哀~ 容我先嘆氣一下 禮拜天真的好令人痛苦要上學 真的好討厭上學(怒) 現在是3/11 4:50am 我的腦子基本上已經不行了 構思不出什麼話 所以我決定就在這邊打一句沒意義的話 想看看能不能加點行數 讓版面好看一點 我發現好像還是太過簡樸 於是我又在打上一些字 例如這些字 看來看去比起前幾篇似乎還是有點少 於是我把上行的在故意打錯 這樣我就能自導自演的糾正自己說:是再啦幹 這樣又是一些字了 恩..我想到這邊應該就夠了吧?再加一個可愛的表情符號做結束~完美! 😼
中文歌推薦: 七里香 cover by 劉瑞琦 (原唱:周杰倫)
其實一開始會聽這首歌是因為他的前奏 幾個音幾個鍵 輕輕譜出的旋律令人陶醉 閉上眼配上歌詞細細品嘗 彷彿置身春精靈布置的金黃色大道 微風徐徐吹來 將幾些沙幾些碎石飛起 落在我那殘破不堪的皮膚上 我微微張嘴 打從心坎的說了聲幹
英文歌推薦: Krewella - Human
推薦這首歌最大的原因:歌詞不錯 以下感想
Lately I've been thinking about what I can do, you've been wonderful in all that you can be, but I'm only human, I've been trying so hard to close to you, trying to take us back to where we were before, I'm screwed up but hey~this is my fucking life. Where is truly me? I'm hanging off the edge just wanna fall wide awake now. Why I cannot stop run away, I wonder if I'll ever stop.
韓文歌推薦: Afterschool - Night into the sky
這算是首老歌了嗎? 2011年的~ 對這首歌稍做研究後(都是參考網路資料 我省略很多 有興趣自個查去) 發現分為兩組RED&BLUE 狂野性感與清純可愛 兩種不同風格並與歌名呼應 "希望自己在寧靜夜空中能堅持自己的理想不再輕易妥協與軟弱" 旋律如此輕快令人放鬆的這首歌沒想到竟有這般含意阿~ 我想這是真正下定決心後才能有的心境 就如歌詞中說 我一步步走出自己的道路 期許自己也能看見與她們相同的天空
是該長進了 培雅 母湯再幼稚任性囉
日文歌推薦: 手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ
或許是命運的捉摸吧 這首歌一天內 短短3小時內 有兩個不同的人傳給我XDD 不過一個是MV 一個是MAD就是了 難道這是我不知道的新崛起歌嗎~ 歌詞中是主角寫給年後的自己 常常當下我們碰見的事都不是我們願意的 甚至我們可能無法面對 處理 當下昂首闊步展露笑容 努力面對努力走過 對年後的自己能夠笑談過去種種往事 便是成長了吧~?
OK..I apologize. 這週挺厭世的 沒理由 就是時間點到了差不多發病了 如果時光倒流 我絕對先偷看隔壁同學穿什麼款示的內衣褲再解決我自己 為什麼我可以蠢的跟一頭笨驢一樣?
Get time to reverse, start at the beginning. Stop keep coming back for more. I think i just need another hit, another sip, another pull, another rip, maybe another little shot of you? hahahahaha Always lay me down like used to.
I'm a junkie for your love, got me hooked with one touch. There ain't another thing I ever wanted so much.
補充: !!google翻譯並非我文章的意思!! 我原本說想知道我在講什麼的自己去翻譯 但我不是很相信google 於是我全複製過去翻翻看 全部都翻錯了... 看得懂就看得懂吧哈哈
by 遊海龜女子zzz And 如果有英文大大發現我哪邊用錯或是怪怪的歡迎私訊告訴我 thanks a lot ~ peace world LUL
i've got your back意思 在 ivy hsu Facebook 八卦
很多爸爸媽媽們家裡是有裝那種媽媽監視器,在外面時候可以用手機看到家裡面的狀況。我本來就在想在家裡做月子時候可以看看小孩狀況,可以給我一點安心, (我也一直很好奇我們不在時狗狗貓貓在家裡到底在幹嘛哈哈)。 但我安裝了一天候,卻發現了連不到其中一台監控。所以我重新連上的時候,看到的畫面真的讓我嚇了一跳。我看到了別人的客廳!看到了粉色的椅子,兩隻大狗狗躺在地上,墻壁上的婚紗照。我馬上反應到客服專線,但我還是覺得需要通知對方讓他們知道他們的家裡畫面是可以連的到。想了很久,沒有其他辦法就等主人回家。幾個小時後,看到了狗狗跳起來,主人回家了。我就用了廣播功能跟女生很尷尬的說,”喂?真的不好意思。。。我不想嚇到妳,但我這邊也有**的監視器,我看得到你們畫面,想好心的告知你一下因為這樣對你們很危險,我已經打給客服中心,建議妳也打過去反應。“ 看到了主人有被嚇到了愣住不回我,但很明顯的有聽到了,我就安心了然後斷線了。
Funny/scary thing that has happened to me lately. I know a lot of my friends in Taiwan, especially other parents, have installed remote cameras in their homes to watch their homes/kids/etc from their smartphones when away from the house. Well curiosity got the better of me (I've always wanted to know what my dogs and cat do while I'm out of the house lol), and I decided to install and see. The first day after installing, I discovered the camera wasn't connecting to the smartphone app, so I redid the app, only to discover that I wasn't seeing my own house, but I saw SOMEONE ELSE'S living room. I could see everything in detail from the pink breakfast chairs to the two big dogs lying in front of the door to even the wedding portrait hanging on the wall behind the sofa. This camera is a 360degree remote-controlled camera, so I could basically see everything in their common living space. I called customer service and complained, but I also felt that these people should know that their privacy could be intruded upon. I thought and thought about what options I had, but the only thing I could do was wait for the owners to get home. After a couple hours, I saw the dogs jump up and I knew the owners got home. Using the speaker option on the app, I said, "Hello? I'm really sorry to tell you this way, and I don't mean to scare you, but I have the same surveillance system, and I can see your home. I thought you should know for your own safety. I already contacted customer service, and you might want to do the same." The company told me later that the lady contacted them as well, but she doesn't live anywhere in my vicinity, so that wouldn't be the reason I got into her system. They're puzzled as well, and I haven't heard back from customer service with any more explanation :/
Just wanted to warn everyone out there with these cameras that this could happen, and make sure you change the default password on the camera! Or else, it could be your living room I see next lol. But anyways, this whole thing has kind of scared me off of using the cameras.
i've got your back意思 在 萬芳 One-Fang Facebook 八卦
分享馬世芳的送別Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen辭世,恍惚了好幾天,不知如何是好。昨日下定決心做一期專題為他送行,於是搬出一疊唱片,打開電腦,找到了1972年以色列現場版的Chelsea Hotel #1(對,是#1,和後來行世的#2歌詞大有不同),遙寄曾和他有一夜情的,早死的女歌手Janis Joplin:
Ah but you got away, didn’t you baby
You just turn your back on the pain
You got away on your wildest dream
Racing the midnight train, I can see it
Racing the midnight train with no clothes on, baby...
這期節目,從他辭世之作You Want It Darker專輯的Leaving the Table開始:
I don't need a reason
For what I became
I've got these excuses
They're tired and lame
I don't need a pardon, no, no, no, no, no
There's no one left to blame
I'm leaving the table
I'm out of the game
繼以2012年的自敘之歌Going Home:
Going home
Without the burden
Going home
Behind the curtain
Going home
Without this costume
That I wore
然後是我的大愛歌,Tower of Song,先聽一點兒1988年版,再聽2008年倫敦實況,看他怎樣揭示人生奧祕的終極答案...
I was born like this, I had no choice
I was born with the gift of a golden voice
And twenty-seven angels from the Great Beyond
They tied me to this table right here
In the Tower of Song
接著說說他早年怎樣到了紐約,住進了切爾西旅館,遇見了Janis Joplin,後來寫了向她致意的這首Chelsea Hotel(#1 & #2)。先聽1974的專輯版,再聽1972的實況版:
Ah but you got away, didn't you babe,
you just turned your back on the crowd,
you got away, I never once heard you say,
I need you, I don't need you,
I need you, I don't need you
and all of that jiving around...
話說從頭,還是得提一提他從詩人變成歌手,以33歲「高齡」闖進流行樂壇的故事,他的貴人包括率先翻唱Suzanne的Judy Collins,和簽下他的傳奇A&R,哥倫比亞唱片公司的John Hammond。再來講一下1970年Isle of Wight音樂節的故事:Cohen在凌晨兩點上場,睡衣外面罩著一襲雨衣,對著足足六十萬剛聽完Jimi Hendrix的躁動不安的少年少女,悠悠唱起,把全唱送入不可思議的時空:
And you want to travel with him
And you want to travel blind
And you think maybe you'll trust him
For he's touched your perfect body with his mind
1960年代他住在希臘小島上,和他的繆思Marianne Ihlen過著浪子隱士的生活。這段時間寫的詩,很多靈感來自Marianne,比方Bird on the Wire就來自Marianne看到窗外停在高處電線上的一隻鳥。我們先聽1969的專輯版,再聽他講了一段法文歌詞的1972巴黎實況:
Oh like a bird on the wire
like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free
既然提到了Marianne,就得聽一聽摧肝裂膽的別離之歌So Long, Marianne:據說這是Cohen和她分手,經歷一場精神崩潰之後寫下的。同樣地,先聽1967年的專輯版,再給你一個摧枯拉朽的1993年奧斯陸演唱會實況,兩位女和聲唱著整段整段之前沒有的歌詞,懾人心魄:
Your eyes, I forget your eyes
Your body’s at home in every sea,
You gave your news to everyone
You said was a secret just for me...
Famous Blue Raincoat,一封寫給遠方「我的兄弟,我的殺手」的昔日情敵的信,銷魂蝕骨。Cohen後來只說,歌裡那件雨衣其實是他自己穿的,很珍愛的一件Burberry藍雨衣,最後是被偷走了的。「你的仇敵正睡著,你的女人自由了」,記得夏宇引過這句詩。
Alexandra Leaving改寫自1911年希臘詩人Cavafy的詩,描述屋大維攻陷亞歷山大城前夕,安東尼夢見樂聲與無形體的行伍,並將決心一戰,且註定要和這座他即將失去的深愛的城訣別。Cohen把原詩的亞歷山大城Alexandria改成了女子的名字Alexandra,歌詞倏然有了更豐富深邃的解讀空間。這是和Cohen共事三十餘年的才女Sharon Robinson與他合寫合唱的經典。
It’s not a trick, your senses all deceiving
A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost
最後壓軸,只能放Hallelujah了。我挑的是2009年Coachella音樂祭實況,當時75歲的Cohen面對底下幾萬個二十郎噹的小青年,再次發揮魔力,鎮住全場,所向披靡,成為他晚年演出的經典一役。我也一併放了這首歌1984原版:當年沒什麼人注意到它,儘管Cohen花了三年,寫了八十多段歌詞,屢經刪修才終於定稿,也算嘔心瀝血。幸有John Cale翻唱在前,Jeff Buckley翻唱在後,讓這首滿是舊約典故,關於慾望與毀滅、罪惡與救贖、神性與人性的歌,竟然成為西方流行樂史翻唱次數最多的作品之一。
謝謝你,Dear Leonard,這世界沒有了你,一下顯得更愚昧,更冰冷,更無禮了。我們仍得試著在這樣的世界活下去,一面聽著你留給我們的詩歌。謝謝。
Leaving the Table (You Want It Darker, 2016)
Going Home (Old Ideas, 2012)
Tower of Song (I’m Your Man, 2008)
Tower of Song (live, London, 2008)(I’m Your Man, 1988)
Chelsea Hotel #2 (New Skin For The Old Ceremony, 1974)
Chelsea Hotel #1 (live, Tel Aviv, 1972)
Suzanne (Songs of Leonard Cohen, 1967)
Suzanne (live, The Isle of Wight, 1970)
Bird on a Wire (Songs From a Room, 1969)
Bird on a Wire (live, Paris, Live Songs, 1973)
So Long, Marianne (Songs of Leonard Cohen, 1967)
So Long, Marianne (Live, Oslo, 1993)
Famous Blue Raincoat (Songs of Love and Hate, 1971)
Alexandra Leaving (Ten New Songs, 2001)
Hallelujah (Various Positions, 1984)
Hallelujah (live) (live, Coachella, 2009)
Bonus tracks(週六重播):
The Gypsy’s Wife (live, Field Commander Cohen, 1979)
Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (Songs of Leonard Cohen, 1967)
i've got your back意思 在 《全境封鎖2》遊戲中文宣傳片【還有我在】|歌手陳零九、小熊 的八卦
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