
fireman firemen分別 在 Bryan Wee Youtube 的評價

By スキマスイッチ - 「全力少年」Music Video : SUKIMASWITCH / ZENRYOKU SHOUNEN Music Video
#1. fireman和firemen 的区别在哪?分别用在哪里 ... - 百度知道
fireman 消防员,单数名词 firemen 消防员,复数名词. He is a 【fireman】 希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳! 祝你学习进步,天天快乐。O(∩_∩)O.
#2. fireman和firemen 的区别在哪?分别用在哪里 ... - 雨露学习互助
fireman 消防员,单数名词 firemen 消防员,复数名词. He is a 【fireman】 希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳! 祝你学习进步,天天快乐.O(∩_∩)O.
#3. fireman和firemen 的区别在哪?分别用在哪里? | firefighter ...
firefighter fireman分別,大家都在找解答。2011年6月7日— fireman 消防员,单数名词firemen 消防员,复数名词. He is a 【fireman】 希望我的回答能够帮到你, ...
#4. fireman和firemen 的区别在哪?分别用在哪里?What is ... - 作业帮
fireman 和firemen 的区别在哪?分别用在哪里?What is you father?He is a_____.用哪一个?..试卷里有选择填空.....==/...
#5. "fireman " 和"firefighter" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
fireman 的同義字@shinchen: No difference except a fireman must be male. Firefighter can be a male or female.
The first factor was the reason that ambulances initially accompanied fire departments on calls: to assist injured firemen. 來自Cambridge ...
《小豬佩奇》此前在節目中提到消防員時,都用的是「fireman」這個有明確 ... 《小豬佩奇》因在劇中提到消防員時,用了「firemen」帶有性別歧視的詞。
消防員的英文. fire fighters ... [礦] 救火員,爆破工;. [例句]Fireman battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children ...
#9. fireman和firemen 的区别在哪?分别用在哪里 ... - 微思作业本
fireman 和firemen 的区别在哪?分别用在哪里?What is you father?He is a----- fireman和firemen 的区别在哪?分别用在哪里?What is you father?He is a_____.用哪一个?
#10. 想福到辅导网 - 作业帮
fireman 和firemen 的区别在哪?分别用在哪里?What is you father?He is a_____.用哪一个?..试卷里有选择填空.....==/... 来源:学生作业帮助网编辑: ...
#11. firefighter - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典
詞源編輯 · fire + fighter。作為fireman 和firewoman的性別中性詞彙。 發音編輯. (英國) IPA:/ˈfaɪ.ə(ɹ)ˌfaɪt.ə(ɹ)/. 名詞編輯. firefighter(複數firefighters).
#12. fireman - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"fireman" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... 三名原告人分别申请消防处和海关的救护员、 消防员及关员职位。 daccess-ods.un.org.
#13. Q20: 「消防士」を英語で言えますか?
fireman (複数firemen) と呼ばれていました。これは厳密には「消防 ... fireman を使って演説していたならば、男女差別として大変な騒ぎになっていたことでしょう。
#14. Fireman for Kids - Google Play 應用程式
Your kid's dream to become a great HERO and saving lives is here! Become fireman Sam and use your My Town fire station where your fire ...
#15. 香港消防處年報Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review ...
FSD personnel pay their nal tribute to the late Senior Fireman Hui ... 已故高級消防隊長張耀升和已故消防隊目許志傑的最高榮譽喪禮分別於七月十七日和二十二日 ...
#16. fireman复数?-第一作业帮
fireman 复数? 来源:学生作业帮助网编辑:作业帮 时间:2021/10/11 21:56:32. fireman复数? firemen. firemen. firemen. firemen. firemen. firemen. fireman.
#17. 用firemen形容消防員《小豬佩奇》被批性別歧視 - 人人焦點
#18. Know the Difference Between Fire Trucks and Fire Engines?
The engine can also carry ladders, but they are set up by the fire fighters and can be carried around. Key components of a fire engine include:.
#19. firemen 中文 - 查查在線詞典
The firemen put out the fire . 消防隊員撲滅了火。 He tried to get the attention of a passing fireman . 他企圖叫住 ...
#20. @hongkongfireservices 消HKFS防Instagram profile, stories ...
#firefighter #hongkong #香港 #救援 #消防 #救護 #pompiers #hkfs #hkfsd #fireman #firemen #fire #firefighters #香港消防處 #香港消防 #香港消防員 # ...
#21. 轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
將本研究主要分為三個面向,分別為組織特性、個人因素與工作上的表現。 ... But being a fireman, all of the job content, rights and obligations are the same.
#22. 月刊 - 內政部消防署
Kaoshiung City Government Fire Department Women Fire Prevention. Publicity Guidance Team Ta Chang Team, ... 變中心原由警察系統扮演關鍵角色,亦分別.
#23. are you a fireman怎么回答-第一作业帮
(对划线部分提问)划线部分是“a fireman" ___ ____ you father? a firemen accidentally discovered the cause这里的fireman怎么用的是复数形式呢.
#24. 2020澳洲消防員猛男月曆熱辣出爐!性感肌肉天菜配上可愛毛 ...
2020年澳洲消防員猛男月曆( Australian Firefighters Calendar )熱辣出爐, ... 最狂的性感月曆也分別有多種版本,除了經典的消防員造型,當然不能錯過的就是萌寵系列 ...
#25. 成功大學電子學位論文服務
An Effective Staffing Plan for the Poquonnock Bridge Fire Department”, ... 音環境設計之評價情形建構了三個軸向主要因子,分別為第一因子:快適感(愉快、舒適/ ...
#26. 2022澳洲消防員月曆毛小孩比腹肌男更搶鏡 - 蘋果日報
2022澳洲消防員月曆(2022 Australian Firefighters Calendar)共有6款,分別是與貓咪、狗狗、馬匹、各式動物合照,還有消防員個人獨照及夏日特輯。
#27. fireman lift signage - Smuzp
1.6 Design of fireman's lift and firefighting and rescue stairway Whilst the ... 分別以中英文寫的《FIREMAN'S LIFT》和「消防員升降機」,某些品牌的升降機同時 ...
#28. What Is the Difference Between a Fire Truck and Fire Engine?
If you've ever been in a car accident, you may be surprised to see the fire department show up in a big red truck.
#29. fire man秀Fireman - TRTV
FiRE FIRE-2 FIRE1 FIREDASS FIREE FIREES FIREFLEX FIREMAN FIREPAW FIREPRAN FIREQP ... 41 best 044 Men in Firemen images on Pinterest | Fire fighters,
#30. Tunghai University Institutional Repository
Fireman ;Public-Private Partnership;Volunteer fireman ... 公私協力的重要因素,並藉以預測影響夥伴關係之程度﹔經以分層比例抽樣方式,分別對臺中市政府消防局357位 ...
#31. 厭世快看2019澳洲消防員月曆電眼鮮肉跟貓咪比萌超療癒
從2017年以來,澳洲消防員月曆(Australian Firefighters Calendar)就開始 ... 把目光移開?2019年再升級,推出分別為狗、貓、動物、消防員等月曆及 ...
#32. fireman lift requirement - Xvux
分別 以中英文寫的《FIREMAN'S LIFT》和「消防員升降機」,某些品牌的升降機同時會以《FE》字樣來表示,或在機內展示的證明書上加上”FIREMEN LIFT”字樣 2.
#33. 51 There is no________ that brave firemen play very ... - 快找題
51 There is no________ that brave firemen play very important roles in our life, and they always res.
#34. 消防員升降機- 電梯資料網
分別 以中英文寫的《FIREMAN'S LIFT》和「消防員升降機」,某些品牌的升降機同時會以《FE》字樣來表示,或在機內展示的證明書上加上"FIREMEN LIFT"字樣.
#35. 消防士がfiremanならば、複数形はどのように表したらよいか ...
男女の区別なく中立的用語としては、fire fighterを使います。 ... firemenですが・・・ firefighterの方が性差別が無いので公用語となりつつあるようですね日本では ...
#36. What's the Difference Between a Fire Engine and a Fire Truck?
It helps firefighters fight the flames with water and chemical flame-retardants. Fire engines usually have a pump, a water tank, ...
#37. 快點來拯救我吧!2018 澳洲消防員月曆出爐 - JUKSY
今次澳洲消防員月曆推出了三個系列,分別是動物、小狗和至Hot 的消防員, ... 最後就來到「Hot Firefighters」系列了,沒有了動物和小狗的配搭,可以 ...
#38. 心跳加速要打999!《澳洲消防員月曆2019》火辣登場
今年與澳洲動物園合作,共推出五種不同月曆,分別是動物X消防員、狗狗X消防 ... Matt-2019-Hot-Firefighters-www.australianfirefighterscalendar.
#39. 快點來拯救我吧!2018 澳洲消防員月曆出爐 - LINE購物
今次澳洲消防員月曆推出了三個系列,分別是動物、小狗和至Hot 的消防員, ... 最後就來到「Hot Firefighters」系列了,沒有了動物和小狗的配搭,可以 ...
#40. Foot 的複數 - Lll karlsruhe
... (綿羊) 有些名称的复数形式是改变它们的元音声: fireman → firemen; foot → feet; ... 分別順序轉成複數的men、women、feet、mice、children。
#41. 澳大利亞消防員拍攝2020慈善年歷 - 俄羅斯衛星通訊社新聞
照片: David Rogers / Australian Firefighters Calendar ... 澳大利亞消防員參與了2020年歷的拍攝,分別與寵物或野生動物拍照,年歷的銷售盈利將用於 ...
#42. 帥氣又充滿愛心!澳洲性感消防員月曆、12張高清猛男直接打包
最新推出的2019澳洲消防員月曆,一共有5種版本,分別是Hot Firefighters Edition消防員月曆2款、Animal Calendar動物主題、Dog Calendar狗狗主題和Cat ...
#43. 2022澳洲消防員月曆來了毛小孩比腹肌男更搶鏡
2022澳洲消防員月曆(2022 Australian Firefighters Calendar)共有6款,分別是與貓咪、狗狗、馬匹、各式動物合照,還有消防員個人獨照及夏日特輯。
#44. 生命三權入法:評《消防法》修法三讀通過
根據美國消防總署的統計,去年(2018)在火場中死亡的消防人員(firefighters died from activities at a fire scene)有30名,其中因為延伸水 ...
#45. 每年必搶!2019年《澳洲消防員月曆》來看猛男擁抱萌物溫柔 ...
傳說中的精品《澳洲消防員月曆(Australian Firefighters Calendar)》 ... 2019年《澳洲消防員月曆》總共有三個款式,分別為與消防員與動物、消防員 ...
#46. 【環球熱話】2021年澳洲消防員月曆登場大騷肌肉為野生動物 ...
2021年的月曆分成六個版本,分別為經典月曆、野生動物月曆、貓貓月曆、狗仔月曆及純動物月曆等。 ... 來源:Australian Firefighters Calendar.
#47. 【題組】 ⑵接著⑴,來自A, B, C 三條IC 生產線的機率分別為何 ...
【題組】 ⑵接著⑴,來自A, B, C 三條IC 生產線的機率分別為何? ... 47________ should any fireman get into a fire scene all alone, because teamwork is the ...
#48. 【有片】《澳洲消防隊員猛男月曆2019》性感大肌肌x可愛毛小孩
【有片】《澳洲消防隊員猛男月曆2019》性感大肌肌 圖片來自:2019 Australian Firefighters Calendar. 為了攻佔不同喜好的族群,2019年再升級,分別 ...
#49. 消防lift 問題(頁1) - 建築Construction - 香港討論區(純文字版本)
想問A lift 同D lift 分別代表乜野,如果沒A 或D, 是不是代表為客LIFT ... lobby,staircase)叫Firefighting and Rescue Stairway,要求於工廠大廈。
#50. 呂銘明英文粉專- Página inicial
1️⃣ 消防隊員fireman 或是fire fighter ... 複數時別忘了變成「firemen」喔也可以說成是【火的戰士】➡️ fire fighter ... 分別為第5題及第6題. ✍第5題.
#51. 2021年澳洲消防員月曆出爐!性感猛男半裸露肌肉為野生動物 ...
撰文:CY|圖片來源:Australian Firefighters calendar ... 2021年的月曆共分成6個版本,分別為經典月曆、野生動物月曆、貓貓月曆、狗狗月曆、純動物 ...
#52. person 複數小瓏英語書院 - QQkaii
兩字用法有甚麼分別? ... 附錄:英語不規則複數有些名稱的複數形式是改變它們的元音聲: fireman → firemen foot → feet goose → geese louse → lice man → men ...
#53. 八月二十四日至二十七日Severe Tropical Storm Pakhar (1714)
入廣東內陸,日間稍後本港風力開始減弱,天文台分別在下午1時40分及下午5時 ... on Kowloon Peak and had to be rescued by firemen. One fireman was ...
#54. Highlights of the Week
Continuing on the topic of “People who help us”, this week we focused on “Firemen / Firefighters”. The students discovered some new ...
#55. Singular and Plural Nouns 单数及复数名词
fireman - firemen 消防队员. 9) The plural of some nouns are formed irregularly. 有些复数名词的形成方式不规则。 Examples: 例子: child - children 儿童.
#56. woman 複數 - Khushra
... 有時名詞也有不規則形態:例如從單數的man、woman、foot、mouse、child分別順序轉 ... 有些名稱的複數形式是改變它們的元音聲: fireman → firemen foot → feet ...
#57. 消防處 | 健康跟著走
為讓有意投考者了解兩者的待遇分別,MoneySmart小 ..., 惟一般消防員和救護員起薪 ... 如以同屬主任級職位 ...,消防員(行動/海務/工程組) (Fireman (Operational/mari.
#58. Archive for 2013
There are several little games inside: Firefighting, Fire-Truck Deco ... 题组覆盖范围广泛,多达20款,分别有声音、颜色、数学、形状、比大小、 ...
#59. 一年一次!最新澳洲消防員美好肉體大寫真公開發布,看完想縱火
... 澳洲消防員月曆(2022 Australian Firefighters Calendar)於近日發售。 ... 今年的月曆共有6款,分別是消防員們與貓咪、狗狗、馬匹以及各式動物 ...
#60. #救火Instagram posts - Gramhir.com
... 滅火先鋒#embr #救火#消防#fire #考驗友情#破壞友誼#消防員#firefighters ... 分別是「穩定災害狀況」(如前述的撲滅火勢)以及「保全財物」。
#61. [翻譯] Evolving The Saving Rule - 看板MLB - 批踢踢實業坊
回到1973年,在Sparky Lyle 與Tug McGraw 分別為NYY與NYM在比賽的後段局數 ... the concept of closers as firemen, rushing in to put out fires, ...
#62. child 複數
有些名稱的複數形式是改變它們的元音聲: fireman → firemen foot → feet goose ... 也有不規則形態:例如從單數的man、woman、foot、mouse、child分別順序轉成複數 ...
#63. 消防處處長的英文怎麼說 - TerryL
消防: extinguishing and protection; fire control; fire fighting; fire protection; ... a fireman, leaning against the side lights, was craning forward, ...
#64. goose 複數goose - Vsrius
... 與拼字的對應關係有些名稱的複數形式是改變它們的元音聲: fireman → firemen; ... 唸, tornadoes,笨蛋,而他們的單數則分別是Child,brother(古老或專門化複數 ...
#65. 契約性消防員政策研究-以高雄市政府消防局為例 - 9lib TW
Specifically, I evaluate legal aspects of hiring contract firefighters, in addition to conducting research on ethical obligation of firefighters and how ...
#66. 《2021澳洲消防員月曆》慈善義賣開跑!爆肌猛男+呆萌動物 ...
自1993年開始推出的《澳洲消防員月曆》(The Australian Firefighters ... 他們還分別販售了「消防員與狗狗」、「消防員與貓咪」、「消防員與動物」 ...
#67. 豆單(上)
行動;行為;活動[U][C]The quick action of the firemen saved the building from being ... 作為個人,單獨地;逐個地;分別地The principal knew all the students ...
#68. goose 複數
Goose egg 和duck egg 的複數分別為goose ... 有些名稱的複數形式是改變它們的元音聲: fireman → firemen foot → feet goose → geese louse → lice man → men ...
#69. Dragon Gladiators A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance
Join Callie and her fireman in the explosive and magical complete Firehouse ... to take over the local coven or to fall for the handsome firemen next door.
#70. GovJob.xml - 政府青少年網站
... 語文能力要求:在綜合招聘考試的英文運用試卷和中文運用試卷中分別取得“ ... That inspired me to apply for the post of Fireman when I grew up.
#71. 2016年6月23日星期四
I hope in the hospital two firefighters threshold may be too big! '' - Anonymous HkG team to you, "fire protection" - extend "highest ...
#72. 立法會
tragedy in which one senior fireman died on duty and three firemen were injured. It was reported that the industrial.
#73. Episodes - Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School
that it is very tough to be a fire fighter, so they ... 活動由三所具有豐富教授「非華語學生中文科」經驗的中學作分享,分別為:官立嘉道理爵士 ...
#74. 華氏451度| 極權意志下的反烏托邦假想 - 天天要聞
《華氏451度》改寫自1951年發表的中篇《消防員》(The Firemen),發表於2 ... the founder of our first fire department,gave the right to burn.
#75. 消防人員工作壓力之研究-以臺東縣消防局為例
from firemen in Taitung Fire Department. There are fifteen firemen ... 訪談重點,分別訪談了15位現職消防人員,其中課長1位,分隊長2位,小隊長3位,. 隊員9位。
#76. TOP-TRIZ, Method for Innovation, Applications, Implementation
when police and fireman reached for a rescue. Taipei City Fire Department indicated that a human can probably live for about.
#77. 107上翰林國中3-6 @ 最高權限者+Ramdisk+全新系統安裝更新 ...
解析:助動詞Did 之後須接原形動詞,選項(A)(C)(D)須分別改成send、give、get 即可 ... Luckily, the firemen came and put out the fire quickly.
#78. PROCEEDINGS - HKIE Fire Division Website
為考察噴淋系統對玻璃分隔墻的保護效果,在大空間實驗室分別針對WS窗型 ... by fire fighters (7) that extra one to two minutes were required to ...
#79. 長榮空姐VS澳洲猛男消防員2019月曆,你地會買邊本? - Juicy ...
... 他們推出5個主題系列,包括:動物、小貓、小狗及兩款Hot Firefighters。 ... 今次澳洲消防員月曆推出了五個系列,分別是動物、小狗、小貓和2款 ...
#80. 澳洲消防員為了慈善「跟小動物一起拍攝照片」 - boMb01
這次的月曆一共有6種不同的版本,分別為新南威爾士州版、維多利亞州版、昆士蘭州版、全澳洲版、動物版、 ... 來源:Australian Firefighters Calendar ...
#81. アメリカ社会を変えた一人の女性消防士 - リスク対策
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fireman firemen分別 在 [翻譯] Evolving The Saving Rule - 看板MLB - 批踢踢實業坊 的八卦
本譯文僅供非營利用途,轉載請標明原作者: David Pinto
The Big Picture The Big Picture系列文(2007年8月8日)
Evolving the Save Rule
by David Pinto
Back in 1973, in the days when Sparky Lyle and Tug McGraw toiled in the late
innings for the New York teams, Bruce Stark of the New York Daily News drew a
series of caricatures of the Yankees and Mets. (Here's the Tom Seaver drawing
from the series.) When he drew the closers, Stark depicted Sparky and Tug as
firemen, a title that stuck to all relievers. That term eventually
disappeared from the lexicon of relief pitching—in 2001, the Sporting News
changed the name of their award for relievers from Fireman of the Year to
put out the fire.
回到1973年,在Sparky Lyle 與 Tug McGraw 分別為NYY與NYM在比賽的後
段局數辛苦奮鬥的日子,New York Daily News的漫畫家Bruce Stark畫了一系列有關這兩
隊的漫畫。(現在這些漫畫是由Tom Seaver接手。) 當他畫終結者的時候,Stark把Sparky
與Tug畫成救火隊員,一個標在所有後援投手(RP)身上的名詞。 這個詞最後從有關RP的辭
彙消失-在2001年,Sporting News雜誌改變了他們那個頒給RP獎項的名稱,從年度救火
In the years in between, the save became one of the few stats to profoundly
change the game. After the rule took its final form in 1975, teams and
players eventually figured out that the best way to accumulate saves involved
starting the ninth with the bases empty and the lead three runs or less. It
took over a decade for that to become obvious, but once it did, the concept
of closers as firemen, rushing in to put out fires, went the way of the dodo.
Rule 10.20 in the Official Rule Book states:
Credit a pitcher with a save when he meets all three of the following
(1) He is the finishing pitcher in a game won by his club; and
(2) He is not the winning pitcher; and
(3) He qualifies under one of the following conditions:
- (a) He enters the game with a lead of no more than three runs and pitches for
at least one inning; or
- (b) He enters the game, regardless of the count, with the potential tying run
either on base, or at bat, or on deck (that is, the potential tying run is
either already on base or is one of the first two batsmen he faces; or
- (c) He pitches effectively for at least three innings. No more than one save
may be credited in each game.
The following graph shows the changes in length of saves from the
introduction of the rule in 1969 through the current season. An outing of two
outs or less defines a short save. Four outs or more defines a long save. The
rest are one-inning saves. The graph shows each as a percentage of total
saves for each season.
於等於2個出局數的出賽被定義為short save。製造四個或更多出局數被視為long save。
When the save rule initially came into effect, the pitchers lasted more than
an inning to earn one. Often, around 60 percent of the saves collected saw
the pitcher record four outs or more. At the other end, two-out saves stayed
around 20 percent for many years, even after changing the rule to eliminate
the one-out save with a big lead. Closers at the time were saved until the
starter was in trouble. If that was the seventh or eighth inning, in came the
fireman. If it was two outs in the ninth, in came the fireman. Starters were
still expected to complete games, so they needed to show they were in trouble
before a closer entered. The authors of the save rule had correctly described
and rewarded the use of late relievers—pitchers who entered the fray with
the game on the line.
The last season with a long save percentage anywhere near 60 percent was
1987. In 1988, long saves dropped to 50 percent. In 1991, one-inning saves
were more common that long saves, and a year later they made up most of the
saves recorded. Why did the role of the closer shift so rapidly? For that, we
can blame Tony La Russa and Dennis Eckersley.
最後一個long save所佔比率接近60%的球季是1987年。在1988年,lone save掉到50%。
在1991年,一局的救援比long save較常出現,隔年它們佔了救援紀錄的大多數。為什麼
終結者的角色轉變得那麼快呢?關於這一點,我們可以怪 Tony La Russa 與
Dennis Eckersley。
During the course of the 1987 season, La Russa reinvented Dennis Eckersley,
initially moving him to the pen as a long reliever before turning to him as
the team's closer after one Jay Howell meltdown too many. In 1988, Eck moved
into the job full-time. He appeared in 60 games, throwing just 72 2/3
innings, but earning forty five saves. Twenty one of those were one-inning
saves. By 1992, thirty one of his fifty two saves were one inning. La Russa
and Eckersley showed that a pitcher could collect lots of saves by pitching
in relatively easy situations. According to The Book (p. 211), teams score
less than three runs in an inning 93.6 percent of the time, and shutout
innings are thrown 70 percent of the time. So entering the ninth with any
kind of lead, the odds are well in favor of the pitcher—any pitcher—earning
a save. Basically, used to start the ninth with nobody on base, any decent
pitcher can wind up with a good number of saves. The stat that had originally
been invented to reward firemen now earns chimney inspectors tons of money.
在1987年球季的過程中,La Russa ('86到'95任運動家教頭)重新定義了Dennis Eckersley
的使用方式,一開始把它移到牛棚做長中繼,後來因為原來的終結者Jay Howell搞砸了太
中的31個是一局的。La Russa 和 Eckersley 展現了一個投手能以在較簡單的狀況下投球
下收集到很多救援點。根據The Book (p.211),有93.6%的局數得分少於3分,有70%的局數
The Book: Playing the Percentages in Baseball
It's time for the save rule to evolve again, to go back to rewarding the
pitchers who succeed in tough situations. On August first of this season,
Alan Embree of the Oakland Athletics entered a game against Detroit. It was
the top of the eighth with one out, the bases loaded, and the A's were
holding a slim 3-2 lead. Embree induced a short fly out, then struck out the
final batter to end the inning. He stayed in to finish the game, but if
another pitcher came in to pitch the ninth, Embree would not have earned a
save, even though he pitched in the more difficult situation.
,奧克蘭運動家隊的Alan Embree在對上底特律老虎隊的比賽中進場。當時是8局上半,
一出局滿壘,而運動家隊保持3-2的些微領先。 Embree製造了一個小飛球,然後三振掉
How much more difficult? We can use Win Expectancy charts, also provided in
The Book to measure the change in expected win percentage over a reliever's
outing. When Embree entered the game, the probability of Oakland winning was
51 percent. At the end of the eighth, with the lead preserved, that jumped to
86 percent, a gain of 35 percent. Starting the ninth with the same one-run
lead, the probability of Oakland winning was .825; by not scoring in the
bottom of the eighth, Oakland lost some of their earlier in-game advantage.
Finishing the inning without blowing the save means a victory (a win
expectancy of 100 percent), so the closer in that situation improves the
probability by 17.5 percent. By pitching successfully in a situation where
where the probability of his team winning was relatively low—and lower than
the odds the closer confronted—the pitcher working out of the jam in the
eighth is the one who saved the game. He pitched well in a situation in which
the slightest mistake might cost his team the lead.
我們可以用Win Expectancy 的表,這同樣來自於The Book以計算因為RP出賽的
expected win percentage。當Embree上場時,運動家隊贏球的機率是51%。在8局結束時
在球賽中的優勢。結束此局而沒有B掉救援意味著贏球(win expectancy是100%),所以在
This is exactly where the save rule needs to move. It's time to decouple the
save from the person who finishes the game, and start awarding it to the
reliever who does the most to increase the chance of his team winning. This
should encourage managers to use their best pitchers in game situations, and
still allow these pitchers to gather saves to use to negotiate contracts.
What would this save rule look like?
The save can be awarded to a reliever for the winning team who is not the
winning pitcher.
The reliever raises the probability of this team winning by at least ten
The team does not relinquish the lead after the reliever leaves the game.
The reliever with the highest probability increase receives the save.
In the cases where multiple relief pitchers meet the first three criteria,
and each pitcher increases the probability of winning increases by 30 percent
or more, all such pitchers receive a save.
2. 增加球隊贏球機率至少10%的RP。
3. 在這位RP下場後球隊沒有失掉領先。
4. 增加球隊贏球機率最高的RP
The win expectations are trivial to figure. MLB scores all games
electronically in every pressbox, and it will be easy to supply the official
scorer with the information real time. In fact, the program could even take
into account the quality of the competition and adjust the probabilities
appropriately. (It's more difficult to face the heart of the Detroit lineup
than the six through eight hitters of the Pirates, for example.)
Win Expectation容易計算。
How would this change the awarding of saves? Starting the ninth would only
yield a save to a home pitcher with a one-run lead, and a road pitcher would
earn it with a two-run lead. That is of course, unless someone earlier in the
game pitched out of a tough situation, such as two men on and one out. In
other words, the pitcher who does the most to put out a fire is the one who
gets the save. If there's no smoke, there's likely no save. And if two
pitchers manage to get out of incredibly difficult situations, they both earn
這會如何改變關於救援的獎勵呢? 第九局開局上場的主場投手只能在一分領先下取得救援
Blown leads should also become an official stat. Right now, saves are only
blown if the pitcher entered in a save situation. Pitchers need to be charged
with the negative of blowing the game as well as the positive of saving it,
regardless how big a lead they blow.
In the early days of the save, firemen came out of the pen to save the day
when the team teetered on the verge of losing. Unfortunately, the gaming of
the rule by compliant managers and willing closers means great pitchers often
toil in easy to win situations, diminishing the value of the stat. By
awarding the save to the pitcher who does the most to improve his team's
chance of winning, and does it with at least the possibility of there
actually being a fire, we can once again enjoy a meaningful measure of
bullpen dominance.
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