[時事英文] 死亡率(mortality rate)*、壓平曲線(flattening the curve)、活動限制 (lockdown):如何理解這些術語?
Language goes beyond a sealed system governed by a rigid set of rules. To fully understand the meaning of a word, one must look further than connotation and denotation, and also take context into consideration. In this case, one needs to examine the social, political, economic, and even statistical contexts of the terms.
Does “confirmed cases,” for example, mean the same thing in every country before and during the coronavirus outbreak? What about “lockdowns”? Does it mean that the government is advising people to stay home or is someone nailing your door shut? Some food for thought when reading about the coronavirus outbreak.
*同學好心的補充說明:「mortality rate」通常指的是死亡率,而「fatality rate」則是(因罹患某疾病)致死率。兩者都是重要的死亡指標,但計算公式不相同。
Making sense of the coronavirus pandemic requires getting up to speed on semantics as much as epidemiology. Government officials and health care professionals toss off mentions of mortality rates, flattening the curve and lockdowns, assuming that we know what they mean. But the terms mean different things from country to country, state to state, even city to city and person to person. Officials use the same phrases about mass testing, caseloads and deaths to describe very different situations. That makes it hard to give clear answers to vital questions: How bad are things? Where are they headed?
1. make sense of… 理解……
2. get up to speed on 了解最新情況;跟上進度
3. toss off 輕而易舉地處理*
弄懂新型冠狀病毒大流行,既需要了解流行病學的最新情況,也需要在語義學上跟上形勢。「死亡率」、「壓平曲線」和「活動限制」等說法從政府官員和公共衛生專業人士的嘴裡脫口而出,他們假設大家都知道這些詞的意思。但對不同的國家、不同的州,甚至不同的城市和個人來說,這些術語有著不同的含義。 官員們使用「大規模檢測」、「病例數」和「死亡病例數」等相同的措辭,來描繪非常不同的情況。這令一些重要的問題難以得到明確的回答:情況有多糟糕?正在向什麼方向發展?
toss off: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/toss%20off
People search for insight by comparing their countries to those that are further along in the epidemic. But if the terms are misleading or used in differing ways, the comparisons are flawed. Also, the statistics and vocabulary offer a false sense of precision while in reality, the information we have shows only a fraction of what’s going on. “The new cases or deaths each day are given as exact numbers, and we’re trained to take that at face value,” said Mark N. Lurie, an epidemiologist at Brown University’s School of Public Health. “But those are far from exact, they’re deeply flawed, and their meaning varies from place to place and from time period to time period.”
4. be further along in 在……上走得更深遠
5. at face value 根據外表;從表面上看
I. Confirmed Cases 確診病例
Countries vary wildly in testing for the virus and how they report the numbers, and experts say most infections are going undetected. So the publicized national tallies are rough, incomplete pictures that may not be all that comparable. And that’s if countries are forthcoming about their data.
6. vary wildly in 在……上有極大的差異*
7. publicize 公布;宣傳
8. national tallies 國家的統計數據
9. incomplete pictures 不完整的狀況
10. forthcoming 樂於幫助的
wildly: https://bit.ly/2wkgPjo
Officials in the United States say that China, which has reported more than 82,000 infections, has understated its epidemic. Until this week, the Chinese government excluded those patients who tested positive for the virus but had no symptoms. China also doesn’t say how many tests it has conducted, and doubts have been raised about whether it has tested extensively in Xinjiang, the province where it holds hundreds of thousands of Muslims in indoctrination camps. The Covid Tracking Project, run by The Atlantic, has tried to compile all the numbers in the United States and reports more than 1.2 million tests so far, over 3,600 per million people.
11. understate 未如實陳述;避重就輕地說
12. exclude 把……排除在外
13. indoctrination camps 再教育營
14. run by 由……經營
II. Widespread Testing 大規模檢測
It matters not only how many people are tested, but also when, and who they are. Once again, countries differ, shaping what the numbers mean. A few countries, like South Korea, Australia and Singapore, got serious about mass testing early on. They used the information to do ambitious contact-tracing — finding and testing those who had recently been near infected people, even if they had no symptoms.
15. it matters 重要的是
16. not only……, but also…… 不僅……,而且……
17. get serious about 認真對待某事
18. early on 在早期
But most nations with large numbers of cases have done less testing, waited longer to do it in bulk, and made little attempt at contact tracing. They find themselves playing catch-up with the virus, ramping up testing after their outbreaks had already mushroomed. They detect more cases, but by then it’s hard to tell how much of that growth is the expanding epidemic and how much is expanding surveillance. Unable to meet the demand, they often limit testing to the sickest patients and health workers.
19. in bulk 大量
20. make little attempt 幾乎未做嘗試
21. ramp up 增加*
22. mushroom (v.) 迅速增長;迅速發展*
23. meet the demand 滿足需求
24. limit……to 將……限制在……
ramp up: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/ramp-up
mushroom: https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/mushroom
III. Fatality Rates 致死率
It has been stated time and again: Italy and Spain have high mortality rates among coronavirus patients, Germany’s is low, and China’s is somewhere between. It may not be that simple. Counting the dead is as flawed and inconsistent as counting the infected. Recent reports say that mortuaries in Wuhan, China, where the disease was first discovered, have ordered thousands more urns than usual, suggesting a much higher death toll than the city’s official count, 2,535. The outbreaks in Wuhan, and parts of Italy and Spain, overwhelmed hospitals, forcing many sick people to ride it out at home. No one knows how many people have recovered or died without ever being tested. And if only the sickest patients are tested, then the number of infections will appear smaller and the percentage who die will seem higher.
25. time and again 屢次;一再
26. as flawed and inconsistent as 像……一樣存在缺陷與不一致
27. mortuary 停屍間(太平間)
28. urn 骨灰罈
29. suggest 暗示*
30. death toll 死亡人數
31. to ride it out 安然渡過(難關)*
suggest: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/suggest
ride sth out: https://bit.ly/2Rd6Tj6
IV. The Peak 疫情高峰
Officials often talk about when the epidemic peaks or plateaus — when a country “flattens the curve.” But they rarely specify, the peak of what? And how can we be sure we’re past it? When an outbreak is growing unchecked, more people become infected and more die each day than the day before. On a graph, the curve showing the daily count of new cases has gone from rising sharply to moving sideways — the curve has flattened — and even begun to move downward. That is one corner being turned: The rate of the spread of the virus has slowed down. It takes longer to turn another: the rate of people dying.
32. from rising sharply to moving sideways 從急劇上升到橫向移動
33. turn the corner 好轉;度過難關*
turn the corner: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/turn%20the%20corner
But even when those curves flatten, the epidemic still has not “peaked” by another crucial measure: the number of active cases. That figure continues to rise until the number of patients who either die or recover each day is larger than the number of new infections. To ease the staggering load on health care systems, the active cases curve must also flatten and then fall.
34. peak (v.) 使……達到頂峰
35. either……or…… 不是……就是……
36. staggering 沉重的;巨大的
peak: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/peak_2
V. Lockdowns 封鎖(活動限制)
More than two billion people, including most Americans, are living under something usually called a lockdown. But there is no set definition of that word — or related terms like stay-at-home mandates and social distancing — so the details differ from place to place. The biggest differences may be in enforcement. Some places, like those in the United States with lockdowns, mostly rely on people to follow the rules without coercion. But Italy and others have deployed soldiers to ensure compliance, and French police have fined hundreds of thousands of people for violating restrictions. China, in addition to using security forces, mobilized an army of volunteers, ratcheting up social pressure to obey.
37. set definition 固定的定義
38. enforcement 實施;執行
39. rely on 仰賴;依靠
40. deploy 部署
41. compliance 服從
42. fine 處……以罰款(或罰金)
43. in addition to 除了……之外
44. mobilize 動員
45. ratchet sth up/down 逐步增加/減少
Italy’s experience shows the looseness of the term. It has gone through several phases of restrictions, applying them to more people, making them stricter and increasing enforcement. A few weeks ago, a person could travel around Italy for a valid work or family reason. Now, people are fined for nonessential walking too far from their homes. But each stage was widely called by the same name: lockdown.
46. looseness 鬆散
47. valid 確鑿的;合理的;有根據的;讓人信服的
more often than not meaning in english 在 王宇婕 Margaret Wang Facebook 八卦
我哥之前因為陪朋友去考街頭藝人證照看到一些評審對街頭藝人的態度發聲 而上了新聞。我覺得他很勇敢的去做了一件對的事。
我不認為自己是一個勇敢的人,我也自知自己並非街頭藝人的代表或者發言人。但我是一個藝術創作者,一個表演藝術家,一個教育者,而最重要的,我身為一個 "人"。我的家人、朋友及師長們,總是教導我應該為正確的事情挺身而出。
藝術並非一種特權的這件事情如今已完全被遺忘。台北市文化局本應提倡所有具有文化及藝術可能性的事情,但它並未做到這ㄧ點。很顯然的,一個「對表演者的基本尊重」並不存在 — 許多表演者都如此感覺,有些人則深感受傷。
而這樣的回應是否也指出了另一個值得我們去思考的問題: 為什麼我們會將它視為一種「考試」,而不是ㄧ個表演者的「試鏡」呢?
首先,這些表演者們並不是學生。事實上,許多人更可能是一個專業的音樂家、舞者、或者正從事著表演藝術的人。當然,我不否認也可能會有些正在學習中的族群。但,最重要的是,當他們「在屬於他們應得的演出時間與機會裡 (而且還是付費才有的),他們就是ㄧ個真正的表演者。」
我所思考的是當一個街頭藝人遵守規定,付費且努力準備去應試時,他ㄧ定會準備了符合完整時間長度的、同時也是自己最擅長、最喜歡或者是最期待能被看見的那些內容;表演一首歌曲或者ㄧ種風格並不代表他就只會唱那ㄧ首歌;而且就算是當做他只會唱ㄧ種語言、ㄧ首歌,如果他能把這首歌反覆演繹的淋漓盡致時, 又有什麼不好呢?
台北市文化局星期ㄧ曾經聯絡過我,親切向我表示將與我進一步聯絡並討論這件事情;他們要求我先將評審的照片拿掉—我答應取下照片,但前提是他們必須確實誠意的允諾一個面對面的溝通。這幾天我也暫時迴避了一些報導媒體的詢問(還請大家見諒)只因我衷心希望能先與台北市文化局及該評審當面談一談。我ㄧ直等待,但我也持續的看到了相關機構或人員回應給媒體的諸多理由與藉口; 自從將照片從網路上取下之後,直到今日都沒有人再跟我連繫過。慢慢的我突然明白星期一的那通電話,或許純粹只是ㄧ個希望我能將照片取下的操作手法,而並非真的試圖去了解整個經過以及解決問題。我對這個本應提倡藝術與文化的機構感到無比失望。
Dear All,
I would like to thank you for all the encouraging messages and supportive comments. I would also like to thank all the journalists and reporters who are passionate about this issue and are so willing to expose the problem that was faced by these street performers. I am sorry that I have been quiet but with a reason: I don’t want it to get much bigger than it already was until I talked to the Taipei Cultural Affair. I apologize that it took me a while, but I needed some time to gather my thoughts and help to translate my writing into Chinese.
Before I go on any further, I never expected my story would go viral on the media and the social media. I am humbled and touched to hear from many of you. All the messages I’ve received have been overwhelming. I am not able to reply to all of them, but I’d like you to know that I am honored, thankful, and touched by every single one of them.
I do not consider myself as a brave person, nor do I consider myself a representative for the street performers. BUT I am an artist, a performer, educator, and most of all I am a human being.I have always been taught to stand for what’s right by my family, friends and mentors.
I understand things are not as black and white as we all wish sometimes. However, what happened on Sunday 21st of May was a disgrace to the art community. Regardless of all the excuses that were given or cultural differences, it was very obvious these performers were treated like lower-class citizens; if not, students. It was also very clear that the intention might be well, but the execution of the busker’s exam was done horribly.
Somehow the idea that ART is NOT a privilege had been forgotten. Taipei Cultural Affair is supposed to be advocating for all things cultural and artistic but it was not conveyed that day. It was very clear the respect was not there. Many felt it and some got their feelings hurt. Even with all the excuses there are in the world, many experienced the disrespect. That was the truth. Again I have to emphasize that I believe Taipei Department of Cultural Affair and its adjudicators are good people, but the execution of the exam was poor.
It brings to the question…. why is it called an exam? Shouldn’t it be an audition?
These performers were not students when they took the exam. Some of them were actually professional musicians, dancers, or performers. Just because one is a student, it doesn’t make him or her less of an artist. Artists are not defined by their social status or occupation.
The term exam suggests an educational institution, but we know Taipei Department of Cultural Affair is not an educational institution. They do not decide what these artists need to know. These performers were not given any materials to study, thus the term exam is very misleading.
The exam took place in a public space. Many tourists and residents were there to enjoy the event. Many do not understand arts. So they may look up to these adjudicators as role models who are experienced in the arts. When they saw how this exam was being done, do you think they would have any respect for these performers afterwards? They saw these adjudicators interrupting the performers and left without saying a “thank you.” We all knew it was an exam, we all knew these people were adjudicators. They did not need to pretend to be street spectators who just walk away. They all carried their score boards in their hands.
Just because a performer performs on the street, it doesn’t make that performer any less of a performer than someone who is performing on big stages. I myself have performed over hundreds of stages around the world and I do not dare to think myself better than these performers.
I have judged a handful of international competitions. I have also held professional auditions. I have never heard an excuse that respect can’t be shown when time is limited. You do not need to smile to simply say “thank you.” Since when, a smile means “I favor you.” What a performer need is respect. Over the 15 year span of my professional career as an educator and artist, and 39 years of being a human being, I know what respect looks like. It doesn’t take more than a second to show it. If it takes longer than 5 minutes to show what respect is, I think you may need to rethink what respect means to you.
Another excuse that was presented was that they don’t want a street artist performs only one kind of songs or genre throughout the year. Don’t they know broadway musicals? Lion King has been performed over 20 years. They’ve been doing the same musical numbers for years to sold out audiences. Adele has been singing the same genre of music and always in English. Does it matter that she doesn’t sing in other genre or sing in Chinese?
One dance production in the Netherlands can be performed up to 50 performances within the Netherlands itself. In Taiwan, a dance work only performed 5 times the most. They are forced to constantly create new works and leave the old works behind. That is a waste of arts funding and it doesn’t educate the public on the value of the arts. These performers is old enough to decide what they want to show these judges with their limited time.
In the end it wasn’t just disrespectful to the performers, but also to the arts.
I was contacted by the Taipei Cultural Affair on Monday, the representative spoke nicely promising that they would discuss further with me. He asked me to take the adjudicator’s picture down, I agreed with the condition of meeting in person to further discuss what could be done better. I have refused to talk to reporters for the last few days. I have been waiting but I then heard the excuses given to the media. Since I’ve taken down the picture of the head adjudicator, they haven’t made any attempt to contact me. I came into a realization that when they made the call, it wasn’t to address the problem but simply to manipulate me to take down his picture. I’m disappointed at this institution that was supposed to promote the arts and culture.
I realized I am not a public figure, nor am I responsible for the well being of all artists who want to get a busker license. After my Facebook post went viral, I’ve been thinking so much about this issue. I kept going back and forth questioning whether I should keep fighting for this. It doesn’t feel like my fight, but at the same time I feel responsible as an art educator.
I truly believe this can be fixed. I need to emphasize, I am not attacking anyone. And I don’t want to shame anyone. I want to start a discussion how to make it better. Taipei has some of the best performers I’ve seen, yet the lack of respect for the arts and artists has suppressed their ability to excel. And ironically, it’s often done unintentionally.
If the exam is done based on respect for the arts itself, things might have come out differently. And just maybe if we all let go the “face” culture, we could possibly see further to realize that we are all wanting the same thing.
I saw mistreatments towards performers that day. It was very obvious I wasn’t the only one witnessing it. It was not that I don’t respect these adjudicators/teachers, but because I respect the arts and the meaning of a teacher that is why I had to speak up. Somehow my voice had been amplified this week. But my voice wasn’t and isn’t singular. I am simply a voice amongst many.
William Lü
Taipei National University of the Arts 國立台北藝術大學
寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village
Taipei National University of the Arts
臺北表演藝術中心 Taipei Performing Arts Center
National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei
中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
National Taiwan University of Arts
Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
more often than not meaning in english 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
The Price of Unbridled Love (English version below)
In my younger days, I had never thought about the true meaning of these words: sentimentality and sexiness. It was only after I attained a certain level of awareness in my spiritual practice, I began to rationally look at the difference between sensibility and sexiness. Sentimentality in a person means that he or she has an acute sensitivity to the people and events in the surrounding. Sexiness refers to the awareness and reactions to people of the opposite gender. For example, if you experience deep emotions and tears easily when watching a drama serial, reading a book, or when a friend confides in you, you belong to the group of people with high sentimentality.
Master Dai Hu feels that it is easier to deal with sentimentality, compared to the problems that sexiness brings. Sentimentality deals with one's emotions and senses. And more often than not, the emotions of a mere mortal are illusory, the feelings that others give us are misperceptions. Such illusions and misperceptions are conceived from poor logic. On the other hand, sexiness leads us to the connotation of sex, and often associates with the female gender. For example: "She dresses so sexily" or "She has got a sexy figure. ", etc.
Master Dai Hu hereby reminds all ladies not to mistake being scantily dressed as the trend nowadays. You are old-fashioned if you think that way. Let me tell you, this world is already saturated with "colouring pigments". If you are going to create more "colours", it is a matter of time that you would become kimchi. Heavily tainted, that is! Tainting yourself is also tainting others, and this is a sin. Sentimentality is a show of emotions, while sexiness is a display of physical attributes. Don't get this wrong. Obsessed with the human display of physical attributes, many men and women had abandoned their innate morals and destroyed the marriage vows they made. How regretful!
To my knowledge, people who has committed sexual misconduct will suffer the fate of reincarnation in the animal realm for at least 500 lifetimes, taking the form of a dog, chicken, pig, worm, etc. After which they will return to the human realm and be reborn into a lower class, taking on roles such as a coolie, servant, maid, never gaining respect for the entire life, for at least 500 rebirths. Even if you have a better human reincarnation, your words will not command much respect or following. Such a tenuous game of never-ending rebirths, nobody knows when one can finally and truly enjoy good fortunes! This explains my endless reminders to those who has the high tendency for sexual indiscretions, to stay loyal and faithful in the relationship. Or else, your name will be Piggy, Chicky or Doggy for real. How can I tell? Through one's name, Bazi, facial features, bones structure, home Feng Shui, etc. The Dharma teaches the way to end your sexual desires. If you don't wish to wear fur or horns on your skin next lifetime, Master Dai Hu is willing to help you.