
#46. Avril Lavigne - Complicated 中文歌詞 - 思春的日常- 痞客邦
And you're talking to me one on one, but you become. 當你和我對談著,但你卻變得. Somebody else. 不像是自己. 'Round everyone else.
#47. Adele - I Drink Wine 把酒人生- 中文歌詞 - pch的翻譯部落格
How can one become so bounded by choices that somebody else makes? 為何我們非得要劃地自限拘泥於細節綁定於外界給的選項裡?
#48. 中文歌詞翻譯The Sam Willows - Save Myself
圖片來源同歌詞建議大家用電腦版瀏覽. ... 中文歌詞翻譯The Sam Willows - Save Myself ... So good at helping when it's somebody else
#49. Taylor Swift - change 截然不同中文歌詞翻譯 - 方格子vocus
Somebody else gets what you wanted again and. You know it's all the same, another time and place. Repeating history and you're getting sick ...
#50. LANY - Thru These Tears 中文歌詞翻譯 - Nono's Music Blog
LANY - Thru These Tears 中文歌詞翻譯 ... 歌詞講述的是主唱在經歷一段分手後的那段低潮期 ... So it might take somebody else at night.
#51. Taylor Swift - Change 中文翻譯歌詞
And it's a sad picture, the final blow hits you 這是傷心的畫面壓垮你的最後一根稻草. Somebody else gets what you wanted again and
#52. Lady Nerdy 歌詞翻譯- Please don't be in love with someone ...
Please don't be in love with someone else 請不要和別人墜入愛河Please don't have somebody waiting on you 希望不要有誰在守候著你— Taylor Swift ...
#53. I should have kissed you 中文歌詞One Direction
你的心已經不在了嗎? Is there somebody else on your mind? 你心裡已經有心儀的對象了嗎. I'm so ...
#54. I'll Never Love Again 不再愛戀- 歌詞翻譯 - 凱莫的小天地
【一個巨星的誕生插曲】中文歌詞翻譯Lady Gaga - I'll Never Love Again 不再愛戀 ... And I don't wanna give somebody else the better part of me.
#55. [Lyric][中文歌詞] OneRepublic – Connection - Lilyth愛翻譯
Meet somebody else, sometimes ain't no shame 遇見其他人,沒什麼好丟臉. Head to the clouds sayin' 仰著頭望著雲說心裏話. [Chorus 2]
#56. OneRepublic – Connection 中文歌詞翻譯 - 痞客邦
Met somebody else, sometimes ain't no shame. 遇見一些別人,偶爾也不須羞愧. Head to the clouds sayin'. 抬起頭來說.
#57. Linkin Park - Points of Authority [中文歌詞] - 尬叉
lyrics : black: Chester / blue: Mike Forfeit the game before somebody else 搶在別人之前收回比賽權. Take you outta the frame, put your name to ...
#58. 歌詞翻譯| Olivia Rodrigo - enough for you - MeliceHerWorld
'Cause someday, I'll be everything to somebody else 因為有天我會是某個人的全世界. And they'll think that I am so exciting
#59. Rare-Selena Gomez 中英歌詞翻譯
And I'll bet there's somebody else out there. 而我賭在未來會有某個人. To tell me I'm rare. 來告訴我我很珍貴. To make me feel rare.
#60. Avril Lavigne - Complicated 中英歌詞翻譯 - 甩褲君的奇幻旅程
為什麼你要把一切都搞得那麼複雜? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated 我看見你把自己裝作成.
#61. Taylor Swift - Change:歌詞+中文翻譯 - 音樂庫
Somebody else gets what you wanted again 他們又奪走了你的追求. You know it's all the same 你知道每次都這樣. Another time and place
#62. The Neighbourhood - Afraid 中英文歌詞 - iscream - 痞客邦
The Neighbourhood - Afraid. When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might take my place 當我醒來時我感到很害怕也許有人會取代我的位子
#63. A Great Big World I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else 中文 ...
A Great Big World I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else 中文歌詞I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else 中文I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else lyrics 翻译.
#64. Feel Like Shit - Tate MacRae (lyrics) 中文歌詞翻譯 - mxgt928
Feel Like Shit - Tate MacRae (lyrics) 中文歌詞翻譯. 2282. 請往下繼續閱讀. 創作者介紹 ... So I kissed somebody else. 所以我向別人投懷送抱.
#65. Complicated-Avril Lavigne (中文歌詞翻譯) - 三分鐘熱度- 痞客邦
Somebody else 'round everyone else (開車載著別的女人) You're watching your back like you can't relax (你一直左顧右盼,我知道你很緊張)
#66. Camila Cabello - Easy 中文翻譯歌詞 - K粒的部落格- 痞客邦
這首歌詞中的男主角感覺帶給女主角很多的成長,提升女主對外表的自信, ... Camila Cabello - Easy 中文翻譯歌詞 ... With somebody else 和其他人.
#67. Charlotte Lawrence - Keep Me Up 徹夜未眠中文歌詞
To find somebody else to blame 找了別人來承擔你的過錯. The silence's screaming way too loud 沉默的尖叫聲太吵鬧.
#68. (英中歌詞)Stevie Hoang-Addicted - 覓獅生活中- 痞客邦
And I'm with somebody else but 而我和其他人在一起了但是. Whenever I think about the love we had(It hurts so bad) 每當我想到我們曾擁有的愛(很 ...
#69. 新月好歌分享:Looking Too Closely 停止放大檢視自己吧!
其實中文直譯的意思是:看得太近,很有吹毛求疵、自我批判的意義。 ... This is a song about somebody else 這是一首關於別人的歌.
#70. You Need to Calm Down – Taylor Swift(中文歌詞翻譯)
But I've learned a lesson that stressin' and obsessin' 'bout somebody else is no fun (但我知道,一直上癮似的去關注我,表示你很蠢).
#71. 魯米尼爾樂團The Lumineers - Dead Sea 死海中文歌詞翻譯
Oh I need somebody, I needed someone I could trust 我需要個能信任的人 ... Yes there are times we live for somebody else
#72. [歌詞翻譯]Justin Bieber – Lonely 中文歌詞Lyrics - 痞客邦
And seein' somebody else. 約個朋友. And everything is not the same now. 但一切就是都不再一樣. It feels like all our lives have changed.
#73. Sam Smith – Love Me More | 中英歌詞 - NOSTORYNOMUSIC
[Chorus] Have you ever felt like being somebody else 你有沒有想過,你不再像原來的自己,漸漸成為了別人Feeling like the mirror isn't good for ...
#74. Taylor Swift - Change 歌詞翻譯 - ssal407的部落格- 痞客邦
And it's a sad picture, the final blow hits you 傷心的一刻被記錄了,最後的結果又打擊了你Somebody else gets what you wan.
#75. Selena Gomez -〈Rare〉歌詞翻譯與介紹:每個人都是珍貴的
And I'll bet there's somebody else out there. 我敢肯定外頭一定有人會珍惜我. To tell me I'm rare, to make me feel rare.
#76. Dua Lipa – We're good 中文歌詞翻譯 - Siren - 痞客邦
Not gonna judge you when you're with somebody else. 就算你跟別人再一起也不在指責你. As long as you swear you won't be pissed when I do it ...
#77. 【音樂】歌詞翻譯| It's Ok If You Forget Me – Astrid S
Care if your hands touch somebody else 也不在乎你是否和其他人親密接觸. Wouldn't get jealous if you're happy 也不會嫉妒你快樂生活
#78. Sasha Sloan薩莎斯隆- Keep On堅持下去(中文歌詞翻譯/英文 ...
這首歌在第一段somebody else 的那個轉折! 讓我瞬間起了雞皮疙瘩!非常好聽! 希望你們也會喜歡.
#79. 【官方中文歌詞】Selena Gomez & DJ Snake拉丁單曲 ...
Does somebody else care, somebody else care? 是否還有別人在乎還有別人會在乎. I know we got trust. 我知道我們還有信任.
#80. 【中文歌詞翻譯】Demi Lovato - I Love Me 我愛我自己
But I'm an expert at giving love to somebody else 但當我對別人表達愛的時候我得心應手. I, me, myself and I don't see eye to eye
#81. "You are somebody else" (听歌..随笔?) - 日记- 豆瓣
这就好像一开始被他人的外表和气质吸引,交谈起来也觉得舒适。听久了,相处久了之后才去认真研究歌词,才明白作者想讲述一个什么样的故事。有时那故事和你 ...
#82. One Direction-I Should Have Kissed You 中文歌詞
Is there somebody else on your mind? 有其他人在妳的腦海嗎? I'm so sorry, I'm so confused. 我很抱歉我感到疑惑. Just tell me, am I out of time ...
#83. Jessie Ware - Alone 獨享中文歌詞翻譯 - 柚有啥好聽- 痞客邦
No, I don't want somebody else when you could just say. 不,我才不要其他人因為只有你可以. Say that you're the one who's taking me home.
#84. Gotta Be Somebody (中文歌詞) - 精華區lyrics - 批踢踢實業坊
Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody This time 這次I wonder what it feels ... 他並不是孤獨的Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
#85. Enrique Iglesias - Somebody's Me 歌詞翻譯 - 我是阿凱- 痞客邦
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The 1975 〈Give Yourself A Try〉:對摯愛樂團的致敬&中文歌詞翻譯 · The 1975 - Somebody Else 中英歌詞翻譯對照/MV分析/Cover版本推薦 ...
#89. Nickelback Gotta be somebody【歌詞翻譯】
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#92. 高爾宣新歌〈Somebody Else〉MV 挑戰iPhone 水下拍攝 ...
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#95. 高爾宣《Somebody Else》MV 全程使用iPhone 13 Pro Max 水 ...
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#96. Somebody Else - Gao Er Xuan OSN (Somebody Else - 高爾宣)
又回到最初的起點You hui dao zui chu de... Copyright © 2023 Chinese Pinyin Lyrics. Created with by ...
#97. Somebody Else - 13th Floor Mistake | StreetVoice 街聲
Somebody Else. Alternative・2022-08-20. 13th Floor Mistake #01. 喜歡2. 播放次數17. 00:0000:00 ... 歌詞. 這是沒有提供歌詞的歌曲. 留言. 登入會員開始留言 ...
somebody else中文歌詞 在 Gotta Be Somebody (中文歌詞) - 精華區lyrics - 批踢踢實業坊 的八卦
Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody
This time
I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing
I'll know it by the feeling
The moment when we're meeting
Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holding my breath
Right up until the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with!
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Out on the street, out in the moonlight
And damn it this feels too right
It's just like Deja Vu
似曾相識的感覺 註:Deja Vu是法文"似曾相識"的意思
Me standing here with you
So I'll be holding my breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with?
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Woo~ You can't give up
When you're looking for a diamond in the rough
Because you'll never know when it shows up
Make sure you're holding on
Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me, oh~
Nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
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