Cochrane Library相信是一個大家都有聽過,但事實上不太熟悉的資料庫,中文名我們叫他考科藍實證醫學資料庫,顧名思義常用來作為實證醫學參考的資料庫。
那不知道大家知不知道考科藍合作組織 (The Cochrane Collaboration),這是一個國際性、非營利性且獨立的機構,由英國流行病學家 Archie Cochrane 的名字來命名的。
該組織就是為了提供目前關於健康照護之最新、最正確的資訊,以系統性回顧及臨床試驗之證據為主。其中最主要的資料庫就是 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR),每個月更新於 Cochrane Library中。
對老師來說,除了Micromedex,UpToDate,PubMed之外,最常用的就是Cochrane了,原因是目前以實證醫學來說,統合分析和系統性回顧為最佳之文獻等級,而Cochrane Library主要就是提供這類的文獻,所以在搜尋臨床問題解答時,勢必會用到這個資料庫。
搜尋的方式其實和PubMed也是差不多,布林邏輯,MeSH term等,進階搜尋都有的。
因應新冠肺炎的疫情, Cochrane 有出專區可以方便醫護人員快速且免費取得相關訊息, https://www.cochranelibrary.com/covid-19
mesh term 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
1. 所有材料洗淨,青瓜及蘋果切絲,紅辣椒去瓤去籽切絲,京蔥切幼絲浸泡冷水,蒜頭切碎,鴨胸以醃料醃製半個小時備用。
2. 鑊中加入少量油剪香鴨胸兩面,焗爐預熱至150度,再放入焗爐烤2-30分鐘至熟透,放涼後以手撕開。
3. 鍋中加少量水,水沸後加入山楂片煮至軟身,加入蜂蜜調慢火,輕壓山楂成蓉,煮成醬汁,放涼備用。
4. 大碗中加入鴨肉、青瓜絲及蘋果絲,拌入蒜蓉及山楂汁。
5. 最後放上紅椒絲及京蔥絲,可隨喜好伴以墨西哥烤餅或春餅同食。
Healthy living during Summer Solstice Solar Term:
“Nourish yang qi. Clear heat and nourish heart.”
Duck: Nourishes yin and replenishes deficiency, nourishes the stomach and promotes diuresis.
Chinese hawthorn: Stimulates appetite, aids digestion and lowers blood lipids.
Chilled duck meat with Chinese hawthorn dressing
Ingredients: 1 duck breast, half cucumber, 1 apple, 1 red chilli, 1 segment of leek, 2 cloves of garlic
Marinade: cooking wine, white pepper powder, soy sauce and sugar
Dressing: dried Chinese hawthorn 9g, 2 tablespoons honey
1. Preheat oven to 150C. Rinse all the ingredients. Slice the cucumber and apple. Remove pulp and seeds for sweet pepper and red chilli and slice. Slice the leek and soak in cold water. Chop garlic finely.
2. Heat the pan with oil and sear the duck breast to golden, place in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes. Let it cool down and tear into shreds.
3. Bring water to boil, add Chinese hawthorn and cook till soft, add honey and mesh into sauce, cool down to serve.
4. Mix the duck meat, cucumber and apple slices with garlic and Chinese hawthorn dressing.
5. Garnish with red chilli and leek, and serve with tortillas or Chinese springroll wrappers.
#24節氣 #男 #女 #濕熱 #我煩躁 #胃脹
mesh term 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
1. 洋蔥及南瓜洗淨。洋蔥去皮切條;南瓜去皮切片備用。
2. 熱鍋下油,加入洋蔥炒香,加入南瓜拌炒一會,加入高湯或水,蓋上鍋蓋以中火煮10-15分鐘至南瓜軟腍,熄火。
3. 將材料倒入攪拌機,加入牛奶,攪拌成湯。
4. 將湯倒回鍋中以小火加熱,加入適量鹽及黑胡椒調味。
1. 免治豬肉加入洋蔥粒、薑蓉、蔥花、米酒、豉油、麻油及粟粉搓勻,然後逐少加入適量水份,向同一方向不停攪拌至稍為有黏性,再加入雞蛋拌勻。
2. 豆腐用手擠壓成泥狀,倒掉水份,加入豬肉中搓勻,分成六等份,搓成球狀。
3. 將獅子頭隔水蒸約10-15分鐘至熟透,取出。
4. 淋上準備好的金湯即成。
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Healthy living during Major Snow Solar Term:
“Nourish yin and regulate qi, dispel cold and keep warm”
Onion: Dispels wind and promotes perspiration, promotes qi circulation and relieves phlegm.
Pumpkin: Replenishes vital energy and strengthens qi, detoxifies and relieves swelling.
Meatball with Golden Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin soup:
Ingredients: half an onion, 800g pumpkin, 300ml stock or water, 150ml milk, salt & pepper
1. Rinse onion and pumpkin. Peel and slice onion, peel pumpkin and cut into pieces.
2. Heat the pan with oil, add onion and cook until golden, add pumpkin to sear. Add stock or water, close the lid and cook with medium heat for 10-15 minutes until pumpkin softens.
3. Turn off the heat.
4. Put the cooked ingredients into blender, add milk and blend until smooth.
5. Add the soup into pot and cook on low heat, add salt and pepper to taste.
Meat ball:
Ingredients: 300g minced pork, half of a chopped onion, 1 tofu, half an egg, 1 tablespoon of minced ginger, 1 tablespoon of chopped green onion, 1 tablespoon of rice wine, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 1 teaspoon of corn starch
1. Add chopped onion, minced ginger, chopped green onion, rice wine, soy sauce, sesame oil and corn starch and mix well. Add water in portions. Mix in one direction until the meat becomes sticky, add egg and mix well.
2. Mesh tofu into paste form, pour out the extra water. Combine tofu with minced meat and mix well, separate into 6 portions and knead into ball shape.
3. Steam the meat balls for 10-15 minutes until cooked.
4. Serve the meat balls on a plate
#24節氣 #男 #女 #小童 #我畏冷 #陽虛
mesh term 在 Home - MeSH - NCBI 的相關結果
MeSH. MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) is the NLM controlled vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing articles for PubMed. Using ... ... <看更多>
mesh term 在 醫學主題詞- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 的相關結果
醫學主題詞(Medical Subject Headings,MeSH,或譯醫學主題詞表)是一部龐大的受控詞表(或者說,元數據系統),是廣泛應用於醫學信息檢索的一種工具。 ... <看更多>
mesh term 在 PubMed中的文獻查詢利器 MeSH 基本介紹 的相關結果
有標註「*」號的「MeSH Terms」,為文中主要探討的內容;未標註「*」 ... 點選特定的MeSH Term 後,會進入該MeSH Term 的專頁,請留意以下5 項資訊:. ... <看更多>