#20200319 #UK #london
#IGCSE #IB #examination #updates
#motd #moodoftheday
今日開場白不講Boris Johnson,因為連英女皇和她兩隻狗都出來了,她說全世界進入了令人極度關心和具不肯定性時期,呼籲國民work as one,同心合力抗疫。
‘Many of us will need to find new ways of staying in touch with each other and making sure that loved ones are safe.’ said the Queen.
Boris Johnson承諾一個月內會有疫苗,檢測人數會逐漸增加,4星期後,將每天檢測25,000人。
我知道家長關心公開試,目前GCSE, IGCSE, A Level, IB未有正式公佈,我只能以我女兒學校今天的通訊資料給大家參考:
— 首相昨天已正式宣佈今年GCSE, A Level取消,故此已確定。
— IGCSE, IB因為是國際課程,英國不能單方面取消考試,故此要等有關考試局正式公佈。
1) 今早有英國考試局發言人指,有可能公開試考生將以校內評核,加上外在調整,作為本學年成績,作為僱主及大學入學之參考 (原文: it is possible that external examination candidates might be assessed internally and then externally moderated. We feel that rigorous internal assessments will provide pupils and parents with an indication of academic progess but might also be useful for employers and universities in the future)
2) 學校強列建議Upper Sixth學生繼續網上上課及完成餘下學校功課 - 今早有大學表示,將考慮需要中學証明學生的學年功課水平,以作為大學收生之替代成績表 (原文: earlier today universities suggested that they are considering as an option asking schools for evidence of student work in order to help in admissions decisions for the coming autumn)
3) 學校勸喻已收到大學offer之Upper Sixth學生,如未回覆大學確認其offers,應盡早透過UCAS回覆,有可能大學將以已到手的申請入學資料作為收生基準。而大學有機會超額offer,故此先覆為妙 (For Upper Sixth pupils who have not yet confirmed their university offers, we would advise them to firm up their preferred choice of university asap via UCAS)
4) 建議IB Diploma學生必須繼續如原訂計劃溫習, 預備考試,原訂五月IB考試之最新情況,IB考試局將於3月27日公佈
5) 建議A Level學生繼續網上上課及完成學校提供之課程及教學
6) 暫時未知道下學年所有安排
備註** 以上資料,並非考試局安排,只是我以英國一間國際學校給學生及家長的資訊,給大家參考
大家如有問題請在下面留言,我盡量明天找資料回覆各位。明晚香港時間10時做Youtube Live。
此時此刻,互相支持,如女皇說:find new ways of staying in touch with each other and making sure that loved ones are safe.
如果送來退燒止痛藥,paracetamol, panandol, 幸福牌, 新LuLu A 都含有paracetamol, 這邊的醫生比較推薦
❤️ 我很冷靜,有親人在英國的家長朋友亦請冷靜,我們保持聯絡。
igcse成績 在 梁芷珊Canny Leung Facebook 八卦
Eily 8月30日16歲生日,昨日,佢提早咗送份厚禮俾我,獎勵我16年前辛苦生佢出來(其實開刀一啲都唔辛苦,修身辛苦好多)。
佢14歲去英國讀書,今年考GCSE / IGCSE,昨天放榜,因為佢而家喺香港,所以我哋昨日上網等成績。之前佢有啲緊張,因為學校predict佢有6A*,佢擔心令人失望。
結果佢考咗11A,包括1A**, 9A*,1A (Add Maths),嗰一刻我感覺好安慰,因為最少我唔需要安慰佢。
當時我只係諗到要做一件事:打俾羅生。當時佢開緊會,我留短訊:「Eily考咗11A,好開心。我要恭喜你,我哋再一次不勞而獲。」佢覆我:Good, thanks.
今日同佢有個小小慶祝會,佢有個朋友仔,由細玩到大,Andrian剛考到IB 45分,入咗港大醫科。Andrian 媽咪係我中學同班同學,佢都係,爸爸媽媽從來無迫過佢,咪又係做狀元!
恭喜兩位小朋友,so proud of you guys, keep it up 👍🏼👍🏼
#媽媽感到安慰 #igcse #gcse #11A #IB #45 #results #congratulations #hea媽 #不是怪獸家長
Steven Lo
igcse成績 在 梁芷珊Canny Leung Facebook 八卦
2020 IGCSE / IAS / IAL / O Level取消
#motd #moodoftheday #20200324
有史以來第一次,以上公開考試,包括早前宣佈取消的GCSE / A Level / IB,全球大型公開考試,今年全部取消。
受影響的學生,仍會收到公開試的評級及證書 — 是以其本身就讀學校所提供之最佳證明,以評定學生成績。
取消IGCSE / IAL全文:
Update from Cambridge International on May/June 2020 exams
23 Mar 2020
The situation with the Covid-19 outbreak is changing rapidly. In recent days, many more countries have decided to extend school closures into May and June, making it impossible for many of our schools to hold examinations.
We have been consulting closely with our global community of schools, who need as much certainty as possible at an uncertain time. Our priority is to protect the safety and wellbeing of our students and teachers, ensure fairness for all our students and support them in continuing with their education.
Today, therefore, we have taken the difficult decision not to run our international examinations in the May/June 2020 series in any country. This includes Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International AS & A Level, Cambridge AICE Diploma and Cambridge Pre-U.
We recognise that students have been working very hard towards these exams. We will be working with schools to assess students’ achievements using the best available evidence. Students will receive a grade and a certificate from Cambridge International, given the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their programmes of study. This will ensure students do not face disadvantage as a result of these extraordinary circumstances.
We will provide guidance to schools on how students will receive those grades. We are talking to universities worldwide, and they are factoring these unprecedented circumstances into admissions decisions, so students can continue with their education journeys as soon as possible.
We are also aware of the impact the situation may have on student motivation and learning. Many of our schools are working hard to deliver teaching online to support their students’ learning. We will continue to offer a wide range of support and resources for schools, teachers and students on our dedicated pages on our website at
We will provide an update for schools on Thursday 26 March and as regularly as possible. We know that schools will need clear guidance very soon, and we are working around the clock on how to deliver valuable outcomes to students in the many countries where we work.
For more information, including details about the Checkpoint series please visit our FAQ pages.
igcse成績 在 Igcse幾時派成績- DSE 考生專區板 - Dcard 的八卦
小弟來緊準備報最近個個igcse Cambridge international 應該係10-11月考想問大概要幾耐先出成績?因為我怕太遲出成績會唔夠33222 收唔到offer ... ... <看更多>
igcse成績 在 求贤教育:GCSE/A-level达到什么水平才能进帝国理工?A ... 的八卦
然而这并不代表申请帝国理工,GCSE成绩就不重要,或者说我们随随便便用一个成绩就 ... IGCSE成绩:8A* 课程:航空工程A-level成绩:A*A*A*A* GCSE成绩:5A*,2A,3个9 ... ... <看更多>
igcse成績 在 【382】 香港人在馬來西亞 IGCSE 今日放榜了 成績咁 ... 的八卦
【382】 香港人在馬來西亞 IGCSE 今日放榜了 成績 咁樣點算好| IGCSE release of results After 2 Years Study in Malaysia. ... <看更多>