This is what we meant having shaved ice during summer, I reckon...
#life #taipei #adidasoriginals
reckon意思 在 謝佳見 Melvin Sia Facebook 八卦
不好意思,但也謝謝大家の關心,尤其看見死忠粉絲今天來探班,陪著我更讓我覺得感動,溫暖。 都怪自己平時太過感性,投入太多心力在於事情上;偶爾還是得看看旁邊的風景啦~~~ 加油啊! 都要好好的噢~💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Oops, my post last night made you worry?! 😵
Sorry for that and thanks for all the concern. I feel warmth and touched when see fans visited me on site just now. I'm just too sentimental, I reckon, too focus on things, it's good to spend some time on the beautiful scenery at my surrounding~~~ Everything is gonna be alright! Stay positive~ 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
reckon意思 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 八卦
【 黃之鋒的紐時投書 】
黃之鋒 Joshua Wong 才剛被釋放,他就找了抗爭夥伴周永康Alex Chow在紐時The New York Times 聯名投書了這篇擲地有聲的文章。細細讀完之後,內心很沈重。
“We understand that some critics of American interventionism may be inclined to have sympathy for China as a still-developing country bullied by an over-dominant West. But please listen to us here in Hong Kong: Communist China is no alternative to the interventionism you hate or contest — that is an inconvenient truth that the world must reckon with.”
所以黃之鋒這樣寫,別管有關干預主義的批評了,中共絕不是替代選項,這是一個絕望真相(inconvenient truth)。
“We know that the Chinese government wants grand celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the birth of the People’s Republic of China on Oct. 1; it wants to put history on its side by rewriting the memory of the people. But Hong Kongers won’t let it commemorate that day without a fight.”
之鋒跟其他的抗爭夥伴很清楚,美國的角色及態度將會決定中共如何收尾,所以他寫了這篇文章,文內也提到了美國國會議員提出的「2019香港人權及民主法案」(Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019)。他的意思是,美國國會友港力量已經展開動作。
美國國會在1992年通過香港政策法(Hong Kong Policy Act),這是一部美國國內法。2019年的香港局勢複雜,中國當前國力遠遠高過1992年的中國(那年小平才南巡,摸著石頭過河呢)。要美國國會參眾兩院在短期內通過這個法案,讓美國政府取得正當性介入香港,我實在沒有信心。
護台胖犬 劉仕傑
Instagram: old_dog_chasing_ball (老狗追球)
reckon意思 在 [心得] 寫英文作文前,你有買對工具嗎? 的八卦
(我想我們可能會早點離開,這裡reckon也可以用think取代) 可是它也有其他意思to calculate or guess (value): to have or form idea about sth. ... <看更多>