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2008-12-08 16:27:04 有 71,179,683 人看過 有 185,567 人喜歡竇房結(英文:Sinus node, sinoatrial node, 或SA node)是心臟中位於右心房上壁的一個組織部位,又稱為節律點。竇房結是正常心跳的產生部位,由其產生的心跳速率約為 ...
這套系統由四個部分組成:竇房結(sinoatrial node,簡稱SA node)、房室結(atrioventricular node,簡稱AV node)、房室束(atrioventricular bundle 或 ...
#3. 你的心臟沒電了嗎? 作者:臺大醫院內科部心臟科賀立婷主治 ...
心電傳導的順序,是經由右心房的竇房結(SA node),傳到心房心室交界的房室結(AV node),再傳到心室產生跳動。若其中任何一個環節出現問題,就有可能造成心搏過緩, ...
#4. 心律不整-心臟內科-三軍總醫院
在正常情形下,人類的心臟跳動是由右心房的竇房結(SA node) 來控制( 圖一),經由房室結(AV node)、希氏束(His Bundle),把電刺激由心房傳到心室,引起心臟的收縮,以 ...
#5. 窦房结_百度百科
... 病变,可使心率发生改变,叫窦性心率失常。临床常见有窦性心率过速、窦性心率过缓、窦性心律不齐。 中文名: 窦房结; 外文名: Sinoatrial node; 类 型: 人体结构.
#6. sinoatrial node-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: At the sinoatrial node, electrical impulses generate a cardiac contraction at regular intervals and with a frequency of one beat per ...
#7. 心臟傳導系統(Cardiac conduction system) - 小小整理網站 ...
心臟99%的細胞無法自發性的產生動作電位, · 稱為節律細胞 · 竇房結(sinoatrial node,SA node) · 房室結(atrioventricular node,AV node) · 房室束(atrioventricular bundle) ...
#8. Introduction to Sinoatrial Node (竇房結) | 學術寫作例句辭典
The peculiar electrophysiological properties of the sinoatrial node and the cardiac conduction system are key components of the normal physiology of cardiac ...
sinoatrial node中文 意思:竇房結, 基-弗二氏結…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋sinoatrial node的中文翻譯,sinoatrial node的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#10. sinoatrial node翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
sinoatrial node中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[解剖] 竇房結。英漢詞典提供【sinoatrial node】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#11. sinoatrial node (sa node) 中文意思是什麼
sinoatrial node (sa node) 中文意思是什麼 · sinoatrial: 竇房的 · node: n 1 節;結;瘤;【蟲類】結脈。2 【植物;植物學】莖節;【醫學】硬結腫;結,節結;【天文學】 ...
#12. 心臟電氣生理學檢查簡介中華民國心律醫學會 - 心律不整衛教網
竇房結(SA node)位於右心房,是電氣脈衝的起始點,是由一群特殊的細胞所組成, ... 正常竇性心律(normal sinus rhythm) 心跳的速率是60到100次/分,且節律規則)。
#13. 57635142:國家教育研究院-生命科學學術名詞 -
英文名稱, sinoatrial node ; 中文名稱, 竇房結{= SA node} ; 學門, 高中生物 ...
#14. 上腔靜脈(Superior Vena Cava) - 亞東醫院心臟血管外科
右心房心肌上的竇房結(sinoatrial node)會傳遞一種類似波動的脈衝,能協調心肌的收縮。右心房與左心房則是藉由心房中膈(atrial septum)將之隔開。
#15. Gap junction modifiers regulate electrical activities of the ...
Sinoatrial node (SAN) and pulmonary veins (PVs) are closely related atrial dysrhythmia. This study evaluated whether GJ modifications ...
#16. 心跳失靈怎麼辦?心律調節器就是心臟的ABS 防鎖死系統 - 泛科學
我們先來看看心跳是怎麼產生的,其實人體本來就有一個節律點(英文即為pacemaker),叫做竇房結(sinoatrial node),也稱作SA node/sinus node,而這天生的節律點英文 ...
#17. SINUS在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary
the sinoatrial node (= tissue in the heart responsible for the heart's rhythm): The electrocardiogram will confirm sinus bradycardia. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和 ...
#18. S-A node 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
S-A node 释义: → sinoatrial node | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#19. Development of a new histological identification method of ...
Histological identification of the human sinoatrial node (SAN) remains a challenge. Conventional identification methods, such as Lev's ...
#20. Sinus rhythm 中文
不過這類心房顫動和心房內迴旋頻脈Sinus rhythm refers to the pace of your heartbeat that's set by the sinus node, your body's natural pacemaker. A ...
#21. 心肌( Cardiac Muscle)
正常心臟收縮之啟動由位於上腔靜脈進入右心房附近之節律點( pacemaker ) 所發起,此區域又稱竇房結( sinoatrial node )。其後收縮訊息傳至房室結( atrioventricular ...
#22. 心臟驟停|症狀、原因、急救方法 - Hello醫師
人體心臟的搏動需透過竇房結(Sinoatrial node, SA node)所送出的電流,沿著傳導路徑,刺激心肌收縮。當電流的傳導受到了干擾或阻礙,便可能會出現心跳過快、過慢或不 ...
#23. 中文題目:心房顫動合併快速心室反應在接受Amiodarone 治療後 ...
Tachy-Bradyarrhythmia syndrome was impressed, and sinus node dysfunction was also suspected. Under amiodarone use to control AF with rapid ventricular.
#24. 體檢或健檢常見的心律不整及建議
關鍵詞:arrhythmia, AV block, pacemaker, VPC, sick sinus syndrome ... 性心律(normal sinus rhythm)的特徵 ... 結功能異常(sinus node dysfunction)或受.
#25. 心臟傳導系統和認識心電圖,動畫。 (Cardiac Conduction ...
The cardiac conduction system consists of the following components: · - The sinoatrial node, or SA node, located in the right atrium near the ...
#26. 小問題藏大隱患心臟亂跳不可輕忽 - CVSKL
他表示,一個心動週期是由竇房結(Sinoatrial node,SA node)起始,引發心臟收縮最初的動作,因此,正常的心律也稱竇性心律,是心臟正常活動的指標之 ...
#27. Sinuatrial node - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The sinuatrial node (also commonly spelled sinoatrial node, abbreviated SA node or SAN, also called the sinus node) is the impulse-generating tissue located ...
#28. Sinus Node Dysfunction - Heart and Blood Vessel Disorders
Dysfunction of the heart's natural pacemaker (the sinus or sinoatrial node) may result in a persistently slow heartbeat (sinus bradycardia) or complete ...
#29. Anatomy and Function of the Heart's Electrical System
How does the heart beat? An electrical stimulus is generated by the sinus node (also called the sinoatrial node, or SA node). This is a small mass of ...
#30. The role of the calcium and the voltage clocks in sinoatrial ...
The role of the calcium and the voltage clocks in sinoatrial node dysfunction. Boyoung Joung, Peng Sheng Chen, Shien-Fong Lin *. * 此作品的通信作者.
#31. 認識房室傳導阻滯 - 高點醫護網
First grade和second grade typeⅠ型AVB,阻滯部位多在AV node,其QRS complex不增寬;second grade typeⅡ型AVB,其阻滯部位多在His bundle以下,此時QRScomplex會有 ...
#32. 中研院協同陽明交大團隊找出讓停止的心臟再次跳動的蠶絲蛋白
人的心臟為什麼會跳動?主要原因是來自於心臟的節律點(sinoatrial node)會放電,自發的電流使心肌收縮把血液打到全身。人類的心跳平均每分鐘60∼100 ...
#33. 心跳失靈怎麼辦?心律調節器Pacemaker——心臟的防鎖死系統 ...
我們先來看看心跳是怎麼產生的,其實人體本來就有一個pacemaker(節律點),叫做竇房結(sinoatrial node),也稱作SA node/sinus node, ...
#34. 1. 認識心律不整
認識心律不整正常心跳: 在正常情形下,人類的心臟跳動是由右心房的竇房結(SA node)來控制(圖一),經由房室結(AV node)、希氏束(His Bundle),把電刺激由心房 ...
#35. Sick sinus syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Sick sinus syndrome is a type of heart rhythm disorder. It affects the heart's natural pacemaker (sinus node), which controls the heartbeat.
#36. sinoatrial node 的中文含义-
单词sinoatrial node 的含义:[0] [解剖] 窦房结. ... 本工具支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用短语、英英释义、 ...
#37. 陽明交通大學電控工程研究所
論文名稱, Zhang H, Joung B, Shinohara T, Mei X, Chen PS, Lin SF. Synergistic dual automaticity in sinoatrial node cell and tissue models.
#38. Methods for the Isolation, Culture, and Functional ... - JoVE
Scientific Article | Methods are demonstrated for the isolation of sinoatrial node myocytes (SAMs) from adult mice for patch clamp ...
#39. It's Electric!: The Cardiac Conduction System - Visible Body
It's made up of pacemaker cells: myocardial cells that are specialized to conduct electrical impulses. The SA node generates an electrical ...
#40. 在线翻译sinoatrial-node是什么意思,包括英文解释 ... - 英汉词典
共找到1项关于sinoatrial-node意思的翻译解释和用法说明. 相关词• sinoatrial的意思 • node的意思 相关短语• AV node • S-A node • atrioventricular node
#41. 傻傻分不清楚:VPC還是APC?
一般陳述normal sinus rhythm意旨sinus node (sinoatrial 或SA node)放電,心房去極化向左、向下、向前傳導至AV junction,因此P波在II, aVR導極皆為向上 ...
#42. The Pacemaker Potential of the SA Node and the AV Node
I show how the greater conductance for Sodium ions in the Pacemaker Cells in the S.A. Node cause the cells to depolarize, opening vol …
#43. sinoatrial node是什么意思,窦房结翻译 - 生物医药大词典
英文: Comparison of the electrophysiological features between the rhythmic cells of the aortic vestibule and the sinoatrial node in the rabbit. 中文: 兔主 ...
#44. sinoatrial node 是什么意思,中文意思| 窦房结英文怎么说| 生物学
LetPub推出的科学术语在线词典汇集了最全面的专业术语词汇翻译,SCI论文对照, 包括多种学科领域。如中医常用医学名词,传染病学名词,儿科医学名词,内科学专业名词, ...
#45. ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODE - 汉语翻译 - bab.la在线词典
'atrioventricular node'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... It occurs when the rate of depolarization of the sinoatrial node falls below the ...
#46. Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia | Cedars-Sinai
Inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST) is a health problem in which the heart ... The heart's electrical signal usually starts in the sinoatrial (SA) node, ...
#47. 利用心臟電腦斷層影像評估左心房與左心耳之射血功能
許多心臟疾病會導致心臟房室的容積異常,心房纖維性顫動(atrial fibrillation, AF)是因為竇房結(sinoatrial node, SA node)不規則的電位傳遞使左心房(left atrium, ...
#48. 什麼是心臟正常的電路系統? - 心律醫學會
... 其中位於右心房的竇房結(Sinus node),是電氣衝動的起點。 ... 使血液由心房傳至心室,之後電波衝動傳到位於心房及心室之間的房室結(AV node)。
#49. 高雄榮民總醫院重症醫學部-心臟重症
但對正常竇性心律之病人(sinus rhythm)之病人是否有效呢? ... 則可採用Catheter ablation of AV node再裝置永久性人工心律調節器或採用手術治療(Maze procedure)。
#50. 中文中的sinoatrial node, 例句, 英文 - Glosbe字典
在“sinoatrial node"的上下文中翻译为中文:Every beat of your heart depends on this crucial region, the sinoatrial node, ↔ 心脏的每一次跳动都取决于这个关键的 ...
#51. Sinoatrial node cardiomyocytes derived from human - ProQuest
The sinoatrial node (SAN) is the primary pacemaker of the heart and controls heart rate throughout life. Failure of SAN function due to congenital disease or ...
#52. 177 Sinoatrial Node Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find Sinoatrial Node stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#53. 【篤實關懷倫理卓越】光田綜合醫院Kuang Tien General Hospital
中文 名, 格比平注射劑, 健保局藥理類別 ... 器細胞心肌竇房結(sinoatrial node)、房室結(atrioventricular node)、外分泌腺(exocrine glands),以及某些自主神經結。
#54. 英语: “sinoatrial node” - 大词典
大词典网为您提供英文sinoatrial node是什么意思,sinoatrial node在线翻译,sinoatrial node翻译解释,sinoatrial node中文意思,sinoatrial node用法,sinoatrial node ...
#55. Huang, Jen-Hung 黃仁弘- 臺北醫學大學醫學院College of ...
Assistant Professor. Research Interests. Pulmonary Veins, Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiac Myocytes, Sinoatrial Node, Heart Atria, Rivaroxaban ...
#56. Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) Causes, Symptoms and ...
A normal heartbeat is caused by an electrical impulse traveling through the heart. The electrical impulse originates in the sinus node (also called the ...
#57. Pacemakers - St. Joseph Medical Center
Every heart has a natural pacemaker called the sinoatrial node or sinus node. It is a small mass of specialized cells in the top of the heart's right ...
#58. Ventricular Fibrillation Treatment in New Jersey | Heart Care
The heart beat (contraction) begins when an electrical impulse from the sinoatrial node (SA node) moves through it. The SA node is sometimes referred to as ...
#59. 竇房結- 獸醫學- 英文翻譯 - 三度漢語網
sino-atrial node,S-A node的英文翻譯. ... 中文詞彙, 英文翻譯, 出處/學術領域 ... 竇房結, sinoatrial node {= SA node}, 【生命科學名詞-兩岸中小學教科書名詞】.
#60. Genetic Complexity of Sinoatrial Node Dysfunction. - Gale
The pacemaker cells of the cardiac sinoatrial node (SAN) are essential for ... sinus arrest, SAN block, bradycardia/tachycardia syndrome, and syncope.
The SA Node works in concert with other components of the cardiac conduction system, including the Atrioventricular Node (AV node) and the ...
#62. 生理心電圖Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like PQRST波, SA node節律:正常, 心電圖紀錄紙and more.
#63. 窦房结间质增生与尸检心肌梗死透壁程度的关联性
[复制中文] ... The correlation analysis between interstitial hyperplasia of sinoatrial node and transmural extent of myocardial infarction by autopsy.
#64. Awards & News Detail - 中央研究院
[Research] 2022/07/05. Fibroblasts Drive Metabolic Reprogramming in Pacemaker Cardiomyocytes. The sinoatrial node (SAN) initiates all heartbeats within the ...
#65. 多重解析地址选择页面 - 中文DOI
Title:, Automaticity Control by Membrane and Calcium Clocks in Ischemic Sinoatrial Node. First author::. Journal:, Chinese Journal of Biomedical ...
#66. 心臟衰竭臨床照護指引
每分鐘大於70 次者,使用竇房結(sinoatrial node)上If channel 的阻斷劑Ivabr adine(Coralan® ),能夠有效地降低病人未計畫性的住院率及死亡率。
#67. Anatomy and Function of the Heart's Electrical System
An electrical signal starts in the sinus node of the heart. This is also called the sinoatrial node (SA node). This is a small area of special cells in the ...
#68. 心臟疾病患者的護理
自律性(Automaticity)—心肌自動去極化的能力,規則自動的激發衝動(Impulses)的能力,主要由SA node擔任Pacemaker激搏點; 興奮性(Excitability)-- 心肌對於刺激產生去極 ...
#69. 竇房結 - 中文百科知識
竇房結恢復時間(sinus node recovery time , SNRT ) 於高位右心房起搏,頻率逐級 ... 竇房傳導時間(sinoatrial Coriduction time , SACT ) 通過對心房程式期前刺激 ...
#70. Sick sinus syndrome | CS Mott Children's Hospital
Sick sinus syndrome occurs when the sinus node — the heart's normal pacemaker — does not function normally. Sick sinus syndrome is rare in young people ...
#71. Normal sinus rhythm with ventricular ectopics
It then passes from the right atrium through to the ventricles via the AV node. As the impulse passes through the atrium it contracts forcing it to pump blood ...
#72. 2010-50-9485.pdf - 中国组织工程研究
Localization, cultivation and purification of sinoatrial nodes isolated from newborn rabbits. Zhongguo Zuzhi. Gongcheng Yanjiu yu. Linchuang Kangfu. 2010;14(50):.
#73. 治療心衰竭藥物Ivabradine之作用機轉及臨床應用
律(sinus rhythm)心跳在70次以上,左心室射出率. <35%,NYHA心臟功能分級在II至IV級之之心臟 ... sino-atrial node modulator, on rabbit and guinea.
#74. sinus node dysfunction — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“sinus node dysfunction” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#75. 心律不整的簡介(Arrhythmia) - 家家健康網站
產生電擊的器官叫做竇房結(Sinoatrial node or Sinus node﹐SA node)位於右心房上方﹐主要接受來自交感神經與副交感神經(迷走神經)的刺激﹐是電子脈衝( ...
#76. sinoatrial node在食品词典中的意思,短语,例句,发音,词形变化 ...
sinoatrial node 的解释:基-弗二氏结,基思氏结,窦房结;以及相关食品领域中相关专业词汇.
#77. 心律不整Arrhythmia - 醫學紀實
竇性起源心律不整(Arrhythmia of sinus origin):從竇房結發出的心跳訊號就是不正常的。 · 異位心律(Ectopic rhythm):從竇房結(Sinoatrial node) ...
#78. 急性心血管疾病之護理(第2版附光碟) | 誠品線上
... the Heart) 血液循環(Blood Circulation) 三、心臟的傳導系統(Conduction System of the Heart) 竇房結(Sinoatrial Node) 房室結(Atrioventricular Node) ...
#79. Sick Sinus Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis ...
Sick sinus syndrome is group of rhythm disturbances of the heart (arrhythmias) related to sino-atrial node dysfunction, more commonly seen ...
#80. 循環系統
竇房結(Sinoatrial node;SA-node). (1) 位置:位於右心房前上壁,緊接於上腔靜脈開口的前側方。 (2) 功能: j控制著心跳頻率(次數) 。 (與收縮強弱無關).
#81. Sick sinus syndrome - Vejthani Hospital
Sick sinus syndrome, also known as sinus node dysfunction or sinus node disease, is a type of heart rhythm disorder. It affects the sinus node, ...
#82. sinoatrial翻译为:窦房的
sinoatrial 的中文意思:窦房的,点击查看详细解释:sinoatrial的中文 ... The sinoatrial node is located at the junction of the superior vena cava and the right ...
#83. Understanding Second-Degree Heart Block - Fairview
A normal heart. Normally, an electrical signal is started by the heart's natural pacemaker. This is called the sinoatrial node (SA). The SA is in the ...
#84. Heart Rate Variability, Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia, and Ma...
Heart Rate Variability, Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia, and Mathematical Modeling of Acetylcholine Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics in Sinus Node Neuroeffector ...
#85. Sinus Node Dysfunction - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
The sinoatrial node (SA) node is the dominant pacemaker of the heart. It is a complex compact region in the junction of superior vena cava ...
#86. Publications Goldhaber Lab Cedars Sinai - Artictle
... Close Select your preferred language English عربى 简体中文 繁體中文 فارسي עִברִית ... Contribution of small conductance K+ channels to sinoatrial node ...
#87. Ordinary Heart Cells Become Biological Pacemakers with ...
... Close Select your preferred language English عربى 简体中文 繁體中文 فارسي ... The heartbeat originates in the sinoatrial node (SAN) of the heart's right ...
#88. Postdoctoral Scientists Win Malaniak Award Cedars Sinai
... Close Select your preferred language English عربى 简体中文 繁體中文 فارسي ... Scientists do know that the sinoatrial node, a group of specialized cells ...
#89. Cedars Sinai Heart Institute Awarded $3 Million to Develop ...
... content Close Select your preferred language English عربى 简体中文 繁體中文 فارسي ... The human heartbeat originates in the sinoatrial node (SAN) of the ...
#90. Av evasion osce - Campion Gravimeter
知远军事专业词绘英中文对照系统(征求意见稿) 我们做外军研究,翻译是获取第一手资料 ... It occurs when the rate of depolarization of the sinoatrial node falls ...
#91. 2019年2月號 HOW IT WORKS 知識大圖解 中文版 NO.53: 搜救科技大探索
... d \ # F## (sinoatrial node) #9 # #): HášoßEÉjffsīsā]^\### #EEäfloft #osláH#):#123;{#####, o 'R EJ2E}}][]H. H.3% EHT: ;#fff:{#fff; Hàoj s; ...
#92. 臺北醫學大學學生會TMUSA - 竇房結, SA node (sinoatrial node)
竇房結, SA node (sinoatrial node),醫學名詞,位於人體右心房上壁,像個盡責的司令,發動並決定心臟收縮的節律。 竇房節, 近10年前,北醫學生會發揮創意舉辦"竇房 ...
#93. 實證看待Ivabradine於心肌梗塞之安全性 - 藥學雜誌電子報145期
因此本文將探討Ivabradine用於急性心肌梗塞之安全性。 貳、竇房結與If離子通道. 竇房結(Sinoatrial node, SA node)的細胞是心臟節律最 ...
#94. 竇房結 - Wikiwand
竇房結(英文:Sinus node, sinoatrial node, 或SA node)是心臟中位於右心房上壁的一個組織部位,又稱為節律點。竇房結是正常心跳的產生部位, ...
#95. 各種生理電訊號Biopotentials - 生醫影像實驗室
心肌每個部位都會發出規則的動作電位而. 收縮:節律點. • 依序傳導讓使各部位收縮. 竇房結(SA node) →. 心房、房室結(AV node) →. AV node delay (~0.1 s) →.
#96. 我們的腦與周邊神經系統對肌肉控制 - 腦與心臟
心臟跳動由放電板(pacemaker,為the sinoatrial node (SA node))控制,70-80 times per minute。平滑肌收縮為較緩慢,收縮時間較長,且不隨意,收縮受控於機械 ...
sinoatrialnode中文 在 The Pacemaker Potential of the SA Node and the AV Node 的八卦
I show how the greater conductance for Sodium ions in the Pacemaker Cells in the S.A. Node cause the cells to depolarize, opening vol … ... <看更多>