
get featured dm意味 在 Bryan Wee Youtube 的評價

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#1. 【IG 英文用詞】DM、Bio、按讚、追蹤等IG 術語是什麼意思?
其實,DM 在這裡指的不是我們以為的傳單,也就是早期的direct mail,當時常以這樣的方式進行宣傳廣告文宣,但現在科技發達,無論要找朋友或家人,只要動動手指頭再將訊息 ...
#2. 擁有三億活躍用戶的Ig 如何操作? 七點搞定你的IG 帶來粉絲高 ...
#3. 玩Instagram必知:「限時動態」、「摯友」的英文怎麼說?
英文母語者常會將這兩個字簡寫為"dm"並當作動詞使用,用法如下。 ... 事情」,因此story highlights意思就是你的一系列限時動態中最為亮眼的那幾則。
feature 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. feature. noun.
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Get featured Dm Send on pic の意味は? ... 当方のインスタグラムにタイトルの書き込みがありました。 放置してたらメッセージリクエストに「Hey! we are ...
#6. 在老外朋友圈裡常見的DM、PM到底什麼意思?一篇文章為你 ...
DM 其實是direct message的縮略寫法,如果你經常用IG或者朋友圈有老外朋友,就可以經常看到他們發什麼需要報名或者溝通的消息時會用「DM me」,到底啥意思 ...
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As this was an afterthought it was a race to find tiles and sanitary ... Please enjoy our exhibition and the work of our featured designers.
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これが正確にどういう意味なのか分からず困っています。 ... さて、前説が長くなりましたが、 Instagram で "Can I get a feature?
#13. 【2020年版】Instagram(インスタグラム)のフィーチャー ...
代表的なフィーチャーアカウントを紹介します。発信力の高いアカウントにフィーチャーされると自分の投稿を広く拡散できます。指定のハッシュタグを ...
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川口義一:〈漢字指導の新しい方法―記憶・意味・教授法〉,發表於2010 年 ... in conformity with the portrait of the female body featured by store-bought.
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根據德國化妝品基金會(GfK)的說法,dm自有品牌是德國最暢銷的,經過認證的天然化妝品品牌。 天然化妝品意味著我們的產品中僅包含天然植物物質以及有機植物提取物和油 ...
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#22. InstagramのDMで会話していたのですが Get off ... - 教えて!goo
get off instagramの前にPlease studyとありますから、ここでは、インスタグラムをいったんやめて勉強しようねという意味で使っていると思います。 · その ...
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大人な話も色々。20↑ 年齢確認できない、下記注意書きの意味が理解できなそうな方 ... After running for ever just to get hit by a truck, what new life will be ...
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Users who join the game voice channel will get automatically redirected to ... .fwmsgs, Toggles forwarding of non-command messages sent to bot's DM to the ...
#25. インスタでDM itやPromote itのコメントがきたらどうするか
そもそもこの意味が分からない人は、DMしてもコミュニケーション取れないので、そういう人にとっては ... I will get a new tablet(tabletの間違い?
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這意味著喜歡他們的照片,對他們的照片發表評論,發送DM,查看他們的故事, ... If you featured more faces in your content, you're likely to get ...
#27. フィーチャー(Feature)とは ? | Colorful Instagram
インスタグラム用語「フィーチャー(Feature)」を解説します。 英語のFeatureには「特徴、特集、顔だち」と幅広い意味があります。「フィーチャリングAさん」といった場合 ...
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同时这意味着,针对你的受众,你完全可以创建并使用属于你的品牌标签,来展示你的产品和服务,并鼓励大家去使用它 ... 比如,Get featured using #AAA.
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1985/2004),那麼原文中內外之別構成的語言異質性意味著,多語文 ... might get hung up on words because of interlangauge and intercultural.
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同時這意味著,針對你的受眾,你完全可以創建並使用屬於你的品牌標籤,來展示你的產品和服務,並鼓勵大家去使用它。 ... 比如,Get featured using #AAA.
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DM には大きく分けて2つの意味があります。 ダイレクトメール(Direct Mail); ダイレクトメッセージ(Direct Message). ダイレクトメール. 「ダイレクト ...
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themselves and become the mainstay in judicial field. ... honor, or featured on the program of such an event. Use of a judge's name,.
#37. 戴爾美語- 常在網路上看到的DM 是什麼意思? DM 為direct ...
DM 為direct message(直接訊息)的縮寫✉️ 就是Instagram 小盒子「私訊」的概念唷! ... How did you get lost in a MRT station?
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The first research question aimed to find out the impact of GI on students' learning performance. To make sure that the experimental group and the control.
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better job I will get. Pretest. 1.95. 0.98. -3.12 .003**. Posttest. 2.43. 1.10. 6. The better my English grammar competence is, the higher salary I will get ...
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If so, please DM me your pictures. ... Would you like to featured on my network than DM your pictures は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
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美食觀光意味著有關當地人們文化與識別之知識與資訊的轉 ... Morrison, & Linton, 2005;Get & Brown, 2006; Sparks, 2006),研究發現,旅客.
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And Jiadong featured in the ... 或網站宣傳,或e-DM,讓旅客都很便利取得這些資訊。 ... 的體驗,若消費者沒有購買紀念品的需求,則可能意味體驗有. 所不足。
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英文母語者常會將這兩個字簡寫為dm 並當作動詞使用,用法如下。 ... 事情」,因此story highlights 意思就是你的一系列限時動態中最為亮眼的那幾則。
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What it means if Cathie Wood is the face of the market
如果凱茜·伍德(Cathie Wood)成為市場的代表,那意味著什麼
Sat, March 20, 2021, 8:17 PM
Andy Serwer with Max Zahn
If I asked you to name the person who most epitomizes today’s stock market
you might say Roaring Kitty (aka Keith Gill) or Vlad Tenev, CEO of Robinhood,
or some other millennial meme-stock trading bro. They’re the ones driving
the narrative, right?
I would argue instead for someone who appears to be the exact opposite of
that stereotype: A 65-year-old female financial services insider, who
supported Donald Trump and has deep religious convictions—and paradoxically,
(or perhaps naturally), is beloved by the WSB Reddit crowd.
I’m talking of course about Cathie Wood, founder, CEO and CIO of ARK Invest.
Like Elaine Garzarelli, Peter Lynch, Bill Miller, Henry Blodget, Mary Meeker
or the guys from the Big Short in cycles before, Wood has become the public
face of this market’s moment, personifying the crazy gains in crypto,
fintech, cloud computing and biotech stocks. And Tesla, especially Tesla,
where she made a ridiculous, moonshot of a call that proved to be 100% right.
(More on that later.) Wood isn’t just a money manager though, she is
literally an evangelist for these companies and the new technological world
she sees them ushering in.
If you follow the markets, you probably know about ARK, which has become the
"It" investment house on Wall Street, albeit far from a typical one. ARK is
known for its ETFs (or exchange traded funds), the most famous being a “
disruptive innovation” ETF (ticker ARKK), which has run circles around the
stock market averages, up 152% last year and over 45% every year on average
over the past five years. Early last month, Bloomberg reported that “Ark’s
exchange-traded fund assets under management crossed $50 billion this week,
up from only $3.6 billion at this time last year.”
“She has made some brilliant calls,” says Wall Street power player Todd
Boehly, CEO of investment company Eldridge, which made an investment in ARK
recently. “It can be hard to make brilliant calls continuously, time and
time again.”
And there’s the rub. If this bull market, driven to such a degree by tech
stocks like Tesla (TSLA), Square (SQ), and Roku (ROKU) (all major holdings of
ARK) is running out of steam, or more precisely, rotating over to cyclical
stocks as the economy restarts, (which I wrote about last week), then where
does that leave Cathie Wood? Is the tech up cycle of the bull market over,
and if so, does that mean Wood’s time is up? Or is this just a plateau that
Wood can navigate before another run for ARK?
It’s a big question not just for Wood but for millions of us.
To be clear, as great as 2020 was for Wood and ARK, 2021 has been as, well,
choppy. At one point ARKK was off 20% from its peak. Assets under management
at the company which crested at over $60 billion in mid-February have fallen
to some $48 billion now, according to Bloomberg. Short sellers have swooped
in and articles predicting the comeuppance of Cathie Wood have become a
cottage industry.
Institutional Investor, the Wall Street Journal’s Jason Zweig and
Morningstar, which notes that ARK last year grew much faster than any fund
company in history, have done excellent fundamental reporting (the kind Wood
herself might admire) pointing out risks ARK faces like the inability to cap,
or prevent new money from flowing into, an ETF, the transparency of ETFs that
allow others to mimic ARK’s trades, and the illiquidity of some of ARK’s
For the past year or so, Wood has had to defend her investments, Tesla in
particular, arguing that these stocks were not in a bubble. Increasingly she
has to argue the same about her own funds.
Before we address that ultimate question, which is to say whither Wood and
ARK, it’s worth digging into Cathie Wood more, someone who is both very much
a creature of Wall Street and quite self-consciously a disruptive innovator.
She’s an overnight success story four decades in the making, and even more
than that, quite the singular character.
I know Cathie some having appeared on Yahoo Finance Live with her a number of
times over the past five years and having spoken with her off air as well. She
’s personable, driven, and super-smart and to me at least, Cathie has worn
neither her politics nor her religious conviction on her sleeve.
Through a spokesperson Wood declined to be interviewed for this story, but
based on our prior conversations, interviews with acquaintances, postings on
her website and social media as well as previous interviews with her and some
members of her team, we were able to derive a picture of Wood.
It wasn’t hard to track down her thinking because Wood is so out there.
Communicating her ideas has been a key part of ARK’s strategy, which she
spoke to in an interview:
"A big part of our success is social media," Wood says. "As we’re putting
our research out, we’ll get the innovators in that space DM-ing us and
saying 'Hey, what about us?' or 'Hey, have you thought of this?' or 'Hey, you
’re wrong.' I think the collaborative research ecosystem that we have keeps
fresh ideas flowing through." Wood posts essays here and on ARK’s website
(which sells ARK merch.) She has 717,000 followers on Twitter. On YouTube her
videos get a million views.
All of that, plus the performance of her ETFs have won her the hearts (and
wallets) of hordes of, well, fans. She’s been called “Aunt Cathie,” “
Cathie Bae" and “tendie goddess” on Reddit’s Wall Street Bets. A Korean
newspaper reports her nickname is “Money Tree.” And the media loves to
cover her (Bloomberg, CNBC, Barron’s and yes Yahoo Finance) because people
want to read about her or watch her.
So who is Cathie Wood?
She grew up in Los Angeles, the oldest daughter of four children of Irish
immigrants. Her mother was a homemaker and her father a radar system
engineer. “I was raised as a firstborn son,” Wood told Barron’s. “I was
going to blaze the trail for my family.”
Wood graduated from Notre Dame Academy, a highly-regarded, all-girls Catholic
school, in 1974, where Wood has established the Duddy (Wood’s maiden name)
Innovation Institute, which, “offers a unique challenge for young women
eager to stretch beyond the boundaries of the traditional classroom. The
Institute's flagship course is Disruptive Innovation.” (Sound familiar?)
Wood went on to USC where she received her Bachelor of Science, summa cum
laude, in finance and economics in 1981. Her mentor there was Art Laffer,
with whom she’s remained close, a conservative, supply-side economist famous
for the “Laffer Curve,” (which Laffer drew on a napkin in 1974 for a
non-comprehending Dick Cheney), that stipulates cutting tax rates stimulates
growth and thereby can actually increase tax revenue.
Laffer recalls meeting Wood in 1976:
“I was the Charles B. Thornton professor at USC,” Laffer told Yahoo
Finance. “And she wanted to take my class, as an undergraduate at USC. I didn
’t know who she was and she petitioned me to be able to enter one of my
graduate classes. I looked at the petition and let her take the class. She
performed well and it was clear something was really driving this young lady.
I had very little doubt in the very beginning that she would be very
successful and she’s been exceptionally successful throughout her whole
career. She works hard — not only hard but smart.”
Liberals disparage Laffer’s work, which became the basis of Reagan tax cuts.
Laffer, who worked in the Reagan administration and was an advisor to Donald
Trump, whose presidency Wood also supported “from a strict economic view.”
If you find the idea that Wood—who says she supports diversity and
empowerment of women and has a strong commitment to science, medicine and
technology—backed Donald Trump vexing, understand that the basis of that
support comes from Laffer’s teachings.
After USC, Wood’s career took on a more or less traditional path—for
decades. Out of school, she joined LA’s hometown Capital Group as an
assistant economist, with a hand from Laffer. In 1980 at age 25, she moved to
New York to join Jennison Associates, the equity investment arm of PGIM,
formerly Prudential Investment Management, the asset management unit of
Prudential, where she worked for 18 years as an economist, an equity research
analyst, and portfolio manager.
Along the way, Wood would marry and have three children.
One of her kids, a daughter Caroline, works at ARK as a marketing manager.
Her brother John Duddy, a health care executive, is on ARK’s board.) Wood’s
late ex-husband, Rob Wood, (who played basketball at Duke in the 1970s),
worked in financial services too, first at Financial World magazine and later
in institutional sales at Natwest and Wells Fargo. Through Rob, Wood is a
minority shareholder of the financial news site, 24/7 Wall Street.
It was at Jennison according to Barron’s, where Wood says she began to find
her niche as an investor in part because the analysts there wouldn’t give up
any stocks for her to cover.
Wood looked at places that other analysts were ignoring. “I was like a
little dog looking for scraps under the table,” she says. She found stocks
that sat at the intersection of multiple industries, and weren’t followed by
analysts from any side. This, she realized, "is where innovation happens.”
In 1998 Wood left to co-found and help run hedge fund, Tupelo Capital
Management, but departed after three years and joined AllianceBernstein,
where she oversaw a multi-billion portfolio of growth stocks. That’s where
the seeds of ARK were planted in her mind. Wood reportedly began to bridle at
the constraint of her portfolio being compared to benchmarks (like the S&P
500), particularly when the money she managed underperformed the market
leading up to the financial crisis of 2008/2009.
As more and more of the world moved to passive management (investing in
indexes), Wood began to consider going whole hog in the opposite direction.
Her vehicle of choice, an actively managed ETF, was an anomaly. According to
Barron’s, Wood turned to what for most Wall Street professionals would be an
unlikely source for guidance:
When she spoke to her spiritual advisers, however, it came to her: “You
cannot worship any idol, and the benchmark has become an idol.” The next
year, she made back much of the loss. But in prayer and meditation, she had
the following revelation: “Benchmarks are all about successes in the past.
God doesn’t want us to be stuck in the past. He wants us to move into the
new creation.” That’s when she knew she had to start her own company: “I
felt that a start-up could go out there and spread that message very loudly,”
she says, “We were putting all our chips on the table.” In 2014, Wood left
AllianceBernstein [and launched ARK.]
In a podcast interview, Wood spoke more about her faith and ARK. (I have
excerpted a fair amount here, which I think is worth doing because it shows
the depth of Wood’s religious conviction.)
“I decided to name my company after the Ark of the Covenant, because as
I was going through that very difficult period starting in ‘06, where the
market, nothing made sense to me, I started reading the One-Year Bible, after
I would read the passage for the day, I would then just open it up randomly
and say, “God, speak to me. Just show me what to do. Show me Your will. Show
me Your way.”
Here specifically is what Wood saw in the Ark:
“...I would [read about] the Ark of the Covenant being taken into the
Israelites, taking the Ark of the Covenant into battle before them, because
they believed that the presence of God was in the Ark of the Covenant. As I
began to get this idea of a firm going and realized that I was fighting this
war, I knew I had to name my company 'ARK' for Ark of the Covenant.”
And here Wood speaks more generally about the role God plays in her work:
“God’s standard of success for me in the financial world, and in my
life generally, is following His will. And I believe that in starting ARK
Invest, I was fulfilling His will for me here on Earth and that if I had not
done it, that I would have died an unhappy woman not having not fulfilled my
promise here. And so it’s not so much about me and my promise. It’s about
allocating capital to God’s creation in the most innovative and creative way
I founded the company out of faith. I got this calling one day when I
walked into my home. It was a beautiful summer day. I walked in to complete
silence, which was very unusual in my household at that time. The children
were all gone to Christian camps and other activities. And so I was all alone
for the first time ever in my house, all alone for two full weeks. And I
walked over to the kitchen island and I wasn’t happy and I wasn’t sad. I
was just, Wow, this has never happened to me before.
As soon as I said that to myself, I felt a wham and I really feel like
that was the Holy Spirit just saying to me, 'Okay, this is the plan.' And the
idea was basically, 'Look, you’ve been a student of disruptive innovation
your entire career. Why don’t you disrupt your own industry? It’s broken.
Why do you disrupt it with some of these new technologies? Why don’t you
harness social media? Why don’t you invite people in—even your competitors—
to brainstorm about these new ideas, to help spread the word?' And so I did
that, and it’s been amazing. It’s so much better than anything that I could
have possibly imagined.
I funded it for the first three years all by myself. And for the first
three years, our assets didn’t grow that much. And I thought, Oh my
goodness, what have I done? Every two weeks there was an exit of a
significant amount of my wealth into the company. And I would kneel down and
say, 'OK, God, You’re in control. Even if this company fails, I know I’ve
done the right thing. This is a walk of faith for me. Your will be done.'"
As I said, not your typical Wall Streeter.
In a podcast recorded two years ago. Laffer too spoke about how Wood started
“All the stars were aligned for Kathy,” he said. “She had this model, this
way of looking at the world, this energy. So many people think they're in
technology, but they're superficial. She really gets the team together and
goes way in and digs deep, deep, deep. The team is wonderful, first class.”
Wood talks about her team, which is only 30 or so, and how it incorporates a
new, collaborative way of thinking, analyzing and sharing information and how
by posting research externally and seeking feedback, her firm is "the first
sharing economy asset manager" in the business. Could be. “The way they
discuss things, challenge each other, in such a civil way, it really is
different,” says Boehly.
Like so many businesses, Wood has had to change the way she operates during
COVID-19, as she explained to Yahoo Finance’s Jen Rogers last month:
“We feel like a startup still and I never want to lose it. When the
coronavirus started I brought everyone in the firm together at the beginning
of every day and we're still doing that. I think this has helped our cohesion
as a firm, which I didn't think was possible because I thought we were really
close before. We have an open office, everybody can hear everything going on.
What happened is the parts of the firm that were not involved with the
investment process were fascinated by the kinds of discussions we had. And so
the whole firm has coalesced around that.”
How is it possible for ARK to manage so much money with such a small team?
“We were built to scale actually,” Wood told Rogers. “I talk a lot about
exponential growth technologies. When we designed the firm and especially our
research ecosystem, I never dreamed of two things. One, how much information
would pour into us from the communities we're researching. Helping us to
battle test our ideas, and I think really giving us a leg up out there. And
then the other thing I never imagined was as you say, punching above our
weight when it comes to visibility and name recognition, brand out there. We
have a global minority partner, Nikko Asset Management.”
That doesn’t address questions about back office capacity which must be a
focal point for Wood, given the inflows of tens of billions of dollars—and
now outflows—in such a short period of time. It’s also worth pointing out
that one of Wood’s most prominent analysts, James Wang, left the firm last
month, “to pursue personal projects.”
Getting back to Wood’s comment on Nikko for a second though: That Japanese
firm is one partner. Another, with which Wood had a seemingly more complex
relationship, is a Texas company called Resolute Investment Managers, (which
traces its origins to American Airlines’ investment operations), and which
distributes ARK’s funds in the U.S. In 2016, Resolute bought a minority
stake in ARK with an option to buy majority control within five years. (This
investment seems to have been made during ARK’s trying, early years.)
Last fall, things got sticky with Resolute when it sought to exercise the
option, which Wood didn’t want. The dispute became public with Wood saying
she was “disappointed” about Resolute’s “unwelcome notice” to seek
control. That’s when Boehly and Eldridge stepped in with a $60 million loan
late last year to essentially buyout Resolute’s option and allow Wood to
maintain control of her firm, which patched up differences between the two
Statements explaining the resolution were issued with Resolute continuing to
distribute ARK’s funds and that firm’s CEO Greg Needles, staying on ARK’s
board. “Like anything in life that flares up, there was a little drama,”
says Boehly. “It really was a misunderstanding which happens in business.
We worked productively and harmoniously to get it solved. It was an economic
Before returning to the question of what becomes of ARK, a quick note about
Wood’s and Tesla with which she has become inextricably linked.
I remember Wood telling us in October 2018, "We believe that Tesla should be
priced in the marketplace today at $2,000. And we believe that's
conservative. Our bull case is a $4,000 price target in five years.” (At
that point the stock was trading around $300—unadjusted for a stock split.)
Wood became famous for this $4,000 call, but what’s under recognized is that
she was right, though her achievement has been somewhat muddled by a Tesla
stock split. Let me explain.
Tesla stock hit an all-time high of $900.40 on Jan. 25 this year. But
remember on Aug. 31 of last year, Tesla stock split five for one. So
split-adjusted, Tesla stock actually hit $4,500 early this year. Bottomline:
Tesla stock was up 15 fold over less than three years. And Wood called it. No
wonder the fan boys love her.
As of yesterday afternoon, Tesla had fallen to $650, (though still up some
10X mind you from Wood’s call) or down 18% this month, almost exactly the
same percent as ARKK. Talked about joined at the hip.
So what does the future hold for Wood and ARK? Wood has always said that
sell-offs provide ARK with an opportunity to buy, which is what you often
hear from money managers. “There are always cycles,” says Boehly. “And she
’s prepared for cycles.” But it becomes harder to buy on the dip or hunker
down now that ARK is so big and carries such a high-profile.
“I had dinner with her a month and a half ago in Hilton Head," Laffer says.
“I didn’t find any difference in her demeanor at all. She’s a very nice
person, very gracious, very focused. She will do very well. She may have a
big setback but that won’t stop her.”
Regardless, if you buy what Laffer says, as with Musk, you have to
acknowledge that Wood is on to something. Is it sustainable though? We all
know an idea isn’t enough. It reminds me of something legendary investor
Howard Marks said to me a few years back (and I’m paraphrasing), “There are
no bad assets, only bad prices.” Marks also said: “Being too far ahead of
your time is indistinguishable from being wrong.”
Wood certainly knows her stuff and has those decades of experience. And she
has her faith too, which might be a help or some might say, a hindrance. It’
s likely that for this particular person, Cathie Wood, to succeed, she will
have to continue to marry the two facets of her mindset, the secular and yes
the sacred, in the weeks, months and years ahead.
This article was featured in a Saturday edition of the Morning Brief on March
20, 2021. Get the Morning Brief sent directly to your inbox every Monday to
Friday by 6:30 a.m. ET. Subscribe
.Andy Serwer is editor-in-chief of Yahoo Finance. Follow him on Twitter:
如果我要您說出當今股市最能代表市場的人,您可能會說Roaring Kitty(又名Keith
Gill),Robinhood首席執行官Vlad Tenev或其他一些千禧世代的迷因股票交易者。他們
WSB Reddit人群喜愛。
我說的當然是ARK Invest的創始人,首席執行官兼CIO Cathie Wood。
像Elaine Garzarelli,Peter Lynch,Bill Miller,Henry Blodget,Mary Meeker或之
前的Big Short的傢伙一樣,伍德已經成為這個市場當下的公眾面孔,體現了加密,金融
),她打了一個荒謬如登月般,事實證明那是100%正確的call。 (稍後會有更多介紹。
如果您跟隨市場,您可能會對ARK有所了解,但它已成為華爾街的“ It”投資公司,儘管
遠非如傳統的一間投資公司。 ARK以其ETF(或交易所交易基金)而聞名,其中最著名的
是“破壞性創新” ETF(股票代號ARKK),該股票圍繞股市平均水平徘徊,去年上漲了
街(Wall Street)玩家托德‧博利(Todd Boehly)說。 “很難一次又一次地連續打出
德(Cathie Wood)報應的文章已成為一個手工業。
機構投資者,《華爾街日報》的Jason Zweig和Morningstar指出,去年ARK的增長速度超
我知道Cathie在過去五年中多次與她一起出現在Yahoo Finance Live上,並且還與她脫口
伍德說:“我們成功的很大一部分是在於社交媒體。” “當我們發布我們的研究出去時
系統工程師。伍德對巴倫說:“我是長子長大的。” “我要為家人開闢道路。”
特的挑戰。傳統教室的邊界。該研究所的旗艦課程是顛覆性創新。” (聽起來有點熟?
(Art Laffer),與她至今仍保持親密的一位保守派供應側經濟學家,以“拉弗曲線”而
拉弗告訴雅虎財經:“我是南加州大學的查爾斯‧桑頓教授。” “她想上我的課,是南
納德‧川普(Donald Trump)的支持者,請理解,這種支持的基礎來自拉弗(Laffer)的
(Laffer)的幫助下加入了洛杉磯的Capital Group,擔任助理經濟學家。 1980年,年僅
25歲的她移居紐約,加入了PGIM的股票投資部門Jennison Associates,前身是
Prudential的資產管理部門Prudential Investment Management,在該公司工作了18年,
迪(John Duddy)是醫療保健部門的執行董事。 Natwest和Wells Fargo的機構銷售。伍
德通過Rob成為財金新聞網站 “華爾街24/7” 的少數股東。
伍德於1998年離開共同創立並幫助管理對沖基金Tupelo Capital Management,但三年後
這一信息,”她說,“我們正在將所有籌碼都放在桌面上。” 2014年,伍德離開了
AllianceBernstein [並推出了ARK。]
在podcast採訪中,伍德談到了她的信仰和方舟。 (我在這裡摘錄了很多內容,我認為這
鬥時,我知道我必須為公約方舟命名我的公司“ ARK”。
啟動ARK Invest時,我是在地球上實現他對我的意願,並且如果我不這樣做,那我將成為
管理者”。在業務上。可能。 “他們以一種文明的方式討論事物,互相挑戰的方式確實
不同,” Boehly說。
就像許多企業一樣,伍德在上個月對Yahoo Finance的詹‧羅傑斯(Jen Rogers)解釋時
伍德對羅傑斯說:“實際上,我們是按比例建造的。” “我談論了很多指數增長技術。
析師之一詹姆斯‧王(James Wang)上個月離開了公司,“從事個人項目”。
係的另一家公司是德克薩斯州的一家名為Resolute Investment Managers的公司(其起源
數股權可以選擇在五年內購買多數股權。 (這項投資似乎是在ARK的早期嘗試中進行的。
Needles仍在ARK的董事會任職。 “就像生活中發生的任何事情一樣,還有一點戲劇性,
” Boehly說。 “這確實是在業務中發生的誤解。我們進行了富有成效和和諧的工作,以
美元。我們認為這是保守的。我們的牛市假設是五年內目標價格為4,000美元。” (當時
常從理財經理那裡聽到的。 “總是有周期,” Boehly說。 “而且她為上行做好了準備
華德‧馬克斯(Howard Marks)對我說的話(我的意思是:沒有壞資產,只有壞價格)。
助,或者有人會說這是一個障礙。為了使這個特定的人凱西‧伍德(Cathie Wood)成功
在諸多批評或者剖悉Cathy wood的文章中
包含Cathy 導師 Laffer在經濟學上的供給側的想法去回追 Cathy的想法
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