今天要來和大家分享的遊戲就是《Shadow of the Tomb Raider 古墓奇兵:暗影》。 故事這次落在了遍布熱帶雨林的南美洲,蘿拉在一次古墓探險中意外觸發了 ... ... <看更多>
今天要來和大家分享的遊戲就是《Shadow of the Tomb Raider 古墓奇兵:暗影》。 故事這次落在了遍布熱帶雨林的南美洲,蘿拉在一次古墓探險中意外觸發了 ... ... <看更多>
#1. 【心得】《古墓奇兵:暗影》走火入魔的三部曲巔峰 - 巴哈姆特
【心得】《古墓奇兵:暗影》走火入魔的三部曲巔峰 · 作者標示-非商業性 · 本板熱門推薦 · 獸迷同好會-Furry Fans- · Just Monika · DC與MARVEL: 超級英雄公會.
#2. [心得]【古墓奇兵:暗影】有比崛起好玩嗎? - steam | PTT遊戲區
今天要來和大家分享的遊戲就是《Shadow of the Tomb Raider 古墓奇兵:暗影》。 故事這次落在了遍布熱帶雨林的南美洲,蘿拉在一次古墓探險中意外觸發了 ...
#3. 《古墓奇兵:暗影》入手好時機決定版連所有DLC一次過擁有
SQUARE ENIX 推出的《古墓奇兵:暗影》近日宣佈推出決定版(Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition),大家可以一次過購買包括全部DLC 遊戲 ...
由Eidos Montreal開發,為三步曲系列最終章的《SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER》終於正式推出,距離前作已經有好幾年,總算能夠看故事結局,隨著這類探索 ...
#5. [閒聊] 古墓奇兵暗影值得買嗎- 看板PlayStation - 批踢踢實業坊
這邊用的"褒貶不一"不是STEAM的評價阿(因為本作稱不上"好壞兩極" 用"褒貶不一"較恰當) 討論區 ... ailio: 但是我得初代PS4並沒有出現飛機起飛的聲音.
^ Steam - Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. Steam. [2019-11-05] (英语). ^ ...
#7. EGS假期限免《古墓奇兵》新重製三部曲,領取永久保存
... 歡慶20 週年》(Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration)、《古墓奇兵:暗影最終版》(Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition)。
#8. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - Steam
#9. [開箱]PS4 古墓奇兵暗影Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 我的自由 ...
PS4 古墓奇兵暗影Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 亞洲中文版BLAS-XXXX燦坤x快3_每日嚴選3C家電下殺| 筆電PC、大小家電,全面超低價?,不用等週年慶, ...
#10. 古墓奇兵決定版ps4 【PS4心得】《古墓奇兵決定版》 - CFORF
【PS4心得】《古墓奇兵決定版》 (有雷) @ 百合阿宅的心得[咖… · Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (中韓文版).
#11. Shadow of the Tomb Raider:最終版 - Epic Games Store
為了拯救世界免於馬雅預言的末日,蘿拉卡芙特必須蛻變成為命中注定的古墓奇兵。 在《Shadow of the Tomb Raider:最終版》中,探索蘿拉最初為何會注定成為 ...
#12. 《古墓奇兵:暗影》試玩心得 - 電玩遊戲預告片
Shadow of the Tomb Raider. 《古墓奇兵:暗影》試玩心得 ... 系統: PC, PS4, Xbox One; 類別: 動作遊戲, 冒險遊戲; 開發人員: Eidos Montreal ...
#13. PS4 古墓奇兵暗影中文亞版Shadow of The Tomb Raider 蘿拉 ...
PS4 古墓奇兵暗影中文亞版Shadow of The Tomb Raider 蘿拉卡芙特全新未拆現貨. $1,620. 尚無評價. 0 已售出. 運費: $45 - $100.
#14. 《古墓奇兵》三部曲限時大放送,限時免費一鍵永久領取 - 瘋先生
《古墓奇兵》GOTY (GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION) 能夠深入探索蘿拉卡芙特 ... 在《古墓奇兵:暗影最終版(Shadow of the Tomb Raider:最終版)》中,將 ...
#15. 前往Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition on Steam
您即將離開本站,並前往Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition on Steam · 確認離開返回上頁. 請為這篇文章評分? 有幫助 沒幫助 ...
#16. 劇情、任務及遊戲性試玩心得【攻略】古墓奇兵 - 楓葉小嘉
攻略專題請參考http://kissjojo99.com/archives/tag/shadow-of-the-tomb-raider. 小姐姐的冒險. 這次的舞台坐落在瑪雅遺跡上,除了古瑪雅文明的金字塔,叢林,你還能看 ...
#17. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (韩语, 简体中文 ...
在《Shadow of the Tomb Raider:最終版》中,探索蘿拉最初為何會注定成為古墓奇兵的最終章故事。《Shadow of the Tomb Raider:最終版》內含主遊戲、七個DLC挑戰古墓 ...
#18. 如何评价《古墓丽影: 暗影》?实际游戏体验如何? - 知乎
《古墓丽影:暗影(Shadow of the Tomb Raider)》绝对是重启三部曲中最富野心的 ... PS4会免了,说实话这种游戏只要你降低预期,就为了看劳拉小姐姐和风景和拍照玩一 ...
#19. Epic Games 贈送3款《古墓奇兵》系列重製遊戲期間領取可 ...
《古墓奇兵》GOTY (GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION),玩家將深入探索蘿拉卡芙特 ... 《古墓奇兵:暗影最終版(Shadow of the Tomb Raider:最終版)》,在此 ...
#20. 【古墓奇兵:暗影DLC 評價】資訊整理& shadow of the tomb ...
歡迎前來淘寶網實力旺鋪,選購PC正版Steam中文古墓麗影11: 暗影最終版Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition 國區激活碼,該商品由風暴熊數碼專營店店鋪提供, ...
#21. 古墓奇兵系列shadow of the tomb raider: the nightmare 相關資訊
古墓奇兵:暗影- PS4 - 巴哈姆特,一同見證蘿拉・卡芙特成為古墓奇兵的關鍵時刻。在《古墓奇兵:暗影(Shadow of the Tomb Raider)》中,蘿拉必須制霸一座致命的叢林, ...
#22. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - Metacritic
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a terrible game, no other way saying it, dated gameplay and animations with tons of graphical inconsistencies, ...
#23. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review (PS4) | Push Square
Shadow of the Tomb Raider shines in exploration, offering stunning scenic views that enrich the pursuit to walk among the greater open world.
#24. 用戶評論| Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition |狂熱的
在Fanatical.com 上從其他遊戲玩家那裡找到有用的、公正的用戶評論和評分Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition 成為第一個評論和推薦您也喜歡的PC 遊戲的 ...
#25. Shadow of the Tomb Raider PS4 古墓奇兵暗影中/英文版
Shadow of the Tomb Raider PS4 古墓奇兵暗影中/英文版- ▻PS4 遊戲, 一同見證蘿拉・卡芙特成為古墓奇兵的關鍵時刻.
#26. 《古墓奇兵:暗影》全DLC 終極版上架Steam,組合包特價開售
《古墓奇兵:暗影》終極版(Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition)今日上架Steam 開售。內含主遊戲、七個DLC 挑戰古墓,以及所有可下載武器、服裝和技能, ...
#27. 古墓麗影之影
古墓麗影的陰影. A trio of Tomb Raider games are now free on the Epic Games Store ... Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition releases next month.
#28. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - HKEPC
Fanatical 做緊US$22.79 抵唔抵玩?定睇下Steam 性旦有沒好路數好d ?
#29. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review: the end is nigh - The Verge
Shadow of the Tomb Raider on the PC, PS4, and Xbox One marks the end of Lara Croft's rebooted adventures, and it's a disappointing ...
#30. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review - latest reboot makes ...
Shadow has a much more pronounced balance between combat and tomb raiding too - not only in the main campaign, where ornate and often ...
#31. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Review - Guerilla Girl - GameSpot
But it's Shadow of the Tomb Raider's numerous challenge tombs and crypts that are the undisputed stars of the show. The impressive design of ...
#32. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review | PC Gamer
The feeling of trespassing in an ancient, cursed place is palpable, and hearing the stone door scrape open when you finally solve that puzzle is ...
#33. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review: a fun but dark critique of ...
It has a deliciously melodramatic story, no fewer than a dozen stunningly drawn vistas and some excellent gunplay. The optional tombs and crypts ...
#34. 【心得】古墓奇兵:暗影 | 蘋果健康咬一口
中文名... 中文名稱:古墓奇兵:暗影英文名稱:Shadow of the Tomb Raider 主機平台:PC、PS4、XboxOne (本心. 歡迎來到古墓奇兵系列(Tomb Raider)哈啦板,最新資訊及 ...
#35. PC正版Steam中文古墓麗影11: 暗影最終版Shadow of ... - 淘寶
PC正版Steam中文古墓麗影11: 暗影最終版Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition ... 用戶評價. t**02020-03-10. 真的噁心,把人當傻子坑?千萬別再這家店買了。
#36. 【PS4心得】《古墓奇兵決定版》 (有雷)
《古墓奇兵決定版》為蘿拉的冒險三部曲之第一部,描述蘿拉一行人搭乘堅忍號前往日本尋找邪馬台王國的遺跡。 個人心得: 整體遊戲時數不長, ...
#37. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review | Trusted Reviews
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is an enjoyable action-adventure for the most part, yet frequently falls victim to a haphazard narrative and ...
#38. 單機大作、多人同樂都有!Steam 兩款《古墓奇兵》限時免費領取
... 旗下兩款遊戲:評價壓倒性好評的單機大作《古墓奇兵》,還有可以與朋友連線同樂的《古墓奇兵:歐西里斯神殿》目前已經開放免費下載,時間至3 月24 ...
#39. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - IGN
Shadow of the Tomb Raider offers up a powerful finale to Lara Croft's origin trilogy. Read Review · Learn about IGN's Review Scoring. Official IGN Review ...
#40. 全新未拆PS4 古墓奇兵暗影中文亞版Shadow of The Tomb ...
你在找的全新未拆PS4 古墓奇兵暗影中文亞版Shadow of The Tomb Raider 蘿拉卡芙特就在露天拍賣,立即購買商品搶免運及優惠,還有許多相關商品提供瀏覽.
#41. 实在不值现在这个价格,6分的评价确实实至名归- 古墓丽影暗影 ...
古墓丽影暗影Shadow of the Tomb Raider的评论。3.5星。本文有剧透。 升级点数的话,推荐优先点弓箭自动瞄头那个。 全暗杀,在必须刚正面的战斗则全爆 ...
#42. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider review: Lara Croft's darkest hour
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider is a curious game, with a number of obvious but non-fatal flaws. But the most important thing is the tomb-raiding and ...
#43. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Game Review - Common Sense ...
Parents need to know that Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a third-person action/adventure game for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PCs ...
#44. Review: Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Destructoid
Shadow of the Tomb Raider leans into what it does well (platforming, setpieces, and puzzle-based tombs) and shies away from its inadequacies ( ...
#45. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - OpenCritic
Easy Allies. 8.5 / 10 ; Game Informer. 7.5 / 10 ; GameSpot. 6 / 10 ; Review Summary · Critic Consensus. Shadow of the Tomb Raider closes out the reboot trilogy with ...
#46. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition's out now and it ...
If you only owned the base game, the season pass will be replaced with a Definitive Edition upgrade that gives you all the same benefits. Shadow ...
#47. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Review - MGR ...
The Definitive Edition is packed full all of the goodness that Shadow of the Tomb Raider has to offer. That is the base game along with every extra there is.
#48. 全新神作PS4《古墓奇兵:暗影/ Shadow of the Tomb Raider
日本原裝Hori 保護性強防跌《動物之森animal crossing 》Switch case bag 保護袋. HK$120. 2 天∙Review from seller. ryuushinu. 5.0. 貨品品質良好,迅速寄出貨品.
#49. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review for Xbox One, PS4, PC
Shadow of the Tomb Raider review for Xbox One, PS4, PC. Platform: Xbox One Also On: PS4, PC Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Eidos-Montréal
#50. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review - Tweakers
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is in die zin niet alleen het einde van de verhalende trilogie, maar ook het laatste stukje van Lara's route naar ...
#51. Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PlayStation 4) Review - Page 1
Since the Definitive Edition of the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot, Crystal Dynamics has altered Lara's facial features to essentially match up with ...
#52. Geek Review: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
As the final chapter of the epic trilogy that chronicles the origins of Lara Croft, Shadow of The Tomb Raider definitely ticks plenty of ...
#53. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - Best Buy
Shadow of the Tomb Taider: Definitive Edition gives you so many costume combinations that are not only functional, but raise in game stats also. This is a plus ...
#54. Shadow of the Tomb Raider (for PC) Review | PCMag
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a memorable journey that humanizes Lara Croft in a way never done before, by exploring the ideas of loss and ...
#55. 'Shadow Of The Tomb Raider' Review: Lara Croft's ... - Forbes
That said, if there's anything that Shadow of the Tomb Raider truly knocks out of the park, it's the mesmerizing combination of breathtaking ...
#56. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: The Kotaku Review
The new Tomb Raider's freshest idea is the floating of a question: What if all this tomb raiding that Lara Croft does indicates that she is ...
#57. Looks like Shadow of the Tomb Raider is getting a Definitive ...
Earlier this year a Resetera user spotted that a definitive edition of Lara's Croft's 2018 adventure, the concluding third installment in ...
#58. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review: Queen of the jungle
The Trinity saga comes to an end, but does Shadow of the Tomb Raider end the trilogy on a high note? Our review.
#59. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Gets A Next-Gen Upgrade And ...
Let's hope that Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (2014) and Rise of the Tomb Raider are the next games to receive a glorious next-gen upgrade.
#60. Buy Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition PS4 Game
Buy Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition PS4 Game at Argos. Thousands of products for same day delivery, or fast store collection.
#61. Definitive Edition《古墓奇兵:決定版》遊戲心得 - TV GAME ...
回想去年三月,《Tomb Raider》在Xbox 360 等上世代平台推出了正統續作,集性感與勇氣於一身的蘿拉這次回到了最初的冒險起點,玩家可以在遊戲中慢慢 ...
#62. Shadow of The Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - PlayStation 4
Great little game for young people. Clean viewing with mild bad language. It is not as competitive as any of the older Tomb Raider games. This Definitive ...
#63. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review – Heart of Darkness
The deft pacing of Shadow of the Tomb Raider ensures there's never a dull moment, whether you're battling leopards one minute or engaging in a ...
#64. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review: the end of Lara Croft's ...
Shadow of the Tomb Raider marks the end of a worthy trilogy, one that put in the hard graft to develop Lara's character and emotional journey, ...
#65. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review - Just Push Start
This is different from Rise of the Tomb Raider which remained an Xbox exclusive for one year before finally getting released on PS4 and PC.
#66. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review – makes Lara Croft look ...
Shadow of the Tomb Raider has plenty to do besides following its story – tracking down treasure from clues written on monoliths, discovering ...
#67. Review Shadow of the Tomb Raider | Reviews | TechTudo
O jogo terá três edições: a padrão, a Croft Edition e a edição de colecionador - com uma estátua da protagonista e o passe de temporada. Confira ...
#68. 《古墓丽影最终幸存者三部曲》现已发售,首发价仅四折
Shadow of the Tomb Raider ... Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition ... 据商店页面介绍《古墓丽影最终幸存者三部曲》(Definitive Survivor Trilogy) ...
#69. 'Shadow of the Tomb Raider' Review: Good Intentions Are ...
Ultimately, Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a game that's technically sound, but lacks cohesion. The story makes sure you know the details about ...
#70. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review -- Lara Croft goes from ...
Lara still has a child-like thirst for knowledge, and she'll risk her life to get it, even if it is considered sacred or forbidden. In this ...
#71. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - Stadia Source
It has shipped over 4 million copies, which is only going to grow over the years - and possibly when you finish reading this review. Though receiving an average ...
#72. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review – Raider in Her Last Arc
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review: Collectiblehs ... Environments are cluttered with every imaginable type of doodad and collectible. Constantly ...
#73. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review - Jump Dash Roll
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review. October 3, 2018. REVIEWS. PS4. Also on: PC, Xbox One. Crystal Dynamics hit a home run for Square Enix in 2013 when they ...
#74. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Review Thread : r/PS4 - Reddit
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is an excellent action and adventure title. The stealth mechanics present are great, the possibilities of approach are also very good ...
#75. 古墓奇兵暗影攻略匯集(4/24更新) | 娛樂計程車
古墓奇兵:暗影シャドウオブザトゥームレイダーShadow of the Tomb Raider 攻略連結: 古墓奇兵暗影劇情、任務及遊戲性試玩心得古墓奇兵暗影畫面、戰鬥 ...
#76. 古墓丽影:暗影 - 维基百科
古墓丽影暗影语言监视编辑重定向自Shadow of the Tomb Raider ... 《电子游戏月刊》给予肯定的评价,表示这款游戏“通过对此类游戏主题的杰出体现, ...
#77. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review: Latest entry breathes new ...
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider you play the famous archeologist/huntress/human pin cushion Lara Croft in the final instalment of her latest reboot ...
#78. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review: A triumphant conclusion
Title: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Developer: Crystal Dynamics Publisher: Square Enix Platforms: Xbox One (version reviewed), PS4, PC
#79. Shadow of The Tomb Raider Review - Adventurously Dark ...
A few missing puzzle pieces leave a good experience in the place of greatness. ***PS4 code was provided by the publisher***. The Good.
#80. Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PS4) Review - GameAxis
Taken by itself, Shadow's pretty self-contained plot is a pretty good Tomb Raider adventure, with Lara going to multiple countries and locations ...
#81. 'Shadow of the Tomb Raider' Review | Digital Trends
'Shadow of the Tomb Raider' understands what made the previous games adrenaline-pumping fun. Its world is filled with secrets, tombs, ...
#82. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review | GodisaGeek.com
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is dark, people. The opening few hours present a tour de force of actions and consequence that serves to hammer home ...
#83. Shadow of the Tomb Raider PS4 Review - EIP Gaming
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a third-person action adventure available from retail stores and for download from the PlayStation Store for the PS4.
#84. Shadow of the Tomb Raider – game review. The end of a ...
Lara Croft can't breathe. The adventure of a talented treasure hunter takes you to the very heart of the jungle, where she can discover her inner nature and ...
#85. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition | Lara Croft Wiki | Fandom
Tomb Raider : Definitive Edition is a re-release of Tomb Raider, developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square-Enix for the PlayStation 4 and the ...
#86. Shadow of The Tomb Raider Definitive Edition is a tomb worth ...
Regardless of my small gripes, the Shadow of The Tomb Raider Definitive Edition is by far the best option for anyone who has yet to play the ...
#87. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review • TornadoTwistar Gaming
Lara Croft's next adventure in Shadow of the Tomb Raider is an equal challenge as she fights through the Peruvian jungle to stop a Mayan ...
#88. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review - Een van de ... - XGN.nl
Opvallend is ook dat er in dit spel enorme hubs zijn waarbij je met een grote hoeveelheid niet-speelbare personages kunt praten. Doordat er veel ...
#89. Review: Shadow of the Tomb Raider - PlaySense
Review: Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Lara Croft heeft door de jaren heen veel mooie avonturen mogen beleven, maar in 2013 vond Crystal ...
#90. 'Shadow of the Tomb Raider' Is a Visual Masterpiece, but Boring
In "Shadow of the Tomb Raider," Lara Croft is back in her natural habitat, taking artifacts that don't belong to her. · Things tend to escalate ...
#91. Shadow of the Tomb Raider review - Pocket-lint
Shadow of the Tomb Raider review: Stealthy finale for Lara Croft trilogy ... Superb HDR visuals (in 4K on Xbox One X and PS4 Pro). Against.
#92. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Review - Gamereactor
Shadow of the Tomb Raider's Definitive Edition on the way. NEWS. Written by Sam Bishop on the 16th of October 2019 at 10:03.
#93. Shadow of the Tomb Raider gets review bombed on Steam ...
Some Steam users who bought Shadow of the Tomb Raider at or near ... on sale for 34% off for the standard, and 47% for the Croft Edition.
#94. Review: Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) - Geeks ...
Spiritual Content: Shadow of the Tomb Raider incorporates a surprising amount of spiritual content in it, but it's not Christian in nature.
shadow of the tomb raider definitive edition評價 在 [閒聊] 古墓奇兵暗影值得買嗎- 看板PlayStation - 批踢踢實業坊 的八卦
實際在玩家的玩後心得來說 雖然也有玩家給好評
但整體來說仍算褒貶不一 偏中下的評價
這個影片看起來將遊戲中令人不滿的點講得頗為詳細 (雖然好像是板上不太歡迎的頻道XD)
看起來的確頗有滅火的感覺 這次的銷量初步開起來似乎也不太漂亮
在SE收購EIDOS後 幾個重啟的系列作 古墓/駭客入侵/刺客任務
可說是經營得有聲有色 讓人大讚收購EIDOS是最正確的決定 XD
如果年底的JUST CAUSE也砸掉的話 EIDOS作品差不多全軍覆沒了
也希望SE好好正視這個問題 能夠重新擦亮這些老牌系列作的招牌
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1537286943.A.C92.html
(因為本作稱不上"好壞兩極" 用"褒貶不一"較恰當)
看到比較正面的大概就"畫面美" "古墓解謎優" "沒有評論說的那麼差"
"喜歡前兩作的就會喜歡 新玩家可能不會特別愛"
以一個知名系列作來說 不算特別吸引人的評價
這怎麼定義 XD
或許實際玩過但不認同此影片的人也可以提提其他優點 說不定會吸引其他玩家入坑
像之前有人說過這作更往舊TR系列靠攏 好像就讓不少老玩家決定入手
1.一款遊戲出問題 也許是單一開發商的問題
知名系列作陸續出包的話 發行商多少也出了些問題吧
可能是商法 可能是公司政策 或是挑選開發商的眼光
畢竟招牌系列一個一個名聲壞掉因而被冷凍 對發行商也是種傷害
2.依這樣說法那真的不該罵EA和UBI之類的 他們也是發行商 XD
2013和崛起我都衝首發 算很愛重啟這系列 這作本來也放在購買清單內了
但媒體評價和早期玩家心得都有提到一些不盡理想的部分 覺得頗滅火
不過好像滿多人很不滿 XD
我也滿想了解玩過本作的玩家 覺得這影片說的部份哪邊偏頗呢?
而且已經對遊戲有疑慮了 還要特地花錢買遊戲來印證嗎?
玩過前作 很懂這種感覺 冏
謝謝! 我了解了 這些系列是對之前EIDOS的印象
但現在是已屬SE 這些系列的確是跟他們無關了 抱歉不該爭論這個
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