Piccolo.Ting x Keep.Sleeping -WAKE UP! by Tilmann Dehnhard (Ting-Wei Chen)
No more Quaran.Ting but do you feel sleepy all the time at your Home office just like me? 🥱
A huge ⏰ may help you wake up;)
This very playful piece “Wake up!” is written for piccolo and clock by Tilmann Dehnhard.
It’s not easy anymore to find this almost nostalgic clock. The handmade Gameboy was a present card from @chiachenbass21
It’s so easy to get stuck in the sofa while working in the home office, don’t you think so? A nice cup of tea, coffee or chocolate with irresistible sofa 🤤☺️
What do you do to keep yourself efficient?
SLEEP and maybe SET a clock. ⚠️❗️⏰
And play with it !
#homeoffice #workinsofa #gameboy #lectionofflute #tee #clcok #alarm #dehnhard #flutagram #hypersomnia #piccolo #wakeup #c #playful #fun #mask #multipleuses
Feel free to share, repost and subscribe !😘❗️⏰⚠️
IG @Ting.Flute
內政廷 x 睏未廷 - 短笛與鬧鐘 「起床」曲
這首「起床」曲由作曲家Tilmann Dehnhard寫給長笛以及鬧鐘,@chiachenbass21 手作Gameboy也意外入鏡。
#是在哈囉 #睡飽沒 #鬧鐘 #短笛 #起床 #隔壁阿姨以為真的有鬧鐘叫
#懷舊鬧鈴聲 #怎麼跟短笛c差不多音高 #躲在沙發裡辦公
IG @Ting.Flute