[關於反芻動物全身麻醉的風險,反芻動物中,全身麻醉的弊大於利。] 有興趣的朋友可以多了解一下喔! (中文翻譯的部分為Google翻譯的,能夠閱讀英文的朋友建議看原文會比較清楚喔)
General anaesthesia is an essential component of modern medicine. It is a drug induced reversible condition that includes specific behavioral and physiological traits unconsciousness, amnesia, analgesia, and akinesia- with concomitant stability of the autonomic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and thermoregulatory systems.
[General anesthesia in ruminants has inherent risks such as regurgitation of ruminal contents, excessive salivation and the possibility of pulmonary aspiration; therefore it is not always recommended and local or regional techniques may be used instead. Epidural anaesthesia is a central neuraxial block technique which is used regularly in veterinary practice for treatment of different obstetrical and surgical interferences in the perineal, sacral, lumbar, and caudal parts of the thoracic region of domestic animals. There have been several scientific researches on the use of epidural anesthesia in ruminants and other species for various surgical and laboratory procedures. In conclusion, the disadvantages of general anaesthesia outweigh the advantages especially in ruminant specie. Therefore, epidural anaesthesia is the most preferred.
Ruminal tympany, bloat, regurgitation, and aspiration pneumonia are common problems associated with general anesthesia in farm animal species that should be anticipated and addressed with proper precautions and the necessary preanesthetic considerations. Regurgitation and aspiration of stomach content can occur in farm animal species during anesthesia, especially in nonfasted animals. Ruminants normally salivate profusely during anesthesia. The triggering agents of malignant hyperthermia include stress (e.g., excitement, transportation, or preanesthetic handling), halogenated inhalation anesthetics (e.g., halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane), and depolarizing neuro-muscular blocking drugs (e.g., succinylcholine). Similarly, halothane appears to be the most potent and most frequently reported trigger of malignant hyperthermia in pigs. Preanesthetic fasting may not completely prevent regurgitation, but it will decrease the amount of solid matter in the rumen content. Veterinarians should incorporate the knowledge with proper preanesthetic preparations and appropriate perioperative management to ensure successful outcome of anesthesia in these animals.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅暗網仔出街,也在其Youtube影片中提到,RANDONAUTICA 恐怖遊戲實況 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour 訂閱: https:/...
physiological中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[托福和雅思單字表+mp3] Human Biology and Health care
Audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/82yk91rhvzwswl2/HBH.mp3
老師這次花了很多時間幫大家整理了 human biology and health care 的單字,為了讓同學不會聽到睡著,老師融入了很多音效...但是建議不要晚上的時候聽,免得被嚇到喔!
老師雖然每次在提供單字表時都會附上中文解釋,但這只是方便學生更快知道這個單字最通用的意思,不代表是它最完整的涵義及用法。除此之外,有心的同學應該進一步使用其它工具查詢,最好是單字,配詞與句子一起背 (死背一個單字是無用的),再透過經常使用單字的方式,加強自己對單字的認知和應用。當然,你也可以利用老師或字典提供的單字音檔,進而增加自己對單字的辨識能力和發音!
Use the audio file to improve your pronunciation of these words. The file can also be used as a simple listening and spelling test! Further, like I said many times in class, you must learn in context! Do not just learn the vocabulary words and collocation. You must also construct sentences, read articles suitable for your level on the given topic, and then use the new words and phrases in writing. The accumulation of background knowledge is also essential. Always learn in meaningful context!!!
Human Biology and Health care
abdomen (n.) 腹部
absorb (v.) 吸收
abstain (v.) 避免
abuse (v.) 濫用
accident (n.) 意外
ache (n.) (持續性地)疼痛
admit (v.) 准許進入; (be admitted to a hospital 送入醫院 )
airway (n.) (肺的) 氣道、氣管
allergy (n.) 過敏
allergic (adj.) 過敏的
alternative medicine (n.) 另類醫療
ambulance (n.) 救護車
amputate (v.) 截斷; 截肢
anesthesia 麻醉
ankle (n.) 腳踝
antibiotics (n.) 抗生素(複數)
appendix (n.) 盲腸
artery (n.) 動脈
bacterium (n./pl.=bacteria) 細菌
balanced (a.) 均衡
bandage (n.) 繃帶
benign (a.) 良性的
beware (v.) 注意
biohazard (n.) 生物性危害
biological (a.) 生物的
biology (n.) 生物學
blood (n.) 血液
blood pressure (n.) 血壓
blood vessel (n.) 血管
body (n.) 身體
bowel (n.) 腸
breathe (v.) 呼吸
bruise (n.) 青腫
calorie (n.) 卡路里(熱量單位)
cancer (n.) 癌
carbohydrate (n.) 醣類
cardiovascular diseases (n.) 心臟血管疾病
care (n.) 照顧
carrier (n.) 帶茵者;病媒
cast (n.) 石膏
cell (n.) 細胞
cell division (phr.) 細胞分裂
chicken pox (n.) 水痘
chiropractor (n.) 脊骨神經醫師; 按摩醫生
cholesterol (n.) 膽固醇
circulation (n.) 循環
clinic (n.) 診所
clone (n. / v.) 複製
cold (n.) 感冒 (I caught a cold.)
colon (n.) 結腸
condition (n.) 狀況
conscious (adj.) 有意識的
contagious (a.) 有感染性的
cough (v./n.) 咳嗽
cough syrup (n.) 止咳糖漿
CPR (n.) 心肺復甦術
critical (a.) 關鍵的
crutches (n.) 柺杖,
cultivation of bacteria (phr.) 細菌培養
cure (v./n.) 治癒 ; 療法
deform (v.) 變形
dentist (n.) 牙醫
dermatology (n.) 皮膚科
deteriorate (v.) 惡化
diabetes (n.) 糖尿病
diabetic (a.) (患) 糖尿病 (n.) 指糖尿病患者
diet (n.) 飲食
diet (v.) (以治療、減肥為目的的) 節食
digestive system (n.) 消化系統
DNA (n.) 脫氧核糖核酸 drug (n.) 藥品;毒品 egg (n.) 蛋
embryo (n./adj.= embryonic) 胎兒
emergency medical kit (n.) 應急醫療包
emergency room (n.) 急診室
emotion (n.) 情感
excrete (v.) 排泄
fertilize (v.) 【生物】授精
fever (n.) 發燒
flu/influenza (n.) 流行性感冒
gene (n.) 基因
genetically engineered (phr.) 基因修改, 製造
genetically modified (phr.) 基因修改
glucose (n.) 葡萄糖
hallucination (n.) 幻覺
heal (v.) (傷口)癒合; 痊癒
health (n.) 保健
hemoglobin (n.) 血紅素
hereditary (a.) 遺傳的
high blood pressure (n.) 高血壓
hormone (n.) 荷爾蒙
hospital (n.) 醫院
hospitalized (a.) 住院的
ill (a.) 生病的
illness (n.) 生病; 疾病
immune (a.) 免疫的
immune system (n.) 免疫系統
immunity (n.) 免疫
infect (v.) 傳染(疾病)
infection (n.) 傳染;感染
infectious (a.) 有傳染性的
inflammation (n.) 發炎
injection (n.) 注射
injury (n.) 受傷
inorganic (n.) 無機
instant (a.) 立即的
insurance (n.) 保險
intestines (n.)腸子
intoxicated (a.) 中毒
irregular (a.) 不平均的
itch (n.) 癢
IV drip (n.) 靜脈滴注
kidney (n.) 腎臟
knee (n.) 膝,膝蓋
lap (n.) 膝部
latency period (n.) 潛伏期
latent (a.) 潛伏的
lens (n.) 晶體
limb (n.) 肢
liver (n.) 肝臟
long-term effects (n.) 長期影響
lung (n.) 肺
malignant (n.) 惡性的
malnutrition (n.) 營養不良
mature (a.) 成熟的
medical treatment (n.) 醫學治療
mental health (n.) 心理健康
metabolism (n./v.=metabolize) 代謝
mineral (n.) 礦物
muscle (n.) 肌肉
nerve (n.) 神經
nurse (n.) 護士
nursing home (n.) 養老院
nutrition (n.) 營養
nutritionist (n.) 營養師
olfactory (n.) 嗅覺
operate (v.) 動手術, 開刀
organ donation (n.) 器官捐贈
organic (n.) 有機
osteoporosis (n.) 骨質疏鬆
over-the-counter (a.) 成藥
pain (n.) 疼痛
palm (n.) 手掌
pancreas (n.) 胰臟
paralyzed (a.) 癱瘓的
patient (n.) 病患
pediatrician (n.) 小兒科醫師
perspiration (n./ v.=perspire) 汗
pharmacist (n.) 藥劑師
pharmacy (n.) 藥局
physician (n.) 醫師
physiological (a.) 生理學的
pill (n.) 藥丸
polio (n.) 小兒麻痺
prescription (n.) 處方籤
prevention (n.) 預防; 預防方法
protein (n.) 蛋白質
psychiatrist (n.) 精神病醫師
psychiatrist / shrink (n.) 心理醫生
psychologist (n.) 心理學家
psychology (n.) 心理學
rash (n.) 疹 ; 疹子
reaction (n.) 反應
recovery (n.) 復原
red blood cells (hemoglobin) (n.) 紅血細胞
relationship (n.) 關係
relaxed (a.) 冷靜
reproductive organs (n.) 生殖器官
revive (v.) 復原
runny nose (n.) 流鼻涕
sanitary (a.) 衛生的
scar (n.) 疤; 傷痕
scrape (n.) 擦傷
serum (n.) 血清
short-term effects (n.) 短期影響
sick bed (n.) 病床
sinus (n.) 靜脈竇
skin (n.) 皮膚
smallpox (n.) 天花
sneeze (v.) 打噴嚏
social health (n.) 社交健康
sore (a.) 痛的; 疼痛發炎的
spine (n.) 脊椎
starch (n.) 澱粉
stem cells(n.) 幹細胞
sterilize (v.) 消毒
stomach (n.) 胃
stuffy nose (n.) 塞住的鼻子
suffer from (phr.) 受...之苦; 受...困擾
surgeon (n.) 外科醫生
surgery (n.) 手術
symptom (n.) 症狀
syndrome (n.) 症候群
tablet (n.) 藥片
test (n.) 檢驗
thermometer (n.) 溫度計
throat (n.) 喉嚨
tissue (n.) (動植物的) 組織
touch (v.) 接觸、觸摸
toxic (a.) 有毒的
transplantation (n.) 移植
treatment (n.) 治療
trunk (n.) 軀幹
tuberculosis (n.) 結核病
tumor (n.) 腫瘤
unwholesome (a.) 不衛生的;不健康的;有害身心的
uterus (n.) 子宮
vaccinate (v.) 打預防針 (inoculate with a vaccine, vaccinate against…)
vaccine (n.) 疫苗
vein (n.) 靜脈
virus (n.) 病毒
vision (n.) 視覺/視覺/視力
vitamin (n.) 維他命、維生素
weight loss (n.) 體重減輕
well (a.) 健康的
wheelchair (n.) 輪椅
white blood cells (n.) 白血細胞
Complete List 完整托福和雅思單字表+mp3: http://tinyurl.com/lk3fglc
英文單字學習 I: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq2ym9m3ihsbuy6/vocabI.pdf
英文單字學習 II: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu51xclk7qxb211/vocabII.pdf
英文單字學習 III: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fsx6zx150c2q7so/vocabIII.pdf
Free Online Dictionaries 免費線上字典和辭典: http://tinyurl.com/kzctz56
physiological中文 在 窮瘋流 Un Pauvre Voyageur Facebook 八卦
唔知邊年奧運會,中國跳水隊有靚仔田亮,香港人齊心大叫“中國加油”,果時我以為,哩d就係叫做“愛國”掛,咁我愛靚仔,我諗我都係愛國? 我唔知呀,因為其實我地香港自己有一隊架喎,到底中國隊係乜?
好,出來做野。一個二個“過來人”同我講將來,“做XX好呀,有XX照住,冇咁易炒你架。” “考XXXX啦,薪高糧準,冇得輸架啦!” 所謂將來,叫做“供樓供車結婚生仔穩陣過世”。
好,做XX請盡量避談政治,“唔方便架,咪出聲!” 然後抽身出來,回想,什麼是洗腦? 當所有人在同一環境,接收同樣是“真理”的資料,根本唔知出面世界係點,我估咁樣叫做洗腦? 好似有個旅行中的大陸朋友係臨完行程時,在fb最後遺言,“最後一天在牆外的日子了,明天回國不能再用fb和ig了…”,我想知咁算唔算自由? 算唔算洗腦? 算唔算封閉? 我覺得佢係出冊之後要入番冊…
我地死做難做好多人都係為“未來”而努力,但到底我城既未來係點? 我從未試過覺得香港咁“陌生”,咁“可怕”,即使沙士時代,都冇咁可怕。
教過一陣書,開始明教育對下一代既影響,學生真係會問,“你話我上唔上街好,XXX話上左先叫香港人喎!” 咁我作為一個領袖仔,我有責任好好領導佢地,唔係答上定唔上,因為我覺得真正自由係佢地自己諗,我只能做引導角色,我地冇權幫佢地決定,但我知道有學校“勸籲”學生因“安全問題”唔好上街,學生好乖,全部填鴨等你慢慢餵,你話上咪上,唔想咪唔上,哩d叫乖仔乖女。
人在流浪,被人問最多果題係,“where r u from?” 好明顯答案一定係 “Hong Kong”,但遇上N個中國旅人幫我搶答 “China”。試過係hostel飯桌上因為“中國人”定“香港人”而有少許激既討論。就係一句“我們都是中國人”令我覺得唔舒服,甚至我朋友話難聽過粗口。
哩幾日因為香港上左國際新聞,我答完我來自香港之後,佢地冇再話“okay, China”,而係話"okay, different passports" "how's HK?",我因為咁覺得好驕傲。
平時外遊畫既係當地既野,近排一畫就忍唔住係香港,原來活左廿幾年,香港一直既自由,令我地識左好多野,起碼有教育先至令我知咩叫“Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs”,而爭取民主係“Self-actualization level”,中國共產主義的餵飽你你就唔好再出聲係“Physiological level”。
My instagram: www.instagram.com/unpauvrevoyageur
My blog: www.unpauvrevoyageur.blogspot.com
physiological中文 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的評價
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour
訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKC6E5s6CMT5sVBInKBbPDQ?sub_confirmation=1
暗網? 陰謀論?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5RVLpFkAKQ&list=PLGzW5EwcApFuqKoowMHS9v8W34vIPyrtk
鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4rmkFI1ik0&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF
我的100K成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJVt56ORWo&t=2s
曼德拉效應: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMutzRIE_uE&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF&index=17&t=5s
深刻個人經歷: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Roa6Vs1qWc&list=PLglqLngY6gv4mm_doLUUJx4zq5KvLJ2VE
在外國試驗恐怖Randonautica App能碰到什麼?
你相信世界有巧合嗎? 你在街上一日chait身而過的人有數百個, 是什麼能讓我們uw yue, ying sik, kauw gun?
旅遊恐怖app ‘Randonautica’ 令到douyin那班leng jai在公園揭發一douy死人wuy tuy,
Randonaut會信是宇宙萬物中的量子yun ling他們到那個地方.
Randonautica跟Pokémon GO相似: 在現實世界進行探索任務. 唯一分別是你探索緊的那樣東西由你念力出發. 他們腦子又是想什麼的呢? 根據量子物理學, 電話app會吸收你腦粒子加上靈性學你用個app時的intention=你去到的最終目的地.
‘Randonautica’ 拿了你地址後會有3種不同分bo模式.
‘Attractor’ 模式: 會到量子點很擠迫的地方.
‘void’ 模式: 量子點極少的地方.
‘anomaly’ 模式, 如果你心裡面有強烈信念, 一些答案就會找到.
網上有Randonaut用了這個app去到自己爺爺的fun mo. 而暗網仔今天要出街希望找到人生的意義.
現在你聽到的聲音 , 6個ging點我已經去過. 當中lui ching不jook yi改變我一生, 但神奇地也有不可思議的地方.
(Say Maslows hierarchy of needs love and belonging is #3. Quarantine has been hard and friendship has been difficult to maintain... finding friendship.)
全名:暗網仔. 年齡: 27身高: 181cm. 職業: Youtuber.
這是啊暗第一個被yun ling到的地點: 43.599747, -79.595291.
所以啊暗食了一條蕉( 還放上IG!!!) 照了照鏡子make sure自己有Indiana jones的氣質就出門口.
Yik情的關係令我想 ‘朋友’ 這個koy nim好多. 朋友’ 定義是: 要天天boon cheuy你身邊一定做不到, 所以只好在你生日時pooy你fung kwong一晚就是 ‘朋友’? 啊暗猜不到命運第一達帶他去的地方會是一dung 大ha. Google map確切的位置是大ha pong been的一po植物. 其實啊暗知道app指ling他發現的是一位拿著高爾夫球裝備, 剛剛做完運動的大約50多歲的白人男子. 他面dai笑yung, 好奇望著啊暗在sow yiw那po jik mut..
那位大sook好快就上了友人的車離去. 啊暗回到車後承認自己不夠勇敢, 沒有真實地dap出第一步. 有時d friend可能就要你call一call佢
(-found a guy playing golf. Smiled at me but was a bit hostile. I was too afraid to go make contact. Maybe that’s what life is like, friendships you have to reach out.)
*use attractor.
“It was my first time randonauting. So I just manifested seeing something red and the coordinates led me here...”
(Physiological needs)
*use void
(Sex: the place is an isolated location, or a void. Their was a sign on the door of the place called ‘just shoot it!’ -a hockey club. Maybe the place is a good one to take a date for sex?)
啊暗在想著性被帶到一些工廠背後一達地方. 調查後發現tit門上有 ‘just shoot it!’ 3個英文字. 可能這個地方不是尋找性的一個地方. 也許是帶人來 “just shoot it” 的一個地方.
下一個神奇地啊暗想著食物後, 就帶了他去到平時喜歡食的Five guys burger的那一個soing cheung. 不是確切地點, 但啊暗實在太肚餓.
iPhone等Apple產品有都市傳聞說會偷聽用戶的對話. 我第一個地點是有講過 ‘找朋友’ 這句說話, 之後也有講過 “找東西吃” 這句說話, 但我整程車根本沒有講過’five guys burger’ 這個地方名字. Randonautica會不會kuy用你部iPhone的Google map偷看我平時到開車到達最多的chan teng呢? 電話整天都跟身, 10足10跟jung器.
Ping goh隱私權政策有提到 “we may collect and store details, including search queries. This information may be used to improve the relevancy of results provided by our searches”
(Food was just food. Went to five guys and got some food. Even though it wasn’t directly at the place. It’s usually where I buy my food anyways.)
(Safety needs)
這裡, 這裡, 這裡...公園內的一大peen空地是啊暗要找 ‘工作’ 的地方. Randonautica能這麼短時間受歡迎起來因為他破壞城市人一般的jit juw帶你到平日不會去的地方.
*use attractor
(Park )
(Video of girl witnessing someone getting shot)
[破解] 影片中的女生發現一個恐怖案法現場然後bung kwooy. 但為什麼這不是一件好事呢? 有分sik Randonautica的網友用Despair-meme法juk段定Randonautica的最後結果. 如果在經歷跟自己日常生活變化時, 對世界多一份敏感是好事. 但如果整天看負面新聞, hoi怕改變, 可能就會好像這個女生, manifest 生活以外一些悲劇的發生.
(Esteem needs) (say this is something you truly want and you crave for. Extremely important to you.)
*use anomaly
(Someone’s house. So disappointing)
這個是啊暗好想要的. 失望地只是一間屋的門口. 又是不敢去看看. 啊暗的想法是: 我相念不夠keung嗎?
Randonautica創辦人表示app根據Fatum project去geen jo. Fatum project原本的用意研究我們每一個人以外有可能jook poong到的reality. 根據我們每一個人的lo chup, jap gwan, 人生ging lik, 條件及外在因素我們在生ming會到達的地方永遠ley不開那幾個.
Sierpinski三角形是最好representation. 無論你在三角型任何一個點開始chong jo三角形, 也到不了一些blindspot. (好像我由細到大都經過的那座大樓) 那個行為由如到達另一個星球一樣.
唯一是kauw randonautica ley hoi ‘static’s field’ 甚至影響你自己生命道路的那一條線.
(Self actualization)
*use anomaly
(Someone’s house again)
人生的意義最終也是人家的屋子. 雖然我最後也是um yeen ley hoi但可能...這就是人生的意義. 有些事你是suey yiw dap出第一步的. 即使你不是玩這個game的時候人生才會不停有duk po. 可能我就是要be reminded of 這個道理. 有不可思議的地方, 學到了新東西, 流了一些hon: a good summer day well spent.
(Need to take the first step to change your life and change your pattern. So I will be trying new things. First is to wake up earlier.)
(Last story: I used the app with a friend the next day...we ended up at a house with a pool. She said that although her intent was buying a present, in reality she wanted to swim. So we were suppose to knock on the door and ask the family if we could swim with them?)
之後一天跟朋友再玩. 原本這位朋友想找一份生日禮物, 但我們到了一個wing chi. 因為原本他心底想著是yuw水. 而最尾...
physiological中文 在 Ventilation and Perfusion (V:Q Ratio) Physiology - YouTube 的八卦
Respiratory System Physiology - Ventilation and Perfusion (V:Q Ratio) Physiology. 414,970 views414K views ... ... <看更多>