Post Comp Questions and Answers
1. How did you feel post comp felt?
i had the blues.. cause after the comp, my goal kinda ended. I was rather lost, cause the routine was broken. I felt goalless but that was important to let the body rest. I got enough rest physically i'd say, but mentally maybe not quite. Life continued, with work and everything else. Nature of my job, it's rather hard to take a break. But i'm making it work.
2.Did you manage to maintain your comp physique?
No. cause3 e everywhere fb er reed I ate food i usually avoided, so i bloated after 3 days.. My weight on comp day was 53kg but i'm currently at about 57.7kg, which I don't really mind. i was only suppose to cheat for one whoolllle day right after comp. But to the dismay of my coach to about 3 days. Then I tried to get back on track. I'm not going to say it's impossible to maintain an aesthetic physique, cause it is possible, but its up to how you want to live YOUR lifestyle. In order to maintain the body i had for comp, i have to keep up with the lifestyle. But i want to say that is my norm because I'm more aware on the food choices I make for MY body. Klootype.
3.Did you finally meet my coach?
Yes I did, I wasn't as emotional as i thought i would be. I'm just being the drama queen in my head.
4. What was the first thing i ate after comp?
A burger, fries , waffles, pancakes,
5. What was my Food/Macros like post Comp?
i went back to 1550-1600cals. The breakdown is the most important part.
Comp season - I was on 50g of carbs and below. Protein intake was very high and my fat was somewhere in the middle.
Off season - i'm on 70-75g of carbs. Protein is still higher than fat, but i'm allowing myself to have a bit more fat than before. You'd be surprise that an extra 20g of carbs is a lot! For example before if i were to eat about 7 rice cakes i would hit my 50g of carbs. But now i'm allowed up to 12 rice cakes for 75g of carbs.
I know numbers may seem like a pain, but like i said it's about making smarted choices and knowing how to manipulate food for your body.
On 75g of carbs, i noticed i didn't have as much definition as i did prior to 50g of carbs.
6.How will I do things differently?
My training program, i leave it up entirely to my coach.
I'm adding EMS to my training sessions now. 1-2 a week as prescribed by my coach.
Ensure my costume is ready a month in advance.
I'm going to make sure that makeup is all done in the morning and not 2-3 hours before. How i carb load up would also be different.
7. What's your motivation?
I want to get Top 5!
I am my motivation. My family is my motivation. I do the things that I do because i believe that God has a higher purpose for me and I know that it has something to do with helping others. Fitness and Mental wellness goes hand in hand. Doing this comp gears me to improve myself. If I can put myself through this anyone else can. Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of whether you are willing to sacrifice certain things.
Would i recommend someone to join a comp?
Yes! While competing may not be for everyone, but I do recommend it, because what you learn from the process is so worth it. I've said it before, you get a better understanding of yourself and your body. Having said that, I highly recommend for girls who are about to start taking part to find a good coach that knows about nutrition, training regimes and hormones well. Girls who I hear are eating 1000 calories or even doing cardio for 2 hours in a day, well... I reserve my comments but there is always an alternative and healthier ways to get ready aesthetically, without causing harm to your body.
Will I Compete Again?
Yes I will. I'm aiming for a show in 3months time. This will be a lot harder and a much bigger stage.
I have a different mindset going into this second comp. The first time, i went in with the mind, die die, i'm going to do it. In the past 2 and half months, I toyed with the idea of competing again. It was like as if I could choose not to do it and I could. Cause i've already gone through the challenge why do it again?? I have other priorities in life no?
I will do another comp because I want a new challenge. I want to learn more. Sure there are many ways of getting life lessons, but I found this journey to be a beneficial one. I'm going in this comp, cause I want to beat me!
I conquered the inner demons in my first comp. I have more amo and armour now - which are the knowledge and experience. So i want to try and take it a step further. How far can i challenge my physique, with all the external factors around me. I want to how to handle a stressful situations better.