ISO 3166. Country Codes. The International Standard for country codes and codes for their subdivisions. The purpose of ISO 3166 is to ... ISO 3166-2:2020.
#3. UN/LOCODE Country Subdivisions ISO 3166-2 | UNECE
UN/LOCODE Country Subdivisions ISO 3166-2. The table displays the list of country names (official short name in English as in ISO 3166) in alphabetical ...
國際標準化組織的ISO 3166-2國際標準是ISO 3166的第二部份,定義約3700個國家或地區的主要行政區代碼。
#5. About: ISO 3166-2 - DBpedia
ISO 3166-2 is part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and defines codes for identifying the ...
ISO 3166-2 :DE是國際標準化組織定義德國的代碼,屬於ISO 3166-2的子集,此代碼定義了德國的16個聯邦。
part of the ISO 3166 standard. ISO 3166–2; ISO 3166-2 code. In more languages. Spanish. ISO 3166-2. No description defined. ISO 3166 2; código ISO 3166-2.
#8. Free ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Code | IP2Location
IP2Location™ ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Code is a free data offered for your download. This data contains the ISO3166-2 code for the states/regions used in our ...
Entry; (click to view codes) Country name Subdivisions assigned codes AD Andorra 7 parishes AE United Arab Emirates 7 emirates AF Afghanistan 34 provinces
#10. iso-3166-2 - npm
iso -3166-2. 1.0.0 • Public • Published 5 years ago. Readme · Explore BETA · 0 Dependencies · 19 Dependents · 12 Versions ...
#11. ISO 3166-2:AD - NiNa.Az
ISO 3166 2 AD 语言监视编辑是國際標準化組織所訂定的一組行政區代碼為ISO 3166 2中關於安道爾行政區劃的子集收錄包括安道爾的7個堂區編碼方式分兩部 ...
#12. ISO 3166-2:CN
而在ISO 3166-2:CN中,则将香港特别行政区(编码CN-HK)、澳门特别行政区(编码CN-MO)、台湾省(编码CN-TW)等与中华人民共和国的其他省、直辖市、自治区并列,從而使香港 ...
#13. ISO 3166-2 - European Standards
ISO 3166-2 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code.
#14. ISO 3166-2 - 2013-11 -
ISO 3166-2 - 2013-11 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 2: Country subdivision code. Inform now!
#15. ISO 3166-2:PM-维基百科 - 百科全书
ISO 3166-2 :下午是的条目圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛 在ISO 3166-2, 的一部分ISO 3166 标准 由出版国际标准化组织 (ISO),它定义了密码 校长的名字细分 (例如。
#16. Category:ISO 3166-2 - Wikimedia Commons
Category:ISO 3166-2 ... This is a main category requiring frequent diffusion and maybe maintenance. As many pictures and media files as possible ...
#17. ISO 3166-2:TW - 万维百科
ISO 3166-2 :TW是用来定义台湾地理区码的国际标准化组织标准。它是ISO 3166-2的子集,范围是(现中国台湾省)目前实际控制的领土(台澎金马),即新北市、台北市、桃园 ...
#18. ISO 3166-2:DE_百度百科
ISO 3166-2 :DE是国际标准化组织定义德国的代码。 ... 中文名: ISO 3166-2:DE; 所属学科: 计算机. 发布单位: 国际标准化组织; 所属国家: 德国.
#19. ISO 3166 Part 2 Country Subdivision Codes - FHIR
Identifies the coding system published in the ISO 3166-2 Standard for Country Subdivision codes. This standard is released periodically, and a new OID will ...
#20. olahol/iso-3166-2.js - GitHub
Lookup information about ISO-3166-2 subdivisions. Country code format. The country codes in the data are in the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 format (US, ...
#21. BS ISO 3166-2:2020 - Techstreet
BS ISO 3166-2:2020. Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions. standard by British Standard / International ...
#22. ISO 3166-2:GB | Familypedia
Code Subdivision name Subdivision category In country/province GB‑BKM Buckinghamshire two‑tier county ENG GB‑CAM Cambridgeshire two‑tier county ENG GB‑CMA Cumbria two‑tier county ENG
#23. List of all countries with their 2 digit codes (ISO 3166-1) Certified
Country list: ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 English country names and code elements as two letter country codes. Also known as +2 country code and iso 3166.
#24. ISO 3166-2:2020 - Standards New Zealand
Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code.
#25. CodeSystem: ISO 3166 Part 2 Country Subdivision Codes
Definition: Identifies the coding system published in the ISO 3166-2 Standard for Country Subdivision codes. This standard is released periodically, and a new ...
#26. ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision
ISO 3166-2 standard that identifies all countries and their primary subdivisions. Used to specify countries and their respective next level subdivisions ...
#27. List of country codes by alpha-2, alpha-3 code (ISO 3166) - IBAN
Country Alpha‑2 code Alpha‑3 code Numeric Afghanistan AF AFG 004 Albania AL ALB 008 Algeria DZ DZA 012
#28. ISO 3166-2:1998, Codes for the representation of names of ...
ISO 3166-2 :1998, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions -- Part 2: Country subdivision code [ISO TC 46/WG 2] on ...
#29. Template:ISO 3166-2 - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Template:ISO 3166-2 ... Note to editors: Please don't categorize this template by editing it directly. Instead, place the category in its ...
#30. Geolocation standard ISO 3166-2 integration with ESRI Map?
I'm trying to visualize some data for diferent regions in europe, but ISO 3166-2 codes aren't giving me anything useful.
#31. ISO 3166-2:2020 | Product | CSA Group
ISO 3166-2 :2020. Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code.
#32. List of Countries with 2 Digit Codes (ISO 3166-2) - Mekong
ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 English country names and code elements. This list states the country names (official short names in English) in ...
#33. ISO 3166-2: ES - Wikipedia languages
ISO 3166-2 :ES is the ISO code that defines Spain and is a subset of ISO 3166-2. Each code is generated from the Spanish ISO 3166-1 prefix code "ES" and the ...
#34. Retyped.iso-3166-2 0.6.6733 - NuGet
Retyped.iso-3166-2 0.6.6733 .NET Framework 4.0. Requires NuGet 2.5 or higher. Package Manager .NET CLI; PackageReference; Paket CLI ...
#35. Why some countries do not use ISO 3166-2 region codes
The regions part of the standard is designated as ISO 3166-2. So far so good. It was already clear that SAP generally uses these ISO code 3166 ...
#36. Value Set Details - PHIN VADS
Value Set Description, ISO 3166-2:Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 2: Country subdivision code which gives ...
#37. ISO-3166 Country Codes and ISO-639 Language Codes
ISO -3166 Country Codes. Table 20-1 ISO-3166 Country Codes. Country. ISO-3166 Country Code.
#38. Retrieving Country (ISO 3166-1) and Region (ISO 3166-2 ...
Are there any web services or DBs available that will be able to return the ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2 (Country & region) codes given a ...
#39. ISO 3166-2.US - Ldapwiki
Code Subdivision name Subdivision category FIPS USPS GNISID US‑AL Alabama US State 01 AL 01779775 US‑AK Alaska US State 02 AK 01785533 US‑AZ Arizona US State 03 AZ 01779777
#40. ISO 3166-2 Facts for Kids
Entry; (click to view codes) Country name Subdivisions assigned codes AD Andorra 7 parishes AE United Arab Emirates 7 emirates AF Afghanistan 34 provinces
#41. ISO 3166-2:GB - Confluence Mobile - UCL Wiki
ISO 3166-2 :GB is the entry for the United Kingdom in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard. Code, Subdivision name. GB-ENG, England.
#42. ISO 3166-2:1998 - Codes for the representation of names of ...
ISO 3166-2 :1998. Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions -- Part 2: Country subdivision code. This part of ISO 3166 ...
#43. 專題文章:網站流量來源重要分析,地區ISO 3166代碼
代碼 行政區 英文名稱 TW‑KEE 基隆市 Keelung City TW‑TPE 臺北市 Taipei City TW‑NWT 新北市 New Taipei City
#44. Scrape ISO 3166-2 Country Codes from Wikipedia in ... -
Value. A tibble of country codes and country names. References. Wikipedia ISO-3166-2 Entry: ...
#45. ISO 3166-2:2020 - SAI Global Store
Buy ISO 3166-2:2020 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code from SAI ...
#46. Lookup information about ISO-3166-2 subdivisions.
function (e). description and source-code country = function (e){if(e=e.trim().toUpperCase(),3===e.length&&(e=codes[e]),e in data){var ...
#47. Where can I download ISO 3166-2 data? - GIS Stack Exchange
I am looking for latitude and longitude coordinates of french subdivision. I am not used to GIS but I saw that ISO 3166-2 contains default ...
#48. ISO 3166-2 - Codes for the representation of names of ...
ISO 3166-2. August 1, 2020. Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code.
#49. iso-3166-2 examples - CodeSandbox
Learn how to use iso-3166-2 by viewing and forking iso-3166-2 example apps on CodeSandbox.
#50. SAP Iso 3166 2 Tables - TCode Search
# TABLE Functional Area Table Type 1 MONI Basis ‑ Performance Monitors (TCC) Transparent Table 2 T001W Logistics ‑ Plant Master Transparent Table 3 TCURR Basis ‑ Currency Conversion/Expiring Currency Transparent Table
#51. iso-3166-2-2020 | Standards Australia
ISO 3166-2 :2020. [Current]. Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code.
#52. What is ISO 3166-2:CL? Explain ISO 3166-2:CL, Define ISO ...
#53. Interinstitutional style guide – 'EU-27 and candidate countries'
The names of the Member States of the European Union must always be written and abbreviated according to the following rules. —, The two-letter ISO code should ...
#54. Country Codes, Phone Codes, Dialing Codes, Telephone ...
COUNTRY COUNTRY CODE ISO CODES POPULATION AREA KM2 GDP $USD Afghanistan 93 AF / AFG 29,121,286 647,500 20.65 Billion Albania 355 AL / ALB 2,986,952 28,748 12.8 Billion Algeria 213 DZ / DZA 34,586,184 2,381,740 215.7 Billion
#55. ISO 3166-2:LC - Wikipedia
Currently for Saint Lucia, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for 10 districts. Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part ...
#56. Turkey Address Finder - Rosario Steakhaus Berlin
ISO 3166-2 :TR. CORRECT: PFC John Doe 123rd ENG 2nd PLT - B CO. This page includes the following content: Code Method, Envelope Example and Address Format, ...
#57. Metadata and Semantics - 第 213 頁 - Google 圖書結果
ure 1 shows the relations between ISO 3166, ISO 3166-1, and ISO 3166-2. ISO 3166-3 defines four letter codes for countries that merged, split up or changed ...
#58. Russia Country Study Guide Volume 2 Economy, Industry, ...
Established Political status Federal District Economic region Area - Rank within Russia Code ISO 3166-2:RU March 11, 1936 Oblast Central Central 21,800 km 2 ...
#59. Russia Executive Government Enciclopedic Directory Volume 2 ...
... status Republic Federal District Southern Economic region North Caucasus Area 7,600 km 2 (2,934.4 sq mi) - Rank within Russia 80th Code 01 ISO 3166-2:RU ...
#60. Antilles (Dutch Caribbean) Investment and Business Guide ...
The International Organization for Standardization has assigned the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code ISO 3166-2:BQ for these islands.
#61. ISO 9001:2015 - 第 225 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Country Code: (a) ISO 3166-1:2013 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country codes (b) ISO 3166-2:2013 ...
#62. Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 12th ...
most of Subcountry instances also have unique ISO 3166-2 codes in the ISO 3166 standard. For other geographical instances, they have basic relations, ...
#63. Russia Regional Investment and Business Guide Volume 1 ...
... District Siberian Economic region East Siberian Area 351,300 km 2 (135,637.7 sq mi) - Rank within Russia 15th Code 03 ISO 3166-2:RU RU-BU Population (as ...
#64. Russia Investment and Business Guide Volume 1 Strategic and ...
Code ISO 3166-2:RU Population - Rank within Russia - Density - Urban - Rural Official language(s) 04 RU-AL Population (as of the 2002 Census) 202,947 ...
#65. Russian Political Atlas - Political Situation, Elections, ...
Established Political status Federal District Economic region Area - Rank within Russia Code ISO 3166-2:RU March 11, 1936 Oblast Central Central 21,800 km 2 ...
#66. An Introduction to Nigeria's Yoruba People. me. Yomi came to ...
ISO 3166-2. immunity n (health)ànfàníìdásílë àìleraìdásílë àtètèkárùn. Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego. 2023: 'Yoruba presidency not ...
#67. 如何从Java语言环境中获取国家的正式名称? - Etsoutdoors
在ISO-3166中,提到国家/地区时,“短名称”和“全名”之间是有区别的。例如,丹麦(链接至iso.org参考: / ...
iso 3166-2 在 What is ISO 3166-2:CL? Explain ISO 3166-2:CL, Define ISO ... 的八卦
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